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2013-09-23 |
These notes describe the steps take to port ArduPilot to the Flymaple platform |
http://www.open-drone.org/flymaple |
Flymaple has an ARM based Cortex-3 STM32F103RE, 72MHz processor with 10DOF builtin sensors |
Implementation |
Unlike the Arduino versions of ardupilot, the Flymaple port uses portions of a |
custom version of the libmaple library, including the stm32f1 core and some |
other libaries like Wire, HardwareTimer, HArdwareSPI etc. |
Most of the changes are confined to new directory libraries/AP_HAL_FLYMAPLE |
which contains the Flymaple specific code. All the HAL modules have |
been ported, sometimes based on HAL_AVR, sometimes HAL_PX4: |
AnalogIn |
AnalogSource |
Console |
I2CDriver |
RCInput |
RCOoutput |
Scheduler |
Semaphores |
SPIDriver |
Storage |
UARTDriver |
Utility |
The implementation of Storage uses EEPROM emulation code that uses 2 pages of |
Flymaple FLASH ROM as EEPROM. It was copied from |
AeroQuad_v3.2 to libraries/AP_HAL_FLYMAPLE/utility and slightly modified: |
libraries/AP_HAL_FLYMAPLE/utility/EEPROM.* |
libraries/AP_HAL_FLYMAPLE/utility/flash_stm32.* |
Unlike other HAL ports, the namespace for Flymaple defined in |
AP_HAL_FLYMAPLE_Namespace.h has a more extensive name: 'AP_HAL_FLYMAPLE_NS' else |
get complaints from gcc 4.4.1 caused by collisions with other class names. |
New board makefile mk/board/flymaple.mk, plus some other minor changes in |
mk/*.mk |
In other parts of the ardupilot tree, the changes have been #ifdefed for |
Flymaple: |
- libraries/AP_Compass/AP_Compass_HMC5843.cpp |
- libraries/AP_Compass/Compass.h |
- libraries/AP_Baro/AP_Baro_BMP085.cpp |
Minor changes to raw data fetches to make them 32bit compatible. Should not |
affect other platforms. |
Some other minor edits to eliminate compiler warnings |
These changes have now all been included in the ardupilot mainline code. |
Resource usage |
Resources on the Flymaple board have been allocated by the HAL: |
Pins |
0 AP GPS on Flymaple Serial2 Rx in. This is where you connect the |
GPS. 3.3V input only, NOT 5V tolerant, use a voltage divider for 5V GPSs. |
1 AP GPS on Flymaple Serial2 Tx out. This is where you connect the GPS. |
3.3V output |
5 I2C SCL. Do not use for GPIO. |
6 Receiver PPM-SUM in. |
7 Console and Mavlink on Flymaple Serial1 Rx in. Also on connector |
"COM1". 5V input tolerant. |
8 Console and Mavlink on Flymaple Serial1 Tx out. Also on connector |
"COM1". 3.3V output. |
9 I2C SDA. Do not use for GPIO |
15 3.3V board VCC analog in. Connect to 3.3V pin. |
16 Airspeed analog in (if available). 3.3V, NOT 5V tolerant. |
19 Battery current analog in (if available). 3.3V, NOT 5V tolerant. |
20 Battery voltage analog in (on-board divider connected to board VIN) |
29 Telemetry Tx to radio on Serial3 on connector labelled "GPS". 3.3V output |
30 Telemetry Rx from radio on Serial3 on connector labelled "GPS". 5V input tolerant. |
Timers |
SysTick 1000Hz normal timers |
1 CH1 RCInput |
2 CH1 1000Hz Failsafe timer |
3 CH1-4, 4 CH1-2 RCOut |
8 not used by AP |
The I2CDriver on Flymaple uses the libmaple i2c low level hardware I2C |
library, configuredfor high speed (400kHz). |
As at 2013-10-03, there is a bug in the libmaple git master code, that causes |
a crash in the I2C interrupt handler. Therfore it is necessary to use the |
patched version of libmaple referred to below. |
At 400kHz I2C speed, it takes 500us to read both the 6 byte accelerometer |
buffer and the the 6 byte gyro buffer. |
The SerialUSB (USB connection) to Flymaple is not used by AP. It can be used for |
debugging inside AP_HAL_FLYMAPLE, using SerialUSB.println(). |
Sensor configuration |
The sensors are configured so: |
ADXL345 Accelerometer |
8g full scale, full resolution mode, 800Hz bandwidth, read at 1kHz sample rate |
ITG3205 Gyro |
