The task generator for the mavlink headers is given a name 'mavlink' and is
added as a dependency to all local static libraries, because all of them use
sources that include mavlink headers. It would be nice to have a good way to
detect sources that use mavlink headers or to declare list of libraries that
use the headers, so that the dependency could be added automatically.
Additionally, there's a minor change in syntax for the task generator: using
strings directly instead of lists.
@Description: X-Axis deceleration threshold to notify the crash detector that there was a possible impact which helps disarm the motor quickly after a crash. This value should be much higher than normal negative x-axis forces during normal flight, check flight log files to determine the average IMU.x values for your aircraft and motor type. Higher value means less sensative (triggers on higher impact). For electric planes that don't vibrate much during fight a value of 25 is good (that's about 2.5G). For petrol/nitro planes you'll want a higher value. Set to 0 to disable the collision detector.
- inhibit crash detection warnings when disabled by param so now it can be completely disabled
- reset is_crashed when disabled by param
- fixed pre-takeoff detection bug by adding in_preLaunch_flight_stage() where we are actually in FLIGHT_NORMAL instead of FLIGHT_TAKEOFF during setup of bungee launches. This now detects if we're in that state
- simplified the use of been_auto_flying to check across all flight stages. before it was excluded to handle hand-launches which can now be detected with in_preLaunch_flight_stage()
- added impact detector timer to clamp is_flying a few seconds after an impact
- logging new impact detector as "STAT.Hit"