388 lines
12 KiB
388 lines
12 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python |
""" |
Run a jsbsim model as a child process. |
""" |
from __future__ import print_function |
import atexit |
import errno |
import fdpexpect |
import math |
import os |
import select |
import signal |
import socket |
import struct |
import sys |
import time |
import pexpect |
from pymavlink import fgFDM |
from .. pysim import util |
class control_state(object): |
def __init__(self): |
self.aileron = 0 |
self.elevator = 0 |
self.throttle = 0 |
self.rudder = 0 |
self.ground_height = 0 |
sitl_state = control_state() |
def interpret_address(addrstr): |
"""Interpret a IP:port string.""" |
a = addrstr.split(':') |
a[1] = int(a[1]) |
return tuple(a) |
def jsb_set(variable, value): |
"""Set a JSBSim variable.""" |
global jsb_console |
jsb_console.send('set %s %s\r\n' % (variable, value)) |
def setup_template(home): |
"""Setup aircraft/Rascal/reset.xml .""" |
global opts |
v = home.split(',') |
if len(v) != 4: |
print("home should be lat,lng,alt,hdg - '%s'" % home) |
sys.exit(1) |
latitude = float(v[0]) |
longitude = float(v[1]) |
altitude = float(v[2]) |
heading = float(v[3]) |
sitl_state.ground_height = altitude |
template = os.path.join('aircraft', 'Rascal', 'reset_template.xml') |
reset = os.path.join('aircraft', 'Rascal', 'reset.xml') |
xml = open(template).read() % {'LATITUDE': str(latitude), |
'LONGITUDE': str(longitude), |
'HEADING': str(heading)} |
open(reset, mode='w').write(xml) |
print("Wrote %s" % reset) |
baseport = int(opts.simout.split(':')[1]) |
template = os.path.join('jsb_sim', 'fgout_template.xml') |
out = os.path.join('jsb_sim', 'fgout.xml') |
xml = open(template).read() % {'FGOUTPORT': str(baseport+3)} |
open(out, mode='w').write(xml) |
print("Wrote %s" % out) |
template = os.path.join('jsb_sim', 'rascal_test_template.xml') |
out = os.path.join('jsb_sim', 'rascal_test.xml') |
xml = open(template).read() % {'JSBCONSOLEPORT': str(baseport+4)} |
open(out, mode='w').write(xml) |
print("Wrote %s" % out) |
def process_sitl_input(buf): |
"""Process control changes from SITL sim.""" |
control = list(struct.unpack('<14H', buf)) |
pwm = control[:11] |
(speed, direction, turbulance) = control[11:] |
global wind |
wind.speed = speed*0.01 |
wind.direction = direction*0.01 |
wind.turbulance = turbulance*0.01 |
aileron = (pwm[0]-1500)/500.0 |
elevator = (pwm[1]-1500)/500.0 |
throttle = (pwm[2]-1000)/1000.0 |
if opts.revthr: |
throttle = 1.0 - throttle |
rudder = (pwm[3]-1500)/500.0 |
if opts.elevon: |
# fake an elevon plane |
ch1 = aileron |
ch2 = elevator |
aileron = (ch2-ch1)/2.0 |
# the minus does away with the need for RC2_REV=-1 |
elevator = -(ch2+ch1)/2.0 |
if opts.vtail: |
# fake an elevon plane |
ch1 = elevator |
ch2 = rudder |
# this matches VTAIL_OUTPUT==2 |
elevator = (ch2-ch1)/2.0 |
rudder = (ch2+ch1)/2.0 |
buf = '' |
if aileron != sitl_state.aileron: |
buf += 'set fcs/aileron-cmd-norm %s\n' % aileron |
sitl_state.aileron = aileron |
if elevator != sitl_state.elevator: |
buf += 'set fcs/elevator-cmd-norm %s\n' % elevator |
sitl_state.elevator = elevator |
if rudder != sitl_state.rudder: |
buf += 'set fcs/rudder-cmd-norm %s\n' % rudder |
sitl_state.rudder = rudder |
if throttle != sitl_state.throttle: |
buf += 'set fcs/throttle-cmd-norm %s\n' % throttle |
sitl_state.throttle = throttle |
buf += 'step\n' |
global jsb_console |
jsb_console.send(buf) |
def update_wind(wind): |
"""Update wind simulation.""" |
(speed, direction) = wind.current() |
jsb_set('atmosphere/psiw-rad', math.radians(direction)) |
jsb_set('atmosphere/wind-mag-fps', speed/0.3048) |
def process_jsb_input(buf, simtime): |
"""Process FG FDM input from JSBSim.""" |
global fdm, fg_out, sim_out |
fdm.parse(buf) |
if fg_out: |
try: |
agl = fdm.get('agl', units='meters') |
