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#!/usr/bin/env python |
# Drive APMrover2 in SITL |
from __future__ import print_function |
import copy |
import os |
import shutil |
import sys |
import time |
from common import AutoTest |
from pysim import util |
from common import AutoTestTimeoutException |
from common import MsgRcvTimeoutException |
from common import NotAchievedException |
from common import PreconditionFailedException |
from pymavlink import mavutil |
# get location of scripts |
testdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) |
SITL_START_LOCATION = mavutil.location(40.071374969556928, |
-105.22978898137808, |
1583.702759, |
246) |
class AutoTestRover(AutoTest): |
@staticmethod |
def get_not_armable_mode_list(): |
return [] |
@staticmethod |
def get_not_disarmed_settable_modes_list(): |
return ["FOLLOW"] |
@staticmethod |
def get_no_position_not_settable_modes_list(): |
return [] |
@staticmethod |
def get_position_armable_modes_list(): |
@staticmethod |
def get_normal_armable_modes_list(): |
return ["ACRO", "HOLD", "MANUAL"] |
def log_name(self): |
return "APMrover2" |
def test_filepath(self): |
return os.path.realpath(__file__) |
def sitl_start_location(self): |
def default_frame(self): |
return "rover" |
def is_rover(self): |
return True |
def get_stick_arming_channel(self): |
return int(self.get_parameter("RCMAP_ROLL")) |
def arming_test_mission(self): |
return os.path.join(testdir, "ArduRover-Missions", "test_arming.txt") |
########################################################## |
########################################################## |
# Drive a square in manual mode |
def drive_square(self, side=50): |
"""Drive a square, Driving N then E .""" |
self.context_push() |
ex = None |
try: |
self.progress("TEST SQUARE") |
self.set_parameter("RC7_OPTION", 7) |
self.set_parameter("RC9_OPTION", 58) |
self.mavproxy.send('switch 5\n') |
self.wait_mode('MANUAL') |
self.wait_ready_to_arm() |
self.arm_vehicle() |
self.clear_wp(9) |
# first aim north |
self.progress("\nTurn right towards north") |
self.reach_heading_manual(10) |
# save bottom left corner of box as home AND waypoint |
self.progress("Save HOME") |
self.save_wp() |
self.progress("Save WP") |
self.save_wp() |
# pitch forward to fly north |
self.progress("\nGoing north %u meters" % side) |
self.reach_distance_manual(side) |
# save top left corner of square as waypoint |
self.progress("Save WP") |
self.save_wp() |
# roll right to fly east |
self.progress("\nGoing east %u meters" % side) |
self.reach_heading_manual(100) |
self.reach_distance_manual(side) |
# save top right corner of square as waypoint |
self.progress("Save WP") |
self.save_wp() |
# pitch back to fly south |
self.progress("\nGoing south %u meters" % side) |
self.reach_heading_manual(190) |
self.reach_distance_manual(side) |
# save bottom right corner of square as waypoint |
self.progress("Save WP") |
self.save_wp() |
# roll left to fly west |
self.progress("\nGoing west %u meters" % side) |
self.reach_heading_manual(280) |
self.reach_distance_manual(side) |
# save bottom left corner of square (should be near home) as waypoint |
self.progress("Save WP") |
self.save_wp() |
self.progress("Checking number of saved waypoints") |
num_wp = self.save_mission_to_file( |
os.path.join(testdir, "rover-ch7_mission.txt")) |
expected = 7 # home + 6 toggled in |
if num_wp != expected: |
raise NotAchievedException("Did not get %u waypoints; got %u" % |
(expected, num_wp)) |
# TODO: actually drive the mission |
self.clear_wp(9) |
except Exception as e: |
self.progress("Caught exception: %s" % |
self.get_exception_stacktrace(e)) |
ex = e |
self.disarm_vehicle() |
self.context_pop() |
if ex: |
raise ex |
def drive_left_circuit(self): |
"""Drive a left circuit, 50m on a side.""" |
self.mavproxy.send('switch 6\n') |
self.wait_mode('MANUAL') |
self.set_rc(3, 2000) |
self.progress("Driving left circuit") |
# do 4 turns |
for i in range(0, 4): |
# hard left |
self.progress("Starting turn %u" % i) |
self.set_rc(1, 1000) |
self.wait_heading(270 - (90*i), accuracy=10) |
self.set_rc(1, 1500) |
self.progress("Starting leg %u" % i) |
self.wait_distance(50, accuracy=7) |
self.set_rc(3, 1500) |
self.progress("Circuit complete") |
# def test_throttle_failsafe(self, home, distance_min=10, side=60, |
# timeout=300): |
# """Fly east, Failsafe, return, land.""" |
# |
# self.mavproxy.send('switch 6\n') # manual mode |
# self.wait_mode('MANUAL') |
# self.mavproxy.send("param set FS_ACTION 1\n") |
# |
# # first aim east |
# self.progress("turn east") |
# if not self.reach_heading_manual(135): |
# return False |
# |
# # fly east 60 meters |
# self.progress("# Going forward %u meters" % side) |
# if not self.reach_distance_manual(side): |
# return False |
# |
# # pull throttle low |
# self.progress("# Enter Failsafe") |
# self.mavproxy.send('rc 3 900\n') |
# |
# tstart = self.get_sim_time() |
# success = False |
# while self.get_sim_time() < tstart + timeout and not success: |
# m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) |
# pos = self.mav.location() |
# home_distance = self.get_distance(home, pos) |
# self.progress("Alt: %u HomeDistance: %.0f" % |
# (m.alt, home_distance)) |
# # check if we've reached home |
# if home_distance <= distance_min: |
# self.progress("RTL Complete") |
# success = True |
# |
# # reduce throttle |
# self.mavproxy.send('rc 3 1500\n') |
# self.mavproxy.expect('APM: Failsafe ended') |
# self.mavproxy.send('switch 2\n') # manual mode |
# self.wait_heartbeat() |
# self.wait_mode('MANUAL') |
# |
# if success: |
# self.progress("Reached failsafe home OK") |
# return True |
# else: |
# self.progress("Failed to reach Home on failsafe RTL - " |
# "timed out after %u seconds" % timeout) |
# return False |
def test_sprayer(self): |
"""Test sprayer functionality.""" |
self.context_push() |
ex = None |
try: |
rc_ch = 5 |
pump_ch = 5 |
spinner_ch = 6 |
pump_ch_min = 1050 |
pump_ch_trim = 1520 |
pump_ch_max = 1950 |
spinner_ch_min = 975 |
spinner_ch_trim = 1510 |
spinner_ch_max = 1975 |
self.set_parameter("SPRAY_ENABLE", 1) |
self.set_parameter("SERVO%u_FUNCTION" % pump_ch, 22) |
self.set_parameter("SERVO%u_MIN" % pump_ch, pump_ch_min) |
self.set_parameter("SERVO%u_TRIM" % pump_ch, pump_ch_trim) |
self.set_parameter("SERVO%u_MAX" % pump_ch, pump_ch_max) |
self.set_parameter("SERVO%u_FUNCTION" % spinner_ch, 23) |
self.set_parameter("SERVO%u_MIN" % spinner_ch, spinner_ch_min) |
self.set_parameter("SERVO%u_TRIM" % spinner_ch, spinner_ch_trim) |
self.set_parameter("SERVO%u_MAX" % spinner_ch, spinner_ch_max) |
self.set_parameter("SIM_SPR_ENABLE", 1) |
self.fetch_parameters() |
self.set_parameter("SIM_SPR_PUMP", pump_ch) |
self.set_parameter("SIM_SPR_SPIN", spinner_ch) |
self.set_parameter("RC%u_OPTION" % rc_ch, 15) |
self.set_parameter("LOG_DISARMED", 1) |
self.reboot_sitl() |
self.wait_ready_to_arm() |
self.arm_vehicle() |
self.progress("test bootup state - it's zero-output!") |
self.wait_servo_channel_value(spinner_ch, 0) |
self.wait_servo_channel_value(pump_ch, 0) |
self.progress("Enable sprayer") |
self.set_rc(rc_ch, 2000) |
self.progress("Testing zero-speed state") |
self.wait_servo_channel_value(spinner_ch, spinner_ch_min) |
self.wait_servo_channel_value(pump_ch, pump_ch_min) |
self.progress("Testing turning it off") |
self.set_rc(rc_ch, 1000) |
self.wait_servo_channel_value(spinner_ch, spinner_ch_min) |
self.wait_servo_channel_value(pump_ch, pump_ch_min) |
self.progress("Testing turning it back on") |
self.set_rc(rc_ch, 2000) |
self.wait_servo_channel_value(spinner_ch, spinner_ch_min) |
self.wait_servo_channel_value(pump_ch, pump_ch_min) |
self.progress("Testing speed-ramping") |
self.set_rc(3, 1700) # start driving forward |
# this is somewhat empirical... |
self.wait_servo_channel_value(pump_ch, 1695, timeout=60) |
self.progress("Sprayer OK") |
except Exception as e: |
self.progress("Caught exception: %s" % |
self.get_exception_stacktrace(e)) |
ex = e |
self.context_pop() |
self.disarm_vehicle(force=True) |
self.reboot_sitl() |
if ex: |
raise ex |
################################################# |
################################################# |
def drive_mission(self, filename): |
"""Drive a mission from a file.""" |
self.progress("Driving mission %s" % filename) |
self.load_mission(filename) |
self.wait_ready_to_arm() |
self.arm_vehicle() |
self.mavproxy.send('switch 4\n') # auto mode |
self.set_rc(3, 1500) |
self.wait_mode('AUTO') |
self.wait_waypoint(1, 4, max_dist=5) |
self.mavproxy.expect("Mission Complete") |
self.disarm_vehicle() |
self.progress("Mission OK") |
def test_gripper_mission(self): |
self.load_mission("rover-gripper-mission.txt") |
self.change_mode('AUTO') |
self.wait_ready_to_arm() |
self.arm_vehicle() |
self.mavproxy.expect("Gripper Grabbed") |
self.mavproxy.expect("Gripper Released") |
self.mavproxy.expect("Mission Complete") |
self.disarm_vehicle() |
def do_get_banner(self): |
self.mavproxy.send("long DO_SEND_BANNER 1\n") |
start = time.time() |
while True: |
m = self.mav.recv_match(type='STATUSTEXT', |
blocking=True, |
timeout=1) |
if m is not None and "ArduRover" in m.text: |
self.progress("banner received: %s" % m.text) |
return |
if time.time() - start > 10: |
break |
raise MsgRcvTimeoutException("banner not received") |
def drive_brake_get_stopping_distance(self, speed): |
# measure our stopping distance: |
old_cruise_speed = self.get_parameter('CRUISE_SPEED') |
old_accel_max = self.get_parameter('ATC_ACCEL_MAX') |
# controller tends not to meet cruise speed (max of ~14 when 15 |
# set), thus *1.2 |
self.set_parameter('CRUISE_SPEED', speed*1.2) |
# at time of writing, the vehicle is only capable of 10m/s/s accel |
self.set_parameter('ATC_ACCEL_MAX', 15) |
self.change_mode("STEERING") |
self.set_rc(3, 2000) |
self.wait_groundspeed(15, 100) |
initial = self.mav.location() |
initial_time = time.time() |
while time.time() - initial_time < 2: |
# wait for a position update from the autopilot |
start = self.mav.location() |
if start != initial: |
break |
self.set_rc(3, 1500) |
self.wait_groundspeed(0, 0.2) # why do we not stop?! |
initial = self.mav.location() |
initial_time = time.time() |
while time.time() - initial_time < 2: |
# wait for a position update from the autopilot |
stop = self.mav.location() |
if stop != initial: |
break |
delta = self.get_distance(start, stop) |
self.set_parameter('CRUISE_SPEED', old_cruise_speed) |
self.set_parameter('ATC_ACCEL_MAX', old_accel_max) |
return delta |
def drive_brake(self): |
old_using_brake = self.get_parameter('ATC_BRAKE') |
old_cruise_speed = self.get_parameter('CRUISE_SPEED') |
self.set_parameter('CRUISE_SPEED', 15) |
self.set_parameter('ATC_BRAKE', 0) |
self.arm_vehicle() |
distance_without_brakes = self.drive_brake_get_stopping_distance(15) |
# brakes on: |
self.set_parameter('ATC_BRAKE', 1) |
distance_with_brakes = self.drive_brake_get_stopping_distance(15) |
# revert state: |
self.set_parameter('ATC_BRAKE', old_using_brake) |
self.set_parameter('CRUISE_SPEED', old_cruise_speed) |
delta = distance_without_brakes - distance_with_brakes |
if delta < distance_without_brakes * 0.05: # 5% isn't asking for much |
self.disarm_vehicle() |
raise NotAchievedException(""" |
Brakes have negligible effect (with=%0.2fm without=%0.2fm delta=%0.2fm) |
""" % |
(distance_with_brakes, |
distance_without_brakes, |
delta)) |
self.disarm_vehicle() |
self.progress( |
"Brakes work (with=%0.2fm without=%0.2fm delta=%0.2fm)" % |
(distance_with_brakes, distance_without_brakes, delta)) |
def drive_rtl_mission_max_distance_from_home(self): |
'''maximum distance allowed from home at end''' |
return 6.5 |
def drive_rtl_mission(self): |
self.wait_ready_to_arm() |
self.arm_vehicle() |
mission_filepath = os.path.join("ArduRover-Missions", "rtl.txt") |
self.load_mission(mission_filepath) |
self.change_mode("AUTO") |
self.mavproxy.expect('Mission: 3 RTL') |
self.drain_mav(); |
m = self.mav.recv_match(type='NAV_CONTROLLER_OUTPUT', |
blocking=True, |
timeout=1) |
if m is None: |
raise MsgRcvTimeoutException( |
"Did not receive NAV_CONTROLLER_OUTPUT message") |
wp_dist_min = 5 |
if m.wp_dist < wp_dist_min: |
raise PreconditionFailedException( |
"Did not start at least %f metres from destination (is=%f)" % |
(wp_dist_min, m.wp_dist)) |
self.progress("NAV_CONTROLLER_OUTPUT.wp_dist looks good (%u >= %u)" % |
(m.wp_dist, wp_dist_min,)) |
# wait for mission to complete |
self.mavproxy.expect("Mission Complete") |
# the EKF doesn't pull us down to 0 speed: |
self.wait_groundspeed(0, 0.5, timeout=600) |
# current Rover blows straight past the home position and ends |
# up ~6m past the home point. |
home_distance = self.distance_to_home() |
home_distance_min = 5.5 |
home_distance_max = self.drive_rtl_mission_max_distance_from_home() |
if home_distance > home_distance_max: |
raise NotAchievedException( |
"Did not stop near home (%f metres distant (%f > want > %f))" % |
(home_distance, home_distance_min, home_distance_max)) |
self.disarm_vehicle() |
self.progress("RTL Mission OK (%fm)" % home_distance) |
def wait_distance_home_gt(self, distance, timeout=60): |
home_distance = None |
tstart = self.get_sim_time() |
while self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart < timeout: |
# m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) |
distance_home = self.distance_to_home(use_cached_home=True) |
self.progress("distance_home=%f want=%f" % (distance_home, distance)) |
if distance_home > distance: |
return |
self.drain_mav() |
raise NotAchievedException("Failed to get %fm from home (now=%f)" % |
(distance, home_distance)) |
def drive_fence_ac_avoidance(self): |
self.context_push() |
ex = None |
try: |
self.load_fence("rover-fence-ac-avoid.txt") |
self.set_parameter("FENCE_ENABLE", 0) |
self.set_parameter("PRX_TYPE", 10) |
self.set_parameter("RC10_OPTION", 40) # proximity-enable |
self.reboot_sitl() |
# start = self.mav.location() |
self.wait_ready_to_arm() |
self.arm_vehicle() |
# first make sure we can breach the fence: |
self.set_rc(10, 1000) |
self.change_mode("ACRO") |
self.set_rc(3, 1550) |
self.wait_distance_home_gt(25) |
self.change_mode("RTL") |
self.mavproxy.expect("APM: Reached destination") |
# now enable avoidance and make sure we can't: |
self.set_rc(10, 2000) |
self.change_mode("ACRO") |
self.wait_groundspeed(0, 0.7, timeout=60) |
# watch for speed zero |
self.wait_groundspeed(0, 0.2, timeout=120) |
except Exception as e: |
self.progress("Caught exception: %s" % |
