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#include "AC_AutoTune.h" |
#include <GCS_MAVLink/GCS.h> |
#include <AP_Scheduler/AP_Scheduler.h> |
#define AUTOTUNE_PILOT_OVERRIDE_TIMEOUT_MS 500 // restart tuning if pilot has left sticks in middle for 2 seconds |
# define AUTOTUNE_LEVEL_ANGLE_CD 500 // angle which qualifies as level (Plane uses more relaxed 5deg) |
# define AUTOTUNE_LEVEL_RATE_RP_CD 1000 // rate which qualifies as level for roll and pitch (Plane uses more relaxed 10deg/sec) |
#else |
# define AUTOTUNE_LEVEL_ANGLE_CD 250 // angle which qualifies as level |
# define AUTOTUNE_LEVEL_RATE_RP_CD 500 // rate which qualifies as level for roll and pitch |
#endif |
#define AUTOTUNE_LEVEL_RATE_Y_CD 750 // rate which qualifies as level for yaw |
#define AUTOTUNE_REQUIRED_LEVEL_TIME_MS 500 // time we require the aircraft to be level |
#define AUTOTUNE_LEVEL_TIMEOUT_MS 2000 // time out for level |
#define AUTOTUNE_LEVEL_WARNING_INTERVAL_MS 5000 // level failure warning messages sent at this interval to users |
#define AUTOTUNE_ANGLE_MAX_RLLPIT 30.0f // maximum allowable angle in degrees during testing |
AC_AutoTune::AC_AutoTune() |
{ |
} |
// autotune_init - should be called when autotune mode is selected |
bool AC_AutoTune::init_internals(bool _use_poshold, |
AC_AttitudeControl *_attitude_control, |
AC_PosControl *_pos_control, |
AP_AHRS_View *_ahrs_view, |
AP_InertialNav *_inertial_nav) |
{ |
use_poshold = _use_poshold; |
attitude_control = _attitude_control; |
pos_control = _pos_control; |
ahrs_view = _ahrs_view; |
inertial_nav = _inertial_nav; |
motors = AP_Motors::get_singleton(); |
// exit immediately if motor are not armed |
if ((motors == nullptr) || !motors->armed()) { |
return false; |
} |
// initialise position controller |
init_position_controller(); |
switch (mode) { |
case FAILED: |
// fall through to restart the tuning |
// autotune has never been run |
// so store current gains as original gains |
backup_gains_and_initialise(); |
// advance mode to tuning |
mode = TUNING; |
// send message to ground station that we've started tuning |
break; |
case TUNING: |
// reset test variables for each vehicle |
reset_vehicle_test_variables(); |
// we are restarting tuning so restart where we left off |
step_start_time_ms = AP_HAL::millis(); |
level_start_time_ms = step_start_time_ms; |
// reset gains to tuning-start gains (i.e. low I term) |
load_gains(GAIN_INTRA_TEST); |
AP::logger().Write_Event(LogEvent::AUTOTUNE_RESTART); |
break; |
case SUCCESS: |
// we have completed a tune and the pilot wishes to test the new gains |
load_gains(GAIN_TUNED); |
AP::logger().Write_Event(LogEvent::AUTOTUNE_PILOT_TESTING); |
break; |
} |
have_position = false; |
return true; |
} |
// stop - should be called when the ch7/ch8 switch is switched OFF |
void AC_AutoTune::stop() |
{ |
// set gains to their original values |
load_gains(GAIN_ORIGINAL); |
// re-enable angle-to-rate request limits |
attitude_control->use_sqrt_controller(true); |
AP::logger().Write_Event(LogEvent::AUTOTUNE_OFF); |
// Note: we leave the mode as it was so that we know how the autotune ended |
// we expect the caller will change the flight mode back to the flight mode indicated by the flight mode switch |
} |
// initialise position controller |
bool AC_AutoTune::init_position_controller(void) |
{ |
// initialize vertical maximum speeds and acceleration |
init_z_limits(); |
// initialise the vertical position controller |
