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#!/usr/bin/env python |
from math import * |
from pymavlink.rotmat import Vector3, Matrix3 |
from numpy import linspace |
from visual import * |
class Quat: |
def __init__(self,w=1.0,x=0.0,y=0.0,z=0.0): |
self.w = w |
self.x = x |
self.y = y |
self.z = z |
def to_euler(self): |
roll = (atan2(2.0*(self.w*self.x + self.y*self.z), 1 - 2.0*(self.x*self.x + self.y*self.y))) |
pitch = asin(2.0*(self.w*self.y - self.z*self.x)) |
yaw = atan2(2.0*(self.w*self.z + self.x*self.y), 1 - 2.0*(self.y*self.y + self.z*self.z)) |
return Vector3(roll,pitch,yaw) |
def from_euler(self,euler): |
#(roll,pitch,yaw) |
cr2 = cos(euler[0]*0.5) |
cp2 = cos(euler[1]*0.5) |
cy2 = cos(euler[2]*0.5) |
sr2 = sin(euler[0]*0.5) |
sp2 = sin(euler[1]*0.5) |
sy2 = sin(euler[2]*0.5) |
self.w = cr2*cp2*cy2 + sr2*sp2*sy2 |
self.x = sr2*cp2*cy2 - cr2*sp2*sy2 |
self.y = cr2*sp2*cy2 + sr2*cp2*sy2 |
self.z = cr2*cp2*sy2 - sr2*sp2*cy2 |
return self |
def from_axis_angle(self, vec): |
theta = vec.length() |
if theta == 0: |
self.w = 1.0 |
self.x = 0.0 |
self.y = 0.0 |
self.z = 0.0 |
return |
vec_normalized = vec.normalized() |
st2 = sin(theta/2.0) |
self.w = cos(theta/2.0) |
self.x = vec_normalized.x * st2 |
self.y = vec_normalized.y * st2 |
self.z = vec_normalized.z * st2 |
def rotate(self, vec): |
r = Quat() |
r.from_axis_angle(vec) |
q = self * r |
self.w = q.w |
self.x = q.x |
self.y = q.y |
self.z = q.z |
def to_axis_angle(self): |
l = sqrt(self.x**2+self.y**2+self.z**2) |
(x,y,z) = (self.x,self.y,self.z) |
if l != 0: |
temp = 2.0*atan2(l,self.w) |
if temp > pi: |
temp -= 2*pi |
elif temp < -pi: |
temp += 2*pi |
(x,y,z) = (temp*x/l,temp*y/l,temp*z/l) |
return Vector3(x,y,z) |
def to_rotation_matrix(self): |
m = Matrix3() |
yy = self.y**2 |
yz = self.y * self.z |
xx = self.x**2 |
xy = self.x * self.y |
xz = self.x * self.z |
wx = self.w * self.x |
wy = self.w * self.y |
wz = self.w * self.z |
zz = self.z**2 |
m.a.x = 1.0-2.0*(yy + zz) |
m.a.y = 2.0*(xy - wz) |
m.a.z = 2.0*(xz + wy) |
m.b.x = 2.0*(xy + wz) |
m.b.y = 1.0-2.0*(xx + zz) |
m.b.z = 2.0*(yz - wx) |
m.c.x = 2.0*(xz - wy) |
m.c.y = 2.0*(yz + wx) |
m.c.z = 1.0-2.0*(xx + yy) |
return m |
def inverse(self): |
return Quat(self.w,-self.x,-self.y,-self.z) |
def __mul__(self,operand): |
ret = Quat() |
w1=self.w |
x1=self.x |
y1=self.y |
z1=self.z |
w2=operand.w |
x2=operand.x |
y2=operand.y |
z2=operand.z |
ret.w = w1*w2 - x1*x2 - y1*y2 - z1*z2 |
ret.x = w1*x2 + x1*w2 + y1*z2 - z1*y2 |
ret.y = w1*y2 - x1*z2 + y1*w2 + z1*x2 |
ret.z = w1*z2 + x1*y2 - y1*x2 + z1*w2 |
return ret |
def __str__(self): |
return "Quat(%f, %f, %f, %f)" % (self.w,self.x,self.y,self.z) |
def vpy_vec(vec): |
return vector(vec.y, -vec.z, -vec.x) |
def update_arrows(q,x,y,z): |
m = q.to_rotation_matrix().transposed() |
x.axis = vpy_vec(m*Vector3(1,0,0)) |
x.up = vpy_vec(m*Vector3(0,1,0)) |
y.axis = vpy_vec(m*Vector3(0,1,0)) |
y.up = vpy_vec(m*Vector3(1,0,0)) |
z.axis = vpy_vec(m*Vector3(0,0,1)) |
z.up = vpy_vec(m*Vector3(1,0,0)) |
class Attitude: |