self.get_exception_stacktrace(e)) |
ex = e |
self.context_pop() |
self.mavproxy.send("fence clear\n") |
self.disarm_vehicle(force=True) |
self.reboot_sitl() |
if ex: |
raise ex |
def test_servorelayevents(self): |
self.do_set_relay(0, 0) |
off = self.get_parameter("SIM_PIN_MASK") |
self.do_set_relay(0, 1) |
on = self.get_parameter("SIM_PIN_MASK") |
if on == off: |
raise NotAchievedException( |
"Pin mask unchanged after relay cmd") |
self.progress("Pin mask changed after relay command") |
def test_setting_modes_via_mavproxy_switch(self): |
fnoo = [(1, 'MANUAL'), |
(2, 'MANUAL'), |
(3, 'RTL'), |
# (4, 'AUTO'), # no mission, can't set auto |
(5, 'RTL'), # non-existant mode, should stay in RTL |
(6, 'MANUAL')] |
for (num, expected) in fnoo: |
self.mavproxy.send('switch %u\n' % num) |
self.wait_mode(expected) |
def test_setting_modes_via_mavproxy_mode_command(self): |
fnoo = [(1, 'ACRO'), |
(3, 'STEERING'), |
(4, 'HOLD'), |
] |
for (num, expected) in fnoo: |
self.mavproxy.send('mode manual\n') |
self.wait_mode("MANUAL") |
self.mavproxy.send('mode %u\n' % num) |
self.wait_mode(expected) |
self.mavproxy.send('mode manual\n') |
self.wait_mode("MANUAL") |
self.mavproxy.send('mode %s\n' % expected) |
self.wait_mode(expected) |
def test_setting_modes_via_modeswitch(self): |
# test setting of modes through mode switch |
self.context_push() |
ex = None |
try: |
self.set_parameter("MODE_CH", 8) |
self.set_rc(8, 1000) |
# mavutil.mavlink.ROVER_MODE_HOLD: |
self.set_parameter("MODE6", 4) |
# mavutil.mavlink.ROVER_MODE_ACRO |
self.set_parameter("MODE5", 1) |
self.set_rc(8, 1800) # PWM for mode6 |
self.wait_mode("HOLD") |
self.set_rc(8, 1700) # PWM for mode5 |
self.wait_mode("ACRO") |
self.set_rc(8, 1800) # PWM for mode6 |
self.wait_mode("HOLD") |
self.set_rc(8, 1700) # PWM for mode5 |
self.wait_mode("ACRO") |
except Exception as e: |
self.progress("Exception caught") |
ex = e |
self.context_pop() |
if ex is not None: |
raise ex |
def test_setting_modes_via_auxswitches(self): |
self.context_push() |
ex = None |
try: |
self.set_parameter("MODE5", 1) |
self.mavproxy.send('switch 1\n') # random mode |
self.wait_heartbeat() |
self.change_mode('MANUAL') |
self.mavproxy.send('switch 5\n') # acro mode |
self.wait_mode("ACRO") |
self.set_rc(9, 1000) |
self.set_rc(10, 1000) |
self.set_parameter("RC9_OPTION", 53) # steering |
self.set_parameter("RC10_OPTION", 54) # hold |
self.set_rc(9, 1900) |
self.wait_mode("STEERING") |
self.set_rc(10, 1900) |
self.wait_mode("HOLD") |
# reset both switches - should go back to ACRO |
self.set_rc(9, 1000) |
self.set_rc(10, 1000) |
self.wait_mode("ACRO") |
self.set_rc(9, 1900) |
self.wait_mode("STEERING") |
self.set_rc(10, 1900) |
self.wait_mode("HOLD") |
self.set_rc(10, 1000) # this re-polls the mode switch |
self.wait_mode("ACRO") |
self.set_rc(9, 1000) |
except Exception as e: |
self.progress("Exception caught") |
ex = e |
self.context_pop() |
if ex is not None: |
raise ex |
def test_rc_override_cancel(self): |
self.change_mode('MANUAL') |
self.wait_ready_to_arm() |
self.zero_throttle() |
self.arm_vehicle() |
# start moving forward a little: |
normal_rc_throttle = 1700 |
throttle_override = 1900 |
self.progress("Establishing baseline RC input") |
self.mavproxy.send('rc 3 %u\n' % normal_rc_throttle) |
tstart = self.get_sim_time_cached() |
while True: |
if self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart > 10: |
raise AutoTestTimeoutException("Did not get rc change") |
m = self.mav.recv_match(type='RC_CHANNELS', blocking=True) |
if m.chan3_raw == normal_rc_throttle: |
break |
self.progress("Set override with RC_CHANNELS_OVERRIDE") |
tstart = self.get_sim_time_cached() |
while True: |
if self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart > 10: |
raise AutoTestTimeoutException("Did not override") |
self.progress("Sending throttle of %u" % (throttle_override,)) |
self.mav.mav.rc_channels_override_send( |
1, # target system |
1, # targe component |
65535, # chan1_raw |
65535, # chan2_raw |
throttle_override, # chan3_raw |
65535, # chan4_raw |
65535, # chan5_raw |
65535, # chan6_raw |
65535, # chan7_raw |
65535) # chan8_raw |
m = self.mav.recv_match(type='RC_CHANNELS', blocking=True) |
self.progress("chan3=%f want=%f" % (m.chan3_raw, throttle_override)) |
if m.chan3_raw == throttle_override: |
break |
self.progress("disabling override and making sure we revert to RC input in good time") |
tstart = self.get_sim_time_cached() |
while True: |
if self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart > 0.5: |
raise AutoTestTimeoutException("Did not cancel override") |
self.progress("Sending cancel of throttle override") |
self.mav.mav.rc_channels_override_send( |
1, # target system |
1, # targe component |
65535, # chan1_raw |
65535, # chan2_raw |
0, # chan3_raw |
65535, # chan4_raw |
65535, # chan5_raw |
65535, # chan6_raw |
65535, # chan7_raw |
65535) # chan8_raw |
m = self.mav.recv_match(type='RC_CHANNELS', blocking=True) |
self.progress("chan3=%f want=%f" % (m.chan3_raw, normal_rc_throttle)) |
if m.chan3_raw == normal_rc_throttle: |
break |
self.disarm_vehicle() |
def test_rc_overrides(self): |
self.context_push() |
ex = None |
try: |
self.set_parameter("RC12_OPTION", 46) |
self.reboot_sitl() |
self.mavproxy.send('switch 6\n') # Manual mode |
self.wait_mode('MANUAL') |
self.wait_ready_to_arm() |
self.mavproxy.send('rc 3 1500\n') # throttle at zero |
self.arm_vehicle() |
# start moving forward a little: |
normal_rc_throttle = 1700 |
self.mavproxy.send('rc 3 %u\n' % normal_rc_throttle) |
self.wait_groundspeed(5, 100) |
# allow overrides: |
self.set_rc(12, 2000) |
# now override to stop: |
throttle_override = 1500 |
tstart = self.get_sim_time_cached() |
while True: |
if self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart > 10: |
raise AutoTestTimeoutException("Did not reach speed") |
self.progress("Sending throttle of %u" % (throttle_override,)) |
self.mav.mav.rc_channels_override_send( |
1, # target system |
1, # targe component |
65535, # chan1_raw |
65535, # chan2_raw |
throttle_override, # chan3_raw |
65535, # chan4_raw |
65535, # chan5_raw |
65535, # chan6_raw |
65535, # chan7_raw |
65535) # chan8_raw |
m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) |
want_speed = 2.0 |
self.progress("Speed=%f want=<%f" % (m.groundspeed, want_speed)) |
if m.groundspeed < want_speed: |
break |
# now override to stop - but set the switch on the RC |
# transmitter to deny overrides; this should send the |
# speed back up to 5 metres/second: |
self.set_rc(12, 1000) |
throttle_override = 1500 |
tstart = self.get_sim_time_cached() |
while True: |
if self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart > 10: |
raise AutoTestTimeoutException("Did not stop") |
print("Sending throttle of %u" % (throttle_override,)) |
self.mav.mav.rc_channels_override_send( |
1, # target system |
1, # targe component |
65535, # chan1_raw |
65535, # chan2_raw |
throttle_override, # chan3_raw |
65535, # chan4_raw |
65535, # chan5_raw |
65535, # chan6_raw |
65535, # chan7_raw |
65535) # chan8_raw |
m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) |
want_speed = 5.0 |
print("Speed=%f want=>%f" % (m.groundspeed, want_speed)) |
if m.groundspeed > want_speed: |
break |
# re-enable RC overrides |
self.set_rc(12, 2000) |
# check we revert to normal RC inputs when gcs overrides cease: |
self.progress("Waiting for RC to revert to normal RC input") |
while True: |
m = self.mav.recv_match(type='RC_CHANNELS', blocking=True) |
print("%s" % m) |
if m.chan3_raw == normal_rc_throttle: |
break |
except Exception as e: |
self.progress("Exception caught") |
ex = e |
self.context_pop() |
self.disarm_vehicle() |
self.reboot_sitl() |
if ex is not None: |
raise ex |
def test_manual_control(self): |
self.context_push() |
ex = None |
try: |
self.set_parameter("RC12_OPTION", 46) # enable/disable rc overrides |
self.reboot_sitl() |
self.change_mode("MANUAL") |
self.wait_ready_to_arm() |
self.zero_throttle() |
self.arm_vehicle() |
self.progress("start moving forward a little") |
normal_rc_throttle = 1700 |
self.mavproxy.send('rc 3 %u\n' % normal_rc_throttle) |
self.wait_groundspeed(5, 100) |
self.progress("allow overrides") |
self.set_rc(12, 2000) |
self.progress("now override to stop") |
throttle_override_normalized = 0 |
expected_throttle = 0 # in VFR_HUD |
tstart = self.get_sim_time_cached() |
while True: |
if self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart > 10: |
raise AutoTestTimeoutException("Did not reach speed") |
self.progress("Sending normalized throttle of %d" % (throttle_override_normalized,)) |
self.mav.mav.manual_control_send( |
1, # target system |
32767, # x (pitch) |
32767, # y (roll) |
throttle_override_normalized, # z (thrust) |
32767, # r (yaw) |
0) # button mask |
m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) |
want_speed = 2.0 |
self.progress("Speed=%f want=<%f throttle=%u want=%u" % |
(m.groundspeed, want_speed, m.throttle, expected_throttle)) |
if m.groundspeed < want_speed and m.throttle == expected_throttle: |
break |
self.progress("now override to stop - but set the switch on the RC transmitter to deny overrides; this should send the speed back up to 5 metres/second") |
self.set_rc(12, 1000) |
throttle_override_normalized = 500 |
expected_throttle = 36 # in VFR_HUD, corresponding to normal_rc_throttle adjusted for channel min/max |
tstart = self.get_sim_time_cached() |
while True: |
if self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart > 10: |
raise AutoTestTimeoutException("Did not stop") |
print("Sending normalized throttle of %u" % (throttle_override_normalized,)) |
self.mav.mav.manual_control_send( |
1, # target system |
32767, # x (pitch) |
32767, # y (roll) |
throttle_override_normalized, # z (thrust) |
32767, # r (yaw) |
0) # button mask |
m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) |
want_speed = 5.0 |
self.progress("Speed=%f want=>%f throttle=%u want=%u" % |
(m.groundspeed, want_speed, m.throttle, expected_throttle)) |
if m.groundspeed > want_speed and m.throttle == expected_throttle: |
break |
# re-enable RC overrides |
self.set_rc(12, 2000) |
# check we revert to normal RC inputs when gcs overrides cease: |
self.progress("Waiting for RC to revert to normal RC input") |
while True: |
m = self.mav.recv_match(type='RC_CHANNELS', blocking=True) |
print("%s" % m) |
if m.chan3_raw == normal_rc_throttle: |
break |
except Exception as e: |
self.progress("Exception caught") |
ex = e |
self.context_pop() |
self.disarm_vehicle() |
self.reboot_sitl() |
if ex is not None: |
raise ex |
def test_camera_mission_items(self): |
self.context_push() |
ex = None |
try: |
self.load_mission("rover-camera-mission.txt") |
self.wait_ready_to_arm() |
self.change_mode("AUTO") |
self.wait_ready_to_arm() |
self.arm_vehicle() |
prev_cf = None |
while True: |
cf = self.mav.recv_match(type='CAMERA_FEEDBACK', blocking=True) |
if prev_cf is None: |
prev_cf = cf |
continue |
dist_travelled = self.get_distance_int(prev_cf, cf) |
prev_cf = cf |
mc = self.mav.messages.get("MISSION_CURRENT", None) |
if mc is None: |
continue |
elif mc.seq == 2: |
expected_distance = 2 |
elif mc.seq == 4: |
expected_distance = 5 |
elif mc.seq == 5: |
break |
else: |
continue |
self.progress("Expected distance %f got %f" % |
(expected_distance, dist_travelled)) |
error = abs(expected_distance - dist_travelled) |
# Rover moves at ~5m/s; we appear to do something at |
# 5Hz, so we do see over a meter of error! |
max_error = 1.5 |
if error > max_error: |
raise NotAchievedException("Camera distance error: %f (%f)" % |
(error, max_error)) |
self.disarm_vehicle() |
except Exception as e: |
self.progress("Exception caught") |
ex = e |
self.context_pop() |
if ex is not None: |
raise ex |
def test_do_set_mode_via_command_long(self): |
self.do_set_mode_via_command_long("HOLD") |
self.do_set_mode_via_command_long("MANUAL") |
def test_mavproxy_do_set_mode_via_command_long(self): |
self.mavproxy_do_set_mode_via_command_long("HOLD") |
self.mavproxy_do_set_mode_via_command_long("MANUAL") |
def test_sysid_enforce(self): |
'''Run the same arming code with correct then incorrect SYSID''' |
self.context_push() |
ex = None |
try: |
# if set_parameter is ever changed to not use MAVProxy |
# this test is going to break horribly. Sorry. |
self.set_parameter("SYSID_MYGCS", 255) # assume MAVProxy does this! |
self.set_parameter("SYSID_ENFORCE", 1) # assume MAVProxy does this! |
self.change_mode('MANUAL') |
self.progress("make sure I can arm ATM") |
self.wait_ready_to_arm() |
self.arm_vehicle(timeout=5) |
self.disarm_vehicle() |
# temporarily set a different system ID than MAVProxy: |
self.progress("Attempting to arm vehicle myself") |
old_srcSystem = self.mav.mav.srcSystem |
try: |
self.mav.mav.srcSystem = 243 |
self.arm_vehicle(timeout=5) |
self.disarm_vehicle() |
success = False |
except AutoTestTimeoutException as e: |
success = True |
self.mav.mav.srcSystem = old_srcSystem |
if not success: |
raise NotAchievedException( |
"Managed to arm with SYSID_ENFORCE set") |
self.progress("Attempting to arm vehicle from vehicle component") |
old_srcSystem = self.mav.mav.srcSystem |
comp_arm_exception = None |
try: |
self.mav.mav.srcSystem = 1 |
self.arm_vehicle(timeout=5) |
self.disarm_vehicle() |
except Exception as e: |
comp_arm_exception = e |
self.mav.mav.srcSystem = old_srcSystem |
if comp_arm_exception is not None: |
raise comp_arm_exception |
except Exception as e: |
self.progress("Exception caught") |
ex = e |
self.context_pop() |
if ex is not None: |
raise ex |
def test_rally_points(self): |
self.reboot_sitl() # to ensure starting point is as expected |
self.load_rally("rover-test-rally.txt") |
accuracy = self.get_parameter("WP_RADIUS") |
self.wait_ready_to_arm() |
self.arm_vehicle() |
self.reach_heading_manual(10) |
self.reach_distance_manual(50) |
self.change_mode("RTL") |
# location copied in from rover-test-rally.txt: |
loc = mavutil.location(40.071553, |
-105.229401, |
0, |
0) |
self.wait_location(loc, accuracy=accuracy) |
self.disarm_vehicle() |
def string_for_frame(self, frame): |
return mavutil.mavlink.enums["MAV_FRAME"][frame].name |
def frames_equivalent(self, f1, f2): |
pairs = [ |
(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_TERRAIN_ALT, |
(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL, |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_INT), |
] |
for pair in pairs: |
if (f1 == pair[0] and f2 == pair[1]): |
return True |
if (f1 == pair[1] and f2 == pair[0]): |