pos_control->init_z_controller(); |
return true; |
} |
const char *AC_AutoTune::level_issue_string() const |
{ |
switch (level_problem.issue) { |
case LevelIssue::NONE: |
return "None"; |
case LevelIssue::ANGLE_ROLL: |
return "Angle(R)"; |
case LevelIssue::ANGLE_PITCH: |
return "Angle(P)"; |
case LevelIssue::ANGLE_YAW: |
return "Angle(Y)"; |
case LevelIssue::RATE_ROLL: |
return "Rate(R)"; |
case LevelIssue::RATE_PITCH: |
return "Rate(P)"; |
case LevelIssue::RATE_YAW: |
return "Rate(Y)"; |
} |
return "Bug"; |
} |
void AC_AutoTune::send_step_string() |
{ |
if (pilot_override) { |
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "AutoTune: Paused: Pilot Override Active"); |
return; |
} |
switch (step) { |
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "AutoTune: Leveling (%s %4.1f > %4.1f)", level_issue_string(), (double)(level_problem.current*0.01f), (double)(level_problem.maximum*0.01f)); |
return; |
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "AutoTune: Updating Gains"); |
return; |
case TESTING: |
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "AutoTune: Testing"); |
return; |
} |
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "AutoTune: unknown step"); |
} |
const char *AC_AutoTune::type_string() const |
{ |
switch (tune_type) { |
case RD_UP: |
return "Rate D Up"; |
case RD_DOWN: |
return "Rate D Down"; |
case RP_UP: |
return "Rate P Up"; |
case RFF_UP: |
return "Rate FF Up"; |
case SP_UP: |
return "Angle P Up"; |
case SP_DOWN: |
return "Angle P Down"; |
case MAX_GAINS: |
return "Find Max Gains"; |
return "Tune Complete"; |
} |
return "Bug"; |
} |
// run - runs the autotune flight mode |
// should be called at 100hz or more |
void AC_AutoTune::run() |
{ |
// initialize vertical speeds and acceleration |
init_z_limits(); |
// if not auto armed or motor interlock not enabled set throttle to zero and exit immediately |
// this should not actually be possible because of the init() checks |
if (!motors->armed() || !motors->get_interlock()) { |
motors->set_desired_spool_state(AP_Motors::DesiredSpoolState::GROUND_IDLE); |
attitude_control->set_throttle_out(0.0f, true, 0.0f); |
pos_control->relax_z_controller(0.0f); |
return; |
} |
float target_roll_cd, target_pitch_cd, target_yaw_rate_cds; |
get_pilot_desired_rp_yrate_cd(target_roll_cd, target_pitch_cd, target_yaw_rate_cds); |
// get pilot desired climb rate |
const float target_climb_rate_cms = get_pilot_desired_climb_rate_cms(); |
const bool zero_rp_input = is_zero(target_roll_cd) && is_zero(target_pitch_cd); |
const uint32_t now = AP_HAL::millis(); |
if (!zero_rp_input || !is_zero(target_yaw_rate_cds) || !is_zero(target_climb_rate_cms)) { |
if (!pilot_override) { |
pilot_override = true; |
// set gains to their original values |
load_gains(GAIN_ORIGINAL); |
attitude_control->use_sqrt_controller(true); |
} |
// reset pilot override time |
override_time = now; |
if (!zero_rp_input) { |
// only reset position on roll or pitch input |
have_position = false; |
} |
} else if (pilot_override) { |
// check if we should resume tuning after pilot's override |
if (now - override_time > AUTOTUNE_PILOT_OVERRIDE_TIMEOUT_MS) { |
pilot_override = false; // turn off pilot override |
// set gains to their intra-test values (which are very close to the original gains) |
// load_gains(GAIN_INTRA_TEST); //I think we should be keeping the originals here to let the I term settle quickly |
