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/* |
24 state EKF based on the derivation in |
blob/master/matlab/scripts/Inertial%20Nav%20EKF/GenerateNavFilterEquations.m |
Converted from Matlab to C++ by Paul Riseborough |
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify |
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or |
(at your option) any later version. |
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
GNU General Public License for more details. |
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
along with this program. If not, see <>. |
*/ |
#pragma once |
#pragma GCC optimize("O2") |
#endif |
#include <AP_Common/Location.h> |
#include <AP_Math/AP_Math.h> |
#include <AP_Math/vectorN.h> |
#include <AP_NavEKF/AP_NavEKF_core_common.h> |
#include <AP_NavEKF/AP_NavEKF_Source.h> |
#include <AP_NavEKF/EKF_Buffer.h> |
#include <AP_InertialSensor/AP_InertialSensor.h> |
#include <GCS_MAVLink/GCS_MAVLink.h> |
#include <AP_DAL/AP_DAL.h> |
#include "AP_NavEKF/EKFGSF_yaw.h" |
#include "AP_NavEKF3_feature.h" |
// GPS pre-flight check bit locations |
#define MASK_GPS_NSATS (1<<0) |
#define MASK_GPS_HDOP (1<<1) |
#define MASK_GPS_SPD_ERR (1<<2) |
#define MASK_GPS_POS_ERR (1<<3) |
#define MASK_GPS_YAW_ERR (1<<4) |
#define MASK_GPS_POS_DRIFT (1<<5) |
#define MASK_GPS_VERT_SPD (1<<6) |
#define MASK_GPS_HORIZ_SPD (1<<7) |
#define earthRate 0.000072921f // earth rotation rate (rad/sec) |
// maximum allowed gyro bias (rad/sec) |
#define GYRO_BIAS_LIMIT 0.5f |
// initial accel bias uncertainty as a fraction of the state limit |
#define ACCEL_BIAS_LIM_SCALER 0.2f |
// target update time for the EKF in msec and sec |
#define EKF_TARGET_DT_MS 12 |
#define EKF_TARGET_DT 0.012f |
// mag fusion final reset altitude (using NED frame so altitude is negative) |
#define EKF3_MAG_FINAL_RESET_ALT 2.5f |
// learning rate for mag biases when using GPS yaw |
#define EK3_GPS_MAG_LEARN_RATE 0.005f |
// learning limit for mag biases when using GPS yaw (Gauss) |
#define EK3_GPS_MAG_LEARN_LIMIT 0.02f |
// maximum number of yaw resets due to detected magnetic anomaly allowed per flight |
// number of seconds a request to reset the yaw to the GSF estimate is active before it times out |
// accuracy threshold applied to GSF yaw estimate use |
// number of continuous valid GSF yaw estimates required to confirm valid hostory |
// minimum variances allowed for velocity and position states |
// maximum number of times the vertical velocity variance can hit the lower limit before the |
// associated states, variances and covariances are reset |
#define EKF_TARGET_RATE_HZ uint32_t(1.0 / EKF_TARGET_DT) |
// limit on horizontal position states |
#define EK3_POSXY_STATE_LIMIT 50.0e6 |
#else |
#define EK3_POSXY_STATE_LIMIT 1.0e6 |
#endif |
// IMU acceleration process noise in m/s/s used when bad vibration affected IMU accel is detected |
#define BAD_IMU_DATA_ACC_P_NSE 5.0f |
// Number of milliseconds of bad IMU data before a reset to vertical position and velocity height sources is performed |
#define BAD_IMU_DATA_TIMEOUT_MS 1000 |
// number of milliseconds the bad IMU data response settings will be held after the last bad IMU data is detected |
#define BAD_IMU_DATA_HOLD_MS 10000 |
// wind state variance limits |
#define WIND_VEL_VARIANCE_MAX 400.0f |
#define WIND_VEL_VARIANCE_MIN 0.25f |
class NavEKF3_core : public NavEKF_core_common |
{ |
public: |
// Constructor |
NavEKF3_core(class NavEKF3 *_frontend); |
// setup this core backend |
bool setup_core(uint8_t _imu_index, uint8_t _core_index); |
// Initialise the states from accelerometer and magnetometer data (if present) |
// This method can only be used when the vehicle is static |
bool InitialiseFilterBootstrap(void); |
// Update Filter States - this should be called whenever new IMU data is available |
// The predict flag is set true when a new prediction cycle can be started |
void UpdateFilter(bool predict); |
// Check basic filter health metrics and return a consolidated health status |
bool healthy(void) const; |
// Return a consolidated error score where higher numbers are less healthy |
// Intended to be used by the front-end to determine which is the primary EKF |
float errorScore(void) const; |
// Write the last calculated NE position relative to the reference point (m). |
// If a calculated solution is not available, use the best available data and return false |
// If false returned, do not use for flight control |
bool getPosNE(Vector2f &posNE) const; |
// Write the last calculated D position relative to the reference point (m). |
// If a calculated solution is not available, use the best available data and return false |
// If false returned, do not use for flight control |
bool getPosD(float &posD) const; |
// return NED velocity in m/s |
void getVelNED(Vector3f &vel) const; |
// return estimate of true airspeed vector in body frame in m/s |
// returns false if estimate is unavailable |
bool getAirSpdVec(Vector3f &vel) const; |
// Return the rate of change of vertical position in the down direction (dPosD/dt) in m/s |
// This can be different to the z component of the EKF velocity state because it will fluctuate with height errors and corrections in the EKF |
// but will always be kinematically consistent with the z component of the EKF position state |
float getPosDownDerivative(void) const; |
// return body axis gyro bias estimates in rad/sec |
void getGyroBias(Vector3f &gyroBias) const; |
// return accelerometer bias in m/s/s |
void getAccelBias(Vector3f &accelBias) const; |
// reset body axis gyro bias estimates |
void resetGyroBias(void); |
// Resets the baro so that it reads zero at the current height |
// Resets the EKF height to zero |
// Adjusts the EKF origin height so that the EKF height + origin height is the same as before |
// Returns true if the height datum reset has been performed |
// If using a range finder for height no reset is performed and it returns false |
bool resetHeightDatum(void); |
// return the horizontal speed limit in m/s set by optical flow sensor limits |
// return the scale factor to be applied to navigation velocity gains to compensate for increase in velocity noise with height when using optical flow |
void getEkfControlLimits(float &ekfGndSpdLimit, float &ekfNavVelGainScaler) const; |
// return the NED wind speed estimates in m/s (positive is air moving in the direction of the axis) |
// returns true if wind state estimation is active |
bool getWind(Vector3f &wind) const; |
// return earth magnetic field estimates in measurement units / 1000 |
void getMagNED(Vector3f &magNED) const; |
// return body magnetic field estimates in measurement units / 1000 |
void getMagXYZ(Vector3f &magXYZ) const; |
// return the index for the active sensors |
uint8_t getActiveAirspeed() const; |
// Return estimated magnetometer offsets |
// Return true if magnetometer offsets are valid |
bool getMagOffsets(uint8_t mag_idx, Vector3f &magOffsets) const; |
// Return the last calculated latitude, longitude and height in WGS-84 |
// If a calculated location isn't available, return a raw GPS measurement |
// The status will return true if a calculation or raw measurement is available |
// The getFilterStatus() function provides a more detailed description of data health and must be checked if data is to be used for flight control |
bool getLLH(struct Location &loc) const; |
// return the latitude and longitude and height used to set the NED origin |
// All NED positions calculated by the filter are relative to this location |
// Returns false if the origin has not been set |
bool getOriginLLH(struct Location &loc) const; |
// set the latitude and longitude and height used to set the NED origin |
// All NED positions calculated by the filter will be relative to this location |
// returns false if Absolute aiding and GPS is being used or if the origin is already set |
bool setOriginLLH(const Location &loc); |
// return estimated height above ground level |
// return false if ground height is not being estimated. |
bool getHAGL(float &HAGL) const; |
// return the Euler roll, pitch and yaw angle in radians |
void getEulerAngles(Vector3f &eulers) const; |
// return the transformation matrix from XYZ (body) to NED axes |
void getRotationBodyToNED(Matrix3f &mat) const; |
// return the quaternions defining the rotation from NED to XYZ (body) axes |
void getQuaternion(Quaternion &quat) const; |
// return the innovations for the NED Pos, NED Vel, XYZ Mag and Vtas measurements |
bool getInnovations(Vector3f &velInnov, Vector3f &posInnov, Vector3f &magInnov, float &tasInnov, float &yawInnov) const; |
// return the synthetic air data drag and sideslip innovations |
void getSynthAirDataInnovations(Vector2f &dragInnov, float &betaInnov) const; |
// return the innovation consistency test ratios for the velocity, position, magnetometer and true airspeed measurements |
bool getVariances(float &velVar, float &posVar, float &hgtVar, Vector3f &magVar, float &tasVar, Vector2f &offset) const; |
// get a particular source's velocity innovations |
// returns true on success and results are placed in innovations and variances arguments |
bool getVelInnovationsAndVariancesForSource(AP_NavEKF_Source::SourceXY source, Vector3f &innovations, Vector3f &variances) const WARN_IF_UNUSED; |
// should we use the compass? This is public so it can be used for |
// reporting via ahrs.use_compass() |
bool use_compass(void) const; |