return True |
return f1 == f2; |
def check_mission_items_same(self, check_atts, want, got, epsilon=None,skip_first_item=False): |
self.progress("Checking mission items same") |
if epsilon is None: |
epsilon = 1 |
if len(want) != len(got): |
raise NotAchievedException("Incorrect item count (want=%u got=%u)" % (len(want), len(got))) |
self.progress("Checking %u items" % len(want)) |
for i in range(0, len(want)): |
if skip_first_item and i == 0: |
continue |
item = want[i] |
downloaded_item = got[i] |
check_atts = ['mission_type', 'command', 'x', 'y', 'seq', 'param1'] |
# z is not preserved |
self.progress("Comparing (%s) and (%s)" % (str(item), str(downloaded_item))) |
for att in check_atts: |
item_val = getattr(item, att) |
downloaded_item_val = getattr(downloaded_item, att) |
if abs(item_val - downloaded_item_val) > epsilon: |
raise NotAchievedException( |
"Item %u (%s) has different %s after download want=%s got=%s (got-item=%s)" % |
(i, str(item), att, str(item_val), str(downloaded_item_val), str(downloaded_item))) |
# for waypoint items ensure z and frame are preserved: |
self.progress("Type is %u" % got[0].mission_type) |
if got[0].mission_type == mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_MISSION: |
item_val = getattr(item, 'frame') |
downloaded_item_val = getattr(downloaded_item, 'frame') |
if not self.frames_equivalent(item_val, downloaded_item_val): |
raise NotAchievedException("Frame not same (got=%s want=%s)" % |
(self.string_for_frame(downloaded_item_val), |
self.string_for_frame(item_val))) |
if abs(item.z - downloaded_item.z) > 0.00001: |
raise NotAchievedException("Z not preserved (got=%f want=%f)" % |
(item.z, downloaded_item.z)) |
def check_fence_items_same(self, want, got): |
check_atts = ['mission_type', 'command', 'x', 'y', 'seq', 'param1'] |
return self.check_mission_items_same(check_atts, want, got) |
def check_mission_waypoint_items_same(self, want, got): |
check_atts = ['mission_type', 'command', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'seq', 'param1'] |
return self.check_mission_items_same(check_atts, want, got, skip_first_item=True) |
def check_mission_item_upload_download(self, items, type, mission_type): |
self.progress("check %s _upload/download: upload %u items" % |
(type, len(items),)) |
self.upload_using_mission_protocol(mission_type, items) |
self.progress("check %s upload/download: download items" % type) |
downloaded_items = self.download_using_mission_protocol(mission_type) |
self.progress("Downloaded items: (%s)" % str(downloaded_items)) |
if len(items) != len(downloaded_items): |
raise NotAchievedException("Did not download same number of items as uploaded want=%u got=%u" % (len(items), len(downloaded_items))) |
if mission_type == mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE: |
self.check_fence_items_same(items, downloaded_items) |
elif mission_type == mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_MISSION: |
self.check_mission_waypoint_items_same(items, downloaded_items) |
else: |
raise NotAchievedException("Unhandled") |
def check_fence_upload_download(self, items): |
self.check_mission_item_upload_download( |
items, |
"fence", |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE) |
def check_mission_upload_download(self, items): |
self.check_mission_item_upload_download( |
items, |
"waypoints", |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_MISSION) |
def fence_with_bad_frame(self, target_system=1, target_component=1): |
return [ |
self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_encode( |
target_system, |
target_component, |
0, # seq |
0, # current |
0, # autocontinue |
0, # p1 |
0, # p2 |
0, # p3 |
0, # p4 |
int(1.0017 *1e7), # latitude |
int(1.0017 *1e7), # longitude |
31.0000, # altitude |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE), |
] |
def fence_with_zero_vertex_count(self, target_system=1, target_component=1): |
return [ |
self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_encode( |
target_system, |
target_component, |
0, # seq |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_INT, |
0, # current |
0, # autocontinue |
0, # p1 |
0, # p2 |
0, # p3 |
0, # p4 |
int(1.0017 *1e7), # latitude |
int(1.0017 *1e7), # longitude |
31.0000, # altitude |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE), |
] |
def fence_with_wrong_vertex_count(self, target_system=1, target_component=1): |
return [ |
self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_encode( |
target_system, |
target_component, |
0, # seq |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_INT, |
0, # current |
0, # autocontinue |
2, # p1 |
0, # p2 |
0, # p3 |
0, # p4 |
int(1.0017 *1e7), # latitude |
int(1.0017 *1e7), # longitude |
31.0000, # altitude |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE), |
] |
def fence_with_multiple_return_points(self, target_system=1, target_component=1): |
return [ |
self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_encode( |
target_system, |
target_component, |
0, # seq |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_INT, |
0, # current |
0, # autocontinue |
0, # p1 |
0, # p2 |
0, # p3 |
0, # p4 |
int(1.0017 *1e7), # latitude |
int(1.0017 *1e7), # longitude |
31.0000, # altitude |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE), |
self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_encode( |
target_system, |
target_component, |
1, # seq |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_INT, |
0, # current |
0, # autocontinue |
0, # p1 |
0, # p2 |
0, # p3 |
0, # p4 |
int(1.0017 *1e7), # latitude |
int(1.0017 *1e7), # longitude |
31.0000, # altitude |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE), |
] |
def fence_with_invalid_latlon(self, target_system=1, target_component=1): |
return [ |
self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_encode( |
target_system, |
target_component, |
0, # seq |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_INT, |
0, # current |
0, # autocontinue |
0, # p1 |
0, # p2 |
0, # p3 |
0, # p4 |
int(100 * 1e7), # bad latitude. bad. |
int(1.0017 *1e7), # longitude |
31.0000, # altitude |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE), |
] |
def fence_with_multiple_return_points_with_bad_sequence_numbers(self, target_system=1, target_component=1): |
return [ |
self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_encode( |
target_system, |
target_component, |
0, # seq |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_INT, |
0, # current |
0, # autocontinue |
0, # p1 |
0, # p2 |
0, # p3 |
0, # p4 |
int(1.0 * 1e7), # latitude |
int(1.0017 *1e7), # longitude |
31.0000, # altitude |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE), |
self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_encode( |
target_system, |
target_component, |
0, # seq |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_INT, |
0, # current |
0, # autocontinue |
0, # p1 |
0, # p2 |
0, # p3 |
0, # p4 |
int(2.0 * 1e7), # latitude |
int(2.0017 *1e7), # longitude |
31.0000, # altitude |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE), |
] |
def fence_which_exceeds_storage_space(self, target_system=1, target_component=1): |
ret = [] |
for i in range(0, 60): |
ret.append(self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_encode( |
target_system, |
target_component, |
i, # seq |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_INT, |
0, # current |
0, # autocontinue |
10, # p1 |
0, # p2 |
0, # p3 |
0, # p4 |
int(1.0 * 1e7), # latitude |
int(1.0017 *1e7), # longitude |
31.0000, # altitude |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE), |
) |
return ret |
def fences_which_should_not_upload(self, target_system=1, target_component=1): |
return [ ("Bad Frame", self.fence_with_bad_frame(target_system=target_system, target_component=target_component)), |
("Zero Vertex Count", self.fence_with_zero_vertex_count(target_system=target_system, target_component=target_component)), |
("Wrong Vertex Count", self.fence_with_wrong_vertex_count(target_system=target_system, target_component=target_component)), |
("Multiple return points", self.fence_with_multiple_return_points(target_system=target_system, target_component=target_component)), |
("Invalid lat/lon", self.fence_with_invalid_latlon(target_system=target_system, target_component=target_component)), |
("Multiple Return points with bad sequence numbers", self.fence_with_multiple_return_points_with_bad_sequence_numbers(target_system=target_system, target_component=target_component)), |
("Fence which exceeds storage space", self.fence_which_exceeds_storage_space(target_system=target_system, target_component=target_component)), |
] |
def fence_with_single_return_point(self, target_system=1, target_component=1): |
return [ |
self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_encode( |
target_system, |
target_component, |
0, # seq |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_INT, |
0, # current |
0, # autocontinue |
0, # p1 |
0, # p2 |
0, # p3 |
0, # p4 |
int(1.0017 *1e7), # latitude |
int(1.0017 *1e7), # longitude |
31.0000, # altitude |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE), |
] |
def fence_with_single_return_point_and_5_vertex_inclusion(self, target_system=1, target_component=1): |
return [ |
self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_encode( |
target_system, |
target_component, |
0, # seq |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_INT, |
0, # current |
0, # autocontinue |
0, # p1 |
0, # p2 |
0, # p3 |
0, # p4 |
int(1.0017 *1e7), # latitude |
int(1.0017 *1e7), # longitude |
31.0000, # altitude |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE), |
self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_encode( |
target_system, |
target_component, |
1, # seq |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_INT, |
0, # current |
0, # autocontinue |
5, # p1 |
0, # p2 |
0, # p3 |
0, # p4 |
int(1.0000 *1e7), # latitude |
int(1.0000 *1e7), # longitude |
31.0000, # altitude |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE), |
self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_encode( |
target_system, |
target_component, |
2, # seq |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_INT, |
0, # current |
0, # autocontinue |
5, # p1 |
0, # p2 |
0, # p3 |
0, # p4 |
int(1.0001 *1e7), # latitude |
int(1.0000 *1e7), # longitude |
32.0000, # altitude |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE), |
self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_encode( |
target_system, |
target_component, |
3, # seq |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_INT, |
0, # current |
0, # autocontinue |
5, # p1 |
0, # p2 |
0, # p3 |
0, # p4 |
int(1.0001 *1e7), # latitude |
int(1.0001 *1e7), # longitude |
33.0000, # altitude |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE), |
self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_encode( |
target_system, |
target_component, |
4, # seq |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_INT, |
0, # current |
0, # autocontinue |
5, # p1 |
0, # p2 |
0, # p3 |
0, # p4 |
int(1.0002 *1e7), # latitude |
int(1.0002 *1e7), # longitude |
33.0000, # altitude |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE), |
self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_encode( |
target_system, |
target_component, |
5, # seq |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_INT, |
0, # current |
0, # autocontinue |
5, # p1 |
0, # p2 |
0, # p3 |
0, # p4 |
int(1.0002 *1e7), # latitude |
int(1.0003 *1e7), # longitude |
33.0000, # altitude |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE), |
] |
def fence_with_many_exclusion_circles(self, count=50, target_system=1, target_component=1): |
ret = [] |
for i in range(0, count): |
lat_deg = 1.0003 + count/10 |
lng_deg = 1.0002 + count/10 |
item = self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_encode( |
target_system, |
target_component, |
i, # seq |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_INT, |
0, # current |
0, # autocontinue |
count, # p1 |
0, # p2 |
0, # p3 |
0, # p4 |
int(lat_deg *1e7), # latitude |
int(lng_deg *1e7), # longitude |
33.0000, # altitude |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE) |
ret.append(item) |
return ret |
def fence_with_many_exclusion_polyfences(self, target_system=1, target_component=1): |
ret = [] |
seq = 0 |
for fencenum in range(0,4): |
pointcount = fencenum + 6 |
for p in range(0, pointcount): |
lat_deg = 1.0003 + p/10 + fencenum/100 |
lng_deg = 1.0002 + p/10 + fencenum/100 |
item = self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_encode( |
target_system, |
target_component, |
seq, # seq |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_INT, |
0, # current |
0, # autocontinue |
pointcount, # p1 |
0, # p2 |
0, # p3 |
0, # p4 |
int(lat_deg *1e7), # latitude |
int(lng_deg *1e7), # longitude |
33.0000, # altitude |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE) |
ret.append(item) |
seq += 1 |
return ret |
def fences_which_should_upload(self, target_system=1, target_component=1): |
return [ |
("Single Return Point", self.fence_with_single_return_point(target_system=target_system, target_component=target_component)), |
( "Return and 5-vertex-inclusion", self.fence_with_single_return_point_and_5_vertex_inclusion(target_system=target_system, target_component=target_component) ), |
( "Many exclusion circles", self.fence_with_many_exclusion_circles(target_system=target_system, target_component=target_component) ), |
( "Many exclusion polyfences", self.fence_with_many_exclusion_polyfences(target_system=target_system, target_component=target_component) ), |
( "Empty fence", [] ), |
] |
def assert_fence_does_not_upload(self, fence, target_system=1, target_component=1): |
self.clear_mission(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE, |
target_system=target_system, |
target_component=target_component) |
# upload single item using mission item protocol: |
upload_failed = False |
try: |
self.upload_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE, |
fence) |
except NotAchievedException: |
# TODO: make sure we failed for correct reason |
upload_failed = True |
if not upload_failed: |
raise NotAchievedException("Uploaded fence when should not be possible") |
self.progress("Fence rightfully bounced") |
def fencepoint_protocol_epsilon(self): |
return 0.00002 |
