472 lines
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472 lines
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/// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- |
/* |
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify |
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or |
(at your option) any later version. |
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
GNU General Public License for more details. |
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. |
*/ |
// Authored by Jonathan Challinger, 3D Robotics Inc. |
#include "AccelCalibrator.h" |
#include <stdio.h> |
#include <AP_HAL/AP_HAL.h> |
const extern AP_HAL::HAL& hal; |
/* |
* TODO |
* - time out when not receiving samples |
*/ |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
///////////////////// PUBLIC INTERFACE ///////////////////// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
AccelCalibrator::AccelCalibrator() : |
_conf_tolerance(ACCEL_CAL_TOLERANCE), |
_sample_buffer(NULL) |
{ |
clear(); |
} |
/* |
Select options, initialise variables and initiate accel calibration |
Options: |
Fit Type: Will assume that if accelerometer static samples around all possible orientatio |
are spread in space will cover a surface of AXIS_ALIGNED_ELLIPSOID or any general |
ELLIPSOID as chosen |
Num Samples: Number of samples user should will be gathering, please note that with type of surface |
chosen the minimum number of samples required will vary, for instance in the case of AXIS |
ALIGNED ELLIPSOID atleast 6 distinct samples are required while for generic ELLIPSOIDAL fit |
which will include calculation of offdiagonal parameters too requires atleast 8 parameters |
to form a distinct ELLIPSOID |
Sample Time: Time over which the samples will be gathered and averaged to add to a single sample for least |
square regression |
offset,diag,offdiag: initial parameter values for LSQ calculation |
*/ |
void AccelCalibrator::start(enum accel_cal_fit_type_t fit_type, uint8_t num_samples, float sample_time) { |
start(fit_type, num_samples, sample_time, Vector3f(0,0,0), Vector3f(1,1,1), Vector3f(0,0,0)); |
} |
void AccelCalibrator::start(enum accel_cal_fit_type_t fit_type, uint8_t num_samples, float sample_time, Vector3f offset, Vector3f diag, Vector3f offdiag) { |
if (_status == ACCEL_CAL_FAILED || _status == ACCEL_CAL_SUCCESS) { |
clear(); |
} |
if (_status != ACCEL_CAL_NOT_STARTED) { |
return; |
} |
_conf_num_samples = num_samples; |
_conf_sample_time = sample_time; |
_conf_fit_type = fit_type; |
const uint16_t faces = 2*_conf_num_samples-4; |
const float a = (4.0f * M_PI / (3.0f * faces)) + M_PI / 3.0f; |
const float theta = 0.5f * acosf(cosf(a) / (1.0f - cosf(a))); |
_min_sample_dist = GRAVITY_MSS * 2*sinf(theta/2); |
_param.s.offset = offset; |
_param.s.diag = diag; |
_param.s.offdiag = offdiag; |
switch (_conf_fit_type) { |
if (_conf_num_samples < 6) { |
set_status(ACCEL_CAL_FAILED); |
return; |
} |
break; |
if (_conf_num_samples < 8) { |
set_status(ACCEL_CAL_FAILED); |
return; |
} |
break; |
} |
} |
// set Accel calibrator status to make itself ready for future accel cals |
void AccelCalibrator::clear() { |
set_status(ACCEL_CAL_NOT_STARTED); |
} |
// returns true if accel calibrator is running |
bool AccelCalibrator::running() { |
} |
// set Accel calibrator to start collecting samples in the next cycle |
void AccelCalibrator::collect_sample() { |
} |
