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<title>ArduPilot Firmware Download</title> |
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<h2>ArduPilot Firmware builds</h2> |
These firmware builds are automatically generated by the |
<a href="http://autotest.diydrones.com">ArduPilot autotest system</a>.<p> |
<h2>License</h2> |
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify |
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or |
(at your option) any later version.<p> |
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
GNU General Public License for more details.<p> |
For details see <a href="http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html">http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html</a> |
<h2>Safety</h2> |
Operating a powered vehicle of any kind can be a lot of fun. However, |
nothing will ruin your day at the park more quickly than an accident |
or running afoul of the law. Since we want you to have a great |
experience, please make sure that you do all of the following: |
<ul> |
<li><b>Operate within all local laws and regulations</b>. For |
example, in the United States, current regulations require you to |
operate most UAVs under 400 foot above ground level, within line of |
site, and away from obstructions and populated areas. Since these |
regulations vary from place to place, even within the same country, |
ensure that you understand what you need to do to stay compliant.</li> |
<li><b>Never operate the vehicle or software in a way that could be |
dangerous to you, other people, or property</b>. Propellers, while |
rotating, could easily cut you; if a UAV fell on a person or object, |
it could cause a lot of pain and damage; a UAV caught in power lines |
could cause an outage for many people. As Ben Franklin said, "An |
ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."</li> |
<li><b>Always keep in mind that software and hardware failures |
happen</b>. Although we design our products to minimize such issues, |
you should always operate with the understanding that a failure could |
occur at any point of time and without warning. As such, you should |
take the appropriate precautions to minimize danger in case of |
failure.</li> |
<li><b>Never use the software or hardware for manned vehicles</b>. |
The software and hardware we provide is only for use in unmanned |
vehicles.</li> |
</ul> |
<h2>Firmwares</h2> |
<a href="Plane"><img src="images/plane.png" width="80" |
alt="Plane">ArduPlane</a> - for fixed wing aircraft<p> |
<a href="Copter"><img src="images/copter.png" width="80" |
alt="Copter">ArduCopter</a> - for multicopters and |
traditional helicopters<p> |
<a href="Rover"><img src="images/rover.png" width="80" |
alt="Rover">APMrover2</a> - for land vehicles and boats<p> |
<a href="PX4IO"><img src="images/PX4IO.png" width="80" |
alt="PX4IO">PX4IO</a> - for the PX4IO board<p> |
<h2>Types of firmware available</h2> |
To choose a firmware to download you need to choose: |
<ul> |
<li>The type of board that you have</li> |
<li>Whether you want the stable, beta or latest version of the |
firmware</li> |
<li>Whether you want a HIL (hardware in the loop) image</li> |
</ul> |
The meanings of the versions are |
<ul> |
<li><b>stable</b> - this is the version recommended for new users. It |
has had the most testing</li> |
<li><b>beta</b> - this is the firmware to choose if you want to be |
part of beta testing of new versions prior to release as a stable |
version. Note that during some development times the beta release |
will be the same as the stable release</li> |
<li><b>latest</b> - this is the latest version from our <a href="http://github.com/diydrones">git source |
code repository</a>. This version is only for developers. The code |
may have unknown bugs and extreme care should be taken by anyone |
using it</li> |
</ul> |
For each vehicle type a firmware image is available for each type of |
autopilot board supported by that vehicle type |
<h2>Load your firmware using QUpgrade</h2> |
<p>QUpgrade is a standalone firmware upgrade tool. It can be used to download and flash the appropriate firmware for your autopilot.</p> |
