You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

222 lines
6.7 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace ArdupilotMega.Antenna
public partial class Tracker : Form
System.Threading.Thread t12;
static bool threadrun = false;
static ITrackerOutput tracker;
enum interfaces
public Tracker()
CMB_serialport.DataSource = SerialPort.GetPortNames();
if (threadrun)
BUT_connect.Text = "Disconnect";
foreach (string value in MainV2.config.Keys)
if (value.StartsWith("Tracker_"))
var ctls = Controls.Find(value.Replace("Tracker_",""),true);
foreach (Control ctl in ctls)
if (typeof(TextBox) == ctl.GetType() ||
typeof(ComboBox) == ctl.GetType())
ctl.Text = MainV2.config[value].ToString();
else if (typeof(TrackBar) == ctl.GetType())
((TrackBar)ctl).Value = int.Parse(MainV2.config[value].ToString());
else if (typeof(CheckBox) == ctl.GetType())
((CheckBox)ctl).Checked = bool.Parse(MainV2.config[value].ToString());
// update other fields from load params
TXT_panrange_TextChanged(null, null);
TXT_tiltrange_TextChanged(null, null);
TRK_pantrim_Scroll(null, null);
TRK_tilttrim_Scroll(null, null);
void saveconfig()
foreach (Control ctl in Controls)
if (typeof(TextBox) == ctl.GetType() ||
typeof(ComboBox) == ctl.GetType())
MainV2.config["Tracker_" + ctl.Name] = ctl.Text;
if (typeof(TrackBar) == ctl.GetType())
MainV2.config["Tracker_" + ctl.Name] = ((TrackBar)ctl).Value;
if (typeof(CheckBox) == ctl.GetType())
MainV2.config["Tracker_" + ctl.Name] = ((CheckBox)ctl).Checked;
private void BUT_connect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (threadrun)
threadrun = false;
BUT_connect.Text = "Connect";
if (tracker != null && tracker.ComPort != null && tracker.ComPort.IsOpen)
if (CMB_interface.Text == "Maestro")
tracker = new ArdupilotMega.Antenna.Maestro();
if (CMB_interface.Text == "ArduTracker")
tracker = new ArdupilotMega.Antenna.ArduTracker();
tracker.ComPort = new SerialPort()
PortName = CMB_serialport.Text,
BaudRate = int.Parse(CMB_baudrate.Text)
catch (Exception ex) { CustomMessageBox.Show("Bad Port settings " + ex.Message); return; }
tracker.PanStartRange = int.Parse(TXT_panrange.Text) / 2 * -1;
tracker.PanEndRange = int.Parse(TXT_panrange.Text) / 2;
tracker.TrimPan = TRK_pantrim.Value;
tracker.TiltStartRange = int.Parse(TXT_tiltrange.Text) / 2 * -1;
tracker.TiltEndRange = int.Parse(TXT_tiltrange.Text) / 2;
tracker.TrimTilt = TRK_tilttrim.Value;
tracker.PanReverse = CHK_revpan.Checked;
tracker.TiltReverse = CHK_revtilt.Checked;
tracker.PanPWMRange = int.Parse(TXT_pwmrangepan.Text);
tracker.TiltPWMRange = int.Parse(TXT_pwmrangetilt.Text);
catch (Exception ex) { CustomMessageBox.Show("Bad User input " + ex.Message); return; }
if (tracker.Init())
if (tracker.Setup())
tracker.PanAndTilt(0, 0);
t12 = new System.Threading.Thread(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(mainloop))
IsBackground = true,
Name = "Antenna Tracker"
BUT_connect.Text = "Disconnect";
void mainloop()
threadrun = true;
while (threadrun)
// 10 hz - position updates default to 3 hz on the stream rate
tracker.PanAndTilt(MainV2.cs.AZToMAV, MainV2.cs.ELToMAV);
catch { }
private void TRK_pantrim_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (tracker != null)
tracker.TrimPan = TRK_pantrim.Value;
LBL_pantrim.Text = TRK_pantrim.Value.ToString();
private void TRK_tilttrim_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (tracker != null)
tracker.TrimTilt = TRK_tilttrim.Value;
LBL_tilttrim.Text = TRK_tilttrim.Value.ToString();
private void TXT_panrange_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
int range;
int.TryParse(TXT_panrange.Text, out range);
TRK_pantrim.Minimum = range / 1 * -1;
TRK_pantrim.Maximum = range / 1;
private void TXT_tiltrange_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
int range;
int.TryParse(TXT_tiltrange.Text, out range);
TRK_tilttrim.Minimum = range / 1 * -1;
TRK_tilttrim.Maximum = range / 1;
private void CHK_revpan_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void CHK_revtilt_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void Tracker_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)