step = WAITING_FOR_LEVEL; // set tuning step back from beginning |
step_start_time_ms = now; |
level_start_time_ms = now; |
desired_yaw_cd = ahrs_view->yaw_sensor; |
} |
} |
if (pilot_override) { |
if (now - last_pilot_override_warning > 1000) { |
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "AutoTune: pilot overrides active"); |
last_pilot_override_warning = now; |
} |
} |
if (zero_rp_input) { |
// pilot input on throttle and yaw will still use position hold if enabled |
get_poshold_attitude(target_roll_cd, target_pitch_cd, desired_yaw_cd); |
} |
// set motors to full range |
motors->set_desired_spool_state(AP_Motors::DesiredSpoolState::THROTTLE_UNLIMITED); |
// if pilot override call attitude controller |
if (pilot_override || mode != TUNING) { |
attitude_control->input_euler_angle_roll_pitch_euler_rate_yaw(target_roll_cd, target_pitch_cd, target_yaw_rate_cds); |
} else { |
// somehow get attitude requests from autotuning |
control_attitude(); |
// tell the user what's going on |
do_gcs_announcements(); |
} |
// call position controller |
pos_control->set_pos_target_z_from_climb_rate_cm(target_climb_rate_cms); |
pos_control->update_z_controller(); |
} |
// check if current is greater than maximum and update level_problem structure |
bool AC_AutoTune::check_level(const LevelIssue issue, const float current, const float maximum) |
{ |
if (current > maximum) { |
level_problem.current = current; |
level_problem.maximum = maximum; |
level_problem.issue = issue; |
return false; |
} |
return true; |
} |
// return true if vehicle is close to level |
bool AC_AutoTune::currently_level() |
{ |
float threshold_mul = 1.0; |
uint32_t now_ms = AP_HAL::millis(); |
if (now_ms - level_start_time_ms > AUTOTUNE_LEVEL_TIMEOUT_MS) { |
// after a long wait we use looser threshold, to allow tuning |
// with poor initial gains |
threshold_mul *= 2; |
} |
// display warning if vehicle fails to level |
if ((now_ms - level_start_time_ms > AUTOTUNE_LEVEL_WARNING_INTERVAL_MS) && |
(now_ms - level_fail_warning_time_ms > AUTOTUNE_LEVEL_WARNING_INTERVAL_MS)) { |
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL, "AutoTune: failing to level, please tune manually"); |
level_fail_warning_time_ms = now_ms; |
} |
if (!check_level(LevelIssue::ANGLE_ROLL, |
fabsf(ahrs_view->roll_sensor - roll_cd), |
threshold_mul*AUTOTUNE_LEVEL_ANGLE_CD)) { |
return false; |
} |
if (!check_level(LevelIssue::ANGLE_PITCH, |
fabsf(ahrs_view->pitch_sensor - pitch_cd), |
threshold_mul*AUTOTUNE_LEVEL_ANGLE_CD)) { |
return false; |
} |
if (!check_level(LevelIssue::ANGLE_YAW, |
fabsf(wrap_180_cd(ahrs_view->yaw_sensor - desired_yaw_cd)), |
threshold_mul*AUTOTUNE_LEVEL_ANGLE_CD)) { |
return false; |
} |
if (!check_level(LevelIssue::RATE_ROLL, |
(ToDeg(ahrs_view->get_gyro().x) * 100.0f), |
threshold_mul*AUTOTUNE_LEVEL_RATE_RP_CD)) { |
return false; |
} |
if (!check_level(LevelIssue::RATE_PITCH, |
(ToDeg(ahrs_view->get_gyro().y) * 100.0f), |
threshold_mul*AUTOTUNE_LEVEL_RATE_RP_CD)) { |
return false; |
} |
if (!check_level(LevelIssue::RATE_YAW, |
(ToDeg(ahrs_view->get_gyro().z) * 100.0f), |
threshold_mul*AUTOTUNE_LEVEL_RATE_Y_CD)) { |
return false; |
} |
return true; |
} |
// main state machine to level vehicle, perform a test and update gains |
// directly updates attitude controller with targets |
void AC_AutoTune::control_attitude() |
{ |
rotation_rate = 0.0f; // rotation rate in radians/second |
lean_angle = 0.0f; |
