220 lines
7.6 KiB
220 lines
7.6 KiB
function ConvertToC(fileName) |
delimiter = ''; |
%% Format string for each line of text: |
% column1: text (%s) |
% For more information, see the TEXTSCAN documentation. |
formatSpec = '%s%[^\n\r]'; |
%% Open the text file. |
fileID = fopen(strcat(fileName,'.m'),'r'); |
%% Read columns of data according to format string. |
% This call is based on the structure of the file used to generate this |
% code. If an error occurs for a different file, try regenerating the code |
% from the Import Tool. |
dataArray = textscan(fileID, formatSpec, 'Delimiter', delimiter, 'ReturnOnError', false, 'Bufsize', 65535); |
%% Close the text file. |
fclose(fileID); |
%% Create output variable |
SymbolicOutput = [dataArray{1:end-1}]; |
%% Clear temporary variables |
clearvars filename delimiter formatSpec fileID dataArray ans; |
%% Convert indexing and replace brackets |
% replace 1-D indexes |
for arrayIndex = 1:99 |
strIndex = int2str(arrayIndex); |
strRep = sprintf('[%d]',(arrayIndex-1)); |
strPat = strcat('\(',strIndex,'\)'); |
for lineIndex = 1:length(SymbolicOutput) |
str = char(SymbolicOutput(lineIndex)); |
SymbolicOutput(lineIndex) = {regexprep(str, strPat, strRep)}; |
end |
end |
% replace 2-D left indexes |
for arrayIndex = 1:99 |
strIndex = int2str(arrayIndex); |
strRep = sprintf('[%d,',(arrayIndex-1)); |
strPat = strcat('\(',strIndex,'\,'); |
for lineIndex = 1:length(SymbolicOutput) |
str = char(SymbolicOutput(lineIndex)); |
SymbolicOutput(lineIndex) = {regexprep(str, strPat, strRep)}; |
end |
end |
% replace 2-D right indexes |
for arrayIndex = 1:99 |
strIndex = int2str(arrayIndex); |
strRep = sprintf(',%d]',(arrayIndex-1)); |
strPat = strcat('\,',strIndex,'\)'); |
for lineIndex = 1:length(SymbolicOutput) |
str = char(SymbolicOutput(lineIndex)); |
SymbolicOutput(lineIndex) = {regexprep(str, strPat, strRep)}; |
end |
end |
% replace commas |
for lineIndex = 1:length(SymbolicOutput) |
str = char(SymbolicOutput(lineIndex)); |
SymbolicOutput(lineIndex) = {regexprep(str, '\,', '][')}; |
end |
%% replace . operators |
for lineIndex = 1:length(SymbolicOutput) |
strIn = char(SymbolicOutput(lineIndex)); |
strIn = regexprep(strIn,'\.\*','\*'); |
strIn = regexprep(strIn,'\.\/','\/'); |
strIn = regexprep(strIn,'\.\^','\^'); |
SymbolicOutput(lineIndex) = cellstr(strIn); |
end |
%% Replace ^2 |
% replace where adjacent to ) parenthesis |
for lineIndex = 1:length(SymbolicOutput) |
idxsq = regexp(SymbolicOutput(lineIndex),'\)\^2'); |
if ~isempty(idxsq{1}) |
strIn = SymbolicOutput(lineIndex); |
idxlp = regexp(strIn,'\('); |
idxrp = regexp(strIn,'\)'); |
for pwrIndex = 1:length(idxsq{1}) |
counter = 1; |
index = idxsq{1}(pwrIndex); |
endIndex(pwrIndex) = index; |
while (counter > 0 && index > 0) |
index = index - 1; |
counter = counter + ~isempty(find(idxrp{1} == index, 1)); |
counter = counter - ~isempty(find(idxlp{1} == index, 1)); |
end |
startIndex(pwrIndex) = index; |
% strPat = strcat(strIn{1}(startIndex(pwrIndex):endIndex(pwrIndex)),'^2'); |
strRep = strcat('sq',strIn{1}(startIndex(pwrIndex):endIndex(pwrIndex))); |
% cellStrPat(pwrIndex) = cellstr(strPat); |
cellStrRep(pwrIndex) = cellstr(strRep); |
end |
for pwrIndex = 1:length(idxsq{1}) |
strRep = char(cellStrRep(pwrIndex)); |
strIn{1}(startIndex(pwrIndex):endIndex(pwrIndex)+2) = strRep; |
end |
SymbolicOutput(lineIndex) = strIn; |
end |
end |
% replace where adjacent to ] parenthesis |
for lineIndex = 1:length(SymbolicOutput) |
strIn = char(SymbolicOutput(lineIndex)); |
