255 lines
7.2 KiB
255 lines
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/// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- |
#include "Compass.h" |
const AP_Param::GroupInfo Compass::var_info[] PROGMEM = { |
// index 0 was used for the old orientation matrix |
AP_GROUPINFO("OFS", 1, Compass, _offset, 0), |
AP_GROUPINFO("DEC", 2, Compass, _declination, 0), |
AP_GROUPINFO("LEARN", 3, Compass, _learn, 1), // true if learning calibration |
AP_GROUPINFO("USE", 4, Compass, _use_for_yaw, 1), // true if used for DCM yaw |
AP_GROUPINFO("AUTODEC",5, Compass, _auto_declination, 1), |
}; |
// Default constructor. |
// Note that the Vector/Matrix constructors already implicitly zero |
// their values. |
// |
Compass::Compass(void) : |
_orientation(ROTATION_NONE), |
_null_init_done(false) |
{ |
} |
// Default init method, just returns success. |
// |
bool |
Compass::init() |
{ |
return true; |
} |
void |
Compass::set_orientation(enum Rotation rotation) |
{ |
_orientation = rotation; |
} |
void |
Compass::set_offsets(const Vector3f &offsets) |
{ |
_offset.set(offsets); |
} |
void |
Compass::save_offsets() |
{ |
_offset.save(); |
} |
Vector3f & |
Compass::get_offsets() |
{ |
return _offset; |
} |
void |
Compass::set_initial_location(int32_t latitude, int32_t longitude) |
{ |
// if automatic declination is configured, then compute |
// the declination based on the initial GPS fix |
if (_auto_declination) { |
// Set the declination based on the lat/lng from GPS |
_declination.set(radians(AP_Declination::get_declination((float)latitude / 10000000, (float)longitude / 10000000))); |
} |
} |
void |
Compass::set_declination(float radians) |
{ |
_declination.set_and_save(radians); |
} |
float |
Compass::get_declination() |
{ |
return _declination.get(); |
} |
float |
Compass::calculate_heading(float roll, float pitch) |
{ |
// Note - This function implementation is deprecated |
// The alternate implementation of this function using the dcm matrix is preferred |
float headX; |
float headY; |
float cos_roll; |
float sin_roll; |
float cos_pitch; |
float sin_pitch; |
float heading; |
cos_roll = cos(roll); |
sin_roll = sin(roll); |
cos_pitch = cos(pitch); |
sin_pitch = sin(pitch); |
// Tilt compensated magnetic field X component: |
headX = mag_x*cos_pitch + mag_y*sin_roll*sin_pitch + mag_z*cos_roll*sin_pitch; |
// Tilt compensated magnetic field Y component: |
headY = mag_y*cos_roll - mag_z*sin_roll; |
// magnetic heading |
heading = atan2(-headY,headX); |
// Declination correction (if supplied) |
if( fabs(_declination) > 0.0 ) |
{ |
heading = heading + _declination; |
if (heading > M_PI) // Angle normalization (-180 deg, 180 deg) |
heading -= (2.0 * M_PI); |
else if (heading < -M_PI) |
heading += (2.0 * M_PI); |
} |
return heading; |
} |
float |
Compass::calculate_heading(const Matrix3f &dcm_matrix) |
{ |
float headX; |
float headY; |
float cos_pitch = safe_sqrt(1-(dcm_matrix.c.x*dcm_matrix.c.x)); |
float heading; |
// sin(pitch) = - dcm_matrix(3,1) |
// cos(pitch)*sin(roll) = - dcm_matrix(3,2) |
// cos(pitch)*cos(roll) = - dcm_matrix(3,3) |
if (cos_pitch == 0.0) { |
// we are pointing straight up or down so don't update our |
// heading using the compass. Wait for the next iteration when |
// we hopefully will have valid values again. |
return 0; |
} |
// Tilt compensated magnetic field X component: |
headX = mag_x*cos_pitch - mag_y*dcm_matrix.c.y*dcm_matrix.c.x/cos_pitch - mag_z*dcm_matrix.c.z*dcm_matrix.c.x/cos_pitch; |