const float direction_sign = positive_direction ? 1.0f : -1.0f; |
const uint32_t now = AP_HAL::millis(); |
// check tuning step |
switch (step) { |
// Note: we should be using intra-test gains (which are very close to the original gains but have lower I) |
// re-enable rate limits |
attitude_control->use_sqrt_controller(true); |
get_poshold_attitude(roll_cd, pitch_cd, desired_yaw_cd); |
// hold level attitude |
attitude_control->input_euler_angle_roll_pitch_yaw(roll_cd, pitch_cd, desired_yaw_cd, true); |
// hold the copter level for 0.5 seconds before we begin a twitch |
// reset counter if we are no longer level |
if (!currently_level()) { |
step_start_time_ms = now; |
} |
// if we have been level for a sufficient amount of time (0.5 seconds) move onto tuning step |
if (now - step_start_time_ms > AUTOTUNE_REQUIRED_LEVEL_TIME_MS) { |
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "AutoTune: Start Test"); |
// initiate variables for next step |
step = TESTING; |
step_start_time_ms = now; |
step_time_limit_ms = AUTOTUNE_TESTING_STEP_TIMEOUT_MS; |
// set gains to their to-be-tested values |
twitch_first_iter = true; |
test_rate_max = 0.0f; |
test_rate_min = 0.0f; |
test_angle_max = 0.0f; |
test_angle_min = 0.0f; |
rotation_rate_filt.reset(0.0f); |
rate_max = 0.0f; |
load_gains(GAIN_TEST); |
} else { |
// when waiting for level we use the intra-test gains |
load_gains(GAIN_INTRA_TEST); |
} |
// Initialize test-specific variables |
switch (axis) { |
case ROLL: |
start_rate = ToDeg(ahrs_view->get_gyro().x) * 100.0f; |
start_angle = ahrs_view->roll_sensor; |
break; |
case PITCH: |
start_rate = ToDeg(ahrs_view->get_gyro().y) * 100.0f; |
start_angle = ahrs_view->pitch_sensor; |
break; |
case YAW: |
start_rate = ToDeg(ahrs_view->get_gyro().z) * 100.0f; |
start_angle = ahrs_view->yaw_sensor; |
break; |
} |
// tests must be initialized last as some rely on variables above |
test_init(); |
break; |
} |
case TESTING: { |
// Run the twitching step |
load_gains(GAIN_TEST); |
// run the test |
test_run(axis, direction_sign); |
// Check for failure causing reverse response |
} |
// protect from roll over |
float resultant_angle = degrees(acosf(ahrs_view->cos_roll() * ahrs_view->cos_pitch())); |
if (resultant_angle > AUTOTUNE_ANGLE_MAX_RLLPIT) { |
} |
// log this iterations lean angle and rotation rate |
Log_AutoTuneDetails(); |
ahrs_view->Write_Rate(*motors, *attitude_control, *pos_control); |
log_pids(); |
break; |
} |
// re-enable rate limits |
attitude_control->use_sqrt_controller(true); |
// log the latest gains |
Log_AutoTune(); |
switch (tune_type) { |
// Check results after mini-step to increase rate D gain |
case RD_UP: |
updating_rate_d_up_all(axis); |
break; |
// Check results after mini-step to decrease rate D gain |
case RD_DOWN: |
updating_rate_d_down_all(axis); |
break; |
// Check results after mini-step to increase rate P gain |
case RP_UP: |
updating_rate_p_up_all(axis); |
break; |
// Check results after mini-step to increase stabilize P gain |
case SP_DOWN: |
updating_angle_p_down_all(axis); |
break; |
// Check results after mini-step to increase stabilize P gain |
case SP_UP: |
updating_angle_p_up_all(axis); |
break; |
case RFF_UP: |
updating_rate_ff_up_all(axis); |
break; |
case MAX_GAINS: |
updating_max_gains_all(axis); |
break; |
break; |
} |
// we've complete this step, finalize pids and move to next step |
if (counter >= AUTOTUNE_SUCCESS_COUNT) { |
// reset counter |
counter = 0; |