def roundtrip_fencepoint_protocol(self, offset, count, lat, lng, target_system=1, target_component=1): |
self.progress("Sending FENCE_POINT offs=%u count=%u" % (offset, count)) |
self.mav.mav.fence_point_send(target_system, |
target_component, |
offset, |
count, |
lat, |
lng) |
self.progress("Requesting fence point") |
m = self.get_fence_point(offset, target_system=target_system, target_component=target_component) |
if abs( - lat) > self.fencepoint_protocol_epsilon(): |
raise NotAchievedException("Did not get correct lat in fencepoint: got=%f want=%f" % (, lat)) |
if abs(m.lng - lng) > self.fencepoint_protocol_epsilon(): |
raise NotAchievedException("Did not get correct lng in fencepoint: got=%f want=%f" % (m.lng, lng)) |
self.progress("Roundtrip OK") |
def roundtrip_fence_using_fencepoint_protocol(self, loc_list, target_system=1, target_component=1, ordering=None): |
count = len(loc_list) |
offset = 0 |
self.set_parameter("FENCE_TOTAL", count) |
if ordering is None: |
ordering = range(count) |
elif len(ordering) != len(loc_list): |
raise ValueError("ordering list length mismatch") |
for offset in ordering: |
loc = loc_list[offset] |
self.roundtrip_fencepoint_protocol(offset, |
count, |
|, |
loc.lng, |
target_system, |
target_component) |
self.progress("Validating uploaded fence") |
returned_count = self.get_parameter("FENCE_TOTAL") |
if returned_count != count: |
raise NotAchievedException("Returned count mismatch (want=%u got=%u)" % |
(count, returned_count)) |
for i in range(count): |
self.progress("Requesting fence point") |
m = self.get_fence_point(offset, target_system=target_system, target_component=target_component) |
if abs( > self.fencepoint_protocol_epsilon(): |
raise NotAchievedException("Returned lat mismatch (want=%f got=%f" % |
(, |
if abs(m.lng-loc.lng) > self.fencepoint_protocol_epsilon(): |
raise NotAchievedException("Returned lng mismatch (want=%f got=%f" % |
(loc.lng, m.lng)) |
if m.count != count: |
raise NotAchievedException("Count mismatch (want=%u got=%u)" % |
(count, m.count)) |
def assert_parameter_value(self, parameter, required): |
got = self.get_parameter(parameter) |
if got != required: |
raise NotAchievedException("%s has unexpected value; want=%f got=%f" % |
(parameter, required, got)) |
def send_fencepoint_expect_statustext(self, offset, count, lat, lng, statustext_fragment, target_system=1, target_component=1, timeout=10): |
self.mav.mav.fence_point_send(target_system, |
target_component, |
offset, |
count, |
lat, |
lng) |
tstart = self.get_sim_time_cached() |
while True: |
if self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart > timeout: |
raise NotAchievedException("Did not get error message back") |
m = self.mav.recv_match(type='STATUSTEXT', blocking=True, timeout=1) |
self.progress("statustext: %s (want='%s')" % |
(str(m), statustext_fragment)) |
if m is None: |
continue |
if statustext_fragment in m.text: |
break |
def get_fence_point(self, idx, target_system=1, target_component=1): |
self.mav.mav.fence_fetch_point_send(target_system, |
target_component, |
idx) |
m = self.mav.recv_match(type="FENCE_POINT", blocking=True, timeout=2) |
print("m: %s" % str(m)) |
if m is None: |
raise NotAchievedException("Did not get fence return point back") |
if m.idx != idx: |
raise NotAchievedException("Invalid idx returned (want=%u got=%u)" % |
(idx, m.seq)) |
return m |
def test_gcs_fence_centroid(self, target_system=1, target_component=1): |
self.start_subtest("Ensuring if we don't have a centroid it gets calculated") |
items = self.test_gcs_fence_need_centroid( |
target_system=target_system, |
target_component=target_component) |
self.upload_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE, |
items) |
centroid = self.get_fence_point(0) |
want_lat = 1.0001 |
want_lng = 1.00005 |
if abs( - want_lat) > 0.000001: |
raise NotAchievedException("Centroid lat not as expected (want=%f got=%f)" % (want_lat, |
if abs(centroid.lng - want_lng) > 0.000001: |
raise NotAchievedException("Centroid lng not as expected (want=%f got=%f)" % (want_lng, centroid.lng)) |
def test_gcs_fence_update_fencepoint(self, target_system=1, target_component=1): |
self.start_subtest("Ensuring we can move a fencepoint") |
items = self.test_gcs_fence_boring_triangle( |
target_system=target_system, |
target_component=target_component) |
self.upload_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE, |
items) |
downloaded_items = self.download_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE) |
item_seq = 2 |
item = items[item_seq] |
print("item is (%s)" % str(item)) |
self.progress("original x=%d" % item.x) |
item.x += int(0.1 * 1e7) |
self.progress("new x=%d" % item.x) |
self.progress("try to overwrite item %u" % item_seq) |
self.mav.mav.mission_write_partial_list_send( |
target_system, |
target_component, |
item_seq, |
item_seq, |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE) |
self.assert_receive_mission_item_request(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE, item_seq) |
item.pack(self.mav.mav) |
self.mav.mav.send(item) |
self.progress("Answered request for fence point %u" % item_seq) |
self.assert_receive_mission_ack(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE) |
downloaded_items2 = self.download_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE) |
if downloaded_items2[item_seq].x != item.x: |
raise NotAchievedException("Item did not update") |
self.check_fence_items_same([items[0], items[1], item, items[3]], downloaded_items2) |
def test_gcs_fence_boring_triangle(self, target_system=1, target_component=1): |
return copy.copy([ |
self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_encode( |
target_system, |
target_component, |
0, # seq |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_INT, |
0, # current |
0, # autocontinue |
3, # p1 |
0, # p2 |
0, # p3 |
0, # p4 |
int(1.0000 *1e7), # latitude |
int(1.0000 *1e7), # longitude |
31.0000, # altitude |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE), |
self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_encode( |
target_system, |
target_component, |
1, # seq |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_INT, |
0, # current |
0, # autocontinue |
3, # p1 |
0, # p2 |
0, # p3 |
0, # p4 |
int(1.0001 *1e7), # latitude |
int(1.0000 *1e7), # longitude |
32.0000, # altitude |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE), |
self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_encode( |
target_system, |
target_component, |
2, # seq |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_INT, |
0, # current |
0, # autocontinue |
3, # p1 |
0, # p2 |
0, # p3 |
0, # p4 |
int(1.0001 *1e7), # latitude |
int(1.0001 *1e7), # longitude |
33.0000, # altitude |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE), |
self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_encode( |
target_system, |
target_component, |
3, # seq |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_INT, |
0, # current |
0, # autocontinue |
0, # p1 |
0, # p2 |
0, # p3 |
0, # p4 |
int(1.00015 *1e7), # latitude |
int(1.00015 *1e7), # longitude |
33.0000, # altitude |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE), |
]) |
def test_gcs_fence_need_centroid(self, target_system=1, target_component=1): |
return copy.copy([ |
self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_encode( |
target_system, |
target_component, |
0, # seq |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_INT, |
0, # current |
0, # autocontinue |
4, # p1 |
0, # p2 |
0, # p3 |
0, # p4 |
int(1.0000 *1e7), # latitude |
int(1.0000 *1e7), # longitude |
31.0000, # altitude |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE), |
self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_encode( |
target_system, |
target_component, |
1, # seq |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_INT, |
0, # current |
0, # autocontinue |
4, # p1 |
0, # p2 |
0, # p3 |
0, # p4 |
int(1.0002 *1e7), # latitude |
int(1.0000 *1e7), # longitude |
32.0000, # altitude |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE), |
self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_encode( |
target_system, |
target_component, |
2, # seq |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_INT, |
0, # current |
0, # autocontinue |
4, # p1 |
0, # p2 |
0, # p3 |
0, # p4 |
int(1.0002 *1e7), # latitude |
int(1.0001 *1e7), # longitude |
33.0000, # altitude |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE), |
self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_encode( |
target_system, |
target_component, |
3, # seq |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_INT, |
0, # current |
0, # autocontinue |
4, # p1 |
0, # p2 |
0, # p3 |
0, # p4 |
int(1.0000 *1e7), # latitude |
int(1.0001 *1e7), # longitude |
33.0000, # altitude |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE), |
]) |
def click_location_from_item(self, item): |
self.mavproxy.send("click %f %f\n" % (item.x*1e-7, item.y*1e-7)) |
def test_gcs_fence_via_mavproxy(self, target_system=1, target_component=1): |
self.start_subtest("Fence via MAVProxy") |
if not self.mavproxy_can_do_mision_item_protocols(): |
return |
self.start_subsubtest("fence addcircle") |
self.mavproxy.send("fence clear\n") |
self.delay_sim_time(1) |
radius = 20 |
item = self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_encode( |
target_system, |
target_component, |
0, # seq |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_INT, |
0, # current |
0, # autocontinue |
radius, # p1 |
0, # p2 |
0, # p3 |
0, # p4 |
int(1.0017 *1e7), # latitude |
int(1.0017 *1e7), # longitude |
0.0000, # altitude |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE) |
print("item is (%s)" % str(item)) |
self.click_location_from_item(item) |
self.mavproxy.send("fence addcircle inc %u\n" % radius) |
self.delay_sim_time(1) |
downloaded_items = self.download_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE) |
print("downloaded items: %s" % str(downloaded_items)) |
self.check_fence_items_same([item], downloaded_items) |
radius_exc = 57.3 |
item2 = self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_encode( |
target_system, |
target_component, |
0, # seq |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_INT, |
0, # current |
0, # autocontinue |
radius_exc, # p1 |
0, # p2 |
0, # p3 |
0, # p4 |
int(1.0017 *1e7), # latitude |
int(1.0017 *1e7), # longitude |
0.0000, # altitude |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE) |
self.click_location_from_item(item2) |
self.mavproxy.send("fence addcircle exc %f\n" % radius_exc) |
self.delay_sim_time(1) |
downloaded_items = self.download_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE) |
print("downloaded items: %s" % str(downloaded_items)) |
self.check_fence_items_same([item, item2], downloaded_items) |
self.end_subsubtest("fence addcircle") |
self.start_subsubtest("fence addpoly") |
self.mavproxy.send("fence clear\n") |
self.delay_sim_time(1) |
pointcount = 7 |
self.mavproxy.send("fence addpoly inc 20 %u 37.2\n" % pointcount) # radius, pointcount, rotaiton |
self.delay_sim_time(5) |
downloaded_items = self.download_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE) |
if len(downloaded_items) != pointcount: |
raise NotAchievedException("Did not get expected number of points returned (want=%u got=%u)" % (pointcount, len(downloaded_items))) |
self.end_subsubtest("fence addpoly") |
self.start_subsubtest("fence movepolypoint") |
self.mavproxy.send("fence clear\n") |
self.delay_sim_time(1) |
triangle = self.test_gcs_fence_boring_triangle(target_system=target_system, |
target_component=target_component) |
self.upload_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE, |
triangle) |
self.mavproxy.send("fence list\n") |
self.delay_sim_time(1) |
triangle[2].x += 500 |
triangle[2].y += 700 |
self.click_location_from_item(triangle[2]) |
self.mavproxy.send("fence movepolypoint 0 2\n") |
self.delay_sim_time(10) |
downloaded_items = self.download_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE) |
self.check_fence_items_same(triangle, downloaded_items) |
self.end_subsubtest("fence movepolypoint") |
self.start_subsubtest("fence enable and disable") |
self.mavproxy.send("fence enable\n") |
self.mavproxy.expect("fence enabled") |
self.mavproxy.send("fence disable\n") |
self.mavproxy.expect("fence disabled") |
self.end_subsubtest("fence enable and disable") |
# MANUAL> usage: fence <addcircle|addpoly|changealt|clear|disable|draw|enable|list|load|move|movemulti|movepolypoint|param|remove|save|savecsv|savelocal|show|status|undo|update> |
def test_gcs_fence(self): |
target_system = 1 |
target_component = 1 |
self.progress("Testing FENCE_POINT protocol") |
self.start_subtest("FENCE_TOTAL manipulation") |
self.clear_mission(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE); |
self.assert_parameter_value("FENCE_TOTAL", 0) |
self.set_parameter("FENCE_TOTAL", 5) |
self.assert_parameter_value("FENCE_TOTAL", 5) |
self.clear_mission(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE); |
self.assert_parameter_value("FENCE_TOTAL", 0) |
self.progress("sending out-of-range fencepoint") |
self.send_fencepoint_expect_statustext(0, |
0, |
1.2345, |
5.4321, |
"index past total", |
target_system=target_component, |
target_component=target_component) |
self.progress("sending another out-of-range fencepoint") |
self.send_fencepoint_expect_statustext(0, |
1, |
1.2345, |
5.4321, |
"bad count", |
target_system=target_component, |
target_component=target_component) |
self.set_parameter("FENCE_TOTAL", 1) |
self.assert_parameter_value("FENCE_TOTAL", 1) |
self.send_fencepoint_expect_statustext(0, |
1, |
1.2345, |
5.4321, |
"Invalid FENCE_TOTAL", |
target_system=target_component, |
target_component=target_component) |
self.set_parameter("FENCE_TOTAL", 5) |
self.progress("Checking default points") |
for i in range(5): |
m = self.get_fence_point(i) |
if m.count != 5: |
raise NotAchievedException("Unexpected count in fence point (want=%u got=%u" % |
(5, m.count)) |
if != 0 or m.lng != 0: |
raise NotAchievedException("Unexpected lat/lon in fencepoint") |
self.progress("Storing a return point") |
self.roundtrip_fencepoint_protocol(0, 5, 1.2345, 5.4321, target_system=target_system, target_component=target_component) |
lat = 2.345 |
lng = 4.321 |
self.roundtrip_fencepoint_protocol(0, 5, lat, lng, target_system=target_system, target_component=target_component) |
if not self.mavproxy_can_do_mision_item_protocols(): |
self.progress("MAVProxy too old to do fence point protocols") |
