Andy Piper
Filter: optimize hot parts of notch filter updates
3 years ago
Andy Piper
Filter: allow harmonics and notch-per-motor in harmonic notch
allow default harmonics to be configured
allow combination of harmonics and indpendent centre frequencies
pre-calculate number of harmonics
3 years ago
Andy Piper
Filter: add harmonic notch option to run at loop rate
4 years ago
Andy Piper
Filter: correct grammar on HNTCH docs
4 years ago
Andy Piper
Filter: correct harmonic notch docs and provide better defaults.
4 years ago
Andy Piper
Filter: allow harmonic notch center frequencies to be updated individually
5 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Filter: use GCS_SEND_TEXT()
5 years ago
Andy Piper
Filter: make sure the center frequency can never be zero
5 years ago
Andy Piper
Filter: add support for double harmonic notches to more effectively target wider noise peaks
5 years ago
Andy Piper
Filter: add harmonic notch dynamic tracking mode
move definition of HNF_MAX_HARMONICS
5 years ago
Andy Piper
Filter: add harmonic notch dynamic tracking mode
update harmonic notch REF docs
5 years ago
Andy Piper
Filter: set the harmonic notch filter ref default to zero (disabled)
Modify parameter descriptions for tradheli
6 years ago
Andy Piper
Filter: sanity check the harmonic notch sample rate on initialization. do not allow harmonics to go above the nyquist frequency
6 years ago
Andy Piper
Filter: comment on reserved config. cope with notch allocation failure.
6 years ago
Andy Piper
Filter: add comments and address review comments for harmonic notch
6 years ago
Andy Piper
Filter: New HarmonicNotchFilter
This delegates updates to a bank of NotchFilters located at an rpm frequency and harmonics. Center frequency can be updated dynamically. Notch parameters are configurable, including the number of harmonics to filter on. Updates to the filter parameters are optimized across the notch bank. Convert notch bandwidth and frequency to floats.
allow all filter harmonics to be controlled.
add destructor to harmonic notch.
don't allocate sub-filters for harmonic notch if no harmonics set.
6 years ago