415 lines
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415 lines
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/* |
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify |
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or |
(at your option) any later version. |
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
GNU General Public License for more details. |
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. |
*/ |
/* |
gimbal simulator class for MAVLink gimbal |
*/ |
#include "SIM_Gimbal.h" |
#include <stdio.h> |
#include "SIM_Aircraft.h" |
#include <AP_InertialSensor/AP_InertialSensor.h> |
extern const AP_HAL::HAL& hal; |
namespace SITL { |
Gimbal::Gimbal(const struct sitl_fdm &_fdm) : |
fdm(_fdm), |
target_address(""), |
target_port(5762), |
lower_joint_limits(radians(-40), radians(-135), radians(-7.5)), |
upper_joint_limits(radians(40), radians(45), radians(7.5)), |
travelLimitGain(20), |
reporting_period_ms(10), |
seen_heartbeat(false), |
seen_gimbal_control(false), |
mav_socket(false) |
{ |
memset(&mavlink, 0, sizeof(mavlink)); |
fdm.quaternion.rotation_matrix(dcm); |
} |
/* |
update the gimbal state |
*/ |
void Gimbal::update(void) |
{ |
// calculate delta time in seconds |
uint32_t now_us = AP_HAL::micros(); |
float delta_t = (now_us - last_update_us) * 1.0e-6f; |
last_update_us = now_us; |
Matrix3f vehicle_dcm; |
fdm.quaternion.rotation_matrix(vehicle_dcm); |
const Vector3f &vehicle_gyro = AP::ins().get_gyro(); |
const Vector3f &vehicle_accel_body = AP::ins().get_accel(); |
// take a copy of the demanded rates to bypass the limiter function for testing |
Vector3f demRateRaw = demanded_angular_rate; |
// 1) Rotate the copters rotation rates into the gimbals frame of reference |
// copterAngRate_G = transpose(DCMgimbal)*DCMcopter*copterAngRate |
Vector3f copterAngRate_G = dcm.transposed()*vehicle_dcm*vehicle_gyro; |
// 2) Subtract the copters body rates to obtain a copter relative rotational |
// rate vector (X,Y,Z) in gimbal sensor frame |
// relativeGimbalRate(X,Y,Z) = gimbalRateDemand - copterAngRate_G |
Vector3f relativeGimbalRate = demanded_angular_rate - copterAngRate_G; |
// calculate joint angles (euler312 order) |
// calculate copter -> gimbal rotation matrix |
Matrix3f rotmat_copter_gimbal = dcm.transposed() * vehicle_dcm; |
joint_angles = rotmat_copter_gimbal.transposed().to_euler312(); |
/* 4) For each of the three joints, calculate upper and lower rate limits |
from the corresponding angle limits and current joint angles |
upperRatelimit = (jointAngle - lowerAngleLimit) * travelLimitGain |
lowerRatelimit = (jointAngle - upperAngleLimit) * travelLimitGain |
travelLimitGain is equal to the inverse of the bump stop time constant and |
should be set to something like 20 initially. If set too high it can cause |
the rates to 'ring' when they the limiter is in force, particularly given |
we are using a first order numerical integration. |
*/ |
Vector3f upperRatelimit = -(joint_angles - upper_joint_limits) * travelLimitGain; |
Vector3f lowerRatelimit = -(joint_angles - lower_joint_limits) * travelLimitGain; |
/* |
