   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pragma once

#include <AP_Common/AP_Common.h>
#include <AP_HAL/AP_HAL.h>
#include <AP_Param/AP_Param.h>
#include <GCS_MAVLink/GCS.h>
#include <AP_MSP/msp.h>
#include "AP_RangeFinder_Params.h"

// Maximum number of range finder instances available on this platform

#define RANGEFINDER_PREARM_ALT_MAX_CM           200


class AP_RangeFinder_Backend;

class RangeFinder
    friend class AP_RangeFinder_Backend;
    //UAVCAN drivers are initialised in the Backend, hence list of drivers is needed there.
    friend class AP_RangeFinder_UAVCAN;

    /* Do not allow copies */
    RangeFinder(const RangeFinder &other) = delete;
    RangeFinder &operator=(const RangeFinder&) = delete;

    // RangeFinder driver types
    enum class Type {
        NONE   = 0,
        ANALOG = 1,
        MBI2C  = 2,
        PLI2C  = 3,
//        PX4    = 4, // no longer used, but may be in some user's parameters
        PX4_PWM= 5,
        BBB_PRU= 6,
        LWI2C  = 7,
        LWSER  = 8,
        BEBOP  = 9,
        MAVLink = 10,
        USD1_Serial = 11,
        LEDDARONE = 12,
        MBSER  = 13,
        TRI2C  = 14,
        PLI2CV3= 15,
        VL53L0X = 16,
        NMEA = 17,
        WASP = 18,
        BenewakeTF02 = 19,
        BenewakeTFmini = 20,
        PLI2CV3HP = 21,
        PWM = 22,
        BLPing = 23,
        UAVCAN = 24,
        BenewakeTFminiPlus = 25,
        Lanbao = 26,
        BenewakeTF03 = 27,
        VL53L1X_Short = 28,
        LeddarVu8_Serial = 29,
        HC_SR04 = 30,
        GYUS42v2 = 31,
        MSP = 32,
        USD1_CAN = 33,
        Benewake_CAN = 34,
        SIM = 100,

    enum class Function {
        LINEAR    = 0,
        INVERTED  = 1,
        HYPERBOLA = 2

    enum class Status {
        NotConnected = 0,

    // The RangeFinder_State structure is filled in by the backend driver
    struct RangeFinder_State {
        float distance_m;               // distance in meters
        uint16_t voltage_mv;            // voltage in millivolts, if applicable, otherwise 0
        enum RangeFinder::Status status; // sensor status
        uint8_t  range_valid_count;     // number of consecutive valid readings (maxes out at 10)
        uint32_t last_reading_ms;       // system time of last successful update from sensor

        const struct AP_Param::GroupInfo *var_info;

    static const struct AP_Param::GroupInfo *backend_var_info[RANGEFINDER_MAX_INSTANCES];

    // parameters for each instance
    static const struct AP_Param::GroupInfo var_info[];

    void set_log_rfnd_bit(uint32_t log_rfnd_bit) { _log_rfnd_bit = log_rfnd_bit; }

      Return the number of range finder instances. Note that if users
      sets up rangefinders with a gap in the types then this is the
      index of the maximum sensor ID plus one, so this gives the value
      that should be used when iterating over all sensors
    uint8_t num_sensors(void) const {
        return num_instances;

    // prearm checks
    bool prearm_healthy(char *failure_msg, const uint8_t failure_msg_len) const;

    // detect and initialise any available rangefinders
    void init(enum Rotation orientation_default);

    // update state of all rangefinders. Should be called at around
    // 10Hz from main loop
    void update(void);

    // Handle an incoming DISTANCE_SENSOR message (from a MAVLink enabled range finder)
    void handle_msg(const mavlink_message_t &msg);

    // Handle an incoming DISTANCE_SENSOR message (from a MSP enabled range finder)
    void handle_msp(const MSP::msp_rangefinder_data_message_t &pkt);
    // return true if we have a range finder with the specified orientation
    bool has_orientation(enum Rotation orientation) const;

    // find first range finder instance with the specified orientation
    AP_RangeFinder_Backend *find_instance(enum Rotation orientation) const;

    AP_RangeFinder_Backend *get_backend(uint8_t id) const;

    // get rangefinder type for an ID
    Type get_type(uint8_t id) const {
        return id >= RANGEFINDER_MAX_INSTANCES? Type::NONE : Type(params[id].type.get());

    // get rangefinder address (for AP_Periph CAN)
    uint8_t get_address(uint8_t id) const {
        return id >= RANGEFINDER_MAX_INSTANCES? 0 : uint8_t(params[id].address.get());
    // methods to return a distance on a particular orientation from
    // any sensor which can current supply it
    float distance_orient(enum Rotation orientation) const;
    uint16_t distance_cm_orient(enum Rotation orientation) const;
    int16_t max_distance_cm_orient(enum Rotation orientation) const;
    int16_t min_distance_cm_orient(enum Rotation orientation) const;
    int16_t ground_clearance_cm_orient(enum Rotation orientation) const;
    MAV_DISTANCE_SENSOR get_mav_distance_sensor_type_orient(enum Rotation orientation) const;
    RangeFinder::Status status_orient(enum Rotation orientation) const;
    bool has_data_orient(enum Rotation orientation) const;
    uint8_t range_valid_count_orient(enum Rotation orientation) const;
    const Vector3f &get_pos_offset_orient(enum Rotation orientation) const;
    uint32_t last_reading_ms(enum Rotation orientation) const;

    // get temperature reading in C.  returns true on success and populates temp argument
    bool get_temp(enum Rotation orientation, float &temp) const;

      set an externally estimated terrain height. Used to enable power
      saving (where available) at high altitudes.
    void set_estimated_terrain_height(float height) {
        estimated_terrain_height = height;

    static RangeFinder *get_singleton(void) { return _singleton; }

    AP_RangeFinder_Params params[RANGEFINDER_MAX_INSTANCES];

    static RangeFinder *_singleton;

    RangeFinder_State state[RANGEFINDER_MAX_INSTANCES];
    AP_RangeFinder_Backend *drivers[RANGEFINDER_MAX_INSTANCES];
    uint8_t num_instances;
    bool init_done;
    HAL_Semaphore detect_sem;
    float estimated_terrain_height;
    Vector3f pos_offset_zero;   // allows returning position offsets of zero for invalid requests

    void convert_params(void);

    void detect_instance(uint8_t instance, uint8_t& serial_instance);

    bool _add_backend(AP_RangeFinder_Backend *driver, uint8_t instance, uint8_t serial_instance=0);

    uint32_t _log_rfnd_bit = -1;
    void Log_RFND() const;

namespace AP {
    RangeFinder *rangefinder();