// write the raw optical flow measurements |
// rawFlowQuality is a measured of quality between 0 and 255, with 255 being the best quality |
// rawFlowRates are the optical flow rates in rad/sec about the X and Y sensor axes. |
// rawGyroRates are the sensor rotation rates in rad/sec measured by the sensors internal gyro |
// The sign convention is that a RH physical rotation of the sensor about an axis produces both a positive flow and gyro rate |
// msecFlowMeas is the scheduler time in msec when the optical flow data was received from the sensor. |
// posOffset is the XYZ flow sensor position in the body frame in m |
void writeOptFlowMeas(const uint8_t rawFlowQuality, const Vector2f &rawFlowRates, const Vector2f &rawGyroRates, const uint32_t msecFlowMeas, const Vector3f &posOffset); |
/* |
* Write body frame linear and angular displacement measurements from a visual odometry sensor |
* |
* quality is a normalised confidence value from 0 to 100 |
* delPos is the XYZ change in linear position measured in body frame and relative to the inertial reference at time_ms (m) |
* delAng is the XYZ angular rotation measured in body frame and relative to the inertial reference at time_ms (rad) |
* delTime is the time interval for the measurement of delPos and delAng (sec) |
* timeStamp_ms is the timestamp of the last image used to calculate delPos and delAng (msec) |
* delay_ms is the average delay of external nav system measurements relative to inertial measurements |
* posOffset is the XYZ body frame position of the camera focal point (m) |
*/ |
void writeBodyFrameOdom(float quality, const Vector3f &delPos, const Vector3f &delAng, float delTime, uint32_t timeStamp_ms, uint16_t delay_ms, const Vector3f &posOffset); |
/* |
* Write odometry data from a wheel encoder. The axis of rotation is assumed to be parallel to the vehicle body axis |
* |
* delAng is the measured change in angular position from the previous measurement where a positive rotation is produced by forward motion of the vehicle (rad) |
* delTime is the time interval for the measurement of delAng (sec) |
* timeStamp_ms is the time when the rotation was last measured (msec) |
* posOffset is the XYZ body frame position of the wheel hub (m) |
* radius is the effective rolling radius of the wheel (m) |
*/ |
void writeWheelOdom(float delAng, float delTime, uint32_t timeStamp_ms, const Vector3f &posOffset, float radius); |
/* |
* Return data for debugging body frame odometry fusion: |
* |
* velInnov are the XYZ body frame velocity innovations (m/s) |
* velInnovVar are the XYZ body frame velocity innovation variances (m/s)**2 |
* |
* Return the time stamp of the last odometry fusion update (msec) |
*/ |
uint32_t getBodyFrameOdomDebug(Vector3f &velInnov, Vector3f &velInnovVar); |
/* |
* Writes the measurement from a yaw angle sensor |
* |
* yawAngle: Yaw angle of the vehicle relative to true north in radians where a positive angle is |
* produced by a RH rotation about the Z body axis. The Yaw rotation is the first rotation in a |
* 321 (ZYX) or a 312 (ZXY) rotation sequence as specified by the 'type' argument. |
* yawAngleErr is the 1SD accuracy of the yaw angle measurement in radians. |
* timeStamp_ms: System time in msec when the yaw measurement was taken. This time stamp must include |
* all measurement lag and transmission delays. |
* type: An integer specifying Euler rotation order used to define the yaw angle. |
* type = 1 specifies a 312 (ZXY) rotation order, type = 2 specifies a 321 (ZYX) rotation order. |
*/ |
void writeEulerYawAngle(float yawAngle, float yawAngleErr, uint32_t timeStamp_ms, uint8_t type); |
/* |
* Write position and quaternion data from an external navigation system |
* |
* pos : position in the RH navigation frame. Frame is assumed to be NED if frameIsNED is true. (m) |
* quat : quaternion desribing the the rotation from navigation frame to body frame |
* posErr : 1-sigma spherical position error (m) |
* angErr : 1-sigma spherical angle error (rad) |
* timeStamp_ms : system time the measurement was taken, not the time it was received (mSec) |
* delay_ms : average delay of external nav system measurements relative to inertial measurements |
* resetTime_ms : system time of the last position reset request (mSec) |
* |
*/ |
void writeExtNavData(const Vector3f &pos, const Quaternion &quat, float posErr, float angErr, uint32_t timeStamp_ms, uint16_t delay_ms, uint32_t resetTime_ms); |
/* |
* Write velocity data from an external navigation system |
* |
* vel : velocity in NED (m) |
* err : velocity error (m/s) |
* timeStamp_ms : system time the measurement was taken, not the time it was received (mSec) |
* delay_ms : average delay of external nav system measurements relative to inertial measurements |
*/ |
void writeExtNavVelData(const Vector3f &vel, float err, uint32_t timeStamp_ms, uint16_t delay_ms); |
// Set to true if the terrain underneath is stable enough to be used as a height reference |
// in combination with a range finder. Set to false if the terrain underneath the vehicle |
// cannot be used as a height reference. Use to prevent range finder operation otherwise |
// enabled by the combination of EK3_RNG_USE_HGT and EK3_RNG_USE_SPD parameters. |
void setTerrainHgtStable(bool val); |
/* |
return the filter fault status as a bitmasked integer |
0 = quaternions are NaN |
1 = velocities are NaN |
2 = badly conditioned X magnetometer fusion |
3 = badly conditioned Y magnetometer fusion |
5 = badly conditioned Z magnetometer fusion |
6 = badly conditioned airspeed fusion |
7 = badly conditioned synthetic sideslip fusion |
7 = filter is not initialised |
*/ |
void getFilterFaults(uint16_t &faults) const; |
/* |
Return a filter function status that indicates: |
Which outputs are valid |
If the filter has detected takeoff |
If the filter has activated the mode that mitigates against ground effect static pressure errors |
If GPS data is being used |
*/ |
void getFilterStatus(nav_filter_status &status) const; |
// send an EKF_STATUS_REPORT message to GCS |
void send_status_report(mavlink_channel_t chan) const; |
// provides the height limit to be observed by the control loops |
// returns false if no height limiting is required |
// this is needed to ensure the vehicle does not fly too high when using optical flow navigation |
bool getHeightControlLimit(float &height) const; |
// return the amount of yaw angle change due to the last yaw angle reset in radians |
// returns the time of the last yaw angle reset or 0 if no reset has ever occurred |
uint32_t getLastYawResetAngle(float &yawAng) const; |
// return the amount of NE position change due to the last position reset in metres |
// returns the time of the last reset or 0 if no reset has ever occurred |
uint32_t getLastPosNorthEastReset(Vector2f &pos) const; |
// return the amount of D position change due to the last position reset in metres |
// returns the time of the last reset or 0 if no reset has ever occurred |
uint32_t getLastPosDownReset(float &posD) const; |
// return the amount of NE velocity change due to the last velocity reset in metres/sec |
// returns the time of the last reset or 0 if no reset has ever occurred |
uint32_t getLastVelNorthEastReset(Vector2f &vel) const; |
// report any reason for why the backend is refusing to initialise |
const char *prearm_failure_reason(void) const; |
// report the number of frames lapsed since the last state prediction |
// this is used by other instances to level load |
uint8_t getFramesSincePredict(void) const; |
// get the IMU index. For now we return the gyro index, as that is most |
// critical for use by other subsystems. |
uint8_t getIMUIndex(void) const { return gyro_index_active; } |
// values for EK3_MAG_CAL |
enum class MagCal { |
NEVER = 2, |
ALWAYS = 4 |
// 5 was EXTERNAL_YAW (do not use) |
// 6 was EXTERNAL_YAW_FALLBACK (do not use) |
}; |
// are we using an external yaw source? This is needed by AHRS attitudes_consistent check |
bool using_external_yaw(void) const; |
// Writes the default equivalent airspeed and 1-sigma uncertainty in m/s to be used in forward flight if a measured airspeed is required and not available. |
void writeDefaultAirSpeed(float airspeed, float uncertainty); |
// request a reset the yaw to the EKF-GSF value |
void EKFGSF_requestYawReset(); |
// return true if we are tilt aligned |
bool have_aligned_tilt(void) const { |
return tiltAlignComplete; |
} |
// return true if we are yaw aligned |
bool have_aligned_yaw(void) const { |
return yawAlignComplete; |
} |
void Log_Write(uint64_t time_us); |
// returns true when the state estimates are significantly degraded by vibration |
bool isVibrationAffected() const { return badIMUdata; } |
private: |
EKFGSF_yaw *yawEstimator; |
AP_DAL &dal; |
// Reference to the global EKF frontend for parameters |
class NavEKF3 *frontend; |
uint8_t imu_index; // preferred IMU index |
uint8_t gyro_index_active; // active gyro index (in case preferred fails) |
uint8_t accel_index_active; // active accel index (in case preferred fails) |
uint8_t core_index; |
uint8_t imu_buffer_length; |
uint8_t obs_buffer_length; |
typedef VectorN<ftype,2> Vector2; |
typedef VectorN<ftype,3> Vector3; |
typedef VectorN<ftype,4> Vector4; |
typedef VectorN<ftype,5> Vector5; |
typedef VectorN<ftype,6> Vector6; |
typedef VectorN<ftype,7> Vector7; |
typedef VectorN<ftype,8> Vector8; |
typedef VectorN<ftype,9> Vector9; |
