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#!/usr/bin/env python |
# Fly ArduPlane QuadPlane in SITL |
from __future__ import print_function |
import os |
import numpy |
import math |
from pymavlink import mavutil |
from common import AutoTest |
from common import AutoTestTimeoutException, NotAchievedException |
from pysim import vehicleinfo |
import operator |
# get location of scripts |
testdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) |
WIND = "0,180,0.2" # speed,direction,variance |
SITL_START_LOCATION = mavutil.location(-27.274439, 151.290064, 343, 8.7) |
class AutoTestQuadPlane(AutoTest): |
@staticmethod |
def get_not_armable_mode_list(): |
return [] |
@staticmethod |
def get_not_disarmed_settable_modes_list(): |
return [] |
@staticmethod |
def get_no_position_not_settable_modes_list(): |
return [] |
@staticmethod |
def get_position_armable_modes_list(): |
return [] |
@staticmethod |
def get_normal_armable_modes_list(): |
return [] |
def default_frame(self): |
return "quadplane" |
def test_filepath(self): |
return os.path.realpath(__file__) |
def sitl_start_location(self): |
def log_name(self): |
return "QuadPlane" |
def set_current_test_name(self, name): |
self.current_test_name_directory = "ArduPlane_Tests/" + name + "/" |
def apply_defaultfile_parameters(self): |
# plane passes in a defaults_filepath in place of applying |
# parameters afterwards. |
pass |
def defaults_filepath(self): |
return self.model_defaults_filepath("ArduPlane",self.frame) |
def is_plane(self): |
return True |
def get_stick_arming_channel(self): |
return int(self.get_parameter("RCMAP_YAW")) |
def get_disarm_delay(self): |
return int(self.get_parameter("LAND_DISARMDELAY")) |
def set_autodisarm_delay(self, delay): |
self.set_parameter("LAND_DISARMDELAY", delay) |
def test_motor_mask(self): |
"""Check operation of output_motor_mask""" |
"""copter tailsitters will add condition: or (int(self.get_parameter('Q_TAILSIT_MOTMX')) & 1)""" |
if not(int(self.get_parameter('Q_TILT_MASK')) & 1): |
self.progress("output_motor_mask not in use") |
return |
self.progress("Testing output_motor_mask") |
self.wait_ready_to_arm() |
"""Default channel for Motor1 is 5""" |
self.progress('Assert that SERVO5 is Motor1') |
assert(33 == self.get_parameter('SERVO5_FUNCTION')) |
modes = ('MANUAL', 'FBWA', 'QHOVER') |
for mode in modes: |
self.progress("Testing %s mode" % mode) |
self.change_mode(mode) |
self.arm_vehicle() |
self.progress("Raising throttle") |
self.set_rc(3, 1800) |
self.progress("Waiting for Motor1 to start") |
self.wait_servo_channel_value(5, 1100, |
self.set_rc(3, 1000) |
self.disarm_vehicle() |
self.wait_ready_to_arm() |
def fly_mission(self, filename, fence=None, height_accuracy=-1): |
"""Fly a mission from a file.""" |
self.progress("Flying mission %s" % filename) |
self.load_mission(filename) |
if fence is not None: |
self.load_fence(fence) |
self.mavproxy.send('wp list\n') |
self.mavproxy.expect('Requesting [0-9]+ waypoints') |
self.wait_ready_to_arm() |
self.arm_vehicle() |
self.mavproxy.send('mode AUTO\n') |
self.wait_mode('AUTO') |
self.wait_waypoint(1, 19, max_dist=60, timeout=1200) |
self.wait_disarmed(timeout=120) # give quadplane a long time to land |
# wait for blood sample here |
self.mavproxy.send('wp set 20\n') |
self.wait_ready_to_arm() |
self.arm_vehicle() |
self.wait_waypoint(20, 34, max_dist=60, timeout=1200) |
self.wait_disarmed(timeout=120) # give quadplane a long time to land |
self.progress("Mission OK") |
def fly_qautotune(self): |
self.change_mode("QHOVER") |