// collect and avg sample to be passed onto LSQ estimator after all requisite orientations are done |
void AccelCalibrator::new_sample(const Vector3f& delta_velocity, float dt) { |
return; |
} |
if (_samples_collected >= _conf_num_samples) { |
set_status(ACCEL_CAL_FAILED); |
return; |
} |
_sample_buffer[_samples_collected].delta_velocity += delta_velocity; |
_sample_buffer[_samples_collected].delta_time += dt; |
_last_samp_frag_collected_ms = AP_HAL::millis(); |
if (_sample_buffer[_samples_collected].delta_time > _conf_sample_time) { |
Vector3f sample = _sample_buffer[_samples_collected].delta_velocity/_sample_buffer[_samples_collected].delta_time; |
if (!accept_sample(sample)) { |
set_status(ACCEL_CAL_FAILED); |
return; |
} |
_samples_collected++; |
if (_samples_collected >= _conf_num_samples) { |
run_fit(MAX_ITERATIONS, _fitness); |
if (_fitness < _conf_tolerance && accept_result()) { |
set_status(ACCEL_CAL_SUCCESS); |
} else { |
set_status(ACCEL_CAL_FAILED); |
} |
} else { |
} |
} |
} |
// determines if the result is acceptable |
bool AccelCalibrator::accept_result() const { |
if (fabsf(_param.s.offset.x) > GRAVITY_MSS || |
fabsf(_param.s.offset.y) > GRAVITY_MSS || |
fabsf(_param.s.offset.z) > GRAVITY_MSS || |
_param.s.diag.x < 0.8f || _param.s.diag.x > 1.2f || |
_param.s.diag.y < 0.8f || _param.s.diag.y > 1.2f || |
_param.s.diag.z < 0.8f || _param.s.diag.z > 1.2f) { |
return false; |
} else { |
return true; |
} |
} |
// interface for LSq estimator to read sample buffer sent after conversion from delta velocity |
// to averaged acc over time |
bool AccelCalibrator::get_sample(uint8_t i, Vector3f& s) const { |
if (i >= _samples_collected) { |
return false; |
} |
s = _sample_buffer[i].delta_velocity / _sample_buffer[i].delta_time; |
return true; |
} |
// returns truen and sample corrected with diag offdiag parameters as calculated by LSq estimation procedure |
// returns false if no correct parameter exists to be applied along with existing sample without corrections |
bool AccelCalibrator::get_sample_corrected(uint8_t i, Vector3f& s) const { |
if (_status != ACCEL_CAL_SUCCESS || !get_sample(i,s)) { |
return false; |
} |
Matrix3f M ( |
_param.s.diag.x , _param.s.offdiag.x , _param.s.offdiag.y, |
_param.s.offdiag.x , _param.s.diag.y , _param.s.offdiag.z, |
_param.s.offdiag.y , _param.s.offdiag.z , _param.s.diag.z |
); |
s = M*(s+_param.s.offset); |
return true; |
} |
// checks if no new sample has been recieved for considerable amount of time |
void AccelCalibrator::check_for_timeout() { |
const uint32_t timeout = _conf_sample_time*2*1000 + 500; |
if (_status == ACCEL_CAL_COLLECTING_SAMPLE && AP_HAL::millis() - _last_samp_frag_collected_ms > timeout) { |
set_status(ACCEL_CAL_FAILED); |
} |
} |
// returns spherical fit paramteters |
void AccelCalibrator::get_calibration(Vector3f& offset) const { |
offset = -_param.s.offset; |
} |
// returns axis aligned ellipsoidal fit parameters |
void AccelCalibrator::get_calibration(Vector3f& offset, Vector3f& diag) const { |
offset = -_param.s.offset; |
diag = _param.s.diag; |
} |
// returns generic ellipsoidal fit parameters |
void AccelCalibrator::get_calibration(Vector3f& offset, Vector3f& diag, Vector3f& offdiag) const { |
offset = -_param.s.offset; |
diag = _param.s.diag; |
offdiag = _param.s.offdiag; |
} |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
////////////////////// PRIVATE METHODS ////////////////////// |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
/* |