def __init__(self,reference=False): |
self.labels = [] |
self.xarrows = [] |
self.yarrows = [] |
self.zarrows = [] |
self.q = Quat() |
self.reference = reference |
self.update_arrows() |
def add_arrows(self, arrowpos = Vector3(0,0,0), labeltext=None): |
if labeltext is not None: |
self.labels.append(label(pos = vpy_vec(arrowpos), text=labeltext)) |
sw = .005 if self.reference else .05 |
self.xarrows.append(arrow(pos=vpy_vec(arrowpos),,opacity=1,shaftwidth=sw)) |
self.yarrows.append(arrow(pos=vpy_vec(arrowpos),,opacity=1,shaftwidth=sw)) |
self.zarrows.append(arrow(pos=vpy_vec(arrowpos),,opacity=1,shaftwidth=sw)) |
self.update_arrows() |
def rotate(self, vec): |
self.q.rotate(vec) |
def update_arrows(self): |
m = self.q.to_rotation_matrix().transposed() |
sl = 1.1 if self.reference else 1.0 |
for i in self.xarrows: |
i.axis = vpy_vec(m*Vector3(sl,0,0)) |
i.up = vpy_vec(m*Vector3(0,1,0)) |
for i in self.yarrows: |
i.axis = vpy_vec(m*Vector3(0,sl,0)) |
i.up = vpy_vec(m*Vector3(1,0,0)) |
for i in self.zarrows: |
i.axis = vpy_vec(m*Vector3(0,0,sl)) |
i.up = vpy_vec(m*Vector3(1,0,0)) |
for i in self.labels: |
i.xoffset = scene.width*0.07 |
i.yoffset = scene.width*0.1 |
class Tian_integrator: |
def __init__(self, integrate_separately=True): |
self.alpha = Vector3(0,0,0) |
self.beta = Vector3(0,0,0) |
self.last_alpha = Vector3(0,0,0) |
self.last_delta_alpha = Vector3(0,0,0) |
self.last_sample = Vector3(0,0,0) |
self.integrate_separately = integrate_separately |
def add_sample(self, sample, dt): |
delta_alpha = (self.last_sample+sample)*0.5*dt |
self.alpha += delta_alpha |
delta_beta = 0.5 * (self.last_alpha + (1.0/6.0)*self.last_delta_alpha)%delta_alpha |
if self.integrate_separately: |
self.beta += delta_beta |
else: |
self.alpha += delta_beta |
self.last_alpha = self.alpha |
self.last_delta_alpha = delta_alpha |
self.last_sample = sample |
def pop_delta_angles(self): |
ret = self.alpha + self.beta |
| |
| |
return ret |
filter2p_1khz_30hz_data = {} |
def filter2p_1khz_30hz(sample, key): |
global filter2p_1khz_30hz_data |
if not key in filter2p_1khz_30hz_data: |
filter2p_1khz_30hz_data[key] = (0.0,0.0) |
(delay_element_1, delay_element_2) = filter2p_1khz_30hz_data[key] |
sample_freq = 1000 |
cutoff_freq = 30 |
fr = sample_freq // cutoff_freq |
ohm = tan(pi/fr) |
c = 1.0+2.0*cos(pi/4.0)*ohm + ohm**2 |
b0 = ohm**2/c |
b1 = 2.0*b0 |
b2 = b0 |
a1 = 2.0*(ohm**2-1.0)/c |
a2 = (1.0-2.0*cos(pi/4.0)*ohm+ohm**2)/c |
delay_element_0 = sample - delay_element_1 * a1 - delay_element_2 * a2 |
output = delay_element_0 * b0 + delay_element_1 * b1 + delay_element_2 * b2 |
filter2p_1khz_30hz_data[key] = (delay_element_0, delay_element_1) |
return output |
def filter2p_1khz_30hz_vector3(sample, key): |
ret = Vector3() |
ret.x = filter2p_1khz_30hz(sample.x, "vec3f"+key+"x") |
ret.y = filter2p_1khz_30hz(sample.y, "vec3f"+key+"y") |
ret.z = filter2p_1khz_30hz(sample.z, "vec3f"+key+"z") |
return ret |
reference_attitude = Attitude(True) |
uncorrected_attitude_low = Attitude() |
uncorrected_attitude_high = Attitude() |
