/// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-

static void
get_stabilize_roll(int32_t target_angle)
    // angle error
    target_angle            = wrap_180(target_angle - ahrs.roll_sensor);

    // limit the error we're feeding to the PID
    target_angle            = constrain(target_angle, -4500, 4500);

        // convert to desired Rate:
    int32_t target_rate = g.pi_stabilize_roll.get_p(target_angle);

    int16_t i_stab;
    if(labs(ahrs.roll_sensor) < 500) {
        target_angle            = constrain(target_angle, -500, 500);
        i_stab                          = g.pi_stabilize_roll.get_i(target_angle, G_Dt);
        i_stab                          = g.pi_stabilize_roll.get_integrator();

    // set targets for rate controller
    set_roll_rate_target(target_rate+i_stab, EARTH_FRAME);

static void
get_stabilize_pitch(int32_t target_angle)
    // angle error
    target_angle            = wrap_180(target_angle - ahrs.pitch_sensor);

    // limit the error we're feeding to the PID
    target_angle            = constrain(target_angle, -4500, 4500);

    // convert to desired Rate:
    int32_t target_rate = g.pi_stabilize_pitch.get_p(target_angle);

    int16_t i_stab;
    if(labs(ahrs.pitch_sensor) < 500) {
        target_angle            = constrain(target_angle, -500, 500);
        i_stab                          = g.pi_stabilize_pitch.get_i(target_angle, G_Dt);
        i_stab                          = g.pi_stabilize_pitch.get_integrator();

    // set targets for rate controller
    set_pitch_rate_target(target_rate + i_stab, EARTH_FRAME);

static void
get_stabilize_yaw(int32_t target_angle)
    int32_t target_rate,i_term;
    int32_t angle_error;
    int32_t output = 0;

    // angle error
    angle_error             = wrap_180(target_angle - ahrs.yaw_sensor);

    // limit the error we're feeding to the PID

    angle_error             = constrain(angle_error, -4500, 4500);

    // convert angle error to desired Rate:
    target_rate = g.pi_stabilize_yaw.get_p(angle_error);
    i_term = g.pi_stabilize_yaw.get_i(angle_error, G_Dt);

    // do not use rate controllers for helicotpers with external gyros
    if(motors.ext_gyro_enabled) {
        g.rc_4.servo_out = constrain((target_rate + i_term), -4500, 4500);

    // log output if PID logging is on and we are tuning the yaw
    if( g.log_bitmask & MASK_LOG_PID && g.radio_tuning == CH6_YAW_KP ) {
        if( pid_log_counter >= 10 ) {               // (update rate / desired output rate) = (100hz / 10hz) = 10
            pid_log_counter = 0;
            Log_Write_PID(CH6_YAW_KP, angle_error, target_rate, i_term, 0, output, tuning_value);

    // set targets for rate controller
    set_yaw_rate_target(target_rate+i_term, EARTH_FRAME);

static void
get_acro_roll(int32_t target_rate)
    target_rate = target_rate * g.acro_p;

    // set targets for rate controller
    set_roll_rate_target(target_rate, BODY_FRAME);

static void
get_acro_pitch(int32_t target_rate)
    target_rate = target_rate * g.acro_p;

    // set targets for rate controller
    set_pitch_rate_target(target_rate, BODY_FRAME);

static void
get_acro_yaw(int32_t target_rate)
    target_rate = target_rate * g.acro_p;

    // set targets for rate controller
    set_yaw_rate_target(target_rate, BODY_FRAME);

// Roll with rate input and stabilized in the earth frame
static void
get_roll_rate_stabilized_ef(int32_t stick_angle)
    int32_t angle_error = 0;

    // convert the input to the desired roll rate
    int32_t target_rate = stick_angle * g.acro_p - (roll_axis * g.acro_balance_roll)/100;

    // convert the input to the desired roll rate
    roll_axis += target_rate * G_Dt;
    roll_axis = wrap_180(roll_axis);

    // ensure that we don't reach gimbal lock
    if (labs(roll_axis > 4500) && g.acro_trainer_enabled) {
        roll_axis	= constrain(roll_axis, -4500, 4500);
        angle_error = wrap_180(roll_axis - ahrs.roll_sensor);
    } else {
        // angle error with maximum of +- max_angle_overshoot
        angle_error = wrap_180(roll_axis - ahrs.roll_sensor);
        angle_error	= constrain(angle_error, -MAX_ROLL_OVERSHOOT, MAX_ROLL_OVERSHOOT);

    if (motors.armed() == false || ((g.rc_3.control_in == 0) && !ap.failsafe)) {
        angle_error = 0;

    // update roll_axis to be within max_angle_overshoot of our current heading
    roll_axis = wrap_180(angle_error + ahrs.roll_sensor);

    // set earth frame targets for rate controller

    // set earth frame targets for rate controller
	set_roll_rate_target(g.pi_stabilize_roll.get_p(angle_error) + target_rate, EARTH_FRAME);

// Pitch with rate input and stabilized in the earth frame
static void
get_pitch_rate_stabilized_ef(int32_t stick_angle)
    int32_t angle_error = 0;

    // convert the input to the desired pitch rate
    int32_t target_rate = stick_angle * g.acro_p - (pitch_axis * g.acro_balance_pitch)/100;

    // convert the input to the desired pitch rate
    pitch_axis += target_rate * G_Dt;
    pitch_axis = wrap_180(pitch_axis);