5) Calculate the gimbal joint rates (roll, elevation, azimuth) |
gimbalJointRates(roll, elev, azimuth) = Matrix*relativeGimbalRate(X,Y,Z) |
where matrix = |
+- -+ |
| cos(elevAngle), 0, sin(elevAngle) | |
| | |
| sin(elevAngle) tan(rollAngle), 1, -cos(elevAngle) tan(rollAngle) | |
| | |
| sin(elevAngle) cos(elevAngle) | |
| - --------------, 0, -------------- | |
| cos(rollAngle) cos(rollAngle) | |
+- -+ |
*/ |
float rollAngle = joint_angles.x; |
float elevAngle = joint_angles.y; |
Matrix3f matrix = Matrix3f(Vector3f(cosf(elevAngle), 0, sinf(elevAngle)), |
Vector3f(sinf(elevAngle)*tanf(rollAngle), 1, -cosf(elevAngle)*tanf(rollAngle)), |
Vector3f(-sinf(elevAngle)/cosf(rollAngle), 0, cosf(elevAngle)/cosf(rollAngle))); |
Vector3f gimbalJointRates = matrix * relativeGimbalRate; |
// 6) Apply the rate limits from 4) |
gimbalJointRates.x = constrain_float(gimbalJointRates.x, lowerRatelimit.x, upperRatelimit.x); |
gimbalJointRates.y = constrain_float(gimbalJointRates.y, lowerRatelimit.y, upperRatelimit.y); |
gimbalJointRates.z = constrain_float(gimbalJointRates.z, lowerRatelimit.z, upperRatelimit.z); |
/* |
7) Convert the modified gimbal joint rates to body rates (still copter |
relative) |
relativeGimbalRate(X,Y,Z) = Matrix * gimbalJointRates(roll, elev, azimuth) |
where Matrix = |
+- -+ |
| cos(elevAngle), 0, -cos(rollAngle) sin(elevAngle) | |
| | |
| 0, 1, sin(rollAngle) | |
| | |
| sin(elevAngle), 0, cos(elevAngle) cos(rollAngle) | |
+- -+ |
*/ |
matrix = Matrix3f(Vector3f(cosf(elevAngle), 0, -cosf(rollAngle)*sinf(elevAngle)), |
Vector3f(0, 1, sinf(rollAngle)), |
Vector3f(sinf(elevAngle), 0, cosf(elevAngle)*cosf(rollAngle))); |
relativeGimbalRate = matrix * gimbalJointRates; |
// 8) Add to the result from step 1) to obtain the demanded gimbal body rates |
// in an inertial frame of reference |
// demandedGimbalRatesInertial(X,Y,Z) = relativeGimbalRate(X,Y,Z) + copterAngRate_G |
// Vector3f demandedGimbalRatesInertial = relativeGimbalRate + copterAngRate_G; |
// for the moment we will set gyros equal to demanded_angular_rate |
gimbal_angular_rate = demRateRaw; // demandedGimbalRatesInertial + true_gyro_bias - supplied_gyro_bias |
// update rotation of the gimbal |
dcm.rotate(gimbal_angular_rate*delta_t); |
dcm.normalize(); |
// calculate copter -> gimbal rotation matrix |
rotmat_copter_gimbal = dcm.transposed() * vehicle_dcm; |
// calculate joint angles (euler312 order) |
joint_angles = rotmat_copter_gimbal.transposed().to_euler312(); |
// update observed gyro |
gyro = gimbal_angular_rate + true_gyro_bias; |
// update delta_angle (integrate) |
delta_angle += gyro * delta_t; |
// calculate accel in gimbal body frame |
Vector3f copter_accel_earth = vehicle_dcm * vehicle_accel_body; |
Vector3f accel = dcm.transposed() * copter_accel_earth; |
// integrate velocity |
delta_velocity += accel * delta_t; |
// see if we should do a report |
send_report(); |
} |
static struct gimbal_param { |
const char *name; |
float value; |
} gimbal_params[] = { |
{"GMB_OFF_ACC_X", 0}, |
{"GMB_OFF_ACC_Y", 0}, |
{"GMB_OFF_ACC_Z", 0}, |
{"GMB_GN_ACC_X", 0}, |
{"GMB_GN_ACC_Y", 0}, |
{"GMB_GN_ACC_Z", 0}, |
{"GMB_OFF_GYRO_X", 0}, |
{"GMB_OFF_GYRO_Y", 0}, |