// reset scaling factor |
step_scaler = 1.0f; |
// set gains for post tune before moving to the next tuning type |
set_gains_post_tune(axis); |
// increment the tune type to the next one in tune sequence |
next_tune_type(tune_type, false); |
if (tune_type == TUNE_COMPLETE) { |
// we've reached the end of a D-up-down PI-up-down tune type cycle |
next_tune_type(tune_type, true); |
// advance to the next axis |
bool complete = false; |
switch (axis) { |
case ROLL: |
axes_completed |= AUTOTUNE_AXIS_BITMASK_ROLL; |
if (pitch_enabled()) { |
axis = PITCH; |
} else if (yaw_enabled()) { |
axis = YAW; |
} else { |
complete = true; |
} |
break; |
case PITCH: |
axes_completed |= AUTOTUNE_AXIS_BITMASK_PITCH; |
if (yaw_enabled()) { |
axis = YAW; |
} else { |
complete = true; |
} |
break; |
case YAW: |
axes_completed |= AUTOTUNE_AXIS_BITMASK_YAW; |
complete = true; |
break; |
} |
// if we've just completed all axes we have successfully completed the autotune |
// change to TESTING mode to allow user to fly with new gains |
if (complete) { |
mode = SUCCESS; |
AP::logger().Write_Event(LogEvent::AUTOTUNE_SUCCESS); |
AP_Notify::events.autotune_complete = true; |
} else { |
AP_Notify::events.autotune_next_axis = true; |
} |
} |
} |
// reverse direction for multicopter twitch test |
positive_direction = twitch_reverse_direction(); |
if (axis == YAW) { |
attitude_control->input_euler_angle_roll_pitch_yaw(0.0f, 0.0f, ahrs_view->yaw_sensor, false); |
} |
// set gains to their intra-test values (which are very close to the original gains) |
load_gains(GAIN_INTRA_TEST); |
// reset testing step |
step_start_time_ms = now; |
level_start_time_ms = step_start_time_ms; |
step_time_limit_ms = AUTOTUNE_REQUIRED_LEVEL_TIME_MS; |
break; |
} |
} |
// backup_gains_and_initialise - store current gains as originals |
// called before tuning starts to backup original gains |
void AC_AutoTune::backup_gains_and_initialise() |
{ |
// initialise state because this is our first time |
if (roll_enabled()) { |
axis = ROLL; |
} else if (pitch_enabled()) { |
axis = PITCH; |
} else if (yaw_enabled()) { |
axis = YAW; |
} |
// no axes are complete |
axes_completed = 0; |
// start at the beginning of tune sequence |
next_tune_type(tune_type, true); |
positive_direction = false; |
step_start_time_ms = AP_HAL::millis(); |
level_start_time_ms = step_start_time_ms; |
step_scaler = 1.0f; |
desired_yaw_cd = ahrs_view->yaw_sensor; |
} |
/* |
load a specified set of gains |
*/ |
void AC_AutoTune::load_gains(enum GainType gain_type) |
{ |
switch (gain_type) { |
load_orig_gains(); |
break; |
load_intra_test_gains(); |
break; |
case GAIN_TEST: |
load_test_gains(); |
break; |
case GAIN_TUNED: |
load_tuned_gains(); |
break; |
} |
} |
// update_gcs - send message to ground station |
void AC_AutoTune::update_gcs(uint8_t message_id) const |
{ |
switch (message_id) { |
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO,"AutoTune: Started"); |
break; |
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO,"AutoTune: Stopped"); |
break; |
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_NOTICE,"AutoTune: Success"); |
break; |
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_NOTICE,"AutoTune: Failed"); |
break; |
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_NOTICE,"AutoTune: Pilot Testing"); |
break; |
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_NOTICE,"AutoTune: Saved gains for %s%s%s", |
(axes_completed&AUTOTUNE_AXIS_BITMASK_ROLL)?"Roll ":"", |