    // ensure that we don't reach gimbal lock
    if (labs(pitch_axis) > 4500) {
        pitch_axis	= constrain(pitch_axis, -4500, 4500);
        angle_error = wrap_180(pitch_axis - ahrs.pitch_sensor);
    } else {
        // angle error with maximum of +- max_angle_overshoot
        angle_error = wrap_180(pitch_axis - ahrs.pitch_sensor);
        angle_error	= constrain(angle_error, -MAX_PITCH_OVERSHOOT, MAX_PITCH_OVERSHOOT);

    if (motors.armed() == false || ((g.rc_3.control_in == 0) && !ap.failsafe)) {
        angle_error = 0;

    // update pitch_axis to be within max_angle_overshoot of our current heading
    pitch_axis = wrap_180(angle_error + ahrs.pitch_sensor);

    // set earth frame targets for rate controller
	set_pitch_rate_target(g.pi_stabilize_pitch.get_p(angle_error) + target_rate, EARTH_FRAME);

// Yaw with rate input and stabilized in the earth frame
static void
get_yaw_rate_stabilized_ef(int32_t stick_angle)

    int32_t angle_error = 0;

    // convert the input to the desired yaw rate
    int32_t target_rate = stick_angle * g.acro_p;

    // convert the input to the desired yaw rate
    nav_yaw += target_rate * G_Dt;
    nav_yaw = wrap_360(nav_yaw);

    // calculate difference between desired heading and current heading
    angle_error = wrap_180(nav_yaw - ahrs.yaw_sensor);

    // limit the maximum overshoot
    angle_error	= constrain(angle_error, -MAX_YAW_OVERSHOOT, MAX_YAW_OVERSHOOT);

    if (motors.armed() == false || ((g.rc_3.control_in == 0) && !ap.failsafe)) {
    	angle_error = 0;

    // update nav_yaw to be within max_angle_overshoot of our current heading
    nav_yaw = wrap_360(angle_error + ahrs.yaw_sensor);

    // set earth frame targets for rate controller
	set_yaw_rate_target(g.pi_stabilize_yaw.get_p(angle_error)+target_rate, EARTH_FRAME);

// set_roll_rate_target - to be called by upper controllers to set roll rate targets in the earth frame
void set_roll_rate_target( int32_t desired_rate, uint8_t earth_or_body_frame ) {
    rate_targets_frame = earth_or_body_frame;
    if( earth_or_body_frame == BODY_FRAME ) {
        roll_rate_target_bf = desired_rate;
        roll_rate_target_ef = desired_rate;

// set_pitch_rate_target - to be called by upper controllers to set pitch rate targets in the earth frame
void set_pitch_rate_target( int32_t desired_rate, uint8_t earth_or_body_frame ) {
    rate_targets_frame = earth_or_body_frame;
    if( earth_or_body_frame == BODY_FRAME ) {
        pitch_rate_target_bf = desired_rate;
        pitch_rate_target_ef = desired_rate;

// set_yaw_rate_target - to be called by upper controllers to set yaw rate targets in the earth frame
void set_yaw_rate_target( int32_t desired_rate, uint8_t earth_or_body_frame ) {
    rate_targets_frame = earth_or_body_frame;
    if( earth_or_body_frame == BODY_FRAME ) {
        yaw_rate_target_bf = desired_rate;
        yaw_rate_target_ef = desired_rate;

// update_rate_contoller_targets - converts earth frame rates to body frame rates for rate controllers
    if( rate_targets_frame == EARTH_FRAME ) {
        // convert earth frame rates to body frame rates
        roll_rate_target_bf 	= roll_rate_target_ef - sin_pitch * yaw_rate_target_ef;
        pitch_rate_target_bf 	= cos_roll_x  * pitch_rate_target_ef + sin_roll * cos_pitch_x * yaw_rate_target_ef;
        yaw_rate_target_bf 		= cos_pitch_x * cos_roll_x * yaw_rate_target_ef - sin_roll * pitch_rate_target_ef;

// run roll, pitch and yaw rate controllers and send output to motors
// targets for these controllers comes from stabilize controllers
#if FRAME_CONFIG == HELI_FRAME          // helicopters only use rate controllers for yaw and only when not using an external gyro
    if(!motors.ext_gyro_enabled) {
		g.rc_1.servo_out = get_heli_rate_roll(roll_rate_target_bf);
		g.rc_2.servo_out = get_heli_rate_pitch(pitch_rate_target_bf);
        g.rc_4.servo_out = get_heli_rate_yaw(yaw_rate_target_bf);
    // call rate controllers
    g.rc_1.servo_out = get_rate_roll(roll_rate_target_bf);
    g.rc_2.servo_out = get_rate_pitch(pitch_rate_target_bf);
    g.rc_4.servo_out = get_rate_yaw(yaw_rate_target_bf);

    // run throttle controller if accel based throttle controller is enabled and active (active means it has been given a target)
    if( g.throttle_accel_enabled && throttle_accel_controller_active ) {
        set_throttle_out(get_throttle_accel(throttle_accel_target_ef), true);