self.wait_ready_to_arm() |
self.arm_vehicle() |
self.set_rc(3, 1800) |
self.wait_altitude(30, |
40, |
relative=True, |
timeout=30) |
self.set_rc(3, 1500) |
self.change_mode("QAUTOTUNE") |
tstart = self.get_sim_time() |
sim_time_expected = 5000 |
deadline = tstart + sim_time_expected |
while self.get_sim_time_cached() < deadline: |
now = self.get_sim_time_cached() |
m = self.mav.recv_match(type='STATUSTEXT', |
blocking=True, |
timeout=1) |
if m is None: |
continue |
self.progress("STATUSTEXT (%u<%u): %s" % (now, deadline, m.text)) |
if "AutoTune: Success" in m.text: |
break |
self.progress("AUTOTUNE OK (%u seconds)" % (now - tstart)) |
self.set_rc(3, 1200) |
self.wait_altitude(-5, 1, relative=True, timeout=30) |
while self.get_sim_time_cached() < deadline: |
self.mavproxy.send('disarm\n') |
try: |
self.wait_text("AutoTune: Saved gains for Roll Pitch Yaw", timeout=0.5) |
except AutoTestTimeoutException as e: |
continue |
break |
self.wait_disarmed() |
def takeoff(self, height, mode): |
self.change_mode(mode) |
self.wait_ready_to_arm() |
self.arm_vehicle() |
self.set_rc(3, 1800) |
self.wait_altitude(height, |
height+5, |
relative=True, |
timeout=30) |
self.set_rc(3, 1500) |
def do_RTL(self): |
self.change_mode("QRTL") |
self.wait_altitude(-5, 1, relative=True, timeout=60) |
self.wait_disarmed() |
def fly_home_land_and_disarm(self, timeout=30): |
self.set_parameter("LAND_TYPE", 0) |
filename = "flaps.txt" |
self.progress("Using %s to fly home" % filename) |
self.load_mission(filename) |
self.change_mode("AUTO") |
self.mavproxy.send('wp set 7\n') |
self.wait_disarmed(timeout=timeout) |
def wait_level_flight(self, accuracy=5, timeout=30): |
"""Wait for level flight.""" |
tstart = self.get_sim_time() |
self.progress("Waiting for level flight") |
self.set_rc(1, 1500) |
self.set_rc(2, 1500) |
self.set_rc(4, 1500) |
while self.get_sim_time_cached() < tstart + timeout: |
m = self.mav.recv_match(type='ATTITUDE', blocking=True) |
roll = math.degrees(m.roll) |
pitch = math.degrees(m.pitch) |
self.progress("Roll=%.1f Pitch=%.1f" % (roll, pitch)) |
if math.fabs(roll) <= accuracy and math.fabs(pitch) <= accuracy: |
self.progress("Attained level flight") |
return |
raise NotAchievedException("Failed to attain level flight") |
def fly_left_circuit(self): |
"""Fly a left circuit, 200m on a side.""" |
self.mavproxy.send('switch 4\n') |
self.change_mode('FBWA') |
self.set_rc(3, 1700) |
self.wait_level_flight() |
self.progress("Flying left circuit") |
# do 4 turns |
for i in range(0, 4): |
# hard left |
self.progress("Starting turn %u" % i) |
self.set_rc(1, 1000) |
self.wait_heading(270 - (90*i), accuracy=10) |
self.set_rc(1, 1500) |
self.progress("Starting leg %u" % i) |
self.wait_distance(100, accuracy=20) |
self.progress("Circuit complete") |
self.change_mode('QHOVER') |
self.set_rc(3, 1100) |
self.wait_altitude(10, 15, |
relative=True, |
timeout=60) |
self.set_rc(3, 1500) |
def hover_and_check_matched_frequency(self, dblevel=-15, minhz=200, maxhz=300, fftLength=32, peakhz=None): |
# find a motor peak |
self.takeoff(10, mode="QHOVER") |
hover_time = 15 |
tstart = self.get_sim_time() |
self.progress("Hovering for %u seconds" % hover_time) |
while self.get_sim_time_cached() < tstart + hover_time: |
self.mav.recv_match(type='ATTITUDE', blocking=True) |
vfr_hud = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) |
tend = self.get_sim_time() |
self.do_RTL() |
psd = self.mavfft_fttd(1, 0, tstart * 1.0e6, tend * 1.0e6) |
# batch sampler defaults give 1024 fft and sample rate of 1kz so roughly 1hz/bin |
scale = 1000. / 1024. |