(axes_completed&AUTOTUNE_AXIS_BITMASK_PITCH)?"Pitch ":"", |
(axes_completed&AUTOTUNE_AXIS_BITMASK_YAW)?"Yaw":""); |
break; |
} |
} |
// axis helper functions |
bool AC_AutoTune::roll_enabled() const |
{ |
return get_axis_bitmask() & AUTOTUNE_AXIS_BITMASK_ROLL; |
} |
bool AC_AutoTune::pitch_enabled() const |
{ |
return get_axis_bitmask() & AUTOTUNE_AXIS_BITMASK_PITCH; |
} |
bool AC_AutoTune::yaw_enabled() const |
{ |
return get_axis_bitmask() & AUTOTUNE_AXIS_BITMASK_YAW; |
} |
/* |
check if we have a good position estimate |
*/ |
bool AC_AutoTune::position_ok(void) |
{ |
if (!AP::ahrs().have_inertial_nav()) { |
// do not allow navigation with dcm position |
return false; |
} |
// with EKF use filter status and ekf check |
nav_filter_status filt_status = inertial_nav->get_filter_status(); |
// require a good absolute position and EKF must not be in const_pos_mode |
return (filt_status.flags.horiz_pos_abs && !filt_status.flags.const_pos_mode); |
} |
// get attitude for slow position hold in autotune mode |
void AC_AutoTune::get_poshold_attitude(float &roll_cd_out, float &pitch_cd_out, float &yaw_cd_out) |
{ |
roll_cd_out = pitch_cd_out = 0; |
if (!use_poshold) { |
// we are not trying to hold position |
return; |
} |
// do we know where we are? If not then don't do poshold |
if (!position_ok()) { |
return; |
} |
if (!have_position) { |
have_position = true; |
start_position = inertial_nav->get_position_neu_cm(); |
} |
// don't go past 10 degrees, as autotune result would deteriorate too much |
const float angle_max_cd = 1000; |
// hit the 10 degree limit at 20 meters position error |
const float dist_limit_cm = 2000; |
// we only start adjusting yaw if we are more than 5m from the |
// target position. That corresponds to a lean angle of 2.5 degrees |
const float yaw_dist_limit_cm = 500; |
Vector3f pdiff = inertial_nav->get_position_neu_cm() - start_position; |
pdiff.z = 0; |
float dist_cm = pdiff.length(); |
if (dist_cm < 10) { |
// don't do anything within 10cm |
return; |
} |
/* |
very simple linear controller |
*/ |
float scaling = constrain_float(angle_max_cd * dist_cm / dist_limit_cm, 0, angle_max_cd); |
Vector2f angle_ne(pdiff.x, pdiff.y); |
angle_ne *= scaling / dist_cm; |
// rotate into body frame |
pitch_cd_out = angle_ne.x * ahrs_view->cos_yaw() + angle_ne.y * ahrs_view->sin_yaw(); |
roll_cd_out = angle_ne.x * ahrs_view->sin_yaw() - angle_ne.y * ahrs_view->cos_yaw(); |
if (dist_cm < yaw_dist_limit_cm) { |
// no yaw adjustment |
return; |
} |
/* |
also point so that twitching occurs perpendicular to the wind, |
if we have drifted more than yaw_dist_limit_cm from the desired |
position. This ensures that autotune doesn't have to deal with |
more than 2.5 degrees of attitude on the axis it is tuning |
*/ |
float target_yaw_cd = degrees(atan2f(pdiff.y, pdiff.x)) * 100; |
if (axis == PITCH) { |
// for roll and yaw tuning we point along the wind, for pitch |
// we point across the wind |
target_yaw_cd += 9000; |
} |
// go to the nearest 180 degree mark, with 5 degree slop to prevent oscillation |
if (fabsf(yaw_cd_out - target_yaw_cd) > 9500) { |
target_yaw_cd += 18000; |
} |
yaw_cd_out = target_yaw_cd; |
} |
// get the next tune type |
void AC_AutoTune::next_tune_type(TuneType &curr_tune_type, bool reset) |
{ |
if (reset) { |
set_tune_sequence(); |
tune_seq_curr = 0; |
} else { |
tune_seq_curr++; |
} |
curr_tune_type = tune_seq[tune_seq_curr]; |
} |