#include #include "AP_HAL_AVR.h" /* Include AVR-specific implementations of the HAL classes */ #include "HAL_AVR.h" #include "UARTDriver.h" #include "I2CDriver.h" #include "SPIDriver.h" #include "AnalogIn.h" #include "Storage.h" #include "Dataflash.h" #include "Console.h" #include "GPIO.h" #include "RCInput.h" #include "RCOutput.h" #include "Scheduler.h" using namespace AP_HAL; using namespace AP_HAL_AVR; AVRUARTDriverISRs(0); AVRUARTDriverISRs(1); AVRUARTDriverISRs(2); AVRUARTDriverISRs(3); static AVRUARTDriverInstance(avrUart0Driver, 0); static AVRUARTDriverInstance(avrUart1Driver, 1); static AVRUARTDriverInstance(avrUart2Driver, 2); static AVRUARTDriverInstance(avrUart3Driver, 3); static AVRI2CDriver avrI2CDriver; static APM1SPIDeviceManager apm1SPIDriver; static APM2SPIDeviceManager apm2SPIDriver; static AVRAnalogIn avrAnalogIn; static AVREEPROMStorage avrEEPROMStorage; static APM1Dataflash apm1Dataflash; static APM2Dataflash apm2Dataflash; static AVRConsoleDriver consoleDriver; static AVRGPIO avrGPIO; static APM1RCInput apm1RCInput; static APM2RCInput apm2RCInput; static APM1RCOutput apm1RCOutput; static APM2RCOutput apm2RCOutput; static AVRScheduler avrScheduler; /* On APM1 the physical UART2 is used for SPI. */ const HAL_AVR AP_HAL_AVR_APM1( (UARTDriver*) &avrUart0Driver, /* phys UART0 -> uartA */ (UARTDriver*) &avrUart1Driver, /* phys UART1 -> uartB */ (UARTDriver*) &avrUart3Driver, /* phys UART3 -> uartC */ &avrI2CDriver, &apm1SPIDriver, &avrAnalogIn, &avrEEPROMStorage, &apm1Dataflash, &consoleDriver, &avrGPIO, &apm1RCInput, &apm1RCOutput, &avrScheduler ); /* On APM1 the physical UART3 is used for SPI. */ const HAL_AVR AP_HAL_AVR_APM2( (UARTDriver*) &avrUart0Driver, (UARTDriver*) &avrUart1Driver, (UARTDriver*) &avrUart2Driver, &avrI2CDriver, &apm2SPIDriver, &avrAnalogIn, &avrEEPROMStorage, &apm2Dataflash, &consoleDriver, &avrGPIO, &apm2RCInput, &apm2RCOutput, &avrScheduler );