// Tilt compensated magnetic field Y component: |
headY = mag_y*dcm_matrix.c.z/cos_pitch - mag_z*dcm_matrix.c.y/cos_pitch; |
// magnetic heading |
// 6/4/11 - added constrain to keep bad values from ruining DCM Yaw - Jason S. |
heading = constrain(atan2(-headY,headX), -3.15, 3.15); |
// Declination correction (if supplied) |
if( fabs(_declination) > 0.0 ) |
{ |
heading = heading + _declination; |
if (heading > M_PI) // Angle normalization (-180 deg, 180 deg) |
heading -= (2.0 * M_PI); |
else if (heading < -M_PI) |
heading += (2.0 * M_PI); |
} |
return heading; |
} |
/* |
* this offset nulling algorithm is inspired by this paper from Bill Premerlani |
* |
* http://gentlenav.googlecode.com/files/MagnetometerOffsetNullingRevisited.pdf |
* |
* The base algorithm works well, but is quite sensitive to |
* noise. After long discussions with Bill, the following changes were |
* made: |
* |
* 1) we keep a history buffer that effectively divides the mag |
* vectors into a set of N streams. The algorithm is run on the |
* streams separately |
* |
* 2) within each stream we only calculate a change when the mag |
* vector has changed by a significant amount. |
* |
* This gives us the property that we learn quickly if there is no |
* noise, but still learn correctly (and slowly) in the face of lots of |
* noise. |
*/ |
void |
Compass::null_offsets(void) |
{ |
if (_learn == 0) { |
// auto-calibration is disabled |
return; |
} |
// this gain is set so we converge on the offsets in about 5 |
// minutes with a 10Hz compass |
const float gain = 0.01; |
const float max_change = 10.0; |
const float min_diff = 50.0; |
Vector3f ofs; |
ofs = _offset.get(); |
if (!_null_init_done) { |
// first time through |
_null_init_done = true; |
for (uint8_t i=0; i<_mag_history_size; i++) { |
// fill the history buffer with the current mag vector, |
// with the offset removed |
_mag_history[i] = Vector3i((mag_x+0.5) - ofs.x, (mag_y+0.5) - ofs.y, (mag_z+0.5) - ofs.z); |
} |
_mag_history_index = 0; |
return; |
} |
Vector3f b1, b2, diff; |
float length; |
// get a past element |
b1 = Vector3f(_mag_history[_mag_history_index].x, |
_mag_history[_mag_history_index].y, |
_mag_history[_mag_history_index].z); |
// the history buffer doesn't have the offsets |
b1 += ofs; |
// get the current vector |
b2 = Vector3f(mag_x, mag_y, mag_z); |
// calculate the delta for this sample |
diff = b2 - b1; |
length = diff.length(); |
if (length < min_diff) { |
// the mag vector hasn't changed enough - we don't get |
// enough information from this vector to use it. |
// Note that we don't put the current vector into the mag |
// history here. We want to wait for a larger rotation to |
// build up before calculating an offset change, as accuracy |
// of the offset change is highly dependent on the size of the |
// rotation. |
_mag_history_index = (_mag_history_index + 1) % _mag_history_size; |
return; |
} |
// put the vector in the history |
_mag_history[_mag_history_index] = Vector3i((mag_x+0.5) - ofs.x, (mag_y+0.5) - ofs.y, (mag_z+0.5) - ofs.z); |
_mag_history_index = (_mag_history_index + 1) % _mag_history_size; |
// equation 6 of Bills paper |
diff = diff * (gain * (b2.length() - b1.length()) / length); |
// limit the change from any one reading. This is to prevent |
// single crazy readings from throwing off the offsets for a long |
// time |
length = diff.length(); |
if (length > max_change) { |
diff *= max_change / length; |
} |
// set the new offsets |
_offset.set(_offset.get() - diff); |