425 lines
13 KiB
425 lines
13 KiB
/* |
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify |
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or |
(at your option) any later version. |
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
GNU General Public License for more details. |
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. |
*/ |
/* |
Simulator Connector for JSON based interfaces |
*/ |
#include "SIM_JSON.h" |
#include <stdio.h> |
#include <arpa/inet.h> |
#include <errno.h> |
#include <AP_HAL/AP_HAL.h> |
#include <AP_Logger/AP_Logger.h> |
#include <AP_HAL/utility/replace.h> |
#define UDP_TIMEOUT_MS 100 |
extern const AP_HAL::HAL& hal; |
using namespace SITL; |
static const struct { |
const char *name; |
float value; |
bool save; |
} sim_defaults[] = { |
{ "BRD_OPTIONS", 0}, |
{ "INS_GYR_CAL", 0 }, |
{ "INS_ACC2OFFS_X", 0.001 }, |
{ "INS_ACC2OFFS_Y", 0.001 }, |
{ "INS_ACC2OFFS_Z", 0.001 }, |
{ "INS_ACC2SCAL_X", 1.001 }, |
{ "INS_ACC2SCAL_Y", 1.001 }, |
{ "INS_ACC2SCAL_Z", 1.001 }, |
{ "INS_ACCOFFS_X", 0.001 }, |
{ "INS_ACCOFFS_Y", 0.001 }, |
{ "INS_ACCOFFS_Z", 0.001 }, |
{ "INS_ACCSCAL_X", 1.001 }, |
{ "INS_ACCSCAL_Y", 1.001 }, |
{ "INS_ACCSCAL_Z", 1.001 }, |
}; |
JSON::JSON(const char *frame_str) : |
Aircraft(frame_str), |
sock(true) |
{ |
printf("Starting SITL: JSON\n"); |
const char *colon = strchr(frame_str, ':'); |
if (colon) { |
target_ip = colon+1; |
} |
for (uint8_t i=0; i<ARRAY_SIZE(sim_defaults); i++) { |
AP_Param::set_default_by_name(sim_defaults[i].name, sim_defaults[i].value); |
if (sim_defaults[i].save) { |
enum ap_var_type ptype; |
AP_Param *p = AP_Param::find(sim_defaults[i].name, &ptype); |
if (!p->configured()) { |
p->save(); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
/* |
Create & set in/out socket |
*/ |
void JSON::set_interface_ports(const char* address, const int port_in, const int port_out) |
{ |
sock.set_blocking(false); |
sock.reuseaddress(); |
if (strcmp("",address) != 0) { |
target_ip = address; |
} |
control_port = port_out; |
printf("JSON control interface set to %s:%u\n", target_ip, control_port); |
} |
/* |
Decode and send servos |
*/ |
void JSON::output_servos(const struct sitl_input &input) |
{ |
servo_packet pkt; |
pkt.frame_rate = rate_hz; |
pkt.frame_count = frame_counter; |
for (uint8_t i=0; i<16; i++) { |
pkt.pwm[i] = input.servos[i]; |
} |
size_t send_ret = sock.sendto(&pkt, sizeof(pkt), target_ip, control_port); |
if (send_ret != sizeof(pkt)) { |
if (send_ret <= 0) { |
printf("Unable to send servo output to %s:%u - Error: %s, Return value: %ld\n", |
target_ip, control_port, strerror(errno), (long)send_ret); |
} else { |
printf("Sent %ld bytes instead of %lu bytes\n", (long)send_ret, (unsigned long)sizeof(pkt)); |
} |
} |
} |
/* |
very simple JSON parser for sensor data |
called with pointer to one row of sensor data, nul terminated |
This parser does not do any syntax checking, and is not at all |
general purpose |
*/ |
uint16_t JSON::parse_sensors(const char *json) |
{ |
uint16_t received_bitmask = 0; |
//printf("%s\n", json); |
for (uint16_t i=0; i<ARRAY_SIZE(keytable); i++) { |
struct keytable &key = keytable[i]; |
/* look for section header */ |
const char *p = strstr(json, key.section); |
if (!p) { |
// we don't have this sensor |
if (key.required) { |
printf("Failed to find %s\n", key.section); |
return 0; |
} |
continue; |
} |
p += strlen(key.section)+1; |
// find key inside section |
p = strstr(p, key.key); |
if (!p) { |
if (key.required) { |
printf("Failed to find key %s/%s\n", key.section, key.key); |
return 0; |
} |
continue; |
} |
// record the keys that are found |
received_bitmask |= 1U << i; |
p += strlen(key.key)+2; |
switch (key.type) { |
case DATA_UINT64: |
*((uint64_t *)key.ptr) = strtoull(p, nullptr, 10); |