typedef VectorN<ftype,10> Vector10; |
typedef VectorN<ftype,11> Vector11; |
typedef VectorN<ftype,13> Vector13; |
typedef VectorN<ftype,14> Vector14; |
typedef VectorN<ftype,15> Vector15; |
typedef VectorN<ftype,21> Vector21; |
typedef VectorN<ftype,22> Vector22; |
typedef VectorN<ftype,23> Vector23; |
typedef VectorN<ftype,24> Vector24; |
typedef VectorN<ftype,25> Vector25; |
typedef VectorN<ftype,31> Vector31; |
typedef VectorN<VectorN<ftype,3>,3> Matrix3; |
typedef VectorN<VectorN<ftype,24>,24> Matrix24; |
typedef VectorN<VectorN<ftype,34>,50> Matrix34_50; |
typedef VectorN<uint32_t,50> Vector_u32_50; |
#else |
typedef ftype Vector2[2]; |
typedef ftype Vector3[3]; |
typedef ftype Vector4[4]; |
typedef ftype Vector5[5]; |
typedef ftype Vector6[6]; |
typedef ftype Vector7[7]; |
typedef ftype Vector8[8]; |
typedef ftype Vector9[9]; |
typedef ftype Vector10[10]; |
typedef ftype Vector11[11]; |
typedef ftype Vector13[13]; |
typedef ftype Vector14[14]; |
typedef ftype Vector15[15]; |
typedef ftype Vector21[21]; |
typedef ftype Vector22[22]; |
typedef ftype Vector23[23]; |
typedef ftype Vector24[24]; |
typedef ftype Vector25[25]; |
typedef ftype Matrix3[3][3]; |
typedef ftype Matrix24[24][24]; |
typedef ftype Matrix34_50[34][50]; |
typedef uint32_t Vector_u32_50[50]; |
#endif |
// the states are available in two forms, either as a Vector24, or |
// broken down as individual elements. Both are equivalent (same |
// memory) |
struct state_elements { |
QuaternionF quat; // quaternion defining rotation from local NED earth frame to body frame 0..3 |
Vector3F velocity; // velocity of IMU in local NED earth frame (m/sec) 4..6 |
Vector3F position; // position of IMU in local NED earth frame (m) 7..9 |
Vector3F gyro_bias; // body frame delta angle IMU bias vector (rad) 10..12 |
Vector3F accel_bias; // body frame delta velocity IMU bias vector (m/sec) 13..15 |
Vector3F earth_magfield; // earth frame magnetic field vector (Gauss) 16..18 |
Vector3F body_magfield; // body frame magnetic field vector (Gauss) 19..21 |
Vector2F wind_vel; // horizontal North East wind velocity vector in local NED earth frame (m/sec) 22..23 |
}; |
union { |
Vector24 statesArray; |
struct state_elements stateStruct; |
}; |
struct output_elements { |
QuaternionF quat; // quaternion defining rotation from local NED earth frame to body frame |
Vector3F velocity; // velocity of body frame origin in local NED earth frame (m/sec) |
Vector3F position; // position of body frame origin in local NED earth frame (m) |
}; |
struct imu_elements { |
Vector3F delAng; // IMU delta angle measurements in body frame (rad) |
Vector3F delVel; // IMU delta velocity measurements in body frame (m/sec) |
ftype delAngDT; // time interval over which delAng has been measured (sec) |
ftype delVelDT; // time interval over which delVelDT has been measured (sec) |
uint32_t time_ms; // measurement timestamp (msec) |
uint8_t gyro_index; |
uint8_t accel_index; |
}; |
struct gps_elements : EKF_obs_element_t { |
int32_t lat, lng; // latitude and longitude in 1e7 degrees |
ftype hgt; // height of the GPS antenna in local NED earth frame (m) |
Vector3F vel; // velocity of the GPS antenna in local NED earth frame (m/sec) |
uint8_t sensor_idx; // unique integer identifying the GPS sensor |
bool corrected; // true when the position and velocity have been corrected for sensor position |
bool have_vz; // true when vertical velocity is valid |
}; |
struct mag_elements : EKF_obs_element_t { |
Vector3F mag; // body frame magnetic field measurements (Gauss) |
}; |
struct baro_elements : EKF_obs_element_t { |
ftype hgt; // height of the pressure sensor in local NED earth frame (m) |
}; |
struct range_elements : EKF_obs_element_t { |
ftype rng; // distance measured by the range sensor (m) |
uint8_t sensor_idx; // integer either 0 or 1 uniquely identifying up to two range sensors |
}; |
struct rng_bcn_elements : EKF_obs_element_t { |
ftype rng; // range measurement to each beacon (m) |
Vector3F beacon_posNED; // NED position of the beacon (m) |
ftype rngErr; // range measurement error 1-std (m) |
uint8_t beacon_ID; // beacon identification number |
}; |
struct tas_elements : EKF_obs_element_t { |
ftype tas; // true airspeed measurement (m/sec) |
ftype tasVariance; // variance of true airspeed measurement (m/sec)^2 |
}; |
struct of_elements : EKF_obs_element_t { |
Vector2F flowRadXY; // raw (non motion compensated) optical flow angular rates about the XY body axes (rad/sec) |
Vector2F flowRadXYcomp; // motion compensated XY optical flow angular rates about the XY body axes (rad/sec) |
Vector3F bodyRadXYZ; // body frame XYZ axis angular rates averaged across the optical flow measurement interval (rad/sec) |
Vector3F body_offset; // XYZ position of the optical flow sensor in body frame (m) |
}; |
struct vel_odm_elements : EKF_obs_element_t { |
Vector3F vel; // XYZ velocity measured in body frame (m/s) |
ftype velErr; // velocity measurement error 1-std (m/s) |
Vector3F body_offset;// XYZ position of the velocity sensor in body frame (m) |
Vector3F angRate; // angular rate estimated from odometry (rad/sec) |
}; |
struct wheel_odm_elements : EKF_obs_element_t { |
ftype delAng; // wheel rotation angle measured in body frame - positive is forward movement of vehicle (rad/s) |
ftype radius; // wheel radius (m) |
Vector3F hub_offset; // XYZ position of the wheel hub in body frame (m) |
ftype delTime; // time interval that the measurement was accumulated over (sec) |
}; |
// Specifies the rotation order used for the Tait-Bryan or Euler angles where alternative rotation orders are available |
enum class rotationOrder { |
TAIT_BRYAN_321=0, |
TAIT_BRYAN_312=1 |
}; |
struct yaw_elements : EKF_obs_element_t { |
ftype yawAng; // yaw angle measurement (rad) |
ftype yawAngErr; // yaw angle 1SD measurement accuracy (rad) |
rotationOrder order; // type specifiying Euler rotation order used, 0 = 321 (ZYX), 1 = 312 (ZXY) |
}; |
struct ext_nav_elements : EKF_obs_element_t { |
Vector3F pos; // XYZ position measured in a RH navigation frame (m) |
ftype posErr; // spherical position measurement error 1-std (m) |
bool posReset; // true when the position measurement has been reset |
bool corrected; // true when the position has been corrected for sensor position |
}; |
struct ext_nav_vel_elements : EKF_obs_element_t { |
Vector3F vel; // velocity in NED (m/s) |
ftype err; // velocity measurement error (m/s) |
bool corrected; // true when the velocity has been corrected for sensor position |
}; |
struct drag_elements : EKF_obs_element_t { |
Vector2f accelXY; // measured specific force along the X and Y body axes (m/sec**2) |
}; |
// bias estimates for the IMUs that are enabled but not being used |
// by this core. |
struct { |
Vector3F gyro_bias; |
Vector3F accel_bias; |
} inactiveBias[INS_MAX_INSTANCES]; |
// Specify source of data to be used for a partial state reset |
// Checking the availability and quality of the data source specified is the responsibility of the caller |
enum class resetDataSource { |
DEFAULT=0, // Use data source selected by reset function internal rules |
GPS=1, // Use GPS |
RNGBCN=2, // Use beacon range data |
FLOW=3, // Use optical flow rates |
BARO=4, // Use Baro height |
MAG=5, // Use magnetometer data |
RNGFND=6, // Use rangefinder data |
EXTNAV=7 // Use external nav data |
}; |
// specifies the method to be used when fusing yaw observations |
enum class yawFusionMethod { |
GPS=1, |
GSF=2, |
}; |
// update the navigation filter status |
void updateFilterStatus(void); |
// update the quaternion, velocity and position states using IMU measurements |
void UpdateStrapdownEquationsNED(); |
// calculate the predicted state covariance matrix |
// Argument rotVarVecPtr is pointer to a vector defining the earth frame uncertainty variance of the quaternion states |
// used to perform a reset of the quaternion state covariances only. Set to null for normal operation. |
void CovariancePrediction(Vector3F *rotVarVecPtr); |
// force symmetry on the state covariance matrix |
void ForceSymmetry(); |
// constrain variances (diagonal terms) in the state covariance matrix |
void ConstrainVariances(); |
// constrain states |
void ConstrainStates(); |
// constrain earth field using WMM tables |
void MagTableConstrain(void); |
// fuse selected position, velocity and height measurements |
void FuseVelPosNED(); |
// fuse body frame velocity measurements |
void FuseBodyVel(); |
// fuse range beacon measurements |
void FuseRngBcn(); |
// use range beacon measurements to calculate a static position |
void FuseRngBcnStatic(); |
// calculate the offset from EKF vertical position datum to the range beacon system datum |
void CalcRangeBeaconPosDownOffset(ftype obsVar, Vector3F &vehiclePosNED, bool aligning); |
// fuse magnetometer measurements |
void FuseMagnetometer(); |
// fuse true airspeed measurements |
void FuseAirspeed(); |
// fuse synthetic sideslip measurement of zero |
void FuseSideslip(); |
// zero specified range of rows in the state covariance matrix |
void zeroRows(Matrix24 &covMat, uint8_t first, uint8_t last); |
// zero specified range of columns in the state covariance matrix |
void zeroCols(Matrix24 &covMat, uint8_t first, uint8_t last); |
// Reset the stored output history to current data |
void StoreOutputReset(void); |
// Reset the stored output quaternion history to current EKF state |
void StoreQuatReset(void); |
