Doug Weibel
Minimum ground speed patch from Claudio Natoli. Thanks Claudio!
This patch will boost the target airspeed as necessary to keep the ground speed above a parameter value - param_min_groundspeed. Airspeed is still limited to FBW-max. Setting min_groundspeed to zero (default) disables the feature.
13 years ago
Michael Oborne
Revert Changes
switch back to old nav_rol lcalc
switch back to old planner - non mavlink 1.0
14 years ago
Michael Oborne
better crosstrack
14 years ago
Michael Oborne
APM track following change
14 years ago
Amilcar Lucas
More optimizations
I forgot these ones.
14 years ago
Amilcar Lucas
Optimize the code a bit more, only perform calculations if they are necessary
14 years ago
Amilcar Lucas
Use a single if instead of four
14 years ago
Amilcar Lucas
Use the shorter macro call instead
14 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
fixed a crash in HIL
The g_rc_function[RC_Channel_aux::k_flap_auto] ptr came out as NULL
during one HIL run on a desktop CPU, which led to ArduPlane
crashing. I am not yet sure if this can happen in real flight, but I
think the NULL check is worthwhile to be sure.
14 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
fixed some ambiguous if/else combinations
gcc was complaining about the logic
14 years ago
Amilcar Lucas
Only use radio_in values if the channel is not used as flight_mode_channel
14 years ago
Doug Weibel
Add auto flap functionality to FBW-B
14 years ago
Doug Weibel
Fix missing capitalization
14 years ago
Doug Weibel
Rework prev commit a bit cleaner as suggested by Janne Mäntyharju
14 years ago
Doug Weibel
Add code to disable throttle if we are on the ground and in FBW_B or higher
Add code to disable throttle if we are on the ground and in FBW_B or higher. We believe we are on the ground if speed < 5 and alt < 5. Also check that we are not trying to perform a takeoff.
14 years ago
Doug Weibel
Correct bug in auto flap handling
14 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
GCS: make the two GCS links gcs0 and gcs3
the artifical separation between 'gcs' and 'hil' just leads to
confusion. This also simplifies the code a bit more, and saves us a
bit more text
14 years ago
Amilcar Lucas
Use the G_RC_AUX macro when possible. Added more comments. Remove unused code
14 years ago
Doug Weibel
Disable stick mixing if in failsafe
If trim values differ from failsafe channel values then stick mixing will adversely affect performance while in failsafe
14 years ago
Amilcar Lucas
Moved a function from radio.pde to the RC_Channel_aux library. Now its more readable and reusable
14 years ago
Amilcar Lucas
This is the real HEAD of the APM_Camera branch. Seams that lots of changes got lost in the SVN to GIT port
14 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
import APM_Camera branch from SVN
14 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
imported ArduPlane from ArduPilotMega svn
14 years ago