// init_rate_controllers - set-up filters for rate controller inputs
void init_rate_controllers()
   // initalise low pass filters on rate controller inputs
   // 1st parameter is time_step, 2nd parameter is time_constant
   rate_roll_filter.set_cutoff_frequency(0.01f, 2.0f);
   rate_pitch_filter.set_cutoff_frequency(0.01f, 2.0f);
   // rate_yaw_filter.set_cutoff_frequency(0.01f, 2.0f);
   // other option for initialisation is rate_roll_filter.set_cutoff_frequency(<time_step>,<cutoff_freq>);

static int16_t
get_heli_rate_roll(int32_t target_rate)
    int32_t p,i,d,ff;                // used to capture pid values for logging
	int32_t current_rate;			// this iteration's rate
    int32_t rate_error;             // simply target_rate - current_rate
    int32_t output;                 // output from pid controller

	// get current rate
	current_rate    = (omega.x * DEGX100);

    // filter input
    current_rate = rate_roll_filter.apply(current_rate);
    // call pid controller
    rate_error  = target_rate - current_rate;
    p   = g.pid_rate_roll.get_p(rate_error);

    if (motors.flybar_mode == 1) {												// Mechanical Flybars get regular integral for rate auto trim
		if (target_rate > -50 && target_rate < 50){								// Frozen at high rates
			i		= g.pid_rate_roll.get_i(rate_error, G_Dt);
		} else {
			i		= g.pid_rate_roll.get_integrator();
	} else {
		i			= g.pid_rate_roll.get_leaky_i(rate_error, G_Dt, RATE_INTEGRATOR_LEAK_RATE);		// Flybarless Helis get huge I-terms. I-term controls much of the rate
	d = g.pid_rate_roll.get_d(rate_error, G_Dt);
	ff = g.heli_roll_ff * target_rate;

    output = p + i + d + ff;

    // constrain output
    output = constrain(output, -4500, 4500);

    // log output if PID logging is on and we are tuning the rate P, I or D gains
    if( g.log_bitmask & MASK_LOG_PID && (g.radio_tuning == CH6_RATE_KP || g.radio_tuning == CH6_RATE_KI || g.radio_tuning == CH6_RATE_KD) ) {
        if( pid_log_counter >= 10 ) {               // (update rate / desired output rate) = (100hz / 10hz) = 10
            pid_log_counter = 0;
            Log_Write_PID(CH6_RATE_KP, rate_error, p, i, d, output, tuning_value);

    // output control
    return output;

static int16_t
get_heli_rate_pitch(int32_t target_rate)
    int32_t p,i,d,ff;                                                                   // used to capture pid values for logging
	int32_t current_rate;                                                     			// this iteration's rate
    int32_t rate_error;                                                                 // simply target_rate - current_rate
    int32_t output;                                                                     // output from pid controller

	// get current rate
	current_rate    = (omega.y * DEGX100);
	// filter input
	current_rate = rate_pitch_filter.apply(current_rate);
	// call pid controller
    rate_error      = target_rate - current_rate;
    p               = g.pid_rate_pitch.get_p(rate_error);						// Helicopters get huge feed-forward
	if (motors.flybar_mode == 1) {												// Mechanical Flybars get regular integral for rate auto trim
		if (target_rate > -50 && target_rate < 50){								// Frozen at high rates
			i		= g.pid_rate_pitch.get_i(rate_error, G_Dt);
		} else {
			i		= g.pid_rate_pitch.get_integrator();
	} else {
		i			= g.pid_rate_pitch.get_leaky_i(rate_error, G_Dt, RATE_INTEGRATOR_LEAK_RATE);	// Flybarless Helis get huge I-terms. I-term controls much of the rate
	d = g.pid_rate_pitch.get_d(rate_error, G_Dt);
	ff = g.heli_pitch_ff*target_rate;
    output = p + i + d + ff;

    // constrain output
    output = constrain(output, -4500, 4500);

    // log output if PID logging is on and we are tuning the rate P, I or D gains
    if( g.log_bitmask & MASK_LOG_PID && (g.radio_tuning == CH6_RATE_KP || g.radio_tuning == CH6_RATE_KI || g.radio_tuning == CH6_RATE_KD) ) {
        if( pid_log_counter == 0 ) {               // relies on get_heli_rate_roll to update pid_log_counter
            Log_Write_PID(CH6_RATE_KP+100, rate_error, p, i, 0, output, tuning_value);

    // output control
    return output;

static int16_t
get_heli_rate_yaw(int32_t target_rate)
    int32_t p,i,d,ff;                                                                   // used to capture pid values for logging
	int32_t current_rate;                                                               // this iteration's rate
    int32_t rate_error;
    int32_t output;

	// get current rate
    current_rate    = (omega.z * DEGX100);
	// filter input
	// current_rate = rate_yaw_filter.apply(current_rate);
    // rate control
    rate_error              = target_rate - current_rate;

    // separately calculate p, i, d values for logging
    p = g.pid_rate_yaw.get_p(rate_error);
    i = g.pid_rate_yaw.get_i(rate_error, G_Dt);

    d = g.pid_rate_yaw.get_d(rate_error, G_Dt);
	ff = g.heli_yaw_ff*target_rate;

    output  = p + i + d + ff;
    output = constrain(output, -4500, 4500);

    // log output if PID loggins is on and we are tuning the yaw
    if( g.log_bitmask & MASK_LOG_PID && (g.radio_tuning == CH6_YAW_RATE_KP || g.radio_tuning == CH6_YAW_RATE_KD) ) {
        if( pid_log_counter >= 10 ) {               // (update rate / desired output rate) = (100hz / 10hz) = 10
            pid_log_counter = 0;
            Log_Write_PID(CH6_YAW_RATE_KP, rate_error, p, i, d, output, tuning_value);

