John Arne Birkeland
ArduPPM V2.2.66
- Added APM2 (ATmega32U2) support for using TX and RX status leds to indicate PWM and PPM traffic
<RX><OFF> no pwm input detected
<RX><TOGGLE> speed of toggle indicate how many channels are active
<RX><ON> input lost (failsafe)
<TX><OFF> ppm output not started
<TX><FAST TOGGLE> normal PWM->PPM output or PPM passtrough failsafe
<TX><SLOW TOGGLE> PPM passtrough
13 years ago
Pat Hickey
Cleanup: rename files with spaces in their names, replace with underscores
* Skipped /Tools/ArdupilotMegaPlanner/Resources/new...
and /archive/Configurator/Source/Utilities/TDMS/G...
because I don't want to mess with that.
13 years ago
Pat Hickey
Rename Jeti\ Duplex directory Jeti_Duplex.
* Spaces in file and directory names are poor form.
13 years ago
Olivier ADLER
ArduPPM : Added "Binaries" folder with latest compiled versions.
Include 400 mA USB power request modification.
13 years ago
Olivier ADLER
ArduPPM for Mega 32U2 : upped requested USB power to 400 mA inside Arduino USB code.
13 years ago
Olivier ADLER
ArduPPM 0.9.87 minor manual correction
13 years ago
Olivier ADLER
ArduPPM 0.9.87 manual update
Corrected failsafe values
Minor modifications
13 years ago
Olivier ADLER
* ArduPPM 0.9.87 update :
#define to allow Radio Passthrough mode was not working. Corrected.
Removed older hex file
13 years ago
Olivier ADLER
ArduPPM 0.9.86 update :
#define to allow Radio Passthrough mode disabling on APM v1.4 (hardware failsafe for Arduplane)
This is to allow for safe use of CH8 with Arducopter.
13 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
ArduPPM: let the 2560 know when the USB is connected
this sets pin 23 on the 2560 according to whether the USB cable is
connected or not
14 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
ArduPPM: fixed paths for includes
this allows it to build on linux/macos
14 years ago
John Arne Birkeland
Added windows USB drivers for the ATMega32U2 in the /Drivers/ folder
- Arduino MEGA 2560
- Atmel USB DFU
14 years ago
Michael Oborne
usbtiny dfu programing on windows
14 years ago
Olivier ADLER
Added Jeti and Spektrum base code to ArduPPM/WorkBasket folder
14 years ago
Olivier ADLER
ArduPPM : modified library path
14 years ago
John Arne Birkeland
ArduPPM: New and improved PPM encoder firmware for APM 1.x boards with ATmega328p and new ones using ATMega32U2.
14 years ago
Olivier ADLER
Signed-off-by: Olivier ADLER <>
removing test file
14 years ago
Olivier ADLER
Signed-off-by: Olivier ADLER <>
14 years ago