61 lines
1.6 KiB
61 lines
1.6 KiB
function P = PredictCovariance(deltaAngle, ... |
deltaVelocity, ... |
quat, ... |
states,... |
P, ... % Previous state covariance matrix |
dt) ... % IMU and prediction time step |
% Set filter state process noise other than IMU errors, which are already |
% built into the derived covariance predition equations. |
% This process noise determines the rate of estimation of IMU bias errors |
dAngBiasSigma = dt*5E-6; |
processNoise = [0*ones(1,6), dAngBiasSigma*[1 1 1]]; |
% Specify the estimated errors on the IMU delta angles and delta velocities |
% Allow for 0.5 deg/sec of gyro error |
daxNoise = (dt*0.5*pi/180)^2; |
dayNoise = (dt*0.5*pi/180)^2; |
dazNoise = (dt*0.5*pi/180)^2; |
% Allow for 0.5 m/s/s of accelerometer error |
dvxNoise = (dt*0.5)^2; |
dvyNoise = (dt*0.5)^2; |
dvzNoise = (dt*0.5)^2; |
dvx = deltaVelocity(1); |
dvy = deltaVelocity(2); |
dvz = deltaVelocity(3); |
dax = deltaAngle(1); |
day = deltaAngle(2); |
daz = deltaAngle(3); |
q0 = quat(1); |
q1 = quat(2); |
q2 = quat(3); |
q3 = quat(4); |
dax_b = states(7); |
day_b = states(8); |
daz_b = states(9); |
% Predicted covariance |
F = calcF(dax,dax_b,day,day_b,daz,daz_b,dvx,dvy,dvz,q0,q1,q2,q3); |
Q = calcQ(daxNoise,dayNoise,dazNoise,dvxNoise,dvyNoise,dvzNoise,q0,q1,q2,q3); |
P = F*P*transpose(F) + Q; |
% Add the general process noise |
for i = 1:9 |
P(i,i) = P(i,i) + processNoise(i)^2; |
end |
% Force symmetry on the covariance matrix to prevent ill-conditioning |
% of the matrix which would cause the filter to blow-up |
P = 0.5*(P + transpose(P)); |
% ensure diagonals are positive |
for i=1:9 |
if P(i,i) < 0 |
P(i,i) = 0; |
end |
end |
end |