fix airspeed error scale and min ground speed
modify mount options
add german lang
fix terminal baud rate issue
msi mod- single msi for x86 and x64 and all win os's
fix hud battery text overlaying
tweak hud resize
tweak main switcher
fix quickview text scaleing
fix dist to mav.
added french translation thanks oliver
change tooltip time
add 3dr iv
add distance to home
dataflashlog update
add arduino chip detect
fix apm2,2.5 dialog test
add write timeout. this will stop planner hangs on bad serial devices.
change quickview decimal places to 0.00
fix map clicking issue.
fix wind direction wrapping
add airspeed use
modify firmware screen from Marooned
major flightdata tab change.
add save/load polygon from file
add some error handling dialogs