fdm.set('altitude', agl+sitl_state.ground_height, units='meters') |
fdm.set('rpm', sitl_state.throttle*1000) |
fg_out.send(fdm.pack()) |
except socket.error as e: |
if e.errno not in [errno.ECONNREFUSED]: |
raise |
timestamp = int(simtime*1.0e6) |
simbuf = struct.pack('<Q17dI', |
timestamp, |
fdm.get('latitude', units='degrees'), |
fdm.get('longitude', units='degrees'), |
fdm.get('altitude', units='meters'), |
fdm.get('psi', units='degrees'), |
fdm.get('v_north', units='mps'), |
fdm.get('v_east', units='mps'), |
fdm.get('v_down', units='mps'), |
fdm.get('A_X_pilot', units='mpss'), |
fdm.get('A_Y_pilot', units='mpss'), |
fdm.get('A_Z_pilot', units='mpss'), |
fdm.get('phidot', units='dps'), |
fdm.get('thetadot', units='dps'), |
fdm.get('psidot', units='dps'), |
fdm.get('phi', units='degrees'), |
fdm.get('theta', units='degrees'), |
fdm.get('psi', units='degrees'), |
fdm.get('vcas', units='mps'), |
0x4c56414f) |
try: |
sim_out.send(simbuf) |
except socket.error as e: |
if e.errno not in [errno.ECONNREFUSED]: |
raise |
################## main program ################## |
from optparse import OptionParser |
parser = OptionParser("runsim.py [options]") |
parser.add_option("--simin", help="SITL input (IP:port)", default="") |
parser.add_option("--simout", help="SITL output (IP:port)", default="") |
parser.add_option("--fgout", help="FG display output (IP:port)", default="") |
parser.add_option("--home", type='string', help="home lat,lng,alt,hdg (required)") |
parser.add_option("--script", type='string', help='jsbsim model script', default='jsb_sim/rascal_test.xml') |
parser.add_option("--options", type='string', help='jsbsim startup options') |
parser.add_option("--elevon", action='store_true', default=False, help='assume elevon input') |
parser.add_option("--revthr", action='store_true', default=False, help='reverse throttle') |
parser.add_option("--vtail", action='store_true', default=False, help='assume vtail input') |
parser.add_option("--wind", dest="wind", help="Simulate wind (speed,direction,turbulance)", default='0,0,0') |
parser.add_option("--rate", type='int', help="Simulation rate (Hz)", default=1000) |
parser.add_option("--speedup", type='float', default=1.0, help="speedup from realtime") |
(opts, args) = parser.parse_args() |
for m in ['home', 'script']: |
if not opts.__dict__[m]: |
print("Missing required option '%s'" % m) |
parser.print_help() |
sys.exit(1) |
os.chdir(util.reltopdir('Tools/autotest')) |
# kill off child when we exit |
atexit.register(util.pexpect_close_all) |
setup_template(opts.home) |
# start child |
cmd = "JSBSim --realtime --suspend --nice --simulation-rate=%u --logdirectivefile=jsb_sim/fgout.xml --script=%s" % (opts.rate, opts.script) |
if opts.options: |
cmd += ' %s' % opts.options |
jsb = pexpect.spawn(cmd, logfile=sys.stdout, timeout=10) |
jsb.delaybeforesend = 0 |
util.pexpect_autoclose(jsb) |
i = jsb.expect(["Successfully bound to socket for input on port (\d+)", |
"Could not bind to socket for input"]) |
if i == 1: |
print("Failed to start JSBSim - is another copy running?") |
sys.exit(1) |
jsb_out_address = interpret_address("" % int(jsb.match.group(1))) |
jsb.expect("Creating UDP socket on port (\d+)") |
jsb_in_address = interpret_address("" % int(jsb.match.group(1))) |
jsb.expect("Successfully connected to socket for output") |
jsb.expect("JSBSim Execution beginning") |
# setup output to jsbsim |
print("JSBSim console on %s" % str(jsb_out_address)) |
jsb_out = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) |
jsb_out.connect(jsb_out_address) |
jsb_console = fdpexpect.fdspawn(jsb_out.fileno(), logfile=sys.stdout) |
jsb_console.delaybeforesend = 0 |
# setup input from jsbsim |
print("JSBSim FG FDM input on %s" % str(jsb_in_address)) |
jsb_in = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) |