return |
self.progress("Download with new protocol") |
items = self.download_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE) |
if len(items) != 1: |
raise NotAchievedException("Unexpected fencepoint count (want=%u got=%u)" % (1, len(items))) |
if items[0].command != mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_FENCE_RETURN_POINT: |
raise NotAchievedException("Fence return point not of correct type expected (%u) got %u" % (items[0].command, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_FENCE_RETURN_POINT)) |
if items[0].frame != mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL: |
raise NotAchievedException("Unexpected frame want=%s got=%s," % |
(self.string_for_frame(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL), |
self.string_for_frame(items[0].frame))) |
got_lat = items[0].x |
want_lat = lat * 1e7 |
if abs(got_lat - want_lat) > 1: |
raise NotAchievedException("Disagree in lat (got=%f want=%f)" % (got_lat, want_lat)) |
if abs(items[0].y - lng * 1e7) > 1: |
raise NotAchievedException("Disagree in lng") |
if items[0].seq != 0: |
raise NotAchievedException("Disagree in offset") |
self.progress("Downloaded with new protocol OK") |
# upload using mission protocol: |
items = self.test_gcs_fence_boring_triangle( |
target_system=target_system, |
target_component=target_component) |
self.upload_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE, |
items) |
self.progress("Download with new protocol") |
downloaded_items = self.download_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE) |
if len(downloaded_items) != len(items): |
raise NotAchievedException("Did not download expected number of items (wanted=%u got=%u)" % |
(len(items), len(downloaded_items))) |
self.assert_parameter_value("FENCE_TOTAL", len(items) +1) # +1 for closing |
self.progress("Ensuring fence items match what we sent up") |
self.check_fence_items_same(items, downloaded_items) |
# now check centroid |
self.progress("Requesting fence return point") |
self.mav.mav.fence_fetch_point_send(target_system, |
target_component, |
0) |
m = self.mav.recv_match(type="FENCE_POINT", blocking=True, timeout=1) |
print("m: %s" % str(m)) |
self.clear_mission(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE, |
target_system=target_system, |
target_component=target_component) |
self.progress("Checking count post-nuke") |
self.clear_mission(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE, |
target_system=target_system, |
target_component=target_component) |
self.assert_mission_count_on_link(self.mav, |
0, |
target_system, |
target_component, |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE) |
self.start_subtest("Ensuring bad fences get bounced") |
for fence in self.fences_which_should_not_upload(target_system=target_system, target_component=target_component): |
(name, items) = fence |
self.progress("Ensuring (%s) gets bounced" % (name,)) |
self.assert_fence_does_not_upload(items) |
self.start_subtest("Ensuring good fences don't get bounced") |
for fence in self.fences_which_should_upload(target_system=target_system, target_component=target_component): |
(name, items) = fence |
self.progress("Ensuring (%s) gets uploaded" % (name,)) |
self.check_fence_upload_download(items) |
self.progress("(%s) uploaded just fine" % (name,)) |
self.test_gcs_fence_update_fencepoint(target_system=target_system, |
target_component=target_component) |
self.test_gcs_fence_centroid(target_system=target_system, |
target_component=target_component) |
self.test_gcs_fence_via_mavproxy(target_system=target_system, |
target_component=target_component) |
# explode the write_type_to_storage method |
# FIXME: test converting invalid fences / minimally valid fences / normal fences |
# FIXME: show that uploading smaller items take up less space |
# FIXME: add test for consecutive breaches within the manual recovery period |
# FIXME: ensure truncation does the right thing by fence_total |
# FIXME: test vehicle escape from outside inclusion zones to |
# inside inclusion zones (and inside exclusion zones to outside |
# exclusion zones) |
# FIXME: add test that a fence with edges that cross can't be uploaded |
# FIXME: add a test that fences enclose an area (e.g. all the points aren't the same value! |
def test_offboard(self, timeout=90): |
self.load_mission("rover-guided-mission.txt") |
self.wait_ready_to_arm(require_absolute=True) |
self.arm_vehicle() |
self.change_mode("AUTO") |
offboard_expected_duration = 10 # see mission file |
if self.mav.messages.get("SET_POSITION_TARGET_GLOBAL_INT", None): |
raise PreconditionFailedException("Already have SET_POSITION_TARGET_GLOBAL_INT") |
tstart = self.get_sim_time_cached() |
last_heartbeat_sent = 0 |
got_sptgi = False |
magic_waypoint_tstart = 0 |
magic_waypoint_tstop = 0 |
while True: |
now = self.get_sim_time_cached() |
if now - last_heartbeat_sent > 1: |
last_heartbeat_sent = now |
self.mav.mav.heartbeat_send(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_ONBOARD_CONTROLLER, |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_AUTOPILOT_INVALID, |
0, |
0, |
0) |
if now - tstart > timeout: |
raise AutoTestTimeoutException("Didn't complete") |
magic_waypoint = 3 |
mc = self.mav.recv_match(type=["MISSION_CURRENT", "STATUSTEXT"], |
blocking=False) |
if mc is not None: |
print("%s" % str(mc)) |
if mc.get_type() == "STATUSTEXT": |
if "Mission Complete" in mc.text: |
break |
continue |
if mc.seq == magic_waypoint: |
print("At magic waypoint") |
if magic_waypoint_tstart == 0: |
magic_waypoint_tstart = self.get_sim_time_cached() |
sptgi = self.mav.messages.get("SET_POSITION_TARGET_GLOBAL_INT", None) |
if sptgi is not None: |
got_sptgi = True |
elif mc.seq > magic_waypoint: |
if magic_waypoint_tstop == 0: |
magic_waypoint_tstop = self.get_sim_time_cached() |
self.disarm_vehicle() |
offboard_duration = magic_waypoint_tstop - magic_waypoint_tstart |
if abs(offboard_duration - offboard_expected_duration) > 1: |
raise NotAchievedException("Did not stay in offboard control for correct time (want=%f got=%f)" % |
(offboard_expected_duration, offboard_duration)) |
if not got_sptgi: |
raise NotAchievedException("Did not get sptgi message") |
print("spgti: %s" % str(sptgi)) |
def assert_mission_count_on_link(self, mav, expected_count, target_system, target_component, mission_type): |
self.drain_mav(mav) |
self.progress("waiting for a message - any message....") |
m = mav.recv_match(blocking=True, timeout=1) |
self.progress("Received (%s)" % str(m)) |
if not mav.mavlink20(): |
raise NotAchievedException("Not doing mavlink2") |
mav.mav.mission_request_list_send(target_system, |
target_component, |
mission_type) |
self.assert_receive_mission_count_on_link(mav, |
expected_count, |
target_system, |
target_component, |
mission_type) |
def assert_receive_mission_count_on_link(self, |
mav, |
expected_count, |
target_system, |
target_component, |
mission_type, |
expected_target_system=None, |
expected_target_component=None, |
timeout=10): |
if expected_target_system is None: |
expected_target_system = mav.mav.srcSystem |
if expected_target_component is None: |
expected_target_component = mav.mav.srcComponent |
self.progress("Waiting for mission count of (%u) from (%u:%u) to (%u:%u)" % |
(expected_count, target_system, target_component, expected_target_system, expected_target_component)) |
tstart = self.get_sim_time_cached() |
while True: |
if self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart > timeout: |
raise NotAchievedException("Did not receive MISSION_COUNT on link") |
m = mav.recv_match(blocking=True, timeout=1) |
if m is None: |
self.progress("No messages") |
continue |
self.progress("Received (%s)" % str(m)) |
if m.get_type() == "MISSION_ACK": |
if m.type != mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_ACCEPTED: |
raise NotAchievedException("Expected MAV_MISSION_ACCEPTED, got (%s)" % m) |
if m.get_type() == "MISSION_COUNT": |
break |
if m.target_system != expected_target_system: |
raise NotAchievedException("Incorrect target system in MISSION_COUNT (want=%u got=%u)" % |
(expected_target_system, m.target_system)) |
if m.target_component != expected_target_component: |
raise NotAchievedException("Incorrect target component in MISSION_COUNT") |
if m.mission_type != mission_type: |
raise NotAchievedException("Did not get expected mission type (want=%u got=%u)" % (mission_type, m.mission_type)) |
if m.count != expected_count: |
raise NotAchievedException("Bad count received (want=%u got=%u)" % |
(expected_count, m.count)) |
self.progress("Asserted mission count (type=%u) is %u" % ( |
(mission_type, m.count))) |
def get_mission_item_int_on_link(self, item, mav, target_system, target_component, mission_type): |
mav.mav.mission_request_int_send(target_system, |
target_component, |
item, |
mission_type) |
m = mav.recv_match(type='MISSION_ITEM_INT', |
blocking=True, |
timeout=1, |
condition='MISSION_ITEM_INT.mission_type==%u' % mission_type) |
if m is None: |
raise NotAchievedException("Did not receive mission item int") |
if m.mission_type != mission_type: |
raise NotAchievedException("Mission item of incorrect type") |
if m.target_system != mav.mav.srcSystem: |
raise NotAchievedException("Unexpected target system %u want=%u" % |
(m.target_system, mav.mav.srcSystem)) |
if m.seq != item: |
raise NotAchievedException("Incorrect sequence number on received item got=%u want=%u" % |
(m.seq, item)) |
if m.mission_type != mission_type: |
raise NotAchievedException("Mission type incorrect on received item (want=%u got=%u)" % |
(mission_type, m.mission_type)) |
if m.target_component != mav.mav.srcComponent: |
raise NotAchievedException("Unexpected target component %u want=%u" % |
(m.target_component, mav.mav.srcComponent)) |
return m |
def get_mission_item_on_link(self, item, mav, target_system, target_component, mission_type): |
mav.mav.mission_request_send(target_system, |
target_component, |
item, |
mission_type) |
m = mav.recv_match(type='MISSION_ITEM', |
blocking=True, |
timeout=1) |
if m is None: |
raise NotAchievedException("Did not receive mission item int") |
if m.target_system != mav.mav.srcSystem: |
raise NotAchievedException("Unexpected target system %u want=%u" % |
(m.target_system, mav.mav.srcSystem)) |
if m.seq != item: |
raise NotAchievedException("Incorrect sequence number on received item_int got=%u want=%u" % |
(m.seq, item)) |
if m.mission_type != mission_type: |
raise NotAchievedException("Mission type incorrect on received item_int (want=%u got=%u)" % |
(mission_type, m.mission_type)) |
if m.target_component != mav.mav.srcComponent: |
raise NotAchievedException("Unexpected target component %u want=%u" % |
(m.target_component, mav.mav.srcComponent)) |
return m |
def assert_receive_mission_item_request(self, mission_type, seq): |
self.progress("Expecting request for item %u" % seq) |
m = self.mav.recv_match(type='MISSION_REQUEST', |
blocking=True, |
timeout=1) |
if m is None: |
raise NotAchievedException("Did not get item request") |
if m.mission_type != mission_type: |
raise NotAchievedException("Incorrect mission type (wanted=%u got=%u)" % |
(mission_type, m.mission_type)) |
if m.seq != seq: |
raise NotAchievedException("Unexpected sequence number (want=%u got=%u)" % (seq, m.seq)) |
self.progress("Received item request OK") |
def assert_receive_mission_ack(self, mission_type, |
want_type=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_ACCEPTED, |
target_system=None, |
target_component=None, |
mav=None): |
if mav is None: |
mav = self.mav |
if target_system is None: |
target_system = mav.mav.srcSystem |
if target_component is None: |
target_component = mav.mav.srcComponent |
self.progress("Expecting mission ack") |
m = mav.recv_match(type='MISSION_ACK', |
blocking=True, |
timeout=5) |
self.progress("Received ACK (%s)" % str(m)) |
if m is None: |
raise NotAchievedException("Expected mission ACK") |
if m.target_system != target_system: |
raise NotAchievedException("ACK not targetted at correct system want=%u got=%u" % |
(target_system, m.target_system)) |
if m.target_component != target_component: |
raise NotAchievedException("ACK not targetted at correct component") |
if m.mission_type != mission_type: |
raise NotAchievedException("Unexpected mission type %u want=%u" % |
(m.mission_type, mission_type)) |
if m.type != want_type: |
raise NotAchievedException("Expected ack type got %u got %u" % |
(want_type, m.type)) |
def assert_filepath_content(self, filepath, want): |
with open(filepath) as f: |
got = |
if want != got: |
raise NotAchievedException("Did not get expected file content (want=%s) (got=%s)" % (want, got)) |
def mavproxy_can_do_mision_item_protocols(self): |
return False |
mavproxy_version = self.mavproxy_version() |
if not self.mavproxy_version_gt(1, 8, 12): |
self.progress("MAVProxy is too old; skipping tests") |
return False |
return True |
def check_rally_items_same(self, want, got, epsilon=None): |
check_atts = ['mission_type', 'command', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'seq', 'param1'] |
return self.check_mission_items_same(check_atts, want, got, epsilon=epsilon) |
def click_three_in(self, target_system=1, target_component=1): |
self.mavproxy.send('rally clear\n') |
self.drain_mav_unparsed() |
# there are race conditions in MAVProxy. Beware. |
self.mavproxy.send("click 1.0 1.0\n") |
self.mavproxy.send("rally add\n") |
self.delay_sim_time(1) |
self.mavproxy.send("click 2.0 2.0\n") |
self.mavproxy.send("rally add\n") |
self.delay_sim_time(1) |
self.mavproxy.send("click 3.0 3.0\n") |
self.mavproxy.send("rally add\n") |
self.delay_sim_time(10) |
self.assert_mission_count_on_link( |
self.mav, |
3, |
target_system, |
target_component, |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY, |
) |
def test_gcs_rally_via_mavproxy(self, target_system=1, target_component=1): |
self.start_subtest("Testing mavproxy CLI for rally points") |
if not self.mavproxy_can_do_mision_item_protocols(): |
return |
self.start_subsubtest("rally add") |
self.mavproxy.send('rally clear\n') |
lat_s = "-5.6789" |
lng_s = "98.2341" |
lat = float(lat_s) |
lng = float(lng_s) |
self.mavproxy.send('click %s %s\n' % (lat_s, lng_s)) |
self.drain_mav_unparsed() |
self.mavproxy.send('rally add\n') |
self.assert_receive_mission_ack(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY, |
target_system=255, |
target_component=0) |
self.delay_sim_time(5) |
downloaded_items = self.download_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY) |
