#include <AP_HAL/AP_HAL.h> #if CONFIG_HAL_BOARD_SUBTYPE == HAL_BOARD_SUBTYPE_LINUX_RASPILOT #include <stdio.h> #include <errno.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <assert.h> #include "RCInput_Raspilot.h" #include "px4io_protocol.h" static const AP_HAL::HAL& hal = AP_HAL::get_HAL(); using namespace Linux; void RCInput_Raspilot::init() { _spi = hal.spi->device(AP_HAL::SPIDevice_RASPIO); _spi_sem = _spi->get_semaphore(); if (_spi_sem == NULL) { AP_HAL::panic("PANIC: RCIutput_Raspilot did not get " "valid SPI semaphore!"); return; // never reached } // start the timer process to read samples hal.scheduler->register_timer_process(FUNCTOR_BIND_MEMBER(&RCInput_Raspilot::_poll_data, void)); } void RCInput_Raspilot::_poll_data(void) { // Throttle read rate to 100hz maximum. if (AP_HAL::micros() - _last_timer < 10000) { return; } _last_timer = AP_HAL::micros(); if (!_spi_sem->take_nonblocking()) { return; } struct IOPacket _dma_packet_tx, _dma_packet_rx; uint16_t count = LINUX_RC_INPUT_NUM_CHANNELS; _dma_packet_tx.count_code = count | PKT_CODE_READ; _dma_packet_tx.page = 4; _dma_packet_tx.offset = 0; _dma_packet_tx.crc = 0; _dma_packet_tx.crc = crc_packet(&_dma_packet_tx); /* set raspilotio to read reg4 */ _spi->transaction((uint8_t *)&_dma_packet_tx, (uint8_t *)&_dma_packet_rx, sizeof(_dma_packet_tx)); /* get reg4 data from raspilotio */ _spi->transaction((uint8_t *)&_dma_packet_tx, (uint8_t *)&_dma_packet_rx, sizeof(_dma_packet_tx)); uint16_t num_values = _dma_packet_rx.regs[0]; uint16_t rc_ok = _dma_packet_rx.regs[1] & (1 << 4); uint8_t rx_crc = _dma_packet_rx.crc; _dma_packet_rx.crc = 0; if ( rc_ok && (rx_crc == crc_packet(&_dma_packet_rx)) ) { _update_periods(&_dma_packet_rx.regs[6], (uint8_t)num_values); } _spi_sem->give(); } #endif // CONFIG_HAL_BOARD_SUBTYPE