jsb_in.bind(jsb_in_address) |
jsb_in.setblocking(0) |
# socket addresses |
sim_out_address = interpret_address(opts.simout) |
sim_in_address = interpret_address(opts.simin) |
# setup input from SITL sim |
sim_in = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) |
sim_in.bind(sim_in_address) |
sim_in.setblocking(0) |
# setup output to SITL sim |
sim_out = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) |
sim_out.connect(interpret_address(opts.simout)) |
sim_out.setblocking(0) |
# setup possible output to FlightGear for display |
fg_out = None |
if opts.fgout: |
fg_out = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) |
fg_out.connect(interpret_address(opts.fgout)) |
# setup wind generator |
wind = util.Wind(opts.wind) |
fdm = fgFDM.fgFDM() |
jsb_console.send('info\n') |
jsb_console.send('resume\n') |
jsb.expect(["trim computation time", "Trim Results"]) |
time.sleep(1.5) |
jsb_console.send('step\n') |
jsb_console.logfile = None |
print("Simulator ready to fly") |
def main_loop(): |
"""Run main loop.""" |
tnow = time.time() |
last_report = tnow |
last_sim_input = tnow |
last_wind_update = tnow |
frame_count = 0 |
paused = False |
simstep = 1.0/opts.rate |
simtime = simstep |
frame_time = 1.0/opts.rate |
scaled_frame_time = frame_time/opts.speedup |
last_wall_time = time.time() |
achieved_rate = opts.speedup |
while True: |
new_frame = False |
rin = [jsb_in.fileno(), sim_in.fileno(), jsb_console.fileno(), jsb.fileno()] |
try: |
(rin, win, xin) = select.select(rin, [], [], 1.0) |
except select.error: |
util.check_parent() |
continue |
tnow = time.time() |
if jsb_in.fileno() in rin: |
buf = jsb_in.recv(fdm.packet_size()) |
process_jsb_input(buf, simtime) |
frame_count += 1 |
new_frame = True |
if sim_in.fileno() in rin: |
simbuf = sim_in.recv(28) |
process_sitl_input(simbuf) |
simtime += simstep |
last_sim_input = tnow |
# show any jsbsim console output |
if jsb_console.fileno() in rin: |
util.pexpect_drain(jsb_console) |
if jsb.fileno() in rin: |
util.pexpect_drain(jsb) |
# only simulate wind above 5 meters, to prevent crashes while |
# waiting for takeoff |
if tnow - last_wind_update > 0.1: |
update_wind(wind) |
last_wind_update = tnow |
if tnow - last_report > 3: |
print("FPS %u asl=%.1f agl=%.1f roll=%.1f pitch=%.1f a=(%.2f %.2f %.2f) AR=%.1f" % ( |
frame_count / (time.time() - last_report), |
fdm.get('altitude', units='meters'), |
fdm.get('agl', units='meters'), |
fdm.get('phi', units='degrees'), |
fdm.get('theta', units='degrees'), |
fdm.get('A_X_pilot', units='mpss'), |
fdm.get('A_Y_pilot', units='mpss'), |
fdm.get('A_Z_pilot', units='mpss'), |
achieved_rate)) |
frame_count = 0 |
last_report = time.time() |
if new_frame: |
now = time.time() |
if now < last_wall_time + scaled_frame_time: |
dt = last_wall_time+scaled_frame_time - now |
time.sleep(last_wall_time+scaled_frame_time - now) |
now = time.time() |
if now > last_wall_time and now - last_wall_time < 0.1: |
rate = 1.0/(now - last_wall_time) |
achieved_rate = (0.98*achieved_rate) + (0.02*rate) |
if achieved_rate < opts.rate*opts.speedup: |
scaled_frame_time *= 0.999 |
else: |
scaled_frame_time *= 1.001 |
last_wall_time = now |
def exit_handler(): |
"""Exit the sim.""" |
print("running exit handler") |
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN) |
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIG_IGN) |
# JSBSim really doesn't like to die ... |
if getattr(jsb, 'pid', None) is not None: |
os.kill(jsb.pid, signal.SIGKILL) |
jsb_console.send('quit\n') |
jsb.close(force=True) |
util.pexpect_close_all() |
sys.exit(1) |
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, exit_handler) |
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, exit_handler) |
try: |
main_loop() |
except Exception as ex: |
print(ex) |
exit_handler() |