if len(downloaded_items) != 1: |
raise NotAchievedException("Unexpected count (got=%u want=1)" % |
(len(downloaded_items), )) |
if (downloaded_items[0].x - int(lat *1e7)) > 1: |
raise NotAchievedException("Bad rally lat. Want=%d got=%d" % |
(int(lat*1e7), downloaded_items[0].x)) |
if (downloaded_items[0].y - int(lng *1e7)) > 1: |
raise NotAchievedException("Bad rally lng. Want=%d got=%d" % |
(int(lng*1e7), downloaded_items[0].y)) |
if (downloaded_items[0].z - int(90)) > 1: |
raise NotAchievedException("Bad rally alt. Want=90 got=%d" % |
(downloaded_items[0].y)) |
self.end_subsubtest("rally add") |
self.start_subsubtest("rally list") |
util.pexpect_drain(self.mavproxy) |
self.mavproxy.send('rally list\n') |
self.mavproxy.expect("Saved 1 rally items to ([^\s]*)\s") |
filename = |
self.assert_rally_filepath_content(filename, '''QGC WPL 110 |
0 0 3 5100 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 -5.678900 98.234100 90.000000 0 |
''') |
self.end_subsubtest("rally list") |
self.start_subsubtest("rally save") |
util.pexpect_drain(self.mavproxy) |
save_tmppath = self.buildlogs_path("rally-testing-tmp.txt") |
self.mavproxy.send('rally save %s\n' % save_tmppath) |
self.mavproxy.expect("Saved 1 rally items to ([^\s]*)\s") |
filename = |
if filename != save_tmppath: |
raise NotAchievedException("Bad save filepath; want=%s got=%s" % (save_tmppath, filename)) |
self.assert_rally_filepath_content(filename, '''QGC WPL 110 |
0 0 3 5100 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 -5.678900 98.234100 90.000000 0 |
''') |
self.end_subsubtest("rally save") |
self.start_subsubtest("rally savecsv") |
util.pexpect_drain(self.mavproxy) |
csvpath = self.buildlogs_path("rally-testing-tmp.csv") |
self.mavproxy.send('rally savecsv %s\n' % csvpath) |
self.mavproxy.expect('"Seq","Frame"') |
expected_content = '''"Seq","Frame","Cmd","P1","P2","P3","P4","X","Y","Z" |
"0","Rel","NAV_RALLY_POINT","0.0","0.0","0.0","0.0","-5.67890024185","98.2341003418","90.0" |
''' |
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: |
# greater precision output by default |
expected_content = '''"Seq","Frame","Cmd","P1","P2","P3","P4","X","Y","Z" |
"0","Rel","NAV_RALLY_POINT","0.0","0.0","0.0","0.0","-5.678900241851807","98.23410034179688","90.0" |
''' |
self.assert_filepath_content(csvpath, expected_content) |
self.end_subsubtest("rally savecsv") |
self.start_subsubtest("rally load") |
self.drain_mav() |
self.mavproxy.send('rally clear\n') |
self.assert_mission_count_on_link(self.mav, |
0, |
target_system, |
target_component, |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY) |
# warning: uses file saved from previous test |
self.start_subtest("Check rally load from filepath") |
self.mavproxy.send('rally load %s\n' % save_tmppath) |
self.mavproxy.expect("Loaded 1 rally items from ([^\s]*)\s") |
self.mavproxy.expect("Sent all .* rally items") # notional race condition here |
downloaded_items = self.download_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY) |
if len(downloaded_items) != 1: |
raise NotAchievedException("Unexpected item count (%u)" % len(downloaded_items)) |
if abs(int(downloaded_items[0].x) - int(lat*1e7)) > 3: |
raise NotAchievedException("Expected lat=%d got=%d" % (lat*1e7, downloaded_items[0].x)) |
if abs(int(downloaded_items[0].y) - int(lng*1e7)) > 10: |
raise NotAchievedException("Expected lng=%d got=%d" % (lng*1e7, downloaded_items[0].y)) |
self.end_subsubtest("rally load") |
self.start_subsubtest("rally changealt") |
self.mavproxy.send('rally clear\n') |
self.mavproxy.send("click 1.0 1.0\n") |
self.mavproxy.send("rally add\n") |
self.mavproxy.send("click 2.0 2.0\n") |
self.mavproxy.send("rally add\n") |
self.delay_sim_time(10) |
self.assert_mission_count_on_link( |
self.mav, |
2, |
target_system, |
target_component, |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY, |
) |
self.drain_mav() |
self.mavproxy.send("rally changealt 1 17.6\n") |
self.assert_receive_mission_ack(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY, |
target_system=255, |
target_component=0) |
self.delay_sim_time(10) |
self.mavproxy.send("rally changealt 2 19.1\n") |
self.assert_receive_mission_ack(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY, |
target_system=255, |
target_component=0) |
self.delay_sim_time(10) |
downloaded_items = self.download_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY) |
if len(downloaded_items) != 2: |
raise NotAchievedException("Unexpected item count (%u)" % len(downloaded_items)) |
if abs(int(downloaded_items[0].x) - int(1*1e7)) > 3: |
raise NotAchievedException("Expected lat=%d got=%d" % (1*1e7, downloaded_items[0].x)) |
if abs(int(downloaded_items[0].y) - int(1*1e7)) > 10: |
raise NotAchievedException("Expected lng=%d got=%d" % (1*1e7, downloaded_items[0].y)) |
# at some stage ArduPilot will stop rounding altitude. This |
# will break then. |
if abs(int(downloaded_items[0].z) - int(17.6)) > 0.0001: |
raise NotAchievedException("Expected alt=%f got=%f" % (17.6, downloaded_items[0].z)) |
if abs(int(downloaded_items[1].x) - int(2*1e7)) > 3: |
raise NotAchievedException("Expected lat=%d got=%d" % (2*1e7, downloaded_items[0].x)) |
if abs(int(downloaded_items[1].y) - int(2*1e7)) > 10: |
raise NotAchievedException("Expected lng=%d got=%d" % (2*1e7, downloaded_items[0].y)) |
# at some stage ArduPilot will stop rounding altitude. This |
# will break then. |
if abs(int(downloaded_items[1].z) - int(19.1)) > 0.0001: |
raise NotAchievedException("Expected alt=%f got=%f" % (19.1, downloaded_items[1].z)) |
self.progress("Now change two at once") |
self.mavproxy.send("rally changealt 1 17.3 2\n") |
self.assert_receive_mission_ack(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY, |
target_system=255, |
target_component=0) |
downloaded_items = self.download_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY) |
if len(downloaded_items) != 2: |
raise NotAchievedException("Unexpected item count (%u)" % len(downloaded_items)) |
if abs(int(downloaded_items[0].x) - int(1*1e7)) > 3: |
raise NotAchievedException("Expected lat=%d got=%d" % (1*1e7, downloaded_items[0].x)) |
if abs(int(downloaded_items[0].y) - int(1*1e7)) > 10: |
raise NotAchievedException("Expected lng=%d got=%d" % (1*1e7, downloaded_items[0].y)) |
# at some stage ArduPilot will stop rounding altitude. This |
# will break then. |
if abs(int(downloaded_items[0].z) - int(17.3)) > 0.0001: |
raise NotAchievedException("Expected alt=%f got=%f" % (17.3, downloaded_items[0].z)) |
if abs(int(downloaded_items[1].x) - int(2*1e7)) > 3: |
raise NotAchievedException("Expected lat=%d got=%d" % (2*1e7, downloaded_items[0].x)) |
if abs(int(downloaded_items[1].y) - int(2*1e7)) > 10: |
raise NotAchievedException("Expected lng=%d got=%d" % (2*1e7, downloaded_items[0].y)) |
# at some stage ArduPilot will stop rounding altitude. This |
# will break then. |
if abs(int(downloaded_items[1].z) - int(17.3)) > 0.0001: |
raise NotAchievedException("Expected alt=%f got=%f" % (17.3, downloaded_items[0].z)) |
self.end_subsubtest("rally changealt") |
self.start_subsubtest("rally move") |
self.mavproxy.send('rally clear\n') |
self.mavproxy.send("click 1.0 1.0\n") |
self.mavproxy.send("rally add\n") |
self.mavproxy.send("click 2.0 2.0\n") |
self.mavproxy.send("rally add\n") |
self.delay_sim_time(5) |
self.assert_mission_count_on_link( |
self.mav, |
2, |
target_system, |
target_component, |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY, |
) |
self.mavproxy.send("click 3.0 3.0\n") |
self.mavproxy.send("rally move 2\n") |
self.assert_receive_mission_ack(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY, |
target_system=255, |
target_component=0) |
self.mavproxy.send("click 4.12345 4.987654\n") |
self.mavproxy.send("rally move 1\n") |
self.assert_receive_mission_ack(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY, |
target_system=255, |
target_component=0) |
downloaded_items = self.download_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY) |
if len(downloaded_items) != 2: |
raise NotAchievedException("Unexpected item count (%u)" % len(downloaded_items)) |
if downloaded_items[0].x != 41234500: |
raise NotAchievedException("Bad latitude") |
if downloaded_items[0].y != 49876540: |
raise NotAchievedException("Bad longitude") |
if downloaded_items[0].z != 90: |
raise NotAchievedException("Bad altitude (want=%u got=%u)" % |
(90, downloaded_items[0].z)) |
if downloaded_items[1].x != 30000000: |
raise NotAchievedException("Bad latitude") |
if downloaded_items[1].y != 30000000: |
raise NotAchievedException("Bad longitude") |
if downloaded_items[1].z != 90: |
raise NotAchievedException("Bad altitude (want=%u got=%u)" % |
(90, downloaded_items[1].z)) |
self.end_subsubtest("rally move") |
self.start_subsubtest("rally movemulti") |
self.drain_mav_unparsed() |
self.mavproxy.send('rally clear\n') |
self.drain_mav_unparsed() |
# there are race conditions in MAVProxy. Beware. |
self.mavproxy.send("click 1.0 1.0\n") |
self.mavproxy.send("rally add\n") |
self.mavproxy.send("click 2.0 2.0\n") |
self.mavproxy.send("rally add\n") |
self.mavproxy.send("click 3.0 3.0\n") |
self.mavproxy.send("rally add\n") |
self.delay_sim_time(10) |
self.assert_mission_count_on_link( |
self.mav, |
3, |
target_system, |
target_component, |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY, |
) |
click_lat = 2.0 |
click_lon = 3.0 |
unmoved_items = self.download_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY) |
if len(unmoved_items) != 3: |
raise NotAchievedException("Unexpected item count") |
self.mavproxy.send("click %f %f\n" % (click_lat, click_lon)) |
self.mavproxy.send("rally movemulti 2 1 3\n") |
# MAVProxy currently sends three separate items up. That's |
# not great and I don't want to lock that behaviour in here. |
self.delay_sim_time(10) |
self.drain_mav_unparsed() |
expected_moved_items = copy.copy(unmoved_items) |
expected_moved_items[0].x = 1.0 * 1e7 |
expected_moved_items[0].y = 2.0 * 1e7 |
expected_moved_items[1].x = 2.0 * 1e7 |
expected_moved_items[1].y = 3.0 * 1e7 |
expected_moved_items[2].x = 3.0 * 1e7 |
expected_moved_items[2].y = 4.0 * 1e7 |
moved_items = self.download_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY) |
# we're moving an entire degree in latitude; quite an epsilon required... |
self.check_rally_items_same(expected_moved_items, moved_items, epsilon=10000) |
self.progress("now move back and rotate through 90 degrees") |
self.mavproxy.send("click %f %f\n" % (2, 2)) |
self.mavproxy.send("rally movemulti 2 1 3 90\n") |
# MAVProxy currently sends three separate items up. That's |
# not great and I don't want to lock that behaviour in here. |
self.delay_sim_time(10) |
self.drain_mav_unparsed() |
expected_moved_items = copy.copy(unmoved_items) |
expected_moved_items[0].x = 3.0 * 1e7 |
expected_moved_items[0].y = 1.0 * 1e7 |
expected_moved_items[1].x = 2.0 * 1e7 |
expected_moved_items[1].y = 2.0 * 1e7 |
expected_moved_items[2].x = 1.0 * 1e7 |
expected_moved_items[2].y = 3.0 * 1e7 |
moved_items = self.download_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY) |
# we're moving an entire degree in latitude; quite an epsilon required... |
self.check_rally_items_same(expected_moved_items, moved_items, epsilon=12000) |
self.end_subsubtest("rally movemulti") |
self.start_subsubtest("rally param") |
self.mavproxy.send("rally param 3 2 5\n") |
self.mavproxy.expect("Set param 2 for 3 to 5.000000") |
self.end_subsubtest("rally param") |
self.start_subsubtest("rally remove") |
self.click_three_in(target_system=target_system, target_component=target_component) |
pure_items = self.download_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY) |
self.progress("Removing last in list") |
self.mavproxy.send("rally remove 3\n") |
self.delay_sim_time(10) |
self.assert_mission_count_on_link( |
self.mav, |
2, |
target_system, |
target_component, |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY, |
) |
fewer_downloaded_items = self.download_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY) |
if len(fewer_downloaded_items) != 2: |
raise NotAchievedException("Unexpected download list length") |
shorter_items = copy.copy(pure_items) |
shorter_items = shorter_items[0:2] |
self.check_rally_items_same(shorter_items, fewer_downloaded_items) |
self.progress("Removing first in list") |
self.mavproxy.send("rally remove 1\n") |
self.delay_sim_time(5) |
self.drain_mav_unparsed() |
self.assert_mission_count_on_link( |
self.mav, |
1, |
target_system, |
target_component, |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY, |
) |
fewer_downloaded_items = self.download_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY) |
if len(fewer_downloaded_items) != 1: |
raise NotAchievedException("Unexpected download list length") |
shorter_items = shorter_items[1:] |
self.check_rally_items_same(shorter_items, fewer_downloaded_items) |
self.progress("Removing remaining item") |
self.mavproxy.send("rally remove 1\n") |
self.delay_sim_time(5) |
self.drain_mav_unparsed() |
self.assert_mission_count_on_link( |
self.mav, |
0, |
target_system, |
target_component, |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY, |
) |
self.end_subsubtest("rally remove") |
self.start_subsubtest("rally show") |
# what can we test here? |
self.mavproxy.send("rally show %s\n" % save_tmppath) |
self.end_subsubtest("rally show") |
# savelocal must be run immediately after show! |
self.start_subsubtest("rally savelocal") |
util.pexpect_drain(self.mavproxy) |
savelocal_path = self.buildlogs_path("rally-testing-tmp-local.txt") |
self.mavproxy.send('rally savelocal %s\n' % savelocal_path) |
self.delay_sim_time(5) |
self.assert_rally_filepath_content(savelocal_path, '''QGC WPL 110 |
0 0 3 5100 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 -5.678900 98.234100 90.000000 0 |
''') |
self.end_subsubtest("rally savelocal") |
self.start_subsubtest("rally status") |
self.click_three_in(target_system=target_system, target_component=target_component) |
self.mavproxy.send("rally status\n") |
self.mavproxy.expect("Have 3 of 3 rally items") |
self.mavproxy.send("rally clear\n") |
self.mavproxy.send("rally status\n") |
self.mavproxy.expect("Have 0 of 0 rally items") |
self.end_subsubtest("rally status") |
self.start_subsubtest("rally undo") |
self.progress("Testing undo-remove") |
self.click_three_in(target_system=target_system, target_component=target_component) |
pure_items = self.download_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY) |
