236 lines
7.8 KiB

#include "Rover.h"
allow for runtime change of control channel ordering
void Rover::set_control_channels(void)
channel_steer = RC_Channels::rc_channel(rcmap.roll()-1);
channel_throttle = RC_Channels::rc_channel(rcmap.throttle()-1);
channel_learn = RC_Channels::rc_channel(g.learn_channel-1);
// set rc channel ranges
SRV_Channels::set_angle(SRV_Channel::k_steering, SERVO_MAX);
SRV_Channels::set_angle(SRV_Channel::k_throttle, 100);
// For a rover safety is TRIM throttle
if (!arming.is_armed() && arming.arming_required() == AP_Arming::YES_MIN_PWM) {
hal.rcout->set_safety_pwm(1UL<<(rcmap.throttle()-1), channel_throttle->get_radio_trim());
if (g.skid_steer_out) {
hal.rcout->set_safety_pwm(1UL<<(rcmap.roll()-1), channel_steer->get_radio_trim());
// setup correct scaling for ESCs like the UAVCAN PX4ESC which
// take a proportion of speed.
hal.rcout->set_esc_scaling(channel_throttle->get_radio_min(), channel_throttle->get_radio_max());
void Rover::init_rc_in()
// set rc dead zones
// set auxiliary ranges
void Rover::init_rc_out()
// setup PWM values to send if the FMU firmware dies
// output throttle trim when safety off if arming
// is setup for min on disarm. MIN is from plane where MIN is effectively no throttle.
// For Rover's no throttle means TRIM as rovers can go backwards i.e. MIN throttle is
// full speed backward.
if (arming.arming_required() == AP_Arming::YES_MIN_PWM) {
hal.rcout->set_safety_pwm(1UL<<(rcmap.throttle()-1), channel_throttle->get_radio_trim());
if (g.skid_steer_out) {
hal.rcout->set_safety_pwm(1UL<<(rcmap.roll()-1), channel_steer->get_radio_trim());
check for driver input on rudder/steering stick for arming/disarming
void Rover::rudder_arm_disarm_check()
// In Rover we need to check that its set to the throttle trim and within the DZ
// if throttle is not within trim dz, then pilot cannot rudder arm/disarm
if (!channel_throttle->in_trim_dz()) {
rudder_arm_timer = 0;
// if not in a manual throttle mode then disallow rudder arming/disarming
if (auto_throttle_mode) {
rudder_arm_timer = 0;
if (!arming.is_armed()) {
// when not armed, full right rudder starts arming counter
if (channel_steer->get_control_in() > 4000) {
uint32_t now = millis();
if (rudder_arm_timer == 0 ||
now - rudder_arm_timer < 3000) {
if (rudder_arm_timer == 0) {
rudder_arm_timer = now;
} else {
// time to arm!
rudder_arm_timer = 0;
} else {
// not at full right rudder
rudder_arm_timer = 0;
} else if (!motor_active() & !g.skid_steer_out) {
// when armed and motor not active (not moving), full left rudder starts disarming counter
// This is disabled for skid steering otherwise when tring to turn a skid steering rover around
// the rover would disarm
if (channel_steer->get_control_in() < -4000) {
uint32_t now = millis();
if (rudder_arm_timer == 0 ||
now - rudder_arm_timer < 3000) {
if (rudder_arm_timer == 0) {
rudder_arm_timer = now;
} else {
// time to disarm!
rudder_arm_timer = 0;
} else {
// not at full left rudder
rudder_arm_timer = 0;
void Rover::read_radio()
if (!hal.rcin->new_input()) {
failsafe.last_valid_rc_ms = AP_HAL::millis();
// Check if the throttle value is above 50% and we need to nudge
// Make sure its above 50% in the direction we are travelling
if ((abs(SRV_Channels::get_output_scaled(SRV_Channel::k_throttle)) > 50) &&
(((SRV_Channels::get_output_scaled(SRV_Channel::k_throttle) < 0) && in_reverse) ||
((SRV_Channels::get_output_scaled(SRV_Channel::k_throttle) > 0) && !in_reverse))) {
throttle_nudge = (g.throttle_max - g.throttle_cruise) *
((fabsf(channel_throttle->norm_input())-0.5f) / 0.5f);
} else {
throttle_nudge = 0;
if (g.skid_steer_in) {
// convert the two radio_in values from skid steering values
mixing rule:
steering = motor1 - motor2
throttle = 0.5*(motor1 + motor2)
motor1 = throttle + 0.5*steering
motor2 = throttle - 0.5*steering
float motor1 = channel_steer->norm_input();
float motor2 = channel_throttle->norm_input();
float steering_scaled = motor1 - motor2;
float throttle_scaled = 0.5f*(motor1 + motor2);
int16_t steer = channel_steer->get_radio_trim();
int16_t thr = channel_throttle->get_radio_trim();
if (steering_scaled > 0.0f) {
steer += steering_scaled*(channel_steer->get_radio_max()-channel_steer->get_radio_trim());
} else {
steer += steering_scaled*(channel_steer->get_radio_trim()-channel_steer->get_radio_min());
if (throttle_scaled > 0.0f) {
thr += throttle_scaled*(channel_throttle->get_radio_max()-channel_throttle->get_radio_trim());
} else {
thr += throttle_scaled*(channel_throttle->get_radio_trim()-channel_throttle->get_radio_min());
void Rover::control_failsafe(uint16_t pwm)
if (!g.fs_throttle_enabled) {
// no throttle failsafe
// Check for failsafe condition based on loss of GCS control
if (rc_override_active) {
failsafe_trigger(FAILSAFE_EVENT_RC, (millis() - failsafe.rc_override_timer) > 1500);
} else if (g.fs_throttle_enabled) {
bool failed = pwm < (uint16_t)g.fs_throttle_value;
if (AP_HAL::millis() - failsafe.last_valid_rc_ms > 2000) {
failed = true;
failsafe_trigger(FAILSAFE_EVENT_THROTTLE, failed);
return true if throttle level is below throttle failsafe threshold
or RC input is invalid
bool Rover::throttle_failsafe_active(void)
if (!g.fs_throttle_enabled) {
return false;
if (millis() - failsafe.last_valid_rc_ms > 1000) {
// we haven't had a valid RC frame for 1 seconds
return true;
if (channel_throttle->get_reverse()) {
return channel_throttle->get_radio_in() >= g.fs_throttle_value;
return channel_throttle->get_radio_in() <= g.fs_throttle_value;
void Rover::trim_control_surfaces()
// Store control surface trim values
// ---------------------------------
if (channel_steer->get_radio_in() > 1400) {
// save to eeprom
void Rover::trim_radio()
for (int y = 0; y < 30; y++) {