	// output control
	return output;
#endif // HELI_FRAME

static int16_t
get_rate_roll(int32_t target_rate)
    int32_t p,i,d;                  // used to capture pid values for logging
    int32_t current_rate;           // this iteration's rate
    int32_t rate_error;             // simply target_rate - current_rate
    int32_t output;                 // output from pid controller

    // get current rate
    current_rate    = (omega.x * DEGX100);

    // call pid controller
    rate_error  = target_rate - current_rate;
    p           = g.pid_rate_roll.get_p(rate_error);

    // freeze I term if we've breached roll-pitch limits
    if( motors.reached_limit(AP_MOTOR_ROLLPITCH_LIMIT) ) {
        i	= g.pid_rate_roll.get_integrator();
        i   = g.pid_rate_roll.get_i(rate_error, G_Dt);

    d = g.pid_rate_roll.get_d(rate_error, G_Dt);
    output = p + i + d;

    // constrain output
    output = constrain(output, -5000, 5000);

    // log output if PID logging is on and we are tuning the rate P, I or D gains
    if( g.log_bitmask & MASK_LOG_PID && (g.radio_tuning == CH6_RATE_KP || g.radio_tuning == CH6_RATE_KI || g.radio_tuning == CH6_RATE_KD) ) {
        pid_log_counter++;                          // Note: get_rate_pitch pid logging relies on this function to update pid_log_counter so if you change the line above you must change the equivalent line in get_rate_pitch
        if( pid_log_counter >= 10 ) {               // (update rate / desired output rate) = (100hz / 10hz) = 10
            pid_log_counter = 0;
            Log_Write_PID(CH6_RATE_KP, rate_error, p, i, d, output, tuning_value);

    // output control
    return output;

static int16_t
get_rate_pitch(int32_t target_rate)
    int32_t p,i,d;                                                                      // used to capture pid values for logging
    int32_t current_rate;                                                       // this iteration's rate
    int32_t rate_error;                                                                 // simply target_rate - current_rate
    int32_t output;                                                                     // output from pid controller

    // get current rate
    current_rate    = (omega.y * DEGX100);

    // call pid controller
    rate_error      = target_rate - current_rate;
    p               = g.pid_rate_pitch.get_p(rate_error);
    // freeze I term if we've breached roll-pitch limits
    if( motors.reached_limit(AP_MOTOR_ROLLPITCH_LIMIT) ) {
        i = g.pid_rate_pitch.get_integrator();
        i = g.pid_rate_pitch.get_i(rate_error, G_Dt);
    d = g.pid_rate_pitch.get_d(rate_error, G_Dt);
    output = p + i + d;

    // constrain output
    output = constrain(output, -5000, 5000);

    // log output if PID logging is on and we are tuning the rate P, I or D gains
    if( g.log_bitmask & MASK_LOG_PID && (g.radio_tuning == CH6_RATE_KP || g.radio_tuning == CH6_RATE_KI || g.radio_tuning == CH6_RATE_KD) ) {
        if( pid_log_counter == 0 ) {               // relies on get_rate_roll having updated pid_log_counter
            Log_Write_PID(CH6_RATE_KP+100, rate_error, p, i, d, output, tuning_value);

    // output control
    return output;

static int16_t
get_rate_yaw(int32_t target_rate)
    int32_t p,i,d;                                                                      // used to capture pid values for logging
    int32_t rate_error;
    int32_t output;

    // rate control
    rate_error              = target_rate - (omega.z * DEGX100);

    // separately calculate p, i, d values for logging
    p = g.pid_rate_yaw.get_p(rate_error);
    // freeze I term if we've breached yaw limits
    if( motors.reached_limit(AP_MOTOR_YAW_LIMIT) ) {
        i = g.pid_rate_yaw.get_integrator();
        i = g.pid_rate_yaw.get_i(rate_error, G_Dt);
    d = g.pid_rate_yaw.get_d(rate_error, G_Dt);

    output  = p+i+d;
    output = constrain(output, -4500, 4500);

    // log output if PID loggins is on and we are tuning the yaw
    if( g.log_bitmask & MASK_LOG_PID && g.radio_tuning == CH6_YAW_RATE_KP ) {
        if( pid_log_counter >= 10 ) {               // (update rate / desired output rate) = (100hz / 10hz) = 10
            pid_log_counter = 0;
            Log_Write_PID(CH6_YAW_RATE_KP, rate_error, p, i, d, output, tuning_value);

    // constrain output
    return output;
#else // !TRI_FRAME
    // output control:
    int16_t yaw_limit = 2200 + abs(g.rc_4.control_in);

    // smoother Yaw control:
    return constrain(output, -yaw_limit, yaw_limit);
#endif // TRI_FRAME
#endif // !HELI_FRAME

// calculate modified roll/pitch depending upon optical flow calculated position
static int32_t
get_of_roll(int32_t input_roll)
    static float tot_x_cm = 0;      // total distance from target
    static uint32_t last_of_roll_update = 0;
    int32_t new_roll = 0;
    int32_t p,i,d;

    // check if new optflow data available
    if( optflow.last_update != last_of_roll_update) {
        last_of_roll_update = optflow.last_update;

        // add new distance moved
        tot_x_cm += optflow.x_cm;