{"GMB_OFF_GYRO_Z", 0}, |
{"GMB_OFF_JNT_X", 0}, |
{"GMB_OFF_JNT_Y", 0}, |
{"GMB_OFF_JNT_Z", 0}, |
{"GMB_K_RATE", 0}, |
{"GMB_POS_HOLD", 0}, |
{"GMB_MAX_TORQUE", 0}, |
{"GMB_SND_TORQUE", 0}, |
{"GMB_SYSID", 0}, |
{"GMB_FLASH", 0}, |
}; |
/* |
find a parameter structure |
*/ |
struct gimbal_param *Gimbal::param_find(const char *name) |
{ |
for (uint8_t i=0; i<ARRAY_SIZE(gimbal_params); i++) { |
if (strncmp(name, gimbal_params[i].name, 16) == 0) { |
return &gimbal_params[i]; |
} |
} |
return nullptr; |
} |
/* |
send a parameter to flight board |
*/ |
void Gimbal::param_send(const struct gimbal_param *p) |
{ |
mavlink_message_t msg; |
mavlink_param_value_t param_value; |
strncpy_noterm(param_value.param_id, p->name, sizeof(param_value.param_id)); |
param_value.param_value = p->value; |
param_value.param_count = 0; |
param_value.param_index = 0; |
param_value.param_type = MAV_PARAM_TYPE_REAL32; |
mavlink_status_t *chan0_status = mavlink_get_channel_status(MAVLINK_COMM_0); |
uint8_t saved_seq = chan0_status->current_tx_seq; |
chan0_status->current_tx_seq = mavlink.seq; |
uint16_t len = mavlink_msg_param_value_encode(vehicle_system_id, |
vehicle_component_id, |
&msg, ¶m_value); |
chan0_status->current_tx_seq = saved_seq; |
uint8_t msgbuf[len]; |
len = mavlink_msg_to_send_buffer(msgbuf, &msg); |
if (len > 0) { |
mav_socket.send(msgbuf, len); |
} |
} |
/* |
send a report to the vehicle control code over MAVLink |
*/ |
void Gimbal::send_report(void) |
{ |
uint32_t now = AP_HAL::millis(); |
if (now < 10000) { |
// don't send gimbal reports until 10s after startup. This |
// avoids a windows threading issue with non-blocking sockets |
// and the initial wait on uartA |
return; |
} |
if (!mavlink.connected && mav_socket.connect(target_address, target_port)) { |
::printf("Gimbal connected to %s:%u\n", target_address, (unsigned)target_port); |
mavlink.connected = true; |
} |
if (!mavlink.connected) { |
return; |
} |
if (param_send_last_ms && now - param_send_last_ms > 100) { |
param_send(&gimbal_params[param_send_idx]); |
if (++param_send_idx == ARRAY_SIZE(gimbal_params)) { |
printf("Finished sending parameters\n"); |
param_send_last_ms = 0; |
} |
} |
// check for incoming MAVLink messages |
uint8_t buf[100]; |
ssize_t ret; |
while ((ret=mav_socket.recv(buf, sizeof(buf), 0)) > 0) { |
for (uint8_t i=0; i<ret; i++) { |
mavlink_message_t msg; |
mavlink_status_t status; |
if (mavlink_frame_char_buffer(&mavlink.rxmsg, &mavlink.status, |
buf[i], |
&msg, &status) == MAVLINK_FRAMING_OK) { |
switch (msg.msgid) { |
mavlink_heartbeat_t pkt; |
mavlink_msg_heartbeat_decode(&msg, &pkt); |
printf("Gimbal: got HB type=%u autopilot=%u base_mode=0x%x\n", pkt.type, pkt.autopilot, pkt.base_mode); |
if (!seen_heartbeat) { |
seen_heartbeat = true; |
vehicle_component_id = msg.compid; |
vehicle_system_id = msg.sysid; |
::printf("Gimbal using srcSystem %u\n", (unsigned)vehicle_system_id); |
} |
break; |
} |
static uint32_t counter; |
if (counter++ % 100 == 0) { |
printf("GIMBAL_CONTROL %u\n", counter); |
} |
mavlink_gimbal_control_t pkt; |
mavlink_msg_gimbal_control_decode(&msg, &pkt); |
demanded_angular_rate = Vector3f(pkt.demanded_rate_x, |