//printf("%s/%s = %lu\n", key.section, key.key, *((uint64_t *)key.ptr)); |
break; |
case DATA_FLOAT: |
*((float *)key.ptr) = atof(p); |
//printf("%s/%s = %f\n", key.section, key.key, *((float *)key.ptr)); |
break; |
*((double *)key.ptr) = atof(p); |
//printf("%s/%s = %f\n", key.section, key.key, *((double *)key.ptr)); |
break; |
case DATA_VECTOR3F: { |
Vector3f *v = (Vector3f *)key.ptr; |
if (sscanf(p, "[%f, %f, %f]", &v->x, &v->y, &v->z) != 3) { |
printf("Failed to parse Vector3f for %s/%s\n", key.section, key.key); |
return received_bitmask; |
} |
//printf("%s/%s = %f, %f, %f\n", key.section, key.key, v->x, v->y, v->z); |
break; |
} |
case QUATERNION: { |
Quaternion *v = static_cast<Quaternion*>(key.ptr); |
if (sscanf(p, "[%f, %f, %f, %f]", &(v->q1), &(v->q2), &(v->q3), &(v->q4)) != 4) { |
printf("Failed to parse Vector4f for %s/%s\n", key.section, key.key); |
return received_bitmask; |
} |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
return received_bitmask; |
} |
/* |
Receive new sensor data from simulator |
This is a blocking function |
*/ |
void JSON::recv_fdm(const struct sitl_input &input) |
{ |
// Receive sensor packet |
ssize_t ret = sock.recv(&sensor_buffer[sensor_buffer_len], sizeof(sensor_buffer)-sensor_buffer_len, UDP_TIMEOUT_MS); |
uint32_t wait_ms = UDP_TIMEOUT_MS; |
while (ret <= 0) { |
//printf("No JSON sensor message received - %s\n", strerror(errno)); |
ret = sock.recv(&sensor_buffer[sensor_buffer_len], sizeof(sensor_buffer)-sensor_buffer_len, UDP_TIMEOUT_MS); |
wait_ms += UDP_TIMEOUT_MS; |
// if no sensor message is received after 10 second resend servos, this help cope with SITL and the physics getting out of sync |
if (wait_ms > 1000) { |
wait_ms = 0; |
printf("No JSON sensor message received, resending servos\n"); |
output_servos(input); |
} |
} |
// convert '\n' into nul |
while (uint8_t *p = (uint8_t *)memchr(&sensor_buffer[sensor_buffer_len], '\n', ret)) { |
*p = 0; |
} |
sensor_buffer_len += ret; |
const uint8_t *p2 = (const uint8_t *)memrchr(sensor_buffer, 0, sensor_buffer_len); |
if (p2 == nullptr || p2 == sensor_buffer) { |
return; |
} |
const uint8_t *p1 = (const uint8_t *)memrchr(sensor_buffer, 0, p2 - sensor_buffer); |
if (p1 == nullptr) { |
return; |
} |
const uint16_t received_bitmask = parse_sensors((const char *)(p1+1)); |
if (received_bitmask == 0) { |
// did not receve one of the mandatory fields |
printf("Did not contain all mandatory fields\n"); |
return; |
} |
// Must get either attitude or quaternion fields |
if ((received_bitmask & (EULER_ATT | QUAT_ATT)) == 0) { |
printf("Did not receive attitude or quaternion\n"); |
return; |
} |
if (received_bitmask != last_received_bitmask) { |
// some change in the message we have received, print what we got |
printf("\nJSON received:\n"); |
for (uint16_t i=0; i<ARRAY_SIZE(keytable); i++) { |
struct keytable &key = keytable[i]; |
if ((received_bitmask & 1U << i) == 0) { |
continue; |
} |
if (strcmp(key.section, "") == 0) { |
printf("\t%s\n",key.key); |
} else { |
printf("\t%s: %s\n",key.section,key.key); |
} |
} |
printf("\n"); |
} |
last_received_bitmask = received_bitmask; |
memmove(sensor_buffer, p2, sensor_buffer_len - (p2 - sensor_buffer)); |
sensor_buffer_len = sensor_buffer_len - (p2 - sensor_buffer); |
accel_body = state.imu.accel_body; |
gyro = state.imu.gyro; |
velocity_ef = state.velocity; |
position = state.position; |
// deal with euler or quaternion attitude |
if ((received_bitmask & QUAT_ATT) != 0) { |
// if we have a quaternion attitude use it rather than euler |
state.quaternion.rotation_matrix(dcm); |
} else { |
dcm.from_euler(state.attitude[0], state.attitude[1], state.attitude[2]); |
} |
// velocity relative to airmass in body frame |
velocity_air_bf = dcm.transposed() * velocity_ef; |
// airspeed |
airspeed = velocity_air_bf.length(); |
