Copter: 3 positions switch support for CH7 and CH8 - new 3 positions SIMPLE / SUPERSIMPLE mode
3 positions modes must use mode number >= 100
pre-arm check correction for CH7 - CH8 check
12 years ago
Randy Mackay
Copter: change CH7/CH8 pre-arm check string
12 years ago
Randy Mackay
Copter: minor format change to exit_mission function
12 years ago
Randy Mackay
Copter: set landing_complete flag to false on start-up
12 years ago
Randy Mackay
Copter: deactivate accel throttle controller when landed
12 years ago
Randy Mackay
Copter: remove landing checks in loiter controller
12 years ago
Randy Mackay
Copter: turn off stability patch when landed in Loiter
12 years ago
Randy Mackay
Copter: landing check changes
12 years ago
Randy Mackay
Copter: allow arming in AltHold and Loiter if landed
12 years ago
Randy Mackay
Copter: clear thr accel I term on take-off
12 years ago
Randy Mackay
Copter: bug fix for take-off in loiter
12 years ago
Randy Mackay
Copter: reset loiter target when landed
12 years ago
Randy Mackay
Copter: add flags for upper and lower throttle limits
Freeze desired altitude when motors hit a limit
12 years ago
Copter: Move CH7 - CH8 check from read_aux_switches() to pre_arm_checks.
Moving this to pre-arm checks save some processing time and is safer.
12 years ago
Randy Mackay
Copter: remove throttle rate's I and D calcs
12 years ago
Randy Mackay
Copter: remove stabilize's call to calc I terms
I terms all moved to rate controllers so this will be a small
performance improvement
12 years ago
Randy Mackay
Copter: remove unused earth frame rate controllers
12 years ago
Randy Mackay
Copter Motors: replace limit bitmask with structure
12 years ago
Copter: Failsafe GCS typo in comments
replaced GPS by GCS word in different comments locations
12 years ago
Randy Mackay
Copter: WP_YAW_BEHAVIOUR param update for Look Ahead
12 years ago
Randy Mackay
Revert "Copter: Remove CH7 & CH8 Enable / Disable of GeoFence"
This reverts commit e25b8933f3
12 years ago
Randy Mackay
Copter: check set_mode for failure
Previously if set_mode failed it would return the copter to stabilize
mode. With this commit set_mode returns a true/false indicating whether
it succeeded or not so the caller can make the decision as to the
appropriate response which could be to stay in the current flight mode
or try another flight mode.
12 years ago
Robert Lefebvre
TradHeli: Creating new unified roll/pitch rate controller.
12 years ago
Robert Lefebvre
TradHeli: Fix Heli rate controller filter rates.
12 years ago
Robert Lefebvre
TradHeli: Creating motor_runup_complete bool which is to confirm that the heli motor is running. This will be used for advanced features in the future.
12 years ago
Robert Lefebvre
TradHeli: Change to throttle controller to allow swash plate collective to move, even if disarmed, if we are in Acro or Stab. This is slightly dangerous... as a user could cause a problem if they do not follow the proper usage procedures. If they do not route the ESC through the APM, but instead direct to Rx. And then if they do not Arm, they could take off in Stab mode while disarmed, but then when they switch to Alt_Hold, it will drop the collective to the bottom and they will fall. This can be saved by switching back to Stab. And it requires operation outside of the normal operating procedure.
This change is being made because most heli users expect to be able to check the swash plate operation before arming and taking off.
12 years ago
Robert Lefebvre
TradHeli: Rate PID Improvement. Limit Integrator wind-up when PID output is saturated. Also a little bit of general clean-up for readability.
12 years ago
Copter: Remove CH7 & CH8 Enable / Disable of GeoFence
12 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Copter: fixed FENCE and WPNAV parameter doc generation
12 years ago
Randy Mackay
Copter: initialise ch7 and ch8 aux switches
This ensures that if you have simple mode or sonar attached to an
auxiliary switch it will be enabled or disabled according to the switch
immediately after start-up
12 years ago
Randy Mackay
Copter: ensure take-off alt is at least 1m
fixes issue #377
12 years ago
Randy Mackay
Copter: do not spin motors during arming process
12 years ago
Jonathan Challinger
Copter: Cancel arming if throttle input above cruise_throttle.
12 years ago
Jonathan Challinger
Copter: Warn user with motors while copter is arming
12 years ago
Randy Mackay
Copter: bug fix for descent during loiter_turns
12 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Copter: make wp_distance static
removed hack with AP_Camera library
12 years ago
Randy Mackay
Copter: bug fix to ROI to pull target from conditional command queue
12 years ago
Randy Mackay
Copter: switch from NAV_ROI to DO_SET_ROI
12 years ago
Randy Mackay
Copter: pre-arm checks for rc ch 1~4 min and max
12 years ago
Randy Mackay
Copter: pre-arm check of throttle failsafe value
Check throttle min is above throttle failsafe trigger and that trigger
is above ppm encoder's loss-of-signal value of 900
12 years ago
Randy Mackay
Copter: thr failsafe will not RTL if in batt failsafe
resolves issue #413
12 years ago
Randy Mackay
Copter: fix to gps present check in mavlink extended status 1 msg
12 years ago
Randy Mackay
Copter: GCS_mavlink only send waypoints to gcs3 if initialised
Also Load parameter defaults at initialisation (although defaults are
all zero anyway so should have no effect)
12 years ago
Randy Mackay
Copter: remove param to disable accel based throttle controller
12 years ago
Randy Mackay
Copter: comment fix for flight mode switch delay const
12 years ago
Rayjan Wilson
attempt to change from 1/10th second to 2/10th second on flight mode switch
12 years ago
Randy Mackay
Copter: cli to report ch8 radio values
12 years ago
Randy Mackay
Copter: set_dead_zone renamed to set_default_dead_zone
Dead zones now set as part of rc initialisation instead of only after
eeprom is erased.
Change in use of parameter means value passed in should be 1/2 what it
was previously
12 years ago
Randy Mackay
TradHeli: compile error fix related to new ACRO
The motors_runup_complete must be a feature that Rob has implemented in
his clone which has not yet reached master. We will need to restore
these lost few trad-heli specific lines once Rob's changes make it to
12 years ago
Leonard Hall
Copter: Body frame ACRO upgrade
12 years ago