self.progress("Removing first in list") |
self.mavproxy.send("rally remove 1\n") |
self.delay_sim_time(5) |
self.drain_mav_unparsed() |
self.assert_mission_count_on_link( |
self.mav, |
2, |
target_system, |
target_component, |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY, |
) |
self.mavproxy.send("rally undo\n") |
self.delay_sim_time(5) |
undone_items = self.download_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY) |
self.check_rally_items_same(pure_items, undone_items) |
self.progress("Testing undo-move") |
pure_items = self.download_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY) |
self.mavproxy.send("click 4.12345 4.987654\n") |
self.mavproxy.send("rally move 1\n") |
# move has already been tested, assume it works... |
self.delay_sim_time(5) |
self.drain_mav_unparsed() |
self.mavproxy.send("rally undo\n") |
self.delay_sim_time(5) |
self.drain_mav_unparsed() |
undone_items = self.download_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY) |
self.check_rally_items_same(pure_items, undone_items) |
self.end_subsubtest("rally undo") |
self.start_subsubtest("rally update") |
self.click_three_in(target_system=target_system, target_component=target_component) |
pure_items = self.download_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY) |
rally_update_tmpfilepath= self.buildlogs_path("rally-tmp-update.txt") |
self.mavproxy.send("rally save %s\n" % rally_update_tmpfilepath) |
self.delay_sim_time(5) |
self.progress("Moving waypoint") |
self.mavproxy.send("click 13.0 13.0\n") |
self.mavproxy.send("rally move 1\n") |
self.delay_sim_time(5) |
self.progress("Reverting to original") |
self.mavproxy.send("rally update %s\n" % rally_update_tmpfilepath) |
self.delay_sim_time(5) |
reverted_items = self.download_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY) |
self.check_rally_items_same(pure_items, reverted_items) |
self.progress("Making sure specifying a waypoint to be updated works") |
self.mavproxy.send("click 13.0 13.0\n") |
self.mavproxy.send("rally move 1\n") |
self.delay_sim_time(5) |
self.mavproxy.send("click 17.0 17.0\n") |
self.mavproxy.send("rally move 2\n") |
self.delay_sim_time(5) |
self.progress("Reverting to original item 2") |
self.mavproxy.send("rally update %s 2\n" % rally_update_tmpfilepath) |
self.delay_sim_time(5) |
reverted_items = self.download_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY) |
if reverted_items[0].x != 130000000: |
raise NotAchievedException("Expected item1 x to stay changed (got=%u want=%u)" % (reverted_items[0].x, 130000000)) |
if reverted_items[1].x == 170000000: |
raise NotAchievedException("Expected item2 x to revert") |
self.end_subsubtest("rally update") |
# MANUAL> usage: rally <add|alt|changealt|clear|list|load|move|movemulti|param|remove|save|savecsv|savelocal|show|status|undo|update> |
def test_gcs_rally(self): |
target_system = 1 |
target_component = 1 |
self.test_gcs_rally_via_mavproxy(target_system=target_system, |
target_component=target_component) |
self.mavproxy.send('rally clear\n') |
self.delay_sim_time(1) |
if self.get_parameter("RALLY_TOTAL") != 0: |
raise NotAchievedException("Failed to clear rally points") |
old_srcSystem = self.mav.mav.srcSystem |
# stop MAVProxy poking the autopilot: |
self.mavproxy.send('module unload rally\n') |
self.mavproxy.expect("Unloaded module rally") |
self.mavproxy.send('module unload wp\n') |
self.mavproxy.expect("Unloaded module wp") |
self.drain_mav() |
try: |
item1_lat = int(2.0000 *1e7) |
items = [ |
self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_encode( |
target_system, |
target_component, |
0, # seq |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_RALLY_POINT, |
0, # current |
0, # autocontinue |
0, # p1 |
0, # p2 |
0, # p3 |
0, # p4 |
int(1.0000 *1e7), # latitude |
int(1.0000 *1e7), # longitude |
31.0000, # altitude |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY), |
self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_encode( |
target_system, |
target_component, |
1, # seq |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_RALLY_POINT, |
0, # current |
0, # autocontinue |
0, # p1 |
0, # p2 |
0, # p3 |
0, # p4 |
item1_lat, # latitude |
int(2.0000 *1e7), # longitude |
32.0000, # altitude |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY), |
self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_encode( |
target_system, |
target_component, |
2, # seq |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_RALLY_POINT, |
0, # current |
0, # autocontinue |
0, # p1 |
0, # p2 |
0, # p3 |
0, # p4 |
int(3.0000 *1e7), # latitude |
int(3.0000 *1e7), # longitude |
33.0000, # altitude |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY), |
] |
self.upload_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY, |
items) |
downloaded = self.download_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY) |
print("Got items (%s)" % str(items)) |
if len(downloaded) != len(items): |
raise NotAchievedException("Did not download correct number of items want=%u got=%u" % (len(downloaded), len(items))) |
rally_total = self.get_parameter("RALLY_TOTAL") |
if rally_total != len(downloaded): |
raise NotAchievedException("Unexpected rally point count: want=%u got=%u" % (len(items), rally_total)) |
self.progress("Pruning count by setting parameter (urgh)") |
self.set_parameter("RALLY_TOTAL", 2) |
downloaded = self.download_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY) |
if len(downloaded) != 2: |
raise NotAchievedException("Failed to prune rally points by setting parameter. want=%u got=%u" % (2, len(downloaded))) |
self.progress("Uploading a third item using old protocol") |
new_item2_lat = int(6.0 *1e7) |
self.set_parameter("RALLY_TOTAL", 3) |
self.mav.mav.rally_point_send(target_system, |
target_component, |
2, # sequence number |
3, # total count |
new_item2_lat, |
int(7.0 *1e7), |
15, |
0, # "break" alt?! |
0, # "land dir" |
0) # flags |
downloaded = self.download_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY) |
if len(downloaded) != 3: |
raise NotAchievedException("resetting rally point count didn't change items returned") |
if downloaded[2].x != new_item2_lat: |
raise NotAchievedException("Bad lattitude in downloaded item: want=%u got=%u" % (new_item2_lat, downloaded[2].x)) |
self.progress("Grabbing original item 1 using original protocol") |
self.mav.mav.rally_fetch_point_send(target_system, |
target_component, |
1) |
m = self.mav.recv_match(type="RALLY_POINT", blocking=True, timeout=1) |
if m.target_system != 255: |
raise NotAchievedException("Bad target_system on received rally point (want=%u got=%u)" % (255, m.target_system)) |
if m.target_component != 250: # autotest's component ID |
raise NotAchievedException("Bad target_component on received rally point") |
if != item1_lat: |
raise NotAchievedException("Bad latitude on received rally point") |
self.start_subtest("Test upload lockout and timeout") |
self.progress("Starting upload from normal sysid") |
self.mav.mav.mission_count_send(target_system, |
target_component, |
len(items), |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY) |
self.drain_mav() # throw away requests for items |
self.mav.mav.srcSystem = 243 |
self.progress("Attempting upload from sysid=%u" % |
(self.mav.mav.srcSystem,)) |
self.mav.mav.mission_count_send(target_system, |
target_component, |
len(items), |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY) |
self.assert_receive_mission_ack(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY, |
want_type=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_DENIED) |
self.progress("Attempting download from sysid=%u" % |
(self.mav.mav.srcSystem,)) |
self.mav.mav.mission_request_list_send(target_system, |
target_component, |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY) |
self.assert_receive_mission_ack(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY, |
want_type=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_DENIED) |
# wait for the upload from sysid=1 to time out: |
self.wait_text("upload timeout") |
self.assert_receive_mission_ack( |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY, |
want_type=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_OPERATION_CANCELLED, |
target_system=old_srcSystem) |
self.progress("Now trying to upload empty mission after timeout") |
self.mav.mav.mission_count_send(target_system, |
target_component, |
0, |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY) |
self.assert_receive_mission_ack(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY) |
self.drain_mav() |
self.start_subtest("Check rally upload/download across separate links") |
self.upload_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY, |
items) |
self.progress("ensure a mavlink1 connection can't do anything useful with new item types") |
mav2 = mavutil.mavlink_connection("tcp:localhost:5763", |
robust_parsing=True, |
source_system = 7, |
source_component=7) |
mav2.mav.mission_request_list_send(target_system, |
target_component, |
mission_type=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY) |
# so this looks a bit odd; the other end isn't sending |
# mavlink2 so can't fill in the extension here. |
self.assert_receive_mission_ack( |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_MISSION, |
want_type=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_UNSUPPORTED, |
mav=mav2, |
) |
self.set_parameter("SERIAL2_PROTOCOL", 2) |
expected_count = 3 |
self.progress("Assert mission count on new link") |
self.assert_mission_count_on_link(mav2, expected_count, target_system, target_component, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY) |
self.progress("Assert mission count on original link") |
self.assert_mission_count_on_link(self.mav, expected_count, target_system, target_component, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY) |
self.progress("Get first item on new link") |
m2 = self.get_mission_item_int_on_link(2, mav2, target_system, target_component, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY) |
self.progress("Get first item on original link") |
m = self.get_mission_item_int_on_link(2, self.mav, target_system, target_component, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY) |
if m2.x != m.x: |
raise NotAchievedException("mission items do not match (%d vs %d)" % (m2.x, m.x)) |
self.get_mission_item_on_link(2, self.mav, target_system, target_component, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY) |
# ensure we get nacks for bad mission item requests: |
self.mav.mav.mission_request_send(target_system, |
target_component, |
65, |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY) |
self.assert_receive_mission_ack( |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY, |
want_type=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_INVALID_SEQUENCE, |
) |
self.mav.mav.mission_request_int_send(target_system, |
target_component, |
65, |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY) |
self.assert_receive_mission_ack( |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY, |
want_type=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_INVALID_SEQUENCE, |
) |
self.start_subtest("Should enforce items come from correct GCS") |
self.mav.mav.mission_count_send(target_system, |
target_component, |
1, |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY) |
self.assert_receive_mission_item_request(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY, 0) |
self.progress("Attempting to upload from bad sysid") |
old_sysid = self.mav.mav.srcSystem |
self.mav.mav.srcSystem = 17 |
items[0].pack(self.mav.mav) |
self.mav.mav.send(items[0]) |
self.mav.mav.srcSystem = old_sysid |
self.assert_receive_mission_ack(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY, |
want_type=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_DENIED, |
target_system=17) |
self.progress("Sending from correct sysid") |
items[0].pack(self.mav.mav) |
self.mav.mav.send(items[0]) |
self.assert_receive_mission_ack(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY) |
self.drain_mav() |
self.drain_all_pexpects() |
self.start_subtest("Attempt to send item on different link to that which we are sending requests on") |
self.progress("Sending count") |
self.mav.mav.mission_count_send(target_system, |
target_component, |
2, |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY) |
self.assert_receive_mission_item_request(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY, 0) |
old_mav2_system = mav2.mav.srcSystem |
old_mav2_component = mav2.mav.srcComponent |
mav2.mav.srcSystem = self.mav.mav.srcSystem |
mav2.mav.srcComponent = self.mav.mav.srcComponent |
self.progress("Sending item on second link") |
# note that the routing table in ArduPilot now will say |
# this sysid/compid is on both links which may cause |
# weirdness... |
items[0].pack(mav2.mav) |
mav2.mav.send(items[0]) |
mav2.mav.srcSystem = old_mav2_system |
mav2.mav.srcComponent = old_mav2_component |
# we continue to receive requests on the original link: |
m = self.mav.recv_match(type='MISSION_REQUEST', |
blocking=True, |
timeout=1) |
if m is None: |
raise NotAchievedException("Did not get mission request") |
if m.mission_type != mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY: |
raise NotAchievedException("Mission request of incorrect type") |
if m.seq != 1: |
raise NotAchievedException("Unexpected sequence number (expected=%u got=%u)" % (1, m.seq)) |
items[1].pack(self.mav.mav) |
self.mav.mav.send(items[1]) |
self.assert_receive_mission_ack(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY) |
self.drain_mav() |
self.drain_all_pexpects() |
self.start_subtest("Upload mission and rally points at same time") |
self.progress("Sending rally count") |
self.mav.mav.mission_count_send(target_system, |
target_component, |
3, |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY) |
self.assert_receive_mission_item_request(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY, 0) |
self.progress("Sending wp count") |
self.mav.mav.mission_count_send(target_system, |
target_component, |
3, |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_MISSION) |
self.assert_receive_mission_item_request(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_MISSION, 0) |
self.progress("Answering request for mission item 0") |
self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_send( |
target_system, |
target_component, |
0, # seq |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT, |
