Added note about -1 to disable feature
Set RTL_Atl by default after reaching home in case we're at the wrong alt.
increased speed of Yaw rotation for WPs
added a new RTL function that goes into Loiter, first, checks if we have reached RTL_Altitude, then enters WP mode to come home.
Removes Approach mode. Uses Auto_Approach value to decide if we should land or descend to a certain altitude
Added landing code to make landing happen closer to home loc
Added check for distance to Loiter WP before overriding a new Loiter position.
Moved calc_loiter_pitch_roll() to 50 hz.
removed the nav_bearing var - not used with new crosstrack.
I added inertial navigation based on the simulator data. This is an option only available if you compile with Arduino and set
in the APM_Config.h file.
This has been tested for one real flight and did not crash my quad, but consider it very alpha. The quad may be unpredictable at first until the error correction fixes poorly calibrated accels. Be Careful.
Most of the real work is in the inertia file, but the error correction, new variable defines and calibration calls are sprinkled throughout.
The Log should record RAW messages with special debugging values.
This fixes a bug in which an APM without a GPS would not work because it would constantly scan for a valid GPS long after it should have given up and moved on.
removed unneeded d_rate_filters
updated Nav routine to handle faster GPS updates
moved calc_XY_velocity to GPS read
added check for duplicate GPS reads
shrank speed filter to avoid latency
removed unused forward estimator code
placed code for switchover to gps.groundspeed at 1.5m/s
added clamp for D term when below .5m/s to eliminate noise
added hybrid I-term based on speed error and position
changes Loiter D term to use position rather than acceleration to avoid noise