sminhz = int(minhz * scale) |
smaxhz = int(maxhz * scale) |
freq = psd["F"][numpy.argmax(psd["X"][sminhz:smaxhz]) + sminhz] |
peakdb = numpy.amax(psd["X"][sminhz:smaxhz]) |
if peakdb < dblevel or (peakhz is not None and abs(freq - peakhz) / peakhz > 0.05): |
raise NotAchievedException("Did not detect a motor peak, found %fHz at %fdB" % (freq, peakdb)) |
else: |
self.progress("Detected motor peak at %fHz, throttle %f%%, %fdB" % (freq, vfr_hud.throttle, peakdb)) |
# we have a peak make sure that the FFT detected something close |
# logging is at 10Hz |
mlog = self.dfreader_for_current_onboard_log() |
# accuracy is determined by sample rate and fft length, given our use of quinn we could probably use half of this |
freqDelta = 1000. / fftLength |
pkAvg = freq |
freqs = [] |
while True: |
m = mlog.recv_match( |
type='FTN1', |
blocking=True, |
condition="FTN1.TimeUS>%u and FTN1.TimeUS<%u" % (tstart * 1.0e6, tend * 1.0e6)) |
if m is None: |
break |
freqs.append(m.PkAvg) |
# peak within resolution of FFT length |
pkAvg = numpy.median(numpy.asarray(freqs)) |
if abs(pkAvg - freq) > freqDelta: |
raise NotAchievedException("FFT did not detect a motor peak at %f, found %f, wanted %f" % (dblevel, pkAvg, freq)) |
return freq |
def fly_gyro_fft(self): |
"""Use dynamic harmonic notch to control motor noise.""" |
# basic gyro sample rate test |
self.progress("Flying with gyro FFT - Gyro sample rate") |
self.context_push() |
ex = None |
try: |
self.set_rc_default() |
# magic tridge EKF type that dramatically speeds up the test |
self.set_parameter("AHRS_EKF_TYPE", 10) |
self.set_parameter("INS_LOG_BAT_MASK", 3) |
self.set_parameter("INS_LOG_BAT_OPT", 0) |
self.set_parameter("INS_GYRO_FILTER", 100) |
self.set_parameter("LOG_BITMASK", 45054) |
self.set_parameter("LOG_DISARMED", 0) |
self.set_parameter("SIM_DRIFT_SPEED", 0) |
self.set_parameter("SIM_DRIFT_TIME", 0) |
# enable a noisy motor peak |
self.set_parameter("SIM_GYR_RND", 20) |
# enabling FFT will also enable the arming check, self-testing the functionality |
self.set_parameter("FFT_ENABLE", 1) |
self.set_parameter("FFT_MINHZ", 80) |
self.set_parameter("FFT_MAXHZ", 350) |
self.set_parameter("FFT_SNR_REF", 10) |
self.set_parameter("FFT_WINDOW_SIZE", 128) |
self.set_parameter("FFT_WINDOW_OLAP", 0.75) |
# Step 1: inject a very precise noise peak at 250hz and make sure the in-flight fft |
# can detect it really accurately. For a 128 FFT the frequency resolution is 8Hz so |
# a 250Hz peak should be detectable within 5% |
self.set_parameter("SIM_VIB_FREQ_X", 250) |
self.set_parameter("SIM_VIB_FREQ_Y", 250) |
self.set_parameter("SIM_VIB_FREQ_Z", 250) |
self.reboot_sitl() |
# find a motor peak |
self.hover_and_check_matched_frequency(-15, 100, 350, 128, 250) |
# Step 2: inject actual motor noise and use the standard length FFT to track it |
self.set_parameter("SIM_VIB_MOT_MAX", 350) |
self.set_parameter("FFT_WINDOW_SIZE", 32) |
self.set_parameter("FFT_WINDOW_OLAP", 0.5) |
self.reboot_sitl() |
# find a motor peak |
freq = self.hover_and_check_matched_frequency(-15, 200, 300, 32) |
# Step 3: add a FFT dynamic notch and check that the peak is squashed |
self.set_parameter("INS_LOG_BAT_OPT", 2) |
self.set_parameter("INS_HNTCH_ENABLE", 1) |
self.set_parameter("INS_HNTCH_FREQ", freq) |
self.set_parameter("INS_HNTCH_REF", 1.0) |
self.set_parameter("INS_HNTCH_ATT", 50) |
self.set_parameter("INS_HNTCH_BW", freq/2) |
self.set_parameter("INS_HNTCH_MODE", 4) |
self.reboot_sitl() |
self.takeoff(10, mode="QHOVER") |