2000 degrees/sec, 256Hz LPF, 8kHz internal sample rate, read at 1kHz sample rate |
The gyro and accelerometers are sampled at about 800Hz in |
AP_InertialSensor_Flymaple.cpp, with the samples passed through a software |
2-pole low pass filter, to produce filtered data for the main loop. |
Installation on Linux |
Tested with: |
- libmaple patched library based on https://github.com/leaflabs/libmaple (see |
below for more data) |
- http://leaflabs.com/docs/unix-toolchain.html |
- arm-none-eabi-g++ toolchain, version 4.4.1 |
on OpenSuSE 12.3 |
Mission Planner 1.2.78 |
You need a number of additional resources to build ardupilot for Flymaple. I |
have assumed that you will install them in your home directory, but they can really |
go anywhere provided you make the appropriate changes to PATH and config.mk |
cd ~ |
git clone https://github.com/mikemccauley/libmaple.git |
cd libmaple |
wget http://static.leaflabs.com/pub/codesourcery/gcc-arm-none-eabi-latest-linux32.tar.gz |
tar xvzf gcc-arm-none-eabi-latest-linux32.tar.gz |
export PATH=$PATH:~/libmaple/arm/bin |
cp main.cpp.example main.cpp |
make |
(at this stage you can test your flymaple CPU and the upload process with |
'make install', which will upload a simple LED blinking program to your |
Flymaple) |
Now download ardupilot: |
cd ~ |
git clone https://github.com/diydrones/ardupilot.git |
cd ardupilot |
edit config.mk to be something like: |
#config.mk START |
# Select maple_RET6 for Flymaple |
BOARD = maple_RET6 |
# HAL_BOARD determines default HAL target. |
# The communication port used to communicate with the Flymaple |
PORT = /dev/ttyACM0 |
# You must provide the path to the libmaple library directory: |
LIBMAPLE_PATH = $(HOME)/libmaple |
# Also, the ARM compiler tools MUST be in your current PATH like: |
# export PATH=$PATH:~/libmaple/arm/bin |
#config.mk END |
cd ArduPlane |
make flymaple |
make upload |
Libmaple fork |
Correct compilation and operation of the Flymaple port depends on |
using the fork of libmaple from https://github.com/mikemccauley/libmaple.git |
The changes relative to the libmaple master are: |
- Add TX ring buffer and interrupt handler to usart.c |
- Fix a bug in I2C interrupt handler that would crash in master mode |
Interrupt disabling on ARM |
On AVR, ISRs run by default with the global interrupt enable flag disabled, |
whereas mainline code runs by default with global interrupt enable flag |
*enabled*. Which means that cli()/sei() in an ISR will have a different effect |
to cli()sei() in mainline code. Thats why code that *might* run in an ISR must |
use the special idiom: so that it restores the flag to the state it was before |
the critical block |
On ARM, the global interrupt disable flag PRIMASK is not altered behind your |
back by hardware. By default its always clear (ie enabled) even in ISRs. A |
different mechanism prevents ISRs from being reinterrupted. This means that |
non-nested noInterrupts()/interrupts() will always leave the PRIMASK as it was |
(interrupts enabled) when the critical block started, whether in ISRs or |
mainline code. |
Conclusion: |
On AVR, cli()/sei() is dangerous both in ISRs *and* when nested. |
On ARM, noInterrupts()/interrupts() is only dangerous when nested. |
Sensor Orientation |
The Flymaple board has no clear indication about which way is meant to be |
'forward' or 'right', so we have adopted the following convention: |
Aircraft 'Forward' is in the direction of the arrow marked 'Pitch' on the board, ie |
towards pin 0. |
Aircraft 'Right' is towards the bottom right corner of the board, towards pin 20 and |
the 5V regulator |
Aircraft 'Down' is away from the copper side of the board: 'right way up' is with |
component side up. |
Here in SE Queensland, in the southern hemisphere, the local mag field is |
substantially vertical (down? is that correct?), and so the following simple |