        // only stop roll if caller isn't modifying roll
        if( input_roll == 0 && current_loc.alt < 1500) {
            p = g.pid_optflow_roll.get_p(-tot_x_cm);
            i = g.pid_optflow_roll.get_i(-tot_x_cm,1.0f);              // we could use the last update time to calculate the time change
            d = g.pid_optflow_roll.get_d(-tot_x_cm,1.0f);
            new_roll = p+i+d;
            tot_x_cm = 0;
            p = 0;              // for logging
            i = 0;
            d = 0;
        // limit amount of change and maximum angle
        of_roll = constrain(new_roll, (of_roll-20), (of_roll+20));

        // log output if PID logging is on and we are tuning the rate P, I or D gains
        if( g.log_bitmask & MASK_LOG_PID && (g.radio_tuning == CH6_OPTFLOW_KP || g.radio_tuning == CH6_OPTFLOW_KI || g.radio_tuning == CH6_OPTFLOW_KD) ) {
            pid_log_counter++;              // Note: get_of_pitch pid logging relies on this function updating pid_log_counter so if you change the line above you must change the equivalent line in get_of_pitch
            if( pid_log_counter >= 5 ) {    // (update rate / desired output rate) = (100hz / 10hz) = 10
                pid_log_counter = 0;
                Log_Write_PID(CH6_OPTFLOW_KP, tot_x_cm, p, i, d, of_roll, tuning_value);

    // limit max angle
    of_roll = constrain(of_roll, -1000, 1000);

    return input_roll+of_roll;
    return input_roll;

static int32_t
get_of_pitch(int32_t input_pitch)
    static float tot_y_cm = 0;  // total distance from target
    static uint32_t last_of_pitch_update = 0;
    int32_t new_pitch = 0;
    int32_t p,i,d;

    // check if new optflow data available
    if( optflow.last_update != last_of_pitch_update ) {
        last_of_pitch_update = optflow.last_update;

        // add new distance moved
        tot_y_cm += optflow.y_cm;

        // only stop roll if caller isn't modifying pitch
        if( input_pitch == 0 && current_loc.alt < 1500 ) {
            p = g.pid_optflow_pitch.get_p(tot_y_cm);
            i = g.pid_optflow_pitch.get_i(tot_y_cm, 1.0f);              // we could use the last update time to calculate the time change
            d = g.pid_optflow_pitch.get_d(tot_y_cm, 1.0f);
            new_pitch = p + i + d;
            tot_y_cm = 0;
            p = 0;              // for logging
            i = 0;
            d = 0;

        // limit amount of change
        of_pitch = constrain(new_pitch, (of_pitch-20), (of_pitch+20));

        // log output if PID logging is on and we are tuning the rate P, I or D gains
        if( g.log_bitmask & MASK_LOG_PID && (g.radio_tuning == CH6_OPTFLOW_KP || g.radio_tuning == CH6_OPTFLOW_KI || g.radio_tuning == CH6_OPTFLOW_KD) ) {
            if( pid_log_counter == 0 ) {        // relies on get_of_roll having updated the pid_log_counter
                Log_Write_PID(CH6_OPTFLOW_KP+100, tot_y_cm, p, i, d, of_pitch, tuning_value);

    // limit max angle
    of_pitch = constrain(of_pitch, -1000, 1000);

    return input_pitch+of_pitch;
    return input_pitch;

 * yaw controllers

static void get_look_ahead_yaw(int16_t pilot_yaw)
    // Commanded Yaw to automatically look ahead.
    if (g_gps->fix && g_gps->ground_course > YAW_LOOK_AHEAD_MIN_SPEED) {
        nav_yaw = get_yaw_slew(nav_yaw, g_gps->ground_course, AUTO_YAW_SLEW_RATE);
        get_stabilize_yaw(wrap_360(nav_yaw + pilot_yaw));   // Allow pilot to "skid" around corners up to 45 degrees
        nav_yaw += pilot_yaw * g.acro_p * G_Dt;
        nav_yaw = wrap_360(nav_yaw);

 *  throttle control

// update_throttle_cruise - update throttle cruise if necessary
static void update_throttle_cruise(int16_t throttle)
    // ensure throttle_avg has been initialised
    if( throttle_avg == 0 ) {
        throttle_avg = g.throttle_cruise;
    // calc average throttle if we are in a level hover
    if (throttle > g.throttle_min && abs(climb_rate) < 60 && labs(ahrs.roll_sensor) < 500 && labs(ahrs.pitch_sensor) < 500) {
        throttle_avg = throttle_avg * 0.99f + (float)throttle * 0.01f;
        g.throttle_cruise = throttle_avg;

// get_angle_boost - returns a throttle including compensation for roll/pitch angle
// throttle value should be 0 ~ 1000
// for traditional helicopters
static int16_t get_angle_boost(int16_t throttle)
    float angle_boost_factor = cos_pitch_x * cos_roll_x;
    angle_boost_factor = 1.0f - constrain(angle_boost_factor, .5f, 1.0f);
    int16_t throttle_above_mid = max(throttle - motors.throttle_mid,0);

    // to allow logging of angle boost
    angle_boost = throttle_above_mid*angle_boost_factor;

    return throttle + angle_boost;
#else   // all multicopters
// get_angle_boost - returns a throttle including compensation for roll/pitch angle
// throttle value should be 0 ~ 1000
static int16_t get_angle_boost(int16_t throttle)
    float temp = cos_pitch_x * cos_roll_x;
    int16_t throttle_out;

    temp = constrain(temp, 0.5f, 1.0f);
    temp = constrain(9000-max(labs(roll_axis),labs(pitch_axis)), 0, 3000) / (3000 * temp);
    throttle_out = constrain((float)(throttle-g.throttle_min) * temp + g.throttle_min, g.throttle_min, 1000);