[match,idxsq1,idxsq2] = regexp(strIn,'\w*\[\w*\]\^2','match','start','end'); |
[idxsq3] = regexp(strIn,'\[\w*\]\^2','start'); |
if ~isempty(match) |
for pwrIndex = 1:length(match) |
strVar = strIn(idxsq1(pwrIndex):idxsq3(pwrIndex)-1); |
strIndex = strIn(idxsq3(pwrIndex)+1:idxsq2(pwrIndex)-3); |
strPat = strcat(strVar,'\[',strIndex,'\]\^2'); |
strRep = strcat('sq(',strVar,'[',strIndex,']',')'); |
strIn = regexprep(strIn,strPat,strRep); |
end |
SymbolicOutput(lineIndex) = cellstr(strIn); |
end |
end |
% replace where adjacent to alpanumeric characters |
for lineIndex = 1:length(SymbolicOutput) |
strIn = char(SymbolicOutput(lineIndex)); |
[match,idxsq1,idxsq2] = regexp(strIn,'\w*\^2','match','start','end'); |
[idxsq3] = regexp(strIn,'\^2','start'); |
if ~isempty(match) |
for pwrIndex = 1:length(match) |
strVar = strIn(idxsq1(pwrIndex)+2*(pwrIndex-1):idxsq2(pwrIndex)-2+2*(pwrIndex-1)); |
strPat = strcat(strVar,'\^2'); |
strRep = strcat('sq(',strVar,')'); |
strIn = regexprep(strIn,strPat,strRep); |
end |
SymbolicOutput(lineIndex) = cellstr(strIn); |
end |
end |
%% Replace ^(1/2) |
% replace where adjacent to ) parenthesis |
for lineIndex = 1:length(SymbolicOutput) |
idxsq = regexp(SymbolicOutput(lineIndex),'\)\^\(1\/2\)'); |
if ~isempty(idxsq{1}) |
strIn = SymbolicOutput(lineIndex); |
idxlp = regexp(strIn,'\('); |
idxrp = regexp(strIn,'\)'); |
for pwrIndex = 1:length(idxsq{1}) |
counter = 1; |
index = idxsq{1}(pwrIndex); |
endIndex(pwrIndex) = index; |
while (counter > 0 && index > 0) |
index = index - 1; |
counter = counter + ~isempty(find(idxrp{1} == index, 1)); |
counter = counter - ~isempty(find(idxlp{1} == index, 1)); |
end |
startIndex(pwrIndex) = index; |
% strPat = strcat(strIn{1}(startIndex(pwrIndex):endIndex(pwrIndex)),'^2'); |
strRep = strcat('(sqrt',strIn{1}(startIndex(pwrIndex):endIndex(pwrIndex)),')'); |
% cellStrPat(pwrIndex) = cellstr(strPat); |
cellStrRep(pwrIndex) = cellstr(strRep); |
end |
for pwrIndex = 1:length(idxsq{1}) |
strRep = char(cellStrRep(pwrIndex)); |
strIn{1}(startIndex(pwrIndex):endIndex(pwrIndex)+6) = strRep; |
end |
SymbolicOutput(lineIndex) = strIn; |
end |
end |
%% Replace Divisions |
% Compiler looks after this type of optimisation for us |
% for lineIndex = 1:length(SymbolicOutput) |
% strIn = char(SymbolicOutput(lineIndex)); |
% strIn = regexprep(strIn,'\/2','\*0\.5'); |
% strIn = regexprep(strIn,'\/4','\*0\.25'); |
% SymbolicOutput(lineIndex) = cellstr(strIn); |
% end |
%% Convert declarations |
for lineIndex = 1:length(SymbolicOutput) |
str = char(SymbolicOutput(lineIndex)); |
if ~isempty(regexp(str,'zeros', 'once')) |
index1 = regexp(str,' = zeros[','once')-1; |
index2 = regexp(str,' = zeros[','end','once')+1; |
index3 = regexp(str,'\]\[','once')-1; |
index4 = index3 + 3; |
index5 = max(regexp(str,'\]'))-1; |
str1 = {'float '}; |
str2 = str(1:index1); |
str3 = '['; |
str4 = str(index2:index3); |
str4 = num2str(str2num(str4)+1); |
str5 = ']['; |
str6 = str(index4:index5); |
str6 = num2str(str2num(str6)+1); |
str7 = '];'; |
SymbolicOutput(lineIndex) = strcat(str1,str2,str3,str4,str5,str6,str7); |
end |
end |
%% Change covariance matrix variable name to P |
for lineIndex = 1:length(SymbolicOutput) |
strIn = char(SymbolicOutput(lineIndex)); |
strIn = regexprep(strIn,'OP\[','P['); |
SymbolicOutput(lineIndex) = cellstr(strIn); |
end |
%% Write to file |
fileName = strcat(fileName,'.cpp'); |
fid = fopen(fileName,'wt'); |
for lineIndex = 1:length(SymbolicOutput) |
fprintf(fid,char(SymbolicOutput(lineIndex))); |
fprintf(fid,'\n'); |
end |
fclose(fid); |
clear all; |