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202 lines
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202 lines
6.1 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python |
from multicopter import MultiCopter |
import util, time, os, sys, math |
import socket, struct |
import select, errno |
from pymavlink import fgFDM |
def sim_send(m, a): |
'''send flight information to mavproxy and flightgear''' |
global fdm |
from math import degrees |
earth_rates = util.BodyRatesToEarthRates(a.dcm, a.gyro) |
(roll, pitch, yaw) = a.dcm.to_euler() |
fdm.set('latitude', a.latitude, units='degrees') |
fdm.set('longitude', a.longitude, units='degrees') |
fdm.set('altitude', a.altitude, units='meters') |
fdm.set('phi', roll, units='radians') |
fdm.set('theta', pitch, units='radians') |
fdm.set('psi', yaw, units='radians') |
fdm.set('phidot', earth_rates.x, units='rps') |
fdm.set('thetadot', earth_rates.y, units='rps') |
fdm.set('psidot', earth_rates.z, units='rps') |
fdm.set('vcas', math.sqrt(a.velocity.x*a.velocity.x + a.velocity.y*a.velocity.y), units='mps') |
fdm.set('v_north', a.velocity.x, units='mps') |
fdm.set('v_east', a.velocity.y, units='mps') |
# FG FDM protocol only supports 4 motors for display :( |
fdm.set('num_engines', 4) |
for i in range(4): |
fdm.set('rpm', 1000*m[i], idx=i) |
try: |
fg_out.send(fdm.pack()) |
except socket.error as e: |
if not e.errno in [ errno.ECONNREFUSED ]: |
raise |
buf = struct.pack('<17dI', |
a.latitude, a.longitude, a.altitude, degrees(yaw), |
a.velocity.x, a.velocity.y, a.velocity.z, |
a.accelerometer.x, a.accelerometer.y, a.accelerometer.z, |
degrees(earth_rates.x), degrees(earth_rates.y), degrees(earth_rates.z), |
degrees(roll), degrees(pitch), degrees(yaw), |
math.sqrt(a.velocity.x*a.velocity.x + a.velocity.y*a.velocity.y), |
0x4c56414f) |
try: |
sim_out.send(buf) |
except socket.error as e: |
if not e.errno in [ errno.ECONNREFUSED ]: |
raise |
def sim_recv(m): |
'''receive control information from SITL''' |
try: |
buf = sim_in.recv(28) |
except socket.error as e: |
if not e.errno in [ errno.EAGAIN, errno.EWOULDBLOCK ]: |
raise |
return |
if len(buf) != 28: |
return |
control = list(struct.unpack('<14H', buf)) |
pwm = control[0:11] |
# update motors |
for i in range(11): |
m[i] = (pwm[i]-1000)/1000.0 |
# update wind |
global a |
(speed, direction, turbulance) = control[11:] |
a.wind.speed = speed*0.01 |
a.wind.direction = direction*0.01 |
a.wind.turbulance = turbulance*0.01 |
def interpret_address(addrstr): |
'''interpret a IP:port string''' |
a = addrstr.split(':') |
a[1] = int(a[1]) |
return tuple(a) |
################## |
# main program |
from optparse import OptionParser |
parser = OptionParser(" [options]") |
parser.add_option("--fgout", dest="fgout", help="flightgear output (IP:port)", default="") |
parser.add_option("--simin", dest="simin", help="SIM input (IP:port)", default="") |
parser.add_option("--simout", dest="simout", help="SIM output (IP:port)", default="") |
parser.add_option("--home", dest="home", type='string', default=None, help="home lat,lng,alt,hdg (required)") |
parser.add_option("--rate", dest="rate", type='int', help="SIM update rate", default=400) |
parser.add_option("--wind", dest="wind", help="Simulate wind (speed,direction,turbulance)", default='0,0,0') |
parser.add_option("--frame", dest="frame", help="frame type (+,X,octo)", default='+') |
parser.add_option("--gimbal", dest="gimbal", action='store_true', default=False, help="enable gimbal") |
(opts, args) = parser.parse_args() |
for m in [ 'home' ]: |
if not opts.__dict__[m]: |
print("Missing required option '%s'" % m) |
parser.print_help() |
sys.exit(1) |
# UDP socket addresses |
fg_out_address = interpret_address(opts.fgout) |
sim_out_address = interpret_address(opts.simout) |
sim_in_address = interpret_address(opts.simin) |
# setup output to flightgear |
fg_out = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) |
fg_out.connect(fg_out_address) |
fg_out.setblocking(0) |
# setup input from SITL |
sim_in = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) |
sim_in.bind(sim_in_address) |
sim_in.setblocking(0) |
# setup output to SITL |
sim_out = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) |
sim_out.connect(sim_out_address) |
sim_out.setblocking(0) |
# FG FDM object |
fdm = fgFDM.fgFDM() |
# create the quadcopter model |
a = MultiCopter(frame=opts.frame) |
print("Simulating %u motors for frame %s" % (len(a.motors), opts.frame)) |
# motors initially off |
m = [0.0] * 11 |
lastt = time.time() |
frame_count = 0 |
# parse home |
v = opts.home.split(',') |
if len(v) != 4: |
print("home should be lat,lng,alt,hdg") |
sys.exit(1) |
a.home_latitude = float(v[0]) |
a.home_longitude = float(v[1]) |
a.home_altitude = float(v[2]) |
a.latitude = a.home_latitude |
a.longitude = a.home_longitude |
a.altitude = a.home_altitude |
a.yaw = float(v[3]) |
a.ground_level = a.home_altitude |
a.position.z = 0 |
a.wind = util.Wind(opts.wind) |
a.set_yaw_degrees(a.yaw) |
print("Starting at lat=%f lon=%f alt=%.1f heading=%.1f" % ( |
a.home_latitude, |
a.home_longitude, |
a.home_altitude, |
a.yaw)) |
frame_time = 1.0/opts.rate |
sleep_overhead = 0 |
if opts.gimbal: |
from gimbal import Gimbal3Axis |
gimbal = Gimbal3Axis(a) |
print("Adding gimbal support") |
else: |
gimbal = None |
while True: |
frame_start = time.time() |
sim_recv(m) |
m2 = m[:] |
a.update(m2) |
if gimbal is not None: |
gimbal.update() |
sim_send(m, a) |
frame_count += 1 |
t = time.time() |
if t - lastt > 1.0: |
# print("%.2f fps sleepOverhead=%f zspeed=%.2f zaccel=%.2f h=%.1f a=%.1f yaw=%.1f" % ( |
# frame_count/(t-lastt), |
# sleep_overhead, |
# a.velocity.z, a.accelerometer.z, a.position.z, a.altitude, |
# a.yaw)) |
lastt = t |
frame_count = 0 |
frame_end = time.time() |
if frame_end - frame_start < frame_time: |
dt = frame_time - (frame_end - frame_start) |
dt -= sleep_overhead |
if dt > 0: |
time.sleep(dt) |
sleep_overhead = 0.99*sleep_overhead + 0.01*(time.time() - frame_end - dt)