// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-

#include "Plane.h"


// Command/function table for the setup menu
static const struct Menu::command setup_menu_commands[] = {
    // command			function called
    // =======          ===============
    {"reset",           MENU_FUNC(setup_factory)},
    {"erase",           MENU_FUNC(setup_erase)}

// Create the setup menu object.
MENU(setup_menu, "setup", setup_menu_commands);

// Called from the top-level menu to run the setup menu.
int8_t Plane::setup_mode(uint8_t argc, const Menu::arg *argv)
    // Give the user some guidance
    cliSerial->printf("Setup Mode\n"
                         "IMPORTANT: if you have not previously set this system up, use the\n"
                         "'reset' command to initialize the EEPROM to sensible default values\n"
                         "and then the 'radio' command to configure for your radio.\n"

    // Run the setup menu.  When the menu exits, we will return to the main menu.
    return 0;

// Initialise the EEPROM to 'factory' settings (mostly defined in APM_Config.h or via defaults).
// Called by the setup menu 'factoryreset' command.
int8_t Plane::setup_factory(uint8_t argc, const Menu::arg *argv)
    int c;

    cliSerial->printf("\nType 'Y' and hit Enter to perform factory reset, any other key to abort: ");

    do {
        c = cliSerial->read();
    } while (-1 == c);

    if (('y' != c) && ('Y' != c))
    cliSerial->printf("\nFACTORY RESET complete - please reset board to continue");

    for (;; ) {
    // note, cannot actually return here

int8_t Plane::setup_erase(uint8_t argc, const Menu::arg *argv)
    int c;

    cliSerial->printf("\nType 'Y' and hit Enter to erase all waypoint and parameter data, any other key to abort: ");

    do {
        c = cliSerial->read();
    } while (-1 == c);

    if (('y' != c) && ('Y' != c))
    return 0;

void Plane::zero_eeprom(void)
    cliSerial->printf("\nErasing EEPROM\n");

#endif // CLI_ENABLED