// Rotate the stored output quaternion history through a quaternion rotation |
void StoreQuatRotate(const QuaternionF &deltaQuat); |
// calculate the NED earth spin vector in rad/sec |
void calcEarthRateNED(Vector3F &omega, int32_t latitude) const; |
// initialise the covariance matrix |
void CovarianceInit(); |
// helper functions for readIMUData |
bool readDeltaVelocity(uint8_t ins_index, Vector3F &dVel, ftype &dVel_dt); |
bool readDeltaAngle(uint8_t ins_index, Vector3F &dAng, ftype &dAng_dt); |
// helper functions for correcting IMU data |
void correctDeltaAngle(Vector3F &delAng, ftype delAngDT, uint8_t gyro_index); |
void correctDeltaVelocity(Vector3F &delVel, ftype delVelDT, uint8_t accel_index); |
// update IMU delta angle and delta velocity measurements |
void readIMUData(); |
// update estimate of inactive bias states |
void learnInactiveBiases(); |
// check for new valid GPS data and update stored measurement if available |
void readGpsData(); |
// check for new valid GPS yaw data |
void readGpsYawData(); |
// check for new altitude measurement data and update stored measurement if available |
void readBaroData(); |
// check for new magnetometer data and update store measurements if available |
void readMagData(); |
// try changing compasses on compass failure or timeout |
void tryChangeCompass(void); |
// check for new airspeed data and update stored measurements if available |
void readAirSpdData(); |
// check for new range beacon data and update stored measurements if available |
void readRngBcnData(); |
// determine when to perform fusion of GPS position and velocity measurements |
void SelectVelPosFusion(); |
// determine when to perform fusion of range measurements take relative to a beacon at a known NED position |
void SelectRngBcnFusion(); |
// determine when to perform fusion of magnetometer measurements |
void SelectMagFusion(); |
// determine when to perform fusion of true airspeed measurements |
void SelectTasFusion(); |
// determine when to perform fusion of drag or synthetic sideslip measurements |
void SelectBetaDragFusion(); |
// force alignment of the yaw angle using GPS velocity data |
void realignYawGPS(); |
// initialise the earth magnetic field states using declination and current attitude and magnetometer measurements |
// align the yaw angle for the quaternion states to the given yaw angle which should be at the fusion horizon |
void alignYawAngle(const yaw_elements &yawAngData); |
// update mag field states and associated variances using magnetomer and declination data |
void resetMagFieldStates(); |
// reset yaw based on magnetic field sample |
void setYawFromMag(); |
// zero stored variables |
void InitialiseVariables(); |
// zero stored variables related to mag |
void InitialiseVariablesMag(); |
// reset the horizontal position states uing the last GPS measurement |
void ResetPosition(resetDataSource posResetSource); |
// reset the stateStruct's NE position to the specified position |
void ResetPositionNE(ftype posN, ftype posE); |
// reset the stateStruct's D position |
void ResetPositionD(ftype posD); |
// reset velocity states using the last GPS measurement |
void ResetVelocity(resetDataSource velResetSource); |
// reset the vertical position state using the last height measurement |
void ResetHeight(void); |
// return true if we should use the airspeed sensor |
bool useAirspeed(void) const; |
// return true if the vehicle code has requested the filter to be ready for flight |
bool readyToUseGPS(void) const; |
// return true if the filter to be ready to use the beacon range measurements |
bool readyToUseRangeBeacon(void) const; |
// Check for filter divergence |
void checkDivergence(void); |
// Calculate weighting that is applied to IMU1 accel data to blend data from IMU's 1 and 2 |
void calcIMU_Weighting(ftype K1, ftype K2); |
// return true if the filter is ready to start using optical flow measurements for position and velocity estimation |
bool readyToUseOptFlow(void) const; |
// return true if the filter is ready to start using body frame odometry measurements |
bool readyToUseBodyOdm(void) const; |
// return true if the filter to be ready to use external nav data |
bool readyToUseExtNav(void) const; |
// return true if we should use the range finder sensor |
bool useRngFinder(void) const; |
// determine when to perform fusion of optical flow measurements |
void SelectFlowFusion(); |
// determine when to perform fusion of body frame odometry measurements |
void SelectBodyOdomFusion(); |
// Estimate terrain offset using a single state EKF |
void EstimateTerrainOffset(const of_elements &ofDataDelayed); |
// fuse optical flow measurements into the main filter |
void FuseOptFlow(const of_elements &ofDataDelayed); |
// Control filter mode changes |
void controlFilterModes(); |
// Determine if we are flying or on the ground |
void detectFlight(); |
// Set inertial navigation aiding mode |
void setAidingMode(); |
// Determine if learning of wind and magnetic field will be enabled and set corresponding indexing limits to |
// avoid unnecessary operations |
void setWindMagStateLearningMode(); |
// Check the alignmnent status of the tilt attitude |
// Used during initial bootstrap alignment of the filter |
void checkAttitudeAlignmentStatus(); |
// Control reset of yaw and magnetic field states |
void controlMagYawReset(); |
// set the latitude and longitude and height used to set the NED origin |
// All NED positions calculated by the filter will be relative to this location |
// returns false if the origin has already been set |
bool setOrigin(const Location &loc); |
// Assess GPS data quality and set gpsGoodToAlign |
void calcGpsGoodToAlign(void); |
// set the class variable true if the delta angle bias variances are sufficiently small |
void checkGyroCalStatus(void); |
// update inflight calculaton that determines if GPS data is good enough for reliable navigation |
void calcGpsGoodForFlight(void); |
// Read the range finder and take new measurements if available |
// Apply a median filter to range finder data |
void readRangeFinder(); |
// check if the vehicle has taken off during optical flow navigation by looking at inertial and range finder data |
void detectOptFlowTakeoff(void); |
// align the NE earth magnetic field states with the published declination |
void alignMagStateDeclination(); |
// Fuse compass measurements using a direct yaw angle observation (doesn't require magnetic field states) |
// Returns true if the fusion was successful |
bool fuseEulerYaw(yawFusionMethod method); |
// return the best Tait-Bryan rotation order to use |
void bestRotationOrder(rotationOrder &order); |
// Fuse declination angle to keep earth field declination from changing when we don't have earth relative observations. |
// Input is 1-sigma uncertainty in published declination |
void FuseDeclination(ftype declErr); |
// return magnetic declination in radians |
ftype MagDeclination(void) const; |
// Propagate PVA solution forward from the fusion time horizon to the current time horizon |
// using a simple observer |
void calcOutputStates(); |
// calculate a filtered offset between baro height measurement and EKF height estimate |
void calcFiltBaroOffset(); |
// correct the height of the EKF origin to be consistent with GPS Data using a Bayes filter. |
void correctEkfOriginHeight(); |
// Select height data to be fused from the available baro, range finder and GPS sources |
void selectHeightForFusion(); |
// zero attitude state covariances, but preserve variances |
void zeroAttCovOnly(); |
// record a yaw reset event |
void recordYawReset(); |
// record a magnetic field state reset event |
void recordMagReset(); |
// effective value of MAG_CAL |
MagCal effective_magCal(void) const; |
// calculate the tilt error variance |
void calcTiltErrorVariance(void); |
// calculate the tilt error variance using an alternative numerical difference technique |
// and log with value generated by NavEKF3_core::calcTiltErrorVariance() |
void verifyTiltErrorVariance(); |
#endif |
// update timing statistics structure |
void updateTimingStatistics(void); |
// Update the state index limit based on which states are active |
void updateStateIndexLim(void); |
// correct GPS data for antenna position |
void CorrectGPSForAntennaOffset(gps_elements &gps_data) const; |
// correct external navigation earth-frame position using sensor body-frame offset |
void CorrectExtNavForSensorOffset(ext_nav_elements &ext_nav_data); |
// correct external navigation earth-frame velocity using sensor body-frame offset |
void CorrectExtNavVelForSensorOffset(ext_nav_vel_elements &ext_nav_vel_data) const; |
// calculate velocity variances and innovations |
// Scale factor applied to NE velocity measurement variance due to manoeuvre acceleration |
// Scale factor applied to vertical velocity measurement variance due to manoeuvre acceleration |
// variances argument is updated with variances for each axis |
void CalculateVelInnovationsAndVariances(const Vector3F &velocity, ftype noise, ftype accel_scale, Vector3F &innovations, Vector3F &variances) const; |
// Runs the IMU prediction step for an independent GSF yaw estimator algorithm |
// that uses IMU, GPS horizontal velocity and optionally true airspeed data. |
void runYawEstimatorPrediction(void); |
// Run the GPS velocity correction step for the GSF yaw estimator and use the |
// yaw estimate to reset the main EKF yaw if requested |