// airspeed as seen by a fwd pitot tube (limited to 120m/s) |
airspeed_pitot = constrain_float(velocity_air_bf * Vector3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 0.0f, 120.0f); |
// Convert from a meters from origin physics to a lat long alt |
update_position(); |
// update range finder distances |
for (uint8_t i=7; i<13; i++) { |
if ((received_bitmask & 1U << i) == 0) { |
continue; |
} |
rangefinder_m[i-7] = state.rng[i-7]; |
} |
// update wind vane |
if ((received_bitmask & WIND_DIR) != 0) { |
wind_vane_apparent.direction = state.wind_vane_apparent.direction; |
} |
if ((received_bitmask & WIND_SPD) != 0) { |
wind_vane_apparent.speed = state.wind_vane_apparent.speed; |
} |
double deltat; |
if (state.timestamp_s < last_timestamp_s) { |
// Physics time has gone backwards, don't reset AP |
printf("Detected physics reset\n"); |
deltat = 0; |
last_received_bitmask = 0; |
} else { |
deltat = state.timestamp_s - last_timestamp_s; |
} |
time_now_us += deltat * 1.0e6; |
if (is_positive(deltat) && deltat < 0.1) { |
// time in us to hz |
adjust_frame_time(1.0 / deltat); |
// match actual frame rate with desired speedup |
time_advance(); |
} |
last_timestamp_s = state.timestamp_s; |
frame_counter++; |
#if 0 |
float roll, pitch, yaw; |
if ((received_bitmask & QUAT_ATT) != 0) { |
dcm.to_euler(&roll, &pitch, &yaw); |
} else { |
roll = state.attitude[0]; |
pitch = state.attitude[1]; |
yaw = state.attitude[2]; |
} |
// @LoggerMessage: JSN1 |
// @Description: Log data received from JSON simulator |
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup (us) |
// @Field: TStamp: Simulation's timestamp (s) |
// @Field: R: Simulation's roll (rad) |
// @Field: P: Simulation's pitch (rad) |
// @Field: Y: Simulation's yaw (rad) |
// @Field: GX: Simulated gyroscope, X-axis (rad/sec) |
// @Field: GY: Simulated gyroscope, Y-axis (rad/sec) |
// @Field: GZ: Simulated gyroscope, Z-axis (rad/sec) |
AP::logger().Write("JSN1", "TimeUS,TStamp,R,P,Y,GX,GY,GZ", |
"ssrrrEEE", |
"F???????", |
"Qfffffff", |
AP_HAL::micros64(), |
state.timestamp_s, |
roll, |
pitch, |
yaw, |
gyro.x, |
gyro.y, |
gyro.z); |
Vector3f accel_ef = dcm.transposed() * accel_body; |
// @LoggerMessage: JSN2 |
// @Description: Log data received from JSON simulator |
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup (us) |
// @Field: VN: simulation's velocity, North-axis (m/s) |
// @Field: VE: simulation's velocity, East-axis (m/s) |
// @Field: VD: simulation's velocity, Down-axis (m/s) |
// @Field: AX: simulation's acceleration, X-axis (m/s^2) |
// @Field: AY: simulation's acceleration, Y-axis (m/s^2) |
// @Field: AZ: simulation's acceleration, Z-axis (m/s^2) |
// @Field: AN: simulation's acceleration, North (m/s^2) |
// @Field: AE: simulation's acceleration, East (m/s^2) |
// @Field: AD: simulation's acceleration, Down (m/s^2) |
AP::logger().Write("JSN2", "TimeUS,VN,VE,VD,AX,AY,AZ,AN,AE,AD", |
"snnnoooooo", |
"F?????????", |
"Qfffffffff", |
AP_HAL::micros64(), |
velocity_ef.x, |
velocity_ef.y, |
velocity_ef.z, |
accel_body.x, |
accel_body.y, |
accel_body.z, |
accel_ef.x, |
accel_ef.y, |
accel_ef.z); |
#endif |
} |
/* |
update the JSON simulation by one time step |
*/ |
void JSON::update(const struct sitl_input &input) |
{ |
// send to JSON model |
output_servos(input); |
// receive from JSON model |
recv_fdm(input); |
// update magnetic field |
// as the model does not provide mag feild we calculate it from position and attitude |
update_mag_field_bf(); |
// allow for changes in physics step |
adjust_frame_time(constrain_float(sitl->loop_rate_hz, rate_hz-1, rate_hz+1)); |
#if 0 |
// report frame rate |
if (frame_counter % 1000 == 0) { |
printf("FPS %.2f\n", achieved_rate_hz); // this is instantaneous rather than any clever average |
} |
#endif |