add arduino chip detect
fix apm2,2.5 dialog test
add write timeout. this will stop planner hangs on bad serial devices.
change quickview decimal places to 0.00
fix map clicking issue.
fix wind direction wrapping
add airspeed use
modify firmware screen from Marooned
major flightdata tab change.
add save/load polygon from file
add some error handling dialogs
Add logging system - re andrew radford
move libs
add tlog support to georef images.
experimental antenna tracking - pololu maestro
tweak "follow me" mode, better error checking
update dataflashlog format for ac2
lang change mod - re hazy
remove arduinocpp project
add ap param support
fix dtr
fix firmware screen on mono
misc mono fix's
mods from mandrolic - partial.
Add spanish - issue 515
new sitl images for attitude hil - issue 513