void runYawEstimatorCorrection(void); |
// reset the quaternion states using the supplied yaw angle, maintaining the previous roll and pitch |
// also reset the body to nav frame rotation matrix |
// reset the quaternion state covariances using the supplied yaw variance |
// yaw : new yaw angle (rad) |
// yaw_variance : variance of new yaw angle (rad^2) |
// order : enum defining Tait-Bryan rotation order used in calculation of the yaw angle |
void resetQuatStateYawOnly(ftype yaw, ftype yawVariance, rotationOrder order); |
// attempt to reset the yaw to the EKF-GSF value |
// emergency_reset should be true if this reset is triggered by the loss of the yaw estimate |
// returns false if unsuccessful |
bool EKFGSF_resetMainFilterYaw(bool emergency_reset); |
// returns true on success and populates yaw (in radians) and yawVariance (rad^2) |
bool EKFGSF_getYaw(ftype &yaw, ftype &yawVariance) const; |
// Fusion of body frame X and Y axis drag specific forces for multi-rotor wind estimation |
void FuseDragForces(); |
void SelectDragFusion(); |
void SampleDragData(const imu_elements &imu); |
bool getGPSLLH(struct Location &loc) const; |
// Variables |
bool statesInitialised; // boolean true when filter states have been initialised |
bool magHealth; // boolean true if magnetometer has passed innovation consistency check |
bool velTimeout; // boolean true if velocity measurements have failed innovation consistency check and timed out |
bool posTimeout; // boolean true if position measurements have failed innovation consistency check and timed out |
bool hgtTimeout; // boolean true if height measurements have failed innovation consistency check and timed out |
bool magTimeout; // boolean true if magnetometer measurements have failed for too long and have timed out |
bool tasTimeout; // boolean true if true airspeed measurements have failed for too long and have timed out |
bool badIMUdata; // boolean true if the bad IMU data is detected |
uint32_t badIMUdata_ms; // time stamp bad IMU data was last detected |
uint32_t goodIMUdata_ms; // time stamp good IMU data was last detected |
uint32_t vertVelVarClipCounter; // counter used to control reset of vertical velocity variance following collapse against the lower limit |
ftype gpsNoiseScaler; // Used to scale the GPS measurement noise and consistency gates to compensate for operation with small satellite counts |
Matrix24 P; // covariance matrix |
EKF_IMU_buffer_t<imu_elements> storedIMU; // IMU data buffer |
EKF_obs_buffer_t<gps_elements> storedGPS; // GPS data buffer |
EKF_obs_buffer_t<mag_elements> storedMag; // Magnetometer data buffer |
EKF_obs_buffer_t<baro_elements> storedBaro; // Baro data buffer |
EKF_obs_buffer_t<tas_elements> storedTAS; // TAS data buffer |
EKF_obs_buffer_t<range_elements> storedRange; // Range finder data buffer |
EKF_IMU_buffer_t<output_elements> storedOutput;// output state buffer |
Matrix3F prevTnb; // previous nav to body transformation used for INS earth rotation compensation |
ftype accNavMag; // magnitude of navigation accel - used to adjust GPS obs variance (m/s^2) |
ftype accNavMagHoriz; // magnitude of navigation accel in horizontal plane (m/s^2) |
Vector3F earthRateNED; // earths angular rate vector in NED (rad/s) |
ftype dtIMUavg; // expected time between IMU measurements (sec) |
ftype dtEkfAvg; // expected time between EKF updates (sec) |
ftype dt; // time lapsed since the last covariance prediction (sec) |
ftype hgtRate; // state for rate of change of height filter |
bool onGround; // true when the flight vehicle is definitely on the ground |
bool prevOnGround; // value of onGround from previous frame - used to detect transition |
bool inFlight; // true when the vehicle is definitely flying |
bool prevInFlight; // value inFlight from previous frame - used to detect transition |
bool manoeuvring; // boolean true when the flight vehicle is performing horizontal changes in velocity |
Vector6 innovVelPos; // innovation output for a group of measurements |
Vector6 varInnovVelPos; // innovation variance output for a group of measurements |
Vector6 velPosObs; // observations for combined velocity and positon group of measurements (3x1 m , 3x1 m/s) |
bool fuseVelData; // this boolean causes the velNED measurements to be fused |
bool fusePosData; // this boolean causes the posNE measurements to be fused |
bool fuseHgtData; // this boolean causes the hgtMea measurements to be fused |
Vector3F innovMag; // innovation output from fusion of X,Y,Z compass measurements |
Vector3F varInnovMag; // innovation variance output from fusion of X,Y,Z compass measurements |
ftype innovVtas; // innovation output from fusion of airspeed measurements |
ftype varInnovVtas; // innovation variance output from fusion of airspeed measurements |
ftype defaultAirSpeed; // default equivalent airspeed in m/s to be used if the measurement is unavailable. Do not use if not positive. |
ftype defaultAirSpeedVariance; // default equivalent airspeed variance in (m/s)**2 to be used when defaultAirSpeed is specified. |
bool magFusePerformed; // boolean set to true when magnetometer fusion has been perfomred in that time step |
MagCal effectiveMagCal; // the actual mag calibration being used as the default |
uint32_t prevTasStep_ms; // time stamp of last TAS fusion step |
uint32_t prevBetaDragStep_ms; // time stamp of last synthetic sideslip fusion step |
ftype innovBeta; // synthetic sideslip innovation (rad) |
uint32_t lastMagUpdate_us; // last time compass was updated in usec |
uint32_t lastMagRead_ms; // last time compass data was successfully read |
Vector3F velDotNED; // rate of change of velocity in NED frame |
Vector3F velDotNEDfilt; // low pass filtered velDotNED |
uint32_t imuSampleTime_ms; // time that the last IMU value was taken |
bool tasDataToFuse; // true when new airspeed data is waiting to be fused |
uint32_t lastBaroReceived_ms; // time last time we received baro height data |
uint16_t hgtRetryTime_ms; // time allowed without use of height measurements before a height timeout is declared |
uint32_t lastVelPassTime_ms; // time stamp when GPS velocity measurement last passed innovation consistency check (msec) |
uint32_t lastPosPassTime_ms; // time stamp when GPS position measurement last passed innovation consistency check (msec) |
uint32_t lastHgtPassTime_ms; // time stamp when height measurement last passed innovation consistency check (msec) |
uint32_t lastTasPassTime_ms; // time stamp when airspeed measurement last passed innovation consistency check (msec) |
uint32_t lastTimeGpsReceived_ms;// last time we received GPS data |
uint32_t timeAtLastAuxEKF_ms; // last time the auxiliary filter was run to fuse range or optical flow measurements |
uint32_t lastHealthyMagTime_ms; // time the magnetometer was last declared healthy |
bool allMagSensorsFailed; // true if all magnetometer sensors have timed out on this flight and we are no longer using magnetometer data |
uint32_t lastSynthYawTime_ms; // time stamp when yaw observation was last fused (msec) |
uint32_t ekfStartTime_ms; // time the EKF was started (msec) |
Vector2F lastKnownPositionNE; // last known position |
uint32_t lastLaunchAccelTime_ms; |
ftype velTestRatio; // sum of squares of GPS velocity innovation divided by fail threshold |
ftype posTestRatio; // sum of squares of GPS position innovation divided by fail threshold |
ftype hgtTestRatio; // sum of squares of baro height innovation divided by fail threshold |
Vector3F magTestRatio; // sum of squares of magnetometer innovations divided by fail threshold |
ftype tasTestRatio; // sum of squares of true airspeed innovation divided by fail threshold |
bool inhibitWindStates; // true when wind states and covariances are to remain constant |
bool windStatesAligned; // true when wind states have been aligned |
bool inhibitMagStates; // true when magnetic field states are inactive |
bool lastInhibitMagStates; // previous inhibitMagStates |
bool needMagBodyVarReset; // we need to reset mag body variances at next CovariancePrediction |
bool needEarthBodyVarReset; // we need to reset mag earth variances at next CovariancePrediction |
bool inhibitDelAngBiasStates; // true when IMU delta angle bias states are inactive |
bool gpsNotAvailable; // bool true when valid GPS data is not available |
struct Location EKF_origin; // LLH origin of the NED axis system, internal only |
struct Location &public_origin; // LLH origin of the NED axis system, public functions |
bool validOrigin; // true when the EKF origin is valid |
ftype gpsSpdAccuracy; // estimated speed accuracy in m/s returned by the GPS receiver |
ftype gpsPosAccuracy; // estimated position accuracy in m returned by the GPS receiver |
ftype gpsHgtAccuracy; // estimated height accuracy in m returned by the GPS receiver |
uint32_t lastGpsVelFail_ms; // time of last GPS vertical velocity consistency check fail |
uint32_t lastGpsVelPass_ms; // time of last GPS vertical velocity consistency check pass |
uint32_t lastGpsAidBadTime_ms; // time in msec gps aiding was last detected to be bad |
ftype posDownAtTakeoff; // flight vehicle vertical position sampled at transition from on-ground to in-air and used as a reference (m) |
bool useGpsVertVel; // true if GPS vertical velocity should be used |
ftype yawResetAngle; // Change in yaw angle due to last in-flight yaw reset in radians. A positive value means the yaw angle has increased. |