    // to allow logging of angle boost
    angle_boost = throttle_out - throttle;

    return throttle_out;

 // set_throttle_out - to be called by upper throttle controllers when they wish to provide throttle output directly to motors
 // provide 0 to cut motors
void set_throttle_out( int16_t throttle_out, bool apply_angle_boost )
    if( apply_angle_boost ) {
        g.rc_3.servo_out = get_angle_boost(throttle_out);
        g.rc_3.servo_out = throttle_out;
        // clear angle_boost for logging purposes
        angle_boost = 0;

// set_throttle_accel_target - to be called by upper throttle controllers to set desired vertical acceleration in earth frame
void set_throttle_accel_target( int16_t desired_acceleration )
    if( g.throttle_accel_enabled ) {
        throttle_accel_target_ef = desired_acceleration;
        throttle_accel_controller_active = true;
        // To-Do log dataflash or tlog error
        cliSerial->print_P(PSTR("Err: target sent to inactive acc thr controller!\n"));

// disable_throttle_accel - disables the accel based throttle controller
// it will be re-enasbled on the next set_throttle_accel_target
// required when we wish to set motors to zero when pilot inputs zero throttle
void throttle_accel_deactivate()
    throttle_accel_controller_active = false;

// get_throttle_accel - accelerometer based throttle controller
// returns an actual throttle output (0 ~ 1000) to be sent to the motors
static int16_t
get_throttle_accel(int16_t z_target_accel)
    static float z_accel_error = 0;     // The acceleration error in cm.
    static uint32_t last_call_ms = 0;   // the last time this controller was called
    int32_t p,i,d;                      // used to capture pid values for logging
    int16_t output;
    float z_accel_meas;
    uint32_t now = millis();

    // Calculate Earth Frame Z acceleration
    z_accel_meas = -(ahrs.get_accel_ef().z + GRAVITY_MSS) * 100;

    // reset target altitude if this controller has just been engaged
    if( now - last_call_ms > 100 ) {
        // Reset Filter
        z_accel_error = 0;
    } else {
        // calculate accel error and Filter with fc = 2 Hz
        z_accel_error = z_accel_error + 0.11164f * (constrain(z_target_accel - z_accel_meas, -32000, 32000) - z_accel_error);
    last_call_ms = now;

    // separately calculate p, i, d values for logging
    p = g.pid_throttle_accel.get_p(z_accel_error);
    // freeze I term if we've breached throttle limits
    if( motors.reached_limit(AP_MOTOR_THROTTLE_LIMIT) ) {
        i = g.pid_throttle_accel.get_integrator();
        i = g.pid_throttle_accel.get_i(z_accel_error, .01f);
    d = g.pid_throttle_accel.get_d(z_accel_error, .01f);

    // limit the rate
    output =  constrain(p+i+d+g.throttle_cruise, g.throttle_min, g.throttle_max);

    // log output if PID loggins is on and we are tuning the yaw
    if( g.log_bitmask & MASK_LOG_PID && (g.radio_tuning == CH6_THR_ACCEL_KP || g.radio_tuning == CH6_THR_ACCEL_KI || g.radio_tuning == CH6_THR_ACCEL_KD) ) {
        if( pid_log_counter >= 10 ) {               // (update rate / desired output rate) = (50hz / 10hz) = 5hz
            pid_log_counter = 0;
            Log_Write_PID(CH6_THR_ACCEL_KP, z_accel_error, p, i, d, output, tuning_value);

    return output;

// get_pilot_desired_throttle - transform pilot's throttle input to make cruise throttle mid stick
// used only for manual throttle modes
// returns throttle output 0 to 1000
#define THROTTLE_IN_MIDDLE 500          // the throttle mid point
static int16_t get_pilot_desired_throttle(int16_t throttle_control)
    int16_t throttle_out;

    // exit immediately in the simple cases
    if( throttle_control == 0 || g.throttle_mid == 500) {
        return throttle_control;

    // ensure reasonable throttle values
    throttle_control = constrain(throttle_control,0,1000);
    g.throttle_mid = constrain(g.throttle_mid,300,700);

    // check throttle is above, below or in the deadband
    if (throttle_control < THROTTLE_IN_MIDDLE) {
        // below the deadband
        throttle_out = g.throttle_min + ((float)(throttle_control-g.throttle_min))*((float)(g.throttle_mid - g.throttle_min))/((float)(500-g.throttle_min));
    }else if(throttle_control > THROTTLE_IN_MIDDLE) {
        // above the deadband
        throttle_out = g.throttle_mid + ((float)(throttle_control-500))*(float)(1000-g.throttle_mid)/500.0f;
        // must be in the deadband
        throttle_out = g.throttle_mid;

    return throttle_out;

// get_pilot_desired_climb_rate - transform pilot's throttle input to
// climb rate in cm/s.  we use radio_in instead of control_in to get the full range
// without any deadzone at the bottom
#define THROTTLE_IN_DEADBAND 100        // the throttle input channel's deadband in PWM
static int16_t get_pilot_desired_climb_rate(int16_t throttle_control)
    int16_t desired_rate = 0;

