remove some mavlink 0.9 code
add arm/disarm button. Not yet implemented AC and AP Side.
modify heli setup screen
modify failsafe screen
fix old firmware under mono
workaround mono crash.
modify planner wp storage
tweak log dl screen
add change alt button
modify tlog wp extractor, multiple extractions
speed up srtm reading
fix lang edit.
add toy Mode
fix some mono issues
fix opengl hud issue
change config font size
modify mylabel for mono
modify default telem rates
add extra sonar option
remove 0 home alt check
fix terminal hang issue
remove application idle call, causes 100% cpu on mono
update gimbal icons
modify graph line thinkness
Add logging system - re andrew radford
move libs
add tlog support to georef images.
experimental antenna tracking - pololu maestro
tweak "follow me" mode, better error checking
update dataflashlog format for ac2
lang change mod - re hazy
remove arduinocpp project
add NaN checking/error message
add config page shortcuts - F5, ctl-s and ctl-o
add +++ passthrough on terminal
add longer delay to log download
modify param receive process.
modify connecting and param receive process - re Andrew
prep for ac2 2.0.43 - simple mode
modify some scaling in Config
add hud speed warning. add link quality and time to HUD
fix ac2 logs, relative alt.
prep for mavlink 1.0
add time to tlog > plain text conversion