uint32_t lastYawReset_ms; // System time at which the last yaw reset occurred. Returned by getLastYawResetAngle |
bool tiltAlignComplete; // true when tilt alignment is complete |
bool yawAlignComplete; // true when yaw alignment is complete |
bool magStateInitComplete; // true when the magnetic field states have been initialised |
uint8_t stateIndexLim; // Max state index used during matrix and array operations |
imu_elements imuDataDelayed; // IMU data at the fusion time horizon |
imu_elements imuDataNew; // IMU data at the current time horizon |
imu_elements imuDataDownSampledNew; // IMU data at the current time horizon that has been downsampled to a 100Hz rate |
QuaternionF imuQuatDownSampleNew; // Quaternion obtained by rotating through the IMU delta angles since the start of the current down sampled frame |
baro_elements baroDataNew; // Baro data at the current time horizon |
baro_elements baroDataDelayed; // Baro data at the fusion time horizon |
range_elements rangeDataNew; // Range finder data at the current time horizon |
range_elements rangeDataDelayed;// Range finder data at the fusion time horizon |
tas_elements tasDataNew; // TAS data at the current time horizon |
tas_elements tasDataDelayed; // TAS data at the fusion time horizon |
bool usingDefaultAirspeed; // true when a default airspeed is being used instead of a measured value |
mag_elements magDataDelayed; // Magnetometer data at the fusion time horizon |
gps_elements gpsDataNew; // GPS data at the current time horizon |
gps_elements gpsDataDelayed; // GPS data at the fusion time horizon |
uint8_t last_gps_idx; // sensor ID of the GPS receiver used for the last fusion or reset |
output_elements outputDataNew; // output state data at the current time step |
output_elements outputDataDelayed; // output state data at the current time step |
Vector3F delAngCorrection; // correction applied to delta angles used by output observer to track the EKF |
Vector3F velErrintegral; // integral of output predictor NED velocity tracking error (m) |
Vector3F posErrintegral; // integral of output predictor NED position tracking error (m.sec) |
ftype innovYaw; // compass yaw angle innovation (rad) |
uint32_t timeTasReceived_ms; // time last TAS data was received (msec) |
bool gpsGoodToAlign; // true when the GPS quality can be used to initialise the navigation system |
uint32_t magYawResetTimer_ms; // timer in msec used to track how long good magnetometer data is failing innovation consistency checks |
bool consistentMagData; // true when the magnetometers are passing consistency checks |
bool motorsArmed; // true when the motors have been armed |
bool prevMotorsArmed; // value of motorsArmed from previous frame |
bool posVelFusionDelayed; // true when the position and velocity fusion has been delayed |
bool optFlowFusionDelayed; // true when the optical flow fusion has been delayed |
bool airSpdFusionDelayed; // true when the air speed fusion has been delayed |
bool sideSlipFusionDelayed; // true when the sideslip fusion has been delayed |
bool airDataFusionWindOnly; // true when sideslip and airspeed fusion is only allowed to modify the wind states |
Vector3F lastMagOffsets; // Last magnetometer offsets from COMPASS_ parameters. Used to detect parameter changes. |
bool lastMagOffsetsValid; // True when lastMagOffsets has been initialized |
Vector2F posResetNE; // Change in North/East position due to last in-flight reset in metres. Returned by getLastPosNorthEastReset |
uint32_t lastPosReset_ms; // System time at which the last position reset occurred. Returned by getLastPosNorthEastReset |
Vector2F velResetNE; // Change in North/East velocity due to last in-flight reset in metres/sec. Returned by getLastVelNorthEastReset |
uint32_t lastVelReset_ms; // System time at which the last velocity reset occurred. Returned by getLastVelNorthEastReset |
ftype posResetD; // Change in Down position due to last in-flight reset in metres. Returned by getLastPosDowntReset |
uint32_t lastPosResetD_ms; // System time at which the last position reset occurred. Returned by getLastPosDownReset |
ftype yawTestRatio; // square of magnetometer yaw angle innovation divided by fail threshold |
QuaternionF prevQuatMagReset; // Quaternion from the last time the magnetic field state reset condition test was performed |
ftype hgtInnovFiltState; // state used for fitering of the height innovations used for pre-flight checks |
uint8_t magSelectIndex; // Index of the magnetometer that is being used by the EKF |
bool runUpdates; // boolean true when the EKF updates can be run |
uint32_t framesSincePredict; // number of frames lapsed since EKF instance did a state prediction |
bool startPredictEnabled; // boolean true when the frontend has given permission to start a new state prediciton cycle |
uint8_t localFilterTimeStep_ms; // average number of msec between filter updates |
ftype posDownObsNoise; // observation noise variance on the vertical position used by the state and covariance update step (m^2) |
Vector3F delAngCorrected; // corrected IMU delta angle vector at the EKF time horizon (rad) |
Vector3F delVelCorrected; // corrected IMU delta velocity vector at the EKF time horizon (m/s) |
bool magFieldLearned; // true when the magnetic field has been learned |
uint32_t wasLearningCompass_ms; // time when we were last waiting for compass learn to complete |
Vector3F earthMagFieldVar; // NED earth mag field variances for last learned field (mGauss^2) |
Vector3F bodyMagFieldVar; // XYZ body mag field variances for last learned field (mGauss^2) |
bool delAngBiasLearned; // true when the gyro bias has been learned |
nav_filter_status filterStatus; // contains the status of various filter outputs |
ftype ekfOriginHgtVar; // Variance of the EKF WGS-84 origin height estimate (m^2) |
double ekfGpsRefHgt; // floating point representation of the WGS-84 reference height used to convert GPS height to local height (m) |
uint32_t lastOriginHgtTime_ms; // last time the ekf's WGS-84 origin height was corrected |
Vector3F outputTrackError; // attitude (rad), velocity (m/s) and position (m) tracking error magnitudes from the output observer |
Vector3F velOffsetNED; // This adds to the earth frame velocity estimate at the IMU to give the velocity at the body origin (m/s) |
Vector3F posOffsetNED; // This adds to the earth frame position estimate at the IMU to give the position at the body origin (m) |
uint32_t firstInitTime_ms; // First time the initialise function was called (msec) |
uint32_t lastInitFailReport_ms; // Last time the buffer initialisation failure report was sent (msec) |
ftype tiltErrorVariance; // variance of the angular uncertainty measured perpendicular to the vertical (rad^2) |
// variables used to calculate a vertical velocity that is kinematically consistent with the vertical position |
struct { |
ftype pos; |
ftype vel; |
ftype acc; |
} vertCompFiltState; |
// variables used by the pre-initialisation GPS checks |
struct Location gpsloc_prev; // LLH location of previous GPS measurement |
uint32_t lastPreAlignGpsCheckTime_ms; // last time in msec the GPS quality was checked during pre alignment checks |
ftype gpsDriftNE; // amount of drift detected in the GPS position during pre-flight GPs checks |
ftype gpsVertVelFilt; // amount of filtered vertical GPS velocity detected during pre-flight GPS checks |
ftype gpsHorizVelFilt; // amount of filtered horizontal GPS velocity detected during pre-flight GPS checks |
// variable used by the in-flight GPS quality check |
bool gpsSpdAccPass; // true when reported GPS speed accuracy passes in-flight checks |
bool ekfInnovationsPass; // true when GPS innovations pass in-flight checks |
ftype sAccFilterState1; // state variable for LPF applied to reported GPS speed accuracy |
ftype sAccFilterState2; // state variable for peak hold filter applied to reported GPS speed |
uint32_t lastGpsCheckTime_ms; // last time in msec the GPS quality was checked |
uint32_t lastInnovPassTime_ms; // last time in msec the GPS innovations passed |
uint32_t lastInnovFailTime_ms; // last time in msec the GPS innovations failed |
bool gpsAccuracyGood; // true when the GPS accuracy is considered to be good enough for safe flight. |
Vector3F gpsVelInnov; // gps velocity innovations |
Vector3F gpsVelVarInnov; // gps velocity innovation variances |
uint32_t gpsVelInnovTime_ms; // system time that gps velocity innovations were recorded (to detect timeouts) |
// variables added for optical flow fusion |
EKF_obs_buffer_t<of_elements> storedOF; // OF data buffer |
of_elements ofDataNew; // OF data at the current time horizon |
bool flowDataValid; // true while optical flow data is still fresh |
Vector2F auxFlowObsInnov; // optical flow rate innovation from 1-state terrain offset estimator |
uint32_t flowValidMeaTime_ms; // time stamp from latest valid flow measurement (msec) |
uint32_t rngValidMeaTime_ms; // time stamp from latest valid range measurement (msec) |
uint32_t flowMeaTime_ms; // time stamp from latest flow measurement (msec) |
uint32_t gndHgtValidTime_ms; // time stamp from last terrain offset state update (msec) |
Matrix3F Tbn_flow; // transformation matrix from body to nav axes at the middle of the optical flow sample period |
Vector2 varInnovOptFlow; // optical flow innovations variances (rad/sec)^2 |
Vector2 innovOptFlow; // optical flow LOS innovations (rad/sec) |
ftype Popt; // Optical flow terrain height state covariance (m^2) |