tests of the board should give the following results, using the mavproxy |
graphing tools, and with a board orientation parameter of none: |
The aircraft coordinate system of ardupilot is: |
X +ve forward |
Y +ve right |
Z +ve down |
Compass |
Orientation Results |
Level, right way up Z -ve |
Left side down Y +ve |
Nose up X +ve |
(ie positive when that axis is pointing away from the earth, at least where I |
am) |
Accelerometer |
Orientation Results |
Level, right way up Z -ve |
Left side down Y +ve |
Nose up X +ve |
(ie positive when that axis is pointing away from the earth, and consistent |
with compass in southern hemisphere) |
Gyro |
Rotation Results |
Yawing to right Z +ve |
Rolling to right X +ve |
Pitching up Y +ve |
(ie right hand curl rule relative to the given axis) |
Alternative Orientations |
Although the default board orientation is as described above, you can alter it |
by changing the AHRS_ORIENTATION parameter. |
For example, if you set AHRS_ORIENTATION to 1 (Yaw45), then the board will act |
as if 'Forward' is towards the green row of pin headers (ie the row of digital |
input pins marked 0 to 13, and 'Right' is towards the triple row of pins |
marked PWM. This orientation is good for vehicles where the board must be |
orthogonal to the direction of movement. |
PPM-SUM receiver and transmitter channel assignments |
Pin 6 of the Flymaple is used for the PPM-SUM receiver input |
I used the DSM2 PPM+UART receiver product code LEM-CH6-PPM from www.lemon-rx.com: |
http://www.lemon-rx.com/shop/index.php?route=product/product&path=70&product_id=66 |
(make sure you use one made after Oct 2013: earlier versions had a proprietary and |
incompatible PPM output). |
The raw channel numbers resulting from using this with my Spektrum DX6i 6 |
channel mode 2 transmitter are: |
Channel Assignment |
1 Throttle |
2 Aileron/Roll |
3 Elevator/Pitch |
4 Rudder/Yaw |
5 Gear/mode |
6 Flap/learn |
With the following channels configured for APMrover: |
with the RC servo ouputs on Flymaple J5: |
Transmitter channel 2 (steering) PWM/AIN/D27 |
Transmitter channel 3 (speed = motor ESC) PWM/AIN/D11 |
This permits a single joystick (the right stick in my case) to be used to control the rover: |
elevator = speed control |
aileron = steering |
gear = mode |
flap = learn |
Notes: |
You may (like me) need to reverse the Roll servo, using the Radio Calibration page |
on Mission Planner, else the vehicle will steer in exactly the wrong direction |
when on Auto, but will be OK on Manual. |
GPS notes |
I tested intially with an EM-405A GPS (This is a 5Hz, 5V GPS, and therefore I |
also needed a voltage divider to make the received data compatible with the |
Flymaple 3.3V GPS input on pin D0). This GPS was unsatisfactory due to long |
time lags in changing ground track and speed, and also due to large random |
ground speeds up to 1.0 m/s when stationary. I was able to get ok behaviour |
with very large values for NAVL1_PERIOD of around 40. Dont use this GPS. |
I also tested with a Eagle Tree GPS$v, which is a 10Hz, 3.3V GPS board |
containing a GTPA010 GPS. This GPS worked much better with the suggested |
tuning configuration from |
http://rover.ardupilot.com/wiki/tuning-steering-and-navigation-for-a-rover/ |
For the record, the tuning I used with this was: |
Remaining issues: |
1. Many alignment warnings emitted by the compiler from libraries/GCS_MAVLink |
protocol.h eg: |
/mnt/disk2/src/ardupilot/libraries/GCS_MAVLink/include/mavlink/v1.0/ardupilotmega/../protocol.h: In function 'double _MAV_RETURN_double(const mavlink_message_t*, uint8_t)': |
/mnt/disk2/src/ardupilot/libraries/GCS_MAVLink/include/mavlink/v1.0/ardupilotmega/../protocol.h:274: warning: cast from 'const char*' to 'const double*' increases required alignment of target type |
2. Logging is not implemented.