corrected_attitude = Attitude() |
corrected_attitude_combined = Attitude() |
corrected_attitude_integrator = Tian_integrator() |
corrected_attitude_integrator_combined = Tian_integrator(integrate_separately = False) |
reference_attitude.add_arrows(Vector3(0,-3,0)) |
uncorrected_attitude_low.add_arrows(Vector3(0,-3,0), "no correction\nlow rate integration\n30hz software LPF @ 1khz\n(ardupilot 2015-02-18)") |
reference_attitude.add_arrows(Vector3(0,-1,0)) |
uncorrected_attitude_high.add_arrows(Vector3(0,-1,0), "no correction\nhigh rate integration") |
reference_attitude.add_arrows(Vector3(0,1,0)) |
corrected_attitude.add_arrows(Vector3(0,1,0), "Tian et al\nseparate integration") |
reference_attitude.add_arrows(Vector3(0,3,0)) |
corrected_attitude_combined.add_arrows(Vector3(0,3,0), "Tian et al\ncombined_integration\n(proposed patch)") |
#scene.scale = (0.3,0.3,0.3) |
scene.fov = 0.001 |
scene.forward = (-0.5, -0.5, -1) |
coning_frequency_hz = 50 |
coning_magnitude_rad_s = 2 |
label_text = ( |
"coning motion frequency %f hz\n" |
"coning motion peak amplitude %f deg/s\n" |
"thin arrows are reference attitude" |
) % (coning_frequency_hz, degrees(coning_magnitude_rad_s)) |
label(pos = vpy_vec(Vector3(0,0,2)), text=label_text) |
t = 0.0 |
dt_10000 = 0.0001 |
dt_1000 = 0.001 |
dt_333 = 0.003 |
accumulated_delta_angle = Vector3(0,0,0) |
last_gyro_10000 = Vector3(0,0,0) |
last_gyro_1000 = Vector3(0,0,0) |
last_filtered_gyro_333 = Vector3(0,0,0) |
filtered_gyro = Vector3(0,0,0) |
while True: |
rate(66) |
for i in range(5): |
for j in range(3): |
for k in range(10): |
#vvvvvvvvvv 10 kHz vvvvvvvvvv# |
#compute angular rate at current time |
gyro = Vector3(sin(t*coning_frequency_hz*2*pi), cos(t*coning_frequency_hz*2*pi),0)*coning_magnitude_rad_s |
#integrate reference attitude |
reference_attitude.rotate((gyro+last_gyro_10000) * dt_10000 * 0.5) |
#increment time |
t += dt_10000 |
last_gyro_10000 = gyro |
#vvvvvvvvvv 1 kHz vvvvvvvvvv# |
#update filter for sim 1 |
filtered_gyro = filter2p_1khz_30hz_vector3(gyro, "1") |
#update integrator for sim 2 |
accumulated_delta_angle += (gyro+last_gyro_1000) * dt_1000 * 0.5 |
#update integrator for sim 3 |
corrected_attitude_integrator.add_sample(gyro, dt_1000) |
#update integrator for sim 4 |
corrected_attitude_integrator_combined.add_sample(gyro, dt_1000) |
last_gyro_1000 = gyro |
#vvvvvvvvvv 333 Hz vvvvvvvvvv# |
#update sim 1 (leftmost) |
uncorrected_attitude_low.rotate((filtered_gyro+last_filtered_gyro_333) * dt_333 * 0.5) |
#update sim 2 |
uncorrected_attitude_high.rotate(accumulated_delta_angle) |
| |
#update sim 3 |
corrected_attitude.rotate(corrected_attitude_integrator.pop_delta_angles()) |
#update sim 4 (rightmost) |
corrected_attitude_combined.rotate(corrected_attitude_integrator_combined.pop_delta_angles()) |
last_filtered_gyro_333 = filtered_gyro |
#vvvvvvvvvv 66 Hz vvvvvvvvvv# |
reference_attitude.update_arrows() |
corrected_attitude.update_arrows() |
corrected_attitude_combined.update_arrows() |
uncorrected_attitude_low.update_arrows() |