hover_time = 15 |
ignore_bins = 20 |
self.progress("Hovering for %u seconds" % hover_time) |
tstart = self.get_sim_time() |
while self.get_sim_time_cached() < tstart + hover_time: |
self.mav.recv_match(type='ATTITUDE', blocking=True) |
tend = self.get_sim_time() |
self.do_RTL() |
psd = self.mavfft_fttd(1, 0, tstart * 1.0e6, tend * 1.0e6) |
freq = psd["F"][numpy.argmax(psd["X"][ignore_bins:]) + ignore_bins] |
if numpy.amax(psd["X"][ignore_bins:]) < -10: |
self.progress("Did not detect a motor peak, found %f at %f dB" % (freq, numpy.amax(psd["X"][ignore_bins:]))) |
else: |
raise NotAchievedException("Detected motor peak at %f Hz" % (freq)) |
# Step 4: take off as a copter land as a plane, make sure we track |
self.progress("Flying with gyro FFT - vtol to plane") |
self.load_mission("quadplane-gyro-mission.txt") |
self.mavproxy.send('wp list\n') |
self.mavproxy.expect('Requesting [0-9]+ waypoints') |
self.wait_ready_to_arm() |
self.arm_vehicle() |
self.mavproxy.send('mode AUTO\n') |
self.wait_mode('AUTO') |
self.wait_waypoint(1, 7, max_dist=60, timeout=1200) |
self.wait_disarmed(timeout=120) # give quadplane a long time to land |
# prevent update parameters from messing with the settings when we pop the context |
self.set_parameter("FFT_ENABLE", 0) |
self.reboot_sitl() |
except Exception as e: |
self.progress("Exception caught: %s" % ( |
self.get_exception_stacktrace(e))) |
ex = e |
self.context_pop() |
self.reboot_sitl() |
if ex is not None: |
raise ex |
def test_pid_tuning(self): |
self.change_mode("FBWA") # we don't update PIDs in MANUAL |
super(AutoTestQuadPlane, self).test_pid_tuning() |
def test_parameter_checks(self): |
self.test_parameter_checks_poscontrol("Q_P") |
def default_mode(self): |
return "MANUAL" |
def disabled_tests(self): |
return { |
"QAutoTune": "See", |
"FRSkyPassThrough": "Currently failing", |
"CPUFailsafe": "servo channel values not scaled like ArduPlane", |
} |
def CPUFailsafe(self): |
'''In lockup Plane should copy RC inputs to RC outputs''' |
self.plane_CPUFailsafe() |
def test_qassist(self): |
# find a motor peak |
self.takeoff(10, mode="QHOVER") |
self.set_rc(3, 1800) |
self.change_mode("FBWA") |
thr_min_pwm = self.get_parameter("Q_THR_MIN_PWM") |
self.progress("Waiting for motors to stop (transition completion)") |
self.wait_servo_channel_value(5, |
thr_min_pwm, |
timeout=30, |
comparator=operator.eq) |
self.delay_sim_time(5) |
self.wait_servo_channel_value(5, |
thr_min_pwm, |
timeout=30, |
comparator=operator.eq) |
self.progress("Stopping forward motor to kill airspeed below limit") |
self.set_rc(3, 1000) |
self.progress("Waiting for qassist to kick in") |
self.wait_servo_channel_value(5, 1400, timeout=30, |
self.progress("Move forward again, check qassist stops") |
self.set_rc(3, 1800) |
self.progress("Checking qassist stops") |
self.wait_servo_channel_value(5, |
thr_min_pwm, |
timeout=30, |
comparator=operator.eq) |
self.set_rc(3, 1500) |
self.change_mode("RTL") |
self.delay_sim_time(20) |
self.change_mode("QRTL") |
self.wait_disarmed(timeout=180) |
def tests(self): |
'''return list of all tests''' |
ret = super(AutoTestQuadPlane, self).tests() |
ret.extend([ |
("TestMotorMask", "Test output_motor_mask", self.test_motor_mask), |
("ParameterChecks", |
"Test Arming Parameter Checks", |
self.test_parameter_checks), |
("Mission", "Dalby Mission", |
lambda: self.fly_mission("Dalby-OBC2016.txt", "Dalby-OBC2016-fence.txt")), |
("QAssist", |
"QuadPlane Assist tests", |
self.test_qassist), |
("GyroFFT", "Fly Gyro FFT", |
self.fly_gyro_fft) |
]) |
return ret