pkt.demanded_rate_y, |
pkt.demanded_rate_z); |
// no longer supply a bias |
supplied_gyro_bias.zero(); |
seen_gimbal_control = true; |
break; |
} |
mavlink_param_set_t pkt; |
mavlink_msg_param_set_decode(&msg, &pkt); |
printf("Gimbal got PARAM_SET %.16s %f\n", pkt.param_id, pkt.param_value); |
struct gimbal_param *p = param_find(pkt.param_id); |
if (p) { |
p->value = pkt.param_value; |
param_send(p); |
} |
break; |
} |
mavlink_param_request_list_t pkt; |
mavlink_msg_param_request_list_decode(&msg, &pkt); |
if (pkt.target_system == 0 && pkt.target_component == MAV_COMP_ID_GIMBAL) { |
// start param send |
param_send_idx = 0; |
param_send_last_ms = AP_HAL::millis(); |
} |
printf("Gimbal sending %u parameters\n", (unsigned)ARRAY_SIZE(gimbal_params)); |
break; |
} |
default: |
printf("Gimbal got unexpected msg %u\n", msg.msgid); |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
if (!seen_heartbeat) { |
return; |
} |
mavlink_message_t msg; |
uint16_t len; |
if (now - last_heartbeat_ms >= 1000) { |
mavlink_heartbeat_t heartbeat; |
heartbeat.type = MAV_TYPE_GIMBAL; |
heartbeat.autopilot = MAV_AUTOPILOT_ARDUPILOTMEGA; |
heartbeat.base_mode = 0; |
heartbeat.system_status = 0; |
heartbeat.mavlink_version = 0; |
heartbeat.custom_mode = 0; |
/* |
save and restore sequence number for chan0, as it is used by |
generated encode functions |
*/ |
mavlink_status_t *chan0_status = mavlink_get_channel_status(MAVLINK_COMM_0); |
uint8_t saved_seq = chan0_status->current_tx_seq; |
chan0_status->current_tx_seq = mavlink.seq; |
len = mavlink_msg_heartbeat_encode(vehicle_system_id, |
vehicle_component_id, |
&msg, &heartbeat); |
chan0_status->current_tx_seq = saved_seq; |
mav_socket.send(&msg.magic, len); |
last_heartbeat_ms = now; |
} |
/* |
send a GIMBAL_REPORT message |
*/ |
uint32_t now_us = AP_HAL::micros(); |
if (now_us - last_report_us > reporting_period_ms*1000UL) { |
mavlink_gimbal_report_t gimbal_report; |
float delta_time = (now_us - last_report_us) * 1.0e-6f; |
last_report_us = now_us; |
gimbal_report.target_system = vehicle_system_id; |
gimbal_report.target_component = vehicle_component_id; |
gimbal_report.delta_time = delta_time; |
gimbal_report.delta_angle_x = delta_angle.x; |
gimbal_report.delta_angle_y = delta_angle.y; |
gimbal_report.delta_angle_z = delta_angle.z; |
gimbal_report.delta_velocity_x = delta_velocity.x; |
gimbal_report.delta_velocity_y = delta_velocity.y; |
gimbal_report.delta_velocity_z = delta_velocity.z; |
gimbal_report.joint_roll = joint_angles.x; |
gimbal_report.joint_el = joint_angles.y; |
gimbal_report.joint_az = joint_angles.z; |
mavlink_status_t *chan0_status = mavlink_get_channel_status(MAVLINK_COMM_0); |
uint8_t saved_seq = chan0_status->current_tx_seq; |
chan0_status->current_tx_seq = mavlink.seq; |
len = mavlink_msg_gimbal_report_encode(vehicle_system_id, |
vehicle_component_id, |
&msg, &gimbal_report); |
chan0_status->current_tx_seq = saved_seq; |
uint8_t msgbuf[len]; |
len = mavlink_msg_to_send_buffer(msgbuf, &msg); |
if (len > 0) { |
mav_socket.send(msgbuf, len); |
} |
delta_velocity.zero(); |
delta_angle.zero(); |
} |
} |
} // namespace SITL