ftype terrainState; // terrain position state (m) |
ftype prevPosN; // north position at last measurement |
ftype prevPosE; // east position at last measurement |
ftype varInnovRng; // range finder observation innovation variance (m^2) |
ftype innovRng; // range finder observation innovation (m) |
ftype hgtMea; // height measurement derived from either baro, gps or range finder data (m) |
bool inhibitGndState; // true when the terrain position state is to remain constant |
uint32_t prevFlowFuseTime_ms; // time both flow measurement components passed their innovation consistency checks |
Vector2 flowTestRatio; // square of optical flow innovations divided by fail threshold used by main filter where >1.0 is a fail |
Vector2F auxFlowTestRatio; // sum of squares of optical flow innovation divided by fail threshold used by 1-state terrain offset estimator |
ftype R_LOS; // variance of optical flow rate measurements (rad/sec)^2 |
ftype auxRngTestRatio; // square of range finder innovations divided by fail threshold used by main filter where >1.0 is a fail |
Vector2F flowGyroBias; // bias error of optical flow sensor gyro output |
bool rangeDataToFuse; // true when valid range finder height data has arrived at the fusion time horizon. |
bool baroDataToFuse; // true when valid baro height finder data has arrived at the fusion time horizon. |
bool gpsDataToFuse; // true when valid GPS data has arrived at the fusion time horizon. |
bool magDataToFuse; // true when valid magnetometer data has arrived at the fusion time horizon |
enum AidingMode {AID_ABSOLUTE=0, // GPS or some other form of absolute position reference aiding is being used (optical flow may also be used in parallel) so position estimates are absolute. |
AID_NONE=1, // no aiding is being used so only attitude and height estimates are available. Either constVelMode or constPosMode must be used to constrain tilt drift. |
AID_RELATIVE=2 // only optical flow aiding is being used so position estimates will be relative |
}; |
AidingMode PV_AidingMode; // Defines the preferred mode for aiding of velocity and position estimates from the INS |
AidingMode PV_AidingModePrev; // Value of PV_AidingMode from the previous frame - used to detect transitions |
bool gndOffsetValid; // true when the ground offset state can still be considered valid |
Vector3F delAngBodyOF; // bias corrected delta angle of the vehicle IMU measured summed across the time since the last OF measurement |
ftype delTimeOF; // time that delAngBodyOF is summed across |
bool flowFusionActive; // true when optical flow fusion is active |
Vector3F accelPosOffset; // position of IMU accelerometer unit in body frame (m) |
// Range finder |
ftype baroHgtOffset; // offset applied when when switching to use of Baro height |
ftype rngOnGnd; // Expected range finder reading in metres when vehicle is on ground |
ftype storedRngMeas[2][3]; // Ringbuffer of stored range measurements for dual range sensors |
uint32_t storedRngMeasTime_ms[2][3]; // Ringbuffers of stored range measurement times for dual range sensors |
uint32_t lastRngMeasTime_ms; // Timestamp of last range measurement |
uint8_t rngMeasIndex[2]; // Current range measurement ringbuffer index for dual range sensors |
bool terrainHgtStable; // true when the terrain height is stable enough to be used as a height reference |
// body frame odometry fusion |
EKF_obs_buffer_t<vel_odm_elements> storedBodyOdm; // body velocity data buffer |
vel_odm_elements bodyOdmDataNew; // Body frame odometry data at the current time horizon |
vel_odm_elements bodyOdmDataDelayed; // Body frame odometry data at the fusion time horizon |
#endif |
uint32_t lastbodyVelPassTime_ms; // time stamp when the body velocity measurement last passed innovation consistency checks (msec) |
Vector3 bodyVelTestRatio; // Innovation test ratios for body velocity XYZ measurements |
Vector3 varInnovBodyVel; // Body velocity XYZ innovation variances (m/sec)^2 |
Vector3 innovBodyVel; // Body velocity XYZ innovations (m/sec) |
uint32_t prevBodyVelFuseTime_ms; // previous time all body velocity measurement components passed their innovation consistency checks (msec) |
uint32_t bodyOdmMeasTime_ms; // time body velocity measurements were accepted for input to the data buffer (msec) |
bool bodyVelFusionDelayed; // true when body frame velocity fusion has been delayed |
bool bodyVelFusionActive; // true when body frame velocity fusion is active |
// wheel sensor fusion |
EKF_obs_buffer_t<wheel_odm_elements> storedWheelOdm; // body velocity data buffer |
wheel_odm_elements wheelOdmDataDelayed; // Body frame odometry data at the fusion time horizon |
#endif |
// GPS yaw sensor fusion |
uint32_t yawMeasTime_ms; // system time GPS yaw angle was last input to the data buffer |
EKF_obs_buffer_t<yaw_elements> storedYawAng; // GPS yaw angle buffer |
yaw_elements yawAngDataNew; // GPS yaw angle at the current time horizon |
yaw_elements yawAngDataDelayed; // GPS yaw angle at the fusion time horizon |
yaw_elements yawAngDataStatic; // yaw angle (regardless of yaw source) when the vehicle was last on ground and not moving |
// Range Beacon Sensor Fusion |
EKF_obs_buffer_t<rng_bcn_elements> storedRangeBeacon; // Beacon range buffer |
rng_bcn_elements rngBcnDataDelayed; // Range beacon data at the fusion time horizon |
uint32_t lastRngBcnPassTime_ms; // time stamp when the range beacon measurement last passed innovation consistency checks (msec) |
ftype rngBcnTestRatio; // Innovation test ratio for range beacon measurements |
bool rngBcnHealth; // boolean true if range beacon measurements have passed innovation consistency check |
ftype varInnovRngBcn; // range beacon observation innovation variance (m^2) |
ftype innovRngBcn; // range beacon observation innovation (m) |
uint32_t lastTimeRngBcn_ms[4]; // last time we received a range beacon measurement (msec) |
bool rngBcnDataToFuse; // true when there is new range beacon data to fuse |
Vector3F beaconVehiclePosNED; // NED position estimate from the beacon system (NED) |
ftype beaconVehiclePosErr; // estimated position error from the beacon system (m) |
uint32_t rngBcnLast3DmeasTime_ms; // last time the beacon system returned a 3D fix (msec) |
bool rngBcnGoodToAlign; // true when the range beacon systems 3D fix can be used to align the filter |
uint8_t lastRngBcnChecked; // index of the last range beacon checked for data |
Vector3F receiverPos; // receiver NED position (m) - alignment 3 state filter |
ftype receiverPosCov[3][3]; // Receiver position covariance (m^2) - alignment 3 state filter ( |
bool rngBcnAlignmentStarted; // True when the initial position alignment using range measurements has started |
bool rngBcnAlignmentCompleted; // True when the initial position alignment using range measurements has finished |
uint8_t lastBeaconIndex; // Range beacon index last read - used during initialisation of the 3-state filter |
Vector3F rngBcnPosSum; // Sum of range beacon NED position (m) - used during initialisation of the 3-state filter |
uint8_t numBcnMeas; // Number of beacon measurements - used during initialisation of the 3-state filter |
ftype rngSum; // Sum of range measurements (m) - used during initialisation of the 3-state filter |
uint8_t N_beacons; // Number of range beacons in use |
ftype maxBcnPosD; // maximum position of all beacons in the down direction (m) |
ftype minBcnPosD; // minimum position of all beacons in the down direction (m) |
bool usingMinHypothesis; // true when the min beacon constellation offset hypothesis is being used |
ftype bcnPosDownOffsetMax; // Vertical position offset of the beacon constellation origin relative to the EKF origin (m) |
ftype bcnPosOffsetMaxVar; // Variance of the bcnPosDownOffsetMax state (m) |
ftype maxOffsetStateChangeFilt; // Filtered magnitude of the change in bcnPosOffsetHigh |
ftype bcnPosDownOffsetMin; // Vertical position offset of the beacon constellation origin relative to the EKF origin (m) |
ftype bcnPosOffsetMinVar; // Variance of the bcnPosDownOffsetMin state (m) |
ftype minOffsetStateChangeFilt; // Filtered magnitude of the change in bcnPosOffsetLow |
Vector3F bcnPosOffsetNED; // NED position of the beacon origin in earth frame (m) |
bool bcnOriginEstInit; // True when the beacon origin has been initialised |
// Range Beacon Fusion Debug Reporting |
uint8_t rngBcnFuseDataReportIndex;// index of range beacon fusion data last reported |
struct rngBcnFusionReport_t { |
ftype rng; // measured range to beacon (m) |
ftype innov; // range innovation (m) |
ftype innovVar; // innovation variance (m^2) |
ftype testRatio; // innovation consistency test ratio |
Vector3F beaconPosNED; // beacon NED position |
} *rngBcnFusionReport; |
// drag fusion for multicopter wind estimation |
EKF_obs_buffer_t<drag_elements> storedDrag; |
drag_elements dragSampleDelayed; |
drag_elements dragDownSampled; // down sampled from filter prediction rate to observation rate |
uint8_t dragSampleCount; // number of drag specific force samples accumulated at the filter prediction rate |
ftype dragSampleTimeDelta; // time integral across all samples used to form _drag_down_sampled (sec) |
Vector2F innovDrag; // multirotor drag measurement innovation (m/sec**2) |
Vector2F innovDragVar; // multirotor drag measurement innovation variance ((m/sec**2)**2) |
Vector2F dragTestRatio; // drag innovation consistency check ratio |
#endif |
