Grant Morphett
Plane: Arming updated to use RC channel objects not RC channels directly
The code had g.rc_3.control_in which would bypass the channel mapping and meant
arming could only occur if the throttle was always mapped to channel 3.
Updated to use the channel mapping object.
10 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: setup pwm esc scaling
10 years ago
Evan Slatyer
ArduPlane failsafes: remove rc_override_active
- rc_override_active is never set anywhere in the ArduPlane code; it's only used for Copter and Rover. Removing it significantly simplifies the failsafe code.
- modified code has been tested in SITL. Heartbeat and RC failures in AUTO, CRUISE, and RTL modes (covering the three cases in the failsafe check functions) have been simulated with FS_LONG_ACTN = 0, 1, and 2, FS_SHORT_ACTN = 0, 1, and 2, and FS_GCS_ENABL = 0, 1, and 2. In all cases the results are identical to those with the original code.
10 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: setup failsafe trim values for if FMU firmware dies
11 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: fixed a bug in PWM based throttle failsafe
many thanks to Sam Tabor for finding this bug!
11 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: use new channel output API
11 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: support 14 RC channels on PX4
11 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: updates for new RCInput API
11 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: fixup throttle trim on failsafe
11 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: improved RC failsafe handling
this forces all primary control inputs to the trim value on loss of RC
input, and reduces the timeout for loss of RC input to 1 second from 2
11 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: use new RC_Channels API
11 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: setup PWM to be used on throttle when safety is safe on PX4
11 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: fixed ARMING_REQUIRED=2 on APM2 to disable rc output on throttle
11 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: only allow right rudder for arming
copter users may try to use left rudder to ensure aircraft is
disarmed. Making left rudder arm could be dangerous
11 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: allow throttle failsafe on no RC input
on PX4 we just stop getting input on loss of RC - we need to consider
this to be "throttle failsafe"
11 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: small arming tidyups
11 years ago
Michael Day
Plane: Now using AP_Arming library.
11 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: fixed throttle failsafe with reversed throttle
11 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: use G_Dt for acro angle integration
also cleanup some other uses of performance timing
12 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: set failsafe_radio AP_Notify bits
12 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: added FS_ACTION of 2 for glide
this allows people without specified settings in their receiver for
failsafe to choose FBWA zero throttle glide on throttle failsafe. That
can be a better choice when flying at a R/C club field
12 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: removed old speed/altitude control algorithms
Use TECS only. This makes the code a lot simpler and easier to
properly document
12 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: move failsafe variables into a structure
this makes the logic a bit easier to follow
12 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: pass aircraft parameters to attitude controllers
also cope with rename of airspeed min/max variables
Pair-Programmed-With: Paul Riseborough <>
12 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: use update_aux() for setting up extra channels
12 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: fixed default deadzone for the throttle channel
this is the 2nd half of the fix for issue #303
12 years ago
Randy Mackay
Plane: set_dead_zone renamed to set_default_dead_zone
Change in use of parameter means value passed in should be 1/2 what it
was previously
12 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: added FS_LONG_TIMEOUT and FS_SHORT_TIMEOUT parameters
this is to address the issue raised here:
12 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: changed to using a "aircraft parameters" structure
this structure can be passed to libraries to give them easy access to
critical user parameters
12 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: APM2 doesn't have channel 9 PWM output
12 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: fixed RCMAP_* to fix channel ranges for no-reboot changes
12 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: make it possible to change control channel ordering without reboot
this makes configuration a bit easier
12 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: fixed remaining places where primary channel ordering was assumed
should now use rcmap for all inputs
12 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: allow channel mapping of first 4 channels
this makes it easier to support DSM and SBUS radios
12 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: use RC_Channel::rc_channel() instead of rc_ch[]
12 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: support 12 output channels on PX4
12 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: move elevon variables into a structure
12 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: avoid doing radio trim if less than 20% of travel available
this prevents problems with awful trim on bootup due to RC TX being
12 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: use int16_t() not int() to ensure simulator matches AVR
12 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: added HIL_SERVOS option
this allows for real servo output in HIL
12 years ago
Plane: added secondary elevator support
12 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: don't change trims if radio_in is zero
12 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: fixed some warnings
12 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: reset last heartbeat time on startup completion
this gives more time for the GCS to send its first heartbeat
12 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: added new TRAINING mode
this mode gives manual control when the roll or pitch is within the
set limits (the same limits as FBW mode), and prevents the pilot from
flying beyond those limits, essentially a "attitude limited manual"
12 years ago
Pat Hickey
ArduPlane: fixes to use CONFIG_HAL_BOARD instead of CONFIG_APM_HARDWARE
12 years ago
Pat Hickey
ArduPlane: Ported to AP_HAL
12 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
APM: make it possible to run the CLI on any serial port
12 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
APM: added a new type of auxilary aileron, with rc input
a AileronWithInput assumes you have setup your RC transmitter to give
the right trim and input on the secondary aileron
12 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
APM: tidy up a comment
13 years ago