/* www.ArduCopter.com - www.DIYDrones.com Copyright (c) 2010. All rights reserved. An Open Source Arduino based multicopter. File : CLI.pde Version : v1.0, Oct 18, 2010 Author(s): ArduCopter Team Jani Hirvinen, Jose Julio, Jordi Muñoz, Ken McEwans, Roberto Navoni, Sandro Benigno, Chris Anderson, Randy McEvans This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . * ************************************************************** * ChangeLog: - 19-10-10 Initial CLI * ************************************************************** * TODO: - Full menu systems, debug, settings * ************************************************************** */ boolean ShowMainMenu; // CLI Functions // This can be moved later to CLI.pde void RunCLI () { // APM_RC.Init(); // APM Radio initialization readUserConfig(); // Read memory values from EEPROM ShowMainMenu = TRUE; // We need to initialize Serial again due it was not initialized during startup. SerBeg(SerBau); SerPrln(); SerPrln("Welcome to ArduCopter CLI"); SerPri("Firmware: "); SerPrln(VER); SerPrln(); if(ShowMainMenu) Show_MainMenu(); // Our main loop that never ends. Only way to get away from here is to reboot APM for (;;) { if(ShowMainMenu) Show_MainMenu(); if (SerAva()) { ShowMainMenu = TRUE; queryType = SerRea(); switch (queryType) { case 'c': CALIB_CompassOffset(); break; case 'i': CALIB_AccOffset(); break; } } } // Mainloop ends } void Show_MainMenu() { ShowMainMenu = FALSE; SerPrln("CLI Menu - Type your command on command prompt"); SerPrln("----------------------------------------------"); SerPrln(" c - Show compass offsets (no return, reboot)"); SerPrln(" i - Initialize and calibrate Accel offsets"); SerPrln(" "); } /* ************************************************************** */ // Compass/Magnetometer Offset Calibration void CALIB_CompassOffset() { #ifdef IsMAG SerPrln("Rotate/Pitch/Roll your ArduCopter untill offset variables are not"); SerPrln("anymore changing, write down your offset values and update them "); SerPrln("to their correct location. Starting in.."); SerPrln("2 secs."); delay(1000); SerPrln("1 secs."); delay(1000); SerPrln("starting now...."); APM_Compass.Init(); // Initialization APM_Compass.SetOrientation(MAGORIENTATION); // set compass's orientation on aircraft APM_Compass.SetOffsets(0,0,0); // set offsets to account for surrounding interference APM_Compass.SetDeclination(ToRad(DECLINATION)); // set local difference between magnetic north and true north int counter = 0; for(;;) { static float min[3], max[3], offset[3]; if((millis()- timer) > 100) { timer = millis(); APM_Compass.Read(); APM_Compass.Calculate(0,0); // roll = 0, pitch = 0 for this example // capture min if( APM_Compass.Mag_X < min[0] ) min[0] = APM_Compass.Mag_X; if( APM_Compass.Mag_Y < min[1] ) min[1] = APM_Compass.Mag_Y; if( APM_Compass.Mag_Z < min[2] ) min[2] = APM_Compass.Mag_Z; // capture max if( APM_Compass.Mag_X > max[0] ) max[0] = APM_Compass.Mag_X; if( APM_Compass.Mag_Y > max[1] ) max[1] = APM_Compass.Mag_Y; if( APM_Compass.Mag_Z > max[2] ) max[2] = APM_Compass.Mag_Z; // calculate offsets offset[0] = -(max[0]+min[0])/2; offset[1] = -(max[1]+min[1])/2; offset[2] = -(max[2]+min[2])/2; // display all to user SerPri("Heading:"); SerPri(ToDeg(APM_Compass.Heading)); SerPri(" \t("); SerPri(APM_Compass.Mag_X); SerPri(","); SerPri(APM_Compass.Mag_Y); SerPri(","); SerPri(APM_Compass.Mag_Z); SerPri(")"); // display offsets SerPri("\t offsets("); SerPri(offset[0]); SerPri(","); SerPri(offset[1]); SerPri(","); SerPri(offset[2]); SerPri(")"); SerPrln(); if(counter == 50) { counter = 0; SerPrln(); SerPrln("Roll and Rotate your quad untill offsets are not changing!"); SerPrln("to exit from this loop, reboot your APM"); SerPrln(); delay(500); } counter++; } } #else SerPrln("Magneto module is not activated on Arducopter.pde"); SerPrln("Check your program #definitions, upload firmware and try again!!"); // SerPrln("Now reboot your APM"); // for(;;) // delay(10); #endif } /* ************************************************************** */ // Accell calibration void CALIB_AccOffset() { uint8_t loopy; uint16_t xx = 0, xy = 0, xz = 0; adc.Init(); // APM ADC library initialization // delay(250); // Giving small moment before starting calibrateSensors(); // Calibrate neutral values of gyros (in Sensors.pde) SerPrln(); SerPrln("Sampling 10 samples from Accelerometers, don't move your ArduCopter!"); SerPrln("Sample:\tAcc-X\tAxx-Y\tAcc-Z"); for(loopy = 1; loopy <= 5; loopy++) { SerPri(" "); SerPri(loopy); SerPri(":"); tab(); /* SerPri(xx += read_adc(4)); tab(); SerPri(xy += -read_adc(3)); tab(); SerPrln(xz += read_adc(5)); */ SerPri(xx += adc.Ch(4)); tab(); SerPri(xy += adc.Ch(5)); tab(); SerPrln(xz += adc.Ch(3)); } xx = xx / (loopy - 1); xy = xy / (loopy - 1); xz = xz / (loopy - 1) ; SerPriln("Averages as follows"); SerPri(" "); tab(); SerPri(xx); tab(); SerPri(xy); tab(); SerPri(xz); SerPriln(); }