The sample acceptance distance is determined as follows: |
For any regular polyhedron with triangular faces, the angle theta subtended |
by two closest points is defined as |
theta = arccos(cos(A)/(1-cos(A))) |
Where: |
A = (4pi/F + pi)/3 |
and |
F = 2V - 4 is the number of faces for the polyhedron in consideration, |
which depends on the number of vertices V |
The above equation was proved after solving for spherical triangular excess |
and related equations. |
*/ |
bool AccelCalibrator::accept_sample(const Vector3f& sample) |
{ |
if (_sample_buffer == NULL) { |
return false; |
} |
for(uint8_t i=0; i < _samples_collected; i++) { |
Vector3f other_sample; |
get_sample(i, other_sample); |
if ((other_sample - sample).length() < _min_sample_dist){ |
return false; |
} |
} |
return true; |
} |
// sets status of calibrator and takes appropriate actions |
void AccelCalibrator::set_status(enum accel_cal_status_t status) { |
switch (status) { |
//Calibrator not started |
_samples_collected = 0; |
if (_sample_buffer != NULL) { |
free(_sample_buffer); |
_sample_buffer = NULL; |
} |
break; |
//Callibrator has been started and is waiting for user to ack after orientation setting |
if (!running()) { |
_samples_collected = 0; |
if (_sample_buffer == NULL) { |
_sample_buffer = (struct AccelSample*)calloc(_conf_num_samples,sizeof(struct AccelSample)); |
if (_sample_buffer == NULL) { |
set_status(ACCEL_CAL_FAILED); |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
if (_samples_collected >= _conf_num_samples) { |
break; |
} |
break; |
// Calibrator is waiting on collecting samples from acceleromter for amount of |
// time as requested by user/GCS |
break; |
} |
_last_samp_frag_collected_ms = AP_HAL::millis(); |
break; |
// Calibrator has successfully fitted the samples to user requested surface model |
// and has passed tolerance test |
break; |
} |
_status = ACCEL_CAL_SUCCESS; |
break; |
// Calibration has failed with reasons that can range from |
// bad sample data leading to faillure in tolerance test to lack of distinct samples |
if (_status == ACCEL_CAL_NOT_STARTED) { |
break; |
} |
_status = ACCEL_CAL_FAILED; |
break; |
}; |
} |
/* |
Run Gauss Newton fitting algorithm over the sample space and come up with offsets, diagonal/scale factors |
and crosstalk/offdiagonal parameters |
*/ |
void AccelCalibrator::run_fit(uint8_t max_iterations, float& fitness) |
{ |
if (_sample_buffer == NULL) { |
return; |
} |
fitness = calc_mean_squared_residuals(_param.s); |
float min_fitness = fitness; |
union param_u fit_param = _param; |
uint8_t num_iterations = 0; |
while(num_iterations < max_iterations) { |
float last_fitness = fitness; |
VectorP JTFI; |
for(uint16_t k = 0; k<_samples_collected; k++) { |
Vector3f sample; |
get_sample(k, sample); |
VectorN<float,ACCEL_CAL_MAX_NUM_PARAMS> jacob; |
calc_jacob(sample, fit_param.s, jacob); |
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < get_num_params(); i++) { |
// compute JTJ |
for(uint8_t j = 0; j < get_num_params(); j++) { |
JTJ[i*get_num_params()+j] += jacob[i] * jacob[j]; |
} |
// compute JTFI |
JTFI[i] += jacob[i] * calc_residual(sample, fit_param.s); |
} |
} |
if (!inverse(JTJ, JTJ, get_num_params())) { |
return; |
} |
for(uint8_t row=0; row < get_num_params(); row++) { |
for(uint8_t col=0; col < get_num_params(); col++) { |
fit_param.a[row] -= JTFI[col] * JTJ[row*get_num_params()+col]; |
} |
} |
fitness = calc_mean_squared_residuals(fit_param.s); |