    // throttle failsafe check
    if( ap.failsafe ) {
        return 0;

    // ensure a reasonable throttle value
    throttle_control = constrain(throttle_control,0,1000);

    // check throttle is above, below or in the deadband
    if (throttle_control < THROTTLE_IN_DEADBAND_BOTTOM) {
        // below the deadband
        desired_rate = (int32_t)g.pilot_velocity_z_max * (throttle_control-THROTTLE_IN_DEADBAND_BOTTOM) / (THROTTLE_IN_MIDDLE - THROTTLE_IN_DEADBAND);
    }else if (throttle_control > THROTTLE_IN_DEADBAND_TOP) {
        // above the deadband
        desired_rate = (int32_t)g.pilot_velocity_z_max * (throttle_control-THROTTLE_IN_DEADBAND_TOP) / (THROTTLE_IN_MIDDLE - THROTTLE_IN_DEADBAND);
        // must be in the deadband
        desired_rate = 0;

    // desired climb rate for logging
    desired_climb_rate = desired_rate;

    return desired_rate;

// get_pilot_desired_acceleration - transform pilot's throttle input to a desired acceleration
// default upper and lower bounds are 500 cm/s/s (roughly 1/2 a G)
// returns acceleration in cm/s/s
static int16_t get_pilot_desired_acceleration(int16_t throttle_control)
    int32_t desired_accel = 0;

    // throttle failsafe check
    if( ap.failsafe ) {
        return 0;

    // ensure a reasonable throttle value
    throttle_control = constrain(throttle_control,0,1000);

    // check throttle is above, below or in the deadband
    if (throttle_control < THROTTLE_IN_DEADBAND_BOTTOM) {
        // below the deadband
    }else if(throttle_control > THROTTLE_IN_DEADBAND_TOP) {
        // above the deadband
        desired_accel = (int32_t)ACCELERATION_MAX_Z * (throttle_control-THROTTLE_IN_DEADBAND_TOP) / (THROTTLE_IN_MIDDLE - THROTTLE_IN_DEADBAND);
        // must be in the deadband
        desired_accel = 0;

    return desired_accel;

// get_pilot_desired_direct_alt - transform pilot's throttle input to a desired altitude
// return altitude in cm between 0 to 10m
static int32_t get_pilot_desired_direct_alt(int16_t throttle_control)
    int32_t desired_alt = 0;

    // throttle failsafe check
    if( ap.failsafe ) {
        return 0;

    // ensure a reasonable throttle value
    throttle_control = constrain(throttle_control,0,1000);

    desired_alt = throttle_control;

    return desired_alt;

// get_throttle_rate - calculates desired accel required to achieve desired z_target_speed
// sets accel based throttle controller target
static void
get_throttle_rate(int16_t z_target_speed)
    static uint32_t last_call_ms = 0;
    static float z_rate_error = 0;   // The velocity error in cm.
    int32_t p,i,d;      // used to capture pid values for logging
    int16_t output;     // the target acceleration if the accel based throttle is enabled, otherwise the output to be sent to the motors
    uint32_t now = millis();

    // reset target altitude if this controller has just been engaged
    if( now - last_call_ms > 100 ) {
        // Reset Filter
        z_rate_error    = 0;
    } else {
        // calculate rate error and filter with cut off frequency of 2 Hz
        z_rate_error    = z_rate_error + 0.20085f * ((z_target_speed - climb_rate) - z_rate_error);
    last_call_ms = now;

    // separately calculate p, i, d values for logging
    p = g.pid_throttle.get_p(z_rate_error);

    // freeze I term if we've breached throttle limits
    if(motors.reached_limit(AP_MOTOR_THROTTLE_LIMIT)) {
        i = g.pid_throttle.get_integrator();
        i = g.pid_throttle.get_i(z_rate_error, .02);
    d = g.pid_throttle.get_d(z_rate_error, .02);

    // consolidate target acceleration
    output =  p+i+d;

    // log output if PID loggins is on and we are tuning the yaw
    if( g.log_bitmask & MASK_LOG_PID && (g.radio_tuning == CH6_THROTTLE_KP || g.radio_tuning == CH6_THROTTLE_KI || g.radio_tuning == CH6_THROTTLE_KD) ) {
        if( pid_log_counter >= 10 ) {               // (update rate / desired output rate) = (50hz / 10hz) = 5hz
            pid_log_counter = 0;
            Log_Write_PID(CH6_THROTTLE_KP, z_rate_error, p, i, d, output, tuning_value);

    // send output to accelerometer based throttle controller if enabled otherwise send directly to motors
    if( g.throttle_accel_enabled ) {
        // set target for accel based throttle controller
        set_throttle_out(g.throttle_cruise+output, true);

    // update throttle cruise
    // TO-DO: this may not be correct because g.rc_3.servo_out has not been updated for this iteration
    if( z_target_speed == 0 ) {

// get_throttle_althold - hold at the desired altitude in cm
// updates accel based throttle controller targets
// Note: max_climb_rate is an optional parameter to allow reuse of this function by landing controller
static void
get_throttle_althold(int32_t target_alt, int16_t min_climb_rate, int16_t max_climb_rate)
    int32_t alt_error;
    int16_t desired_rate;
    int32_t linear_distance;      // the distace we swap between linear and sqrt.