bool dragFusionEnabled; |
// height source selection logic |
AP_NavEKF_Source::SourceZ activeHgtSource; // active height source |
AP_NavEKF_Source::SourceZ prevHgtSource; // previous height source used to detect changes in source |
// Movement detector |
bool takeOffDetected; // true when takeoff for optical flow navigation has been detected |
ftype rngAtStartOfFlight; // range finder measurement at start of flight |
uint32_t timeAtArming_ms; // time in msec that the vehicle armed |
// baro ground effect |
ftype meaHgtAtTakeOff; // height measured at commencement of takeoff |
// control of post takeoff magnetic field and heading resets |
bool finalInflightYawInit; // true when the final post takeoff initialisation of yaw angle has been performed |
uint8_t magYawAnomallyCount; // Number of times the yaw has been reset due to a magnetic anomaly during initial ascent |
bool finalInflightMagInit; // true when the final post takeoff initialisation of magnetic field states been performed |
bool magStateResetRequest; // true if magnetic field states need to be reset using the magnetomter measurements |
bool magYawResetRequest; // true if the vehicle yaw and magnetic field states need to be reset using the magnetometer measurements |
bool gpsYawResetRequest; // true if the vehicle yaw needs to be reset to the GPS course |
ftype posDownAtLastMagReset; // vertical position last time the mag states were reset (m) |
ftype yawInnovAtLastMagReset; // magnetic yaw innovation last time the yaw and mag field states were reset (rad) |
QuaternionF quatAtLastMagReset; // quaternion states last time the mag states were reset |
// Used by on ground movement check required when operating on ground without a yaw reference |
ftype gyro_diff; // filtered gyro difference (rad/s) |
ftype accel_diff; // filtered acceerometer difference (m/s/s) |
Vector3F gyro_prev; // gyro vector from previous time step (rad/s) |
Vector3F accel_prev; // accelerometer vector from previous time step (m/s/s) |
bool onGroundNotMoving; // true when on the ground and not moving |
uint32_t lastMoveCheckLogTime_ms; // last time the movement check data was logged (msec) |
// variables used to inhibit accel bias learning |
bool inhibitDelVelBiasStates; // true when all IMU delta velocity bias states are de-activated |
bool dvelBiasAxisInhibit[3] {}; // true when IMU delta velocity bias states for a specific axis is de-activated |
Vector3F dvelBiasAxisVarPrev; // saved delta velocity XYZ bias variances (m/sec)**2 |
// external navigation fusion |
EKF_obs_buffer_t<ext_nav_elements> storedExtNav; // external navigation data buffer |
ext_nav_elements extNavDataDelayed; // External nav at the fusion time horizon |
uint32_t extNavMeasTime_ms; // time external measurements were accepted for input to the data buffer (msec) |
uint32_t extNavLastPosResetTime_ms; // last time the external nav systen performed a position reset (msec) |
bool extNavDataToFuse; // true when there is new external nav data to fuse |
bool extNavUsedForPos; // true when the external nav data is being used as a position reference. |
EKF_obs_buffer_t<ext_nav_vel_elements> storedExtNavVel; // external navigation velocity data buffer |
ext_nav_vel_elements extNavVelDelayed; // external navigation velocity data at the fusion time horizon. Already corrected for sensor position |
uint32_t extNavVelMeasTime_ms; // time external navigation velocity measurements were accepted for input to the data buffer (msec) |
bool extNavVelToFuse; // true when there is new external navigation velocity to fuse |
Vector3F extNavVelInnov; // external nav velocity innovations |
Vector3F extNavVelVarInnov; // external nav velocity innovation variances |
uint32_t extNavVelInnovTime_ms; // system time that external nav velocity innovations were recorded (to detect timeouts) |
EKF_obs_buffer_t<yaw_elements> storedExtNavYawAng; // external navigation yaw angle buffer |
yaw_elements extNavYawAngDataDelayed; // external navigation yaw angle at the fusion time horizon |
uint32_t last_extnav_yaw_fusion_ms; // system time that external nav yaw was last fused |
bool useExtNavVel; // true if external nav velocity should be used |
// flags indicating severe numerical errors in innovation variance calculation for different fusion operations |
struct { |
bool bad_xmag:1; |
bool bad_ymag:1; |
bool bad_zmag:1; |
bool bad_airspeed:1; |
bool bad_sideslip:1; |
bool bad_nvel:1; |
bool bad_evel:1; |
bool bad_dvel:1; |
bool bad_npos:1; |
bool bad_epos:1; |
bool bad_dpos:1; |
bool bad_yaw:1; |
bool bad_decl:1; |
bool bad_xflow:1; |
bool bad_yflow:1; |
bool bad_rngbcn:1; |
bool bad_xvel:1; |
bool bad_yvel:1; |
bool bad_zvel:1; |
} faultStatus; |
// flags indicating which GPS quality checks are failing |
union { |
struct { |
bool bad_sAcc:1; |
bool bad_hAcc:1; |
bool bad_vAcc:1; |
bool bad_yaw:1; |
bool bad_sats:1; |
bool bad_VZ:1; |
bool bad_horiz_drift:1; |
bool bad_hdop:1; |
bool bad_vert_vel:1; |
bool bad_fix:1; |
bool bad_horiz_vel:1; |
}; |
uint16_t value; |
} gpsCheckStatus; |
// states held by magnetometer fusion across time steps |
// magnetometer X,Y,Z measurements are fused across three time steps |
// to level computational load as this is an expensive operation |
struct { |
ftype q0; |
ftype q1; |
ftype q2; |
ftype q3; |
ftype magN; |
ftype magE; |
ftype magD; |
ftype magXbias; |
ftype magYbias; |
ftype magZbias; |
Matrix3F DCM; |
Vector3F MagPred; |
ftype R_MAG; |
Vector9 SH_MAG; |
} mag_state; |
// string representing last reason for prearm failure |
char prearm_fail_string[40]; |
// earth field from WMM tables |
bool have_table_earth_field; // true when we have initialised table_earth_field_ga |
Vector3F table_earth_field_ga; // earth field from WMM tables |
ftype table_declination; // declination in radians from the tables |
// 1Hz update |
uint32_t last_oneHz_ms; |
void oneHzUpdate(void); |
// move EKF origin at 1Hz |
void moveEKFOrigin(void); |
// handle earth field updates |
void getEarthFieldTable(const Location &loc); |
void checkUpdateEarthField(void); |
// timing statistics |
struct ekf_timing timing; |
// when was attitude filter status last non-zero? |
uint32_t last_filter_ok_ms; |
// should we assume zero sideslip? |
bool assume_zero_sideslip(void) const; |
// vehicle specific initial gyro bias uncertainty |
ftype InitialGyroBiasUncertainty(void) const; |
/* |
learn magnetometer biases from GPS yaw. Return true if the |
resulting mag vector is close enough to the one predicted by GPS |
yaw to use it for fallback |
*/ |
bool learnMagBiasFromGPS(void); |
uint32_t last_gps_yaw_ms; // last time the EKF attempted to use the GPS yaw |
uint32_t last_gps_yaw_fuse_ms; // last time the EKF successfully fused the GPS yaw |
bool gps_yaw_mag_fallback_ok; |
bool gps_yaw_mag_fallback_active; |
uint8_t gps_yaw_fallback_good_counter; |
/* |
Update the on ground and not moving check. |
Should be called once per IMU update. |
Only updates when on ground and when operating with an external yaw sensor |
*/ |
void updateMovementCheck(void); |
// The following declarations are used to control when the main navigation filter resets it's yaw to the estimate provided by the GSF |
uint32_t EKFGSF_yaw_reset_ms; // timestamp of last emergency yaw reset (uSec) |
uint32_t EKFGSF_yaw_reset_request_ms; // timestamp of last emergency yaw reset request (uSec) |
uint8_t EKFGSF_yaw_reset_count; // number of emergency yaw resets performed |
bool EKFGSF_run_filterbank; // true when the filter bank is active |
uint8_t EKFGSF_yaw_valid_count; // number of updates since the last invalid yaw estimate |
// logging timestamps |
uint32_t lastLogTime_ms; |
uint32_t lastUpdateTime_ms; |
uint32_t lastEkfStateVarLogTime_ms; |
uint32_t lastTimingLogTime_ms; |
// bits in EK3_AFFINITY |
enum ekf_affinity { |
}; |
// update selected_sensors for this core |
void update_sensor_selection(void); |
void update_gps_selection(void); |
void update_mag_selection(void); |
void update_baro_selection(void); |
void update_airspeed_selection(void); |
// selected and preferred sensor instances. We separate selected |
// from preferred so that calcGpsGoodToAlign() can ensure the |
// preferred sensor is ready. Note that magSelectIndex is used for |
// compass selection |
uint8_t selected_gps; |
uint8_t preferred_gps; |
uint8_t selected_baro; |
uint8_t selected_airspeed; |
// source reset handling |
AP_NavEKF_Source::SourceXY posxy_source_last; // horizontal position source on previous iteration (used to detect a changes) |
bool posxy_source_reset; // true when the horizontal position source has changed but the position has not yet been reset |
AP_NavEKF_Source::SourceYaw yaw_source_last; // yaw source on previous iteration (used to detect a change) |
bool yaw_source_reset; // true when the yaw source has changed but the yaw has not yet been reset |
// logging functions shared by cores: |
void Log_Write_XKF1(uint64_t time_us) const; |
void Log_Write_XKF2(uint64_t time_us) const; |
void Log_Write_XKF3(uint64_t time_us) const; |
void Log_Write_XKF4(uint64_t time_us) const; |
void Log_Write_XKF5(uint64_t time_us) const; |
void Log_Write_XKFS(uint64_t time_us) const; |
void Log_Write_Quaternion(uint64_t time_us) const; |
void Log_Write_Beacon(uint64_t time_us); |
void Log_Write_BodyOdom(uint64_t time_us); |
void Log_Write_State_Variances(uint64_t time_us); |
void Log_Write_Timing(uint64_t time_us); |
void Log_Write_GSF(uint64_t time_us); |