<h3>Download QUpgrade</h3> |
<ul> |
<li><b>Windows: </b><a href="https://pixhawk.ethz.ch/px4/_media/downloads/qupgrade-v0.2.exe.zip">QUpgrade Installer (exe, zipped) v0.2 BETA</a></li> |
<li><b>Mac: </b><a href="https://pixhawk.ethz.ch/px4/_media/downloads/qupgrade-v0.2.dmg.zip">QUpgrade Installer (dmg, zipped) v0.2 BETA</a></li> |
<li><b>Linux: </b>Soon available, or build from <a href="https://github.com/LorenzMeier/qupgrade/">Source</a></li> |
</ul> |
<h2>Load your firmware using APM Mission Planner</h2> |
After downloading a firmware image from one of the links above you will |
need to load it into your board. If you are using |
the <a href="http://code.google.com/p/ardupilot-mega/wiki/MPInstallation">APM |
Mission Planner</a> then you can load a hex file using the |
"Firmware" screen by clicking on the "Load custom firmware" button in |
the bottom right corner of the screen. |
<h3>Loading firmware to a PX4FMU board</h3> |
If you have |
a <a href="https://pixhawk.ethz.ch/px4/modules/px4fmu">PX4FMU |
board</a> then you can load firmware on Windows using the |
px4uploader.exe utility, which you will find in the "APM Planner" |
installation directory of your Windows machine. When you run that |
utility it will ask you for the location of a px4fmu.px4 file to |
load. It will then wait for your PX4 board to go into bootloader |
mode. The PX4 board enters bootloader mode when it powers on, or when |
the reset switch on the side of the PX4 is pressed. It may take a few |
seconds for Windows to recognise your PX4 board and upload to |
begin.<p> |
The PX4 will exit bootloader mode and start the flight firmware 5 |
seconds after it boots, so if the firmware load hasn't started within |
5 seconds of booting your PX4 then you should press the PX4 reset |
switch and try again.<p> |
You will also need a <a href="PX4_Windows_Driver">Windows driver</a> |
for your PX4FMU board in order to connect over USB. |
<h3>Loading firmware to a PX4IO board</h3> |
If you have |
a <a href="https://pixhawk.ethz.ch/px4/modules/px4io">PX4IO board</a> |
attached to your PX4FMU then you will need to separately load the |
latest firmware to that board. To load the PX4IO firmware you need to |
download the px4io.bin file from the above link, then put it in the |
root directory of the microSD card you have in your PX4FMU board.<p> |
You then need to hold the arming switch while applying power to your |
PX4FMU board. The PX4IO board detects that the arming switch is held |
when it powers on, and will enter bootloader mode, which is indicated |
by a rapidly flashing red light on your PX4IO board.<p> |
The APM firmware for your PX4FMU board will check in the root |
directory of your microSD card every time it boots, and if it finds a |
new px4io.bin file it will attempt to load it to your PX4IO board. A |
log of the firmware load attempt is placed in the APM directory of |
your microSD card to aid with debugging. |
<h2>Loading APM1 or APM2 firmware on Linux or MacOS</h2> |
If you don't use Mission Planner on Linux then you can load firmware |
using the avrdude command. A typical command for uploading a file |
called ArduPlane.hex to an APM2 or APM1-2560 is: |
<pre> |
avrdude -patmega2560 -cstk500v2 -P /dev/ttyACM0 -b115200 -D -Uflash:w:ArduPlane.hex:i |
</pre> |
You will need to replace the /dev/ttyACM0 path with the path to your |
APM device. You may wish to use the device paths in /dev/serial/by-id |
so the path doesn't change. |
If you have an APM1-1280 then the command would be: |
<pre> |
avrdude -patmega1280 -cstk500v1 -P /dev/ttyUSB1 -b115200 -D -Uflash:w:ArduPlane.hex:i |
</pre> |
<h2>Loading PX4FMU firmware on Linux or MacOS</h2> |
To load a PX4FMU firmware on a Linux or MacOS machine you will need to |
use |
the <a href="https://raw.github.com/diydrones/PX4Firmware/master/Tools/px_uploader.py">px_uploader.py</a> |
python script. You can run it like this: |
<pre> |
python px_uploader.py --port /dev/ttyACM0 px4fmu.px4 |
</pre> |
After starting the script, press the reset button on your PX4FMU to |
make it enter bootloader mode. |
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