    // calculate altitude error
    alt_error    = target_alt - current_loc.alt;

    // check kP to avoid division by zero
    if( g.pi_alt_hold.kP() != 0 ) {
        linear_distance = 250/(2*g.pi_alt_hold.kP()*g.pi_alt_hold.kP());
        if( alt_error > 2*linear_distance ) {
            desired_rate = safe_sqrt(2*250*(alt_error-linear_distance));
        }else if( alt_error < -2*linear_distance ) {
            desired_rate = -safe_sqrt(2*250*(-alt_error-linear_distance));
            desired_rate = g.pi_alt_hold.get_p(alt_error);
        desired_rate = 0;

    desired_rate = constrain(desired_rate, min_climb_rate, max_climb_rate);

    // call rate based throttle controller which will update accel based throttle controller targets

    // update altitude error reported to GCS
    altitude_error = alt_error;

    // TO-DO: enabled PID logging for this controller

// get_throttle_althold_with_slew - altitude controller with slew to avoid step changes in altitude target
// calls normal althold controller which updates accel based throttle controller targets
static void
get_throttle_althold_with_slew(int16_t target_alt, int16_t min_climb_rate, int16_t max_climb_rate)
    // limit target altitude change
    controller_desired_alt += constrain(target_alt-controller_desired_alt, min_climb_rate*0.02f, max_climb_rate*0.02f);

    // do not let target altitude get too far from current altitude
    controller_desired_alt = constrain(controller_desired_alt,current_loc.alt-750,current_loc.alt+750);

    get_throttle_althold(controller_desired_alt, min_climb_rate-250, max_climb_rate+250);   // 250 is added to give head room to alt hold controller

// get_throttle_rate_stabilized - rate controller with additional 'stabilizer'
// 'stabilizer' ensure desired rate is being met
// calls normal throttle rate controller which updates accel based throttle controller targets
static void
get_throttle_rate_stabilized(int16_t target_rate)
    controller_desired_alt += target_rate * 0.02f;

    // do not let target altitude get too far from current altitude
    controller_desired_alt = constrain(controller_desired_alt,current_loc.alt-750,current_loc.alt+750);


    get_throttle_althold(controller_desired_alt, -g.pilot_velocity_z_max-250, g.pilot_velocity_z_max+250);   // 250 is added to give head room to alt hold controller

// get_throttle_land - high level landing logic
// sends the desired acceleration in the accel based throttle controller
// called at 50hz
static void
    // if we are above 10m and the sonar does not sense anything perform regular alt hold descent
    if (current_loc.alt >= LAND_START_ALT && !(g.sonar_enabled && sonar_alt_health >= SONAR_ALT_HEALTH_MAX)) {
        get_throttle_althold_with_slew(LAND_START_ALT, g.auto_velocity_z_min, -abs(g.land_speed));

        // detect whether we have landed by watching for minimum throttle and now movement
        if (abs(climb_rate) < 20 && (g.rc_3.servo_out <= get_angle_boost(g.throttle_min) || g.pid_throttle_accel.get_integrator() <= -150)) {
            if( land_detector < LAND_DETECTOR_TRIGGER ) {
                if( g.rc_3.control_in == 0 || ap.failsafe ) {
            // we've sensed movement up or down so decrease land_detector
            if (land_detector > 0 ) {

// get_throttle_surface_tracking - hold copter at the desired distance above the ground
// updates accel based throttle controller targets
static void
get_throttle_surface_tracking(int16_t target_rate)
    static float target_sonar_alt = 0;   // The desired altitude in cm above the ground
    static uint32_t last_call_ms = 0;
    float distance_error;
    float sonar_induced_slew_rate;

    uint32_t now = millis();

    // reset target altitude if this controller has just been engaged
    if( now - last_call_ms > 200 ) {
        target_sonar_alt = sonar_alt + controller_desired_alt - current_loc.alt;
    last_call_ms = now;

    target_sonar_alt += target_rate * 0.02f;

    distance_error = (target_sonar_alt-sonar_alt);
    sonar_induced_slew_rate = constrain(fabs(THR_SURFACE_TRACKING_P * distance_error),0,THR_SURFACE_TRACKING_VELZ_MAX);

    // do not let target altitude get too far from current altitude above ground
    // Note: the 750cm limit is perhaps too wide but is consistent with the regular althold limits and helps ensure a smooth transition
    target_sonar_alt = constrain(target_sonar_alt,sonar_alt-750,sonar_alt+750);
    controller_desired_alt = current_loc.alt+(target_sonar_alt-sonar_alt);

    get_throttle_althold_with_slew(controller_desired_alt, target_rate-sonar_induced_slew_rate, target_rate+sonar_induced_slew_rate);   // VELZ_MAX limits how quickly we react

 *  reset all I integrators
static void reset_I_all(void)

    // This is the only place we reset Yaw

static void reset_rate_I()

static void reset_optflow_I(void)
    of_roll = 0;
    of_pitch = 0;

static void reset_wind_I(void)
    // Wind Compensation
    // this i is not currently being used, but we reset it anyway
    // because someone may modify it and not realize it, causing a bug



static void reset_throttle_I(void)
    // For Altitude Hold

static void set_accel_throttle_I_from_pilot_throttle(int16_t pilot_throttle)
    // shift difference between pilot's throttle and hover throttle into accelerometer I

static void reset_stability_I(void)
    // Used to balance a quad
    // This only needs to be reset during Auto-leveling in flight