if (isnan(fitness) || isinf(fitness)) { |
return; |
} |
if (fitness < min_fitness) { |
min_fitness = fitness; |
_param = fit_param; |
} |
num_iterations++; |
if (fitness - last_fitness < 1.0e-9f) { |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
// calculates residual from samples(corrected using supplied parameter) to gravity |
// used to create Fitness column matrix |
float AccelCalibrator::calc_residual(const Vector3f& sample, const struct param_t& params) const { |
Matrix3f M ( |
params.diag.x , params.offdiag.x , params.offdiag.y, |
params.offdiag.x , params.diag.y , params.offdiag.z, |
params.offdiag.y , params.offdiag.z , params.diag.z |
); |
return GRAVITY_MSS - (M*(sample+params.offset)).length(); |
} |
// calculated the total mean squared fitness of all the collected samples using parameters |
// converged to LSq estimator so far |
float AccelCalibrator::calc_mean_squared_residuals() const |
{ |
return calc_mean_squared_residuals(_param.s); |
} |
// calculated the total mean squared fitness of all the collected samples using parameters |
// supplied |
float AccelCalibrator::calc_mean_squared_residuals(const struct param_t& params) const |
{ |
if (_sample_buffer == NULL || _samples_collected == 0) { |
return 1.0e30f; |
} |
float sum = 0.0f; |
for(uint16_t i=0; i < _samples_collected; i++){ |
Vector3f sample; |
get_sample(i, sample); |
float resid = calc_residual(sample, params); |
sum += sq(resid); |
} |
sum /= _samples_collected; |
return sum; |
} |
// calculate jacobian, a matrix that defines relation to variation in fitness with variation in each of the parameters |
// this is used in LSq estimator to adjust variation in parameter to be used for next iteration of LSq |
void AccelCalibrator::calc_jacob(const Vector3f& sample, const struct param_t& params, VectorP &ret) const { |
switch (_conf_fit_type) { |
const Vector3f &offset = params.offset; |
const Vector3f &diag = params.diag; |
const Vector3f &offdiag = params.offdiag; |
Matrix3f M( |
diag.x , offdiag.x , offdiag.y, |
offdiag.x , diag.y , offdiag.z, |
offdiag.y , offdiag.z , diag.z |
); |
float A = (diag.x * (sample.x + offset.x)) + (offdiag.x * (sample.y + offset.y)) + (offdiag.y * (sample.z + offset.z)); |
float B = (offdiag.x * (sample.x + offset.x)) + (diag.y * (sample.y + offset.y)) + (offdiag.z * (sample.z + offset.z)); |
float C = (offdiag.y * (sample.x + offset.x)) + (offdiag.z * (sample.y + offset.y)) + (diag.z * (sample.z + offset.z)); |
float length = (M*(sample+offset)).length(); |
// 0-2: offsets |
ret[0] = -1.0f * (((diag.x * A) + (offdiag.x * B) + (offdiag.y * C))/length); |
ret[1] = -1.0f * (((offdiag.x * A) + (diag.y * B) + (offdiag.z * C))/length); |
ret[2] = -1.0f * (((offdiag.y * A) + (offdiag.z * B) + (diag.z * C))/length); |
// 3-5: diagonals |
ret[3] = -1.0f * ((sample.x + offset.x) * A)/length; |
ret[4] = -1.0f * ((sample.y + offset.y) * B)/length; |
ret[5] = -1.0f * ((sample.z + offset.z) * C)/length; |
// 6-8: off-diagonals |
ret[6] = -1.0f * (((sample.y + offset.y) * A) + ((sample.x + offset.x) * B))/length; |
ret[7] = -1.0f * (((sample.z + offset.z) * A) + ((sample.x + offset.x) * C))/length; |
ret[8] = -1.0f * (((sample.z + offset.z) * B) + ((sample.y + offset.y) * C))/length; |
return; |
} |
}; |
} |
// returns number of paramters are required for selected Fit type |
uint8_t AccelCalibrator::get_num_params() const { |
switch (_conf_fit_type) { |
return 6; |
return 9; |
default: |
return 6; |
} |