0, # current |
0, # autocontinue |
0, # p1 |
0, # p2 |
0, # p3 |
0, # p4 |
int(1.1000 *1e7), # latitude |
int(1.2000 *1e7), # longitude |
321.0000, # altitude |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_MISSION), |
self.assert_receive_mission_item_request(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_MISSION, 1) |
self.progress("Answering request for rally point 0") |
items[0].pack(self.mav.mav) |
self.mav.mav.send(items[0]) |
self.progress("Expecting request for rally item 1") |
self.assert_receive_mission_item_request(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY, 1) |
self.progress("Answering request for rally point 1") |
items[1].pack(self.mav.mav) |
self.mav.mav.send(items[1]) |
self.progress("Expecting request for rally item 2") |
self.assert_receive_mission_item_request(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY, 2) |
self.progress("Answering request for rally point 2") |
items[2].pack(self.mav.mav) |
self.mav.mav.send(items[2]) |
self.progress("Expecting mission ack for rally") |
self.assert_receive_mission_ack(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY) |
self.progress("Answering request for waypoints item 1") |
self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_send( |
target_system, |
target_component, |
1, # seq |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT, |
0, # current |
0, # autocontinue |
0, # p1 |
0, # p2 |
0, # p3 |
0, # p4 |
int(1.1000 *1e7), # latitude |
int(1.2000 *1e7), # longitude |
321.0000, # altitude |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_MISSION), |
self.assert_receive_mission_item_request(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_MISSION, 2) |
self.progress("Answering request for waypoints item 2") |
self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_send( |
target_system, |
target_component, |
2, # seq |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT, |
0, # current |
0, # autocontinue |
0, # p1 |
0, # p2 |
0, # p3 |
0, # p4 |
int(1.1000 *1e7), # latitude |
int(1.2000 *1e7), # longitude |
321.0000, # altitude |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_MISSION), |
self.assert_receive_mission_ack(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_MISSION) |
self.start_subtest("Test write-partial-list") |
self.progress("Clearing rally points using count-send") |
self.clear_mission(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY, |
target_system=target_system, |
target_component=target_component) |
self.progress("Should not be able to set items completely past the waypoint count") |
self.upload_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY, |
items) |
self.mav.mav.mission_write_partial_list_send( |
target_system, |
target_component, |
17, |
20, |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY) |
self.assert_receive_mission_ack(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY, |
want_type=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_ERROR) |
self.progress("Should not be able to set items overlapping the waypoint count") |
self.mav.mav.mission_write_partial_list_send( |
target_system, |
target_component, |
0, |
20, |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY) |
self.assert_receive_mission_ack(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY, |
want_type=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_ERROR) |
self.progress("try to overwrite items 1 and 2") |
self.mav.mav.mission_write_partial_list_send( |
target_system, |
target_component, |
1, |
2, |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY) |
self.assert_receive_mission_item_request(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY, 1) |
self.progress("Try shoving up an incorrectly sequenced item") |
self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_send( |
target_system, |
target_component, |
0, # seq |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_RALLY_POINT, |
0, # current |
0, # autocontinue |
0, # p1 |
0, # p2 |
0, # p3 |
0, # p4 |
int(1.1000 *1e7), # latitude |
int(1.2000 *1e7), # longitude |
321.0000, # altitude |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY), |
self.assert_receive_mission_ack(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY, |
want_type=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_INVALID_SEQUENCE) |
self.progress("Try shoving up an incorrectly sequenced item (but within band)") |
self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_send( |
target_system, |
target_component, |
2, # seq |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_RALLY_POINT, |
0, # current |
0, # autocontinue |
0, # p1 |
0, # p2 |
0, # p3 |
0, # p4 |
int(1.1000 *1e7), # latitude |
int(1.2000 *1e7), # longitude |
321.0000, # altitude |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY), |
self.assert_receive_mission_ack(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY, |
want_type=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_INVALID_SEQUENCE) |
self.progress("Now provide correct item") |
item1_latitude = int(1.2345*1e7) |
self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_send( |
target_system, |
target_component, |
1, # seq |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_RALLY_POINT, |
0, # current |
0, # autocontinue |
0, # p1 |
0, # p2 |
0, # p3 |
0, # p4 |
item1_latitude, # latitude |
int(1.2000 *1e7), # longitude |
321.0000, # altitude |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY), |
self.assert_receive_mission_item_request(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY, 2) |
self.progress("Answering request for rally point 2") |
items[2].pack(self.mav.mav) |
self.mav.mav.send(items[2]) |
self.assert_receive_mission_ack(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY) |
self.progress("TODO: ensure partial mission write was good") |
self.start_subtest("clear mission types") |
self.assert_mission_count_on_link(self.mav, 3, target_system, target_component, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY) |
self.assert_mission_count_on_link(self.mav, 3, target_system, target_component, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_MISSION) |
self.mav.mav.mission_clear_all_send(target_system, target_component, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY) |
self.assert_mission_count_on_link(self.mav, 0, target_system, target_component, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY) |
self.assert_mission_count_on_link(self.mav, 3, target_system, target_component, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_MISSION) |
self.mav.mav.mission_clear_all_send(target_system, target_component, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_MISSION) |
self.assert_mission_count_on_link(self.mav, 0, target_system, target_component, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY) |
self.assert_mission_count_on_link(self.mav, 0, target_system, target_component, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_MISSION) |
self.start_subtest("try sending out-of-range counts") |
self.mav.mav.mission_count_send(target_system, |
target_component, |
1, |
230) |
self.assert_receive_mission_ack(230, |
want_type=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_UNSUPPORTED) |
self.mav.mav.mission_count_send(target_system, |
target_component, |
16000, |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY) |
self.assert_receive_mission_ack(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_RALLY, |
want_type=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_NO_SPACE) |
except Exception as e: |
self.progress("Received exception (%s)" % self.get_exception_stacktrace(e)) |
self.mav.mav.srcSystem = old_srcSystem |
raise e |
self.mavproxy.send('module load rally\n') |
self.mavproxy.expect("Loaded module rally") |
self.mavproxy.send('module load wp\n') |
self.mavproxy.expect("Loaded module wp") |
def test_gcs_mission(self): |
target_system = 1 |
target_component = 1 |
self.mavproxy.send('wp clear\n') |
self.delay_sim_time(1) |
if self.get_parameter("MIS_TOTAL") != 0: |
raise NotAchievedException("Failed to clear mission") |
self.drain_mav_unparsed() |
m = self.mav.recv_match(type='MISSION_CURRENT', blocking=True, timeout=5) |
if m is None: |
raise NotAchievedException("Did not get expected MISSION_CURRENT") |
if m.seq != 0: |
raise NotAchievedException("Bad mission current") |
self.load_mission("rover-gripper-mission.txt") |
set_wp = 1 |
self.mavproxy.send('wp set %u\n' % set_wp) |
self.drain_mav() |
m = self.mav.recv_match(type='MISSION_CURRENT', blocking=True, timeout=5) |
if m is None: |
raise NotAchievedException("Did not get expected MISSION_CURRENT") |
if m.seq != set_wp: |
raise NotAchievedException("Bad mission current. want=%u got=%u" % |
(set_wp, m.seq)) |
self.start_subsubtest("wp changealt") |
downloaded_items = self.download_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_MISSION) |
changealt_item = 1 |
oldalt = downloaded_items[changealt_item].z |
want_newalt = 37.2 |
self.mavproxy.send('wp changealt %u %f\n' % (changealt_item, want_newalt)) |
self.delay_sim_time(5) |
downloaded_items = self.download_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_MISSION) |
if abs(downloaded_items[changealt_item].z - want_newalt) > 0.0001: |
raise NotAchievedException( |
"changealt didn't (want=%f got=%f)" % |
(want_newalt, downloaded_items[changealt_item].z)) |
self.end_subsubtest("wp changealt") |
self.start_subsubtest("wp sethome") |
new_home_lat = 3.14159 |
new_home_lng = 2.71828 |
self.mavproxy.send('click %f %f\n' % (new_home_lat, new_home_lng)) |
self.mavproxy.send('wp sethome\n') |
self.delay_sim_time(5) |
# any way to close the loop on this one? |
# downloaded_items = self.download_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_MISSION) |
# if abs(downloaded_items[0].x - new_home_lat) > 0.0001: |
# raise NotAchievedException("wp sethome didn't work") |
# if abs(downloaded_items[0].y - new_home_lng) > 0.0001: |
# raise NotAchievedException("wp sethome didn't work") |
self.end_subsubtest("wp sethome") |
self.start_subsubtest("wp slope") |
self.mavproxy.send('wp slope\n') |
self.mavproxy.expect("WP3: slope 0.1") |
self.delay_sim_time(5) |
self.end_subsubtest("wp slope") |
if not self.mavproxy_can_do_mision_item_protocols(): |
# adding based on click location yet to be merged into MAVProxy |
return |
self.start_subsubtest("wp split") |
self.mavproxy.send("wp clear\n") |
self.delay_sim_time(5) |
self.mavproxy.send("wp list\n") |
self.delay_sim_time(5) |
items = [ |
None, |
self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_encode( |
target_system, |
target_component, |
1, # seq |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_INT, |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT, |
0, # current |
0, # autocontinue |
0, # p1 |
0, # p2 |
0, # p3 |
0, # p4 |
int(1.0 *1e7), # latitude |
int(1.0 *1e7), # longitude |
33.0000, # altitude |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_MISSION), |
self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_encode( |
target_system, |
target_component, |
2, # seq |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_INT, |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT, |
0, # current |
0, # autocontinue |
0, # p1 |
0, # p2 |
0, # p3 |
0, # p4 |
int(2.0 *1e7), # latitude |
int(2.0 *1e7), # longitude |
33.0000, # altitude |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_MISSION), |
] |
self.mavproxy.send("click 5 5\n") # space for home position |
self.mavproxy.send("wp add\n") |
self.delay_sim_time(5) |
self.click_location_from_item(items[1]) |
self.mavproxy.send("wp add\n") |
self.delay_sim_time(5) |
self.click_location_from_item(items[2]) |
self.mavproxy.send("wp add\n") |
self.delay_sim_time(5) |
downloaded_items = self.download_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_MISSION) |
self.check_mission_waypoint_items_same(items, downloaded_items) |
self.mavproxy.send("wp split 2\n") |
self.delay_sim_time(5) |
items_with_split_in = [ |
items[0], |
items[1], |
self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_encode( |
target_system, |
target_component, |
2, # seq |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_INT, |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT, |
0, # current |
0, # autocontinue |
0, # p1 |
0, # p2 |
0, # p3 |
0, # p4 |
int(1.5 *1e7), # latitude |
int(1.5 *1e7), # longitude |
33.0000, # altitude |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_MISSION), |
items[2], |
] |
downloaded_items = self.download_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_MISSION) |
self.check_mission_waypoint_items_same(items_with_split_in, |
downloaded_items) |
# MANUAL> usage: wp <changealt|clear|draw|editor|list|load|loop|move|movemulti|noflyadd|param|remove|save|savecsv|savelocal|set|sethome|show|slope|split|status|undo|update> |
def wait_distance_to_home(self, distance, accuracy=5, timeout=30): |
tstart = self.get_sim_time() |
while True: |
if self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart > timeout: |
raise AutoTestTimeoutException("Failed to get home") |
self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) |
self.progress("Dist from home: %.02f" % self.distance_to_home(use_cached_home=True)) |
if abs(distance-self.distance_to_home(use_cached_home=True)) <= accuracy: |
break |
def wait_location_sending_target(self, loc, target_system=1, target_component=1, timeout=60, max_delta=2): |
tstart = self.get_sim_time() |
last_sent = 0 |
type_mask = (mavutil.mavlink.POSITION_TARGET_TYPEMASK_VX_IGNORE + |
self.change_mode('GUIDED') |
tstart = self.get_sim_time() |
while True: |
now = self.get_sim_time_cached() |
if now - tstart > timeout: |
raise AutoTestTimeoutException("Did not get to location") |
if now - last_sent > 1: |
last_sent = now |
self.mav.mav.set_position_target_global_int_send( |
0, |
target_system, |
target_component, |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_INT, |
type_mask, |
int(*1.0e7), |
int(loc.lng*1.0e7), |
0, # alt |
0, # x-ve |
0, # y-vel |
0, # z-vel |
0, # afx |
0, # afy |
0, # afz |
0, # yaw, |
0, # yaw-rate |
) |
m = self.mav.recv_match(blocking=True, |
timeout=1) |
if m is None: |
continue |
t = m.get_type() |
self.progress("Target: (%s)" % str(m)) |
elif t == "GLOBAL_POSITION_INT": |
self.progress("Position: (%s)" % str(m)) |
delta = self.get_distance(mavutil.location(*1e-7, m.lon*1e-7, 0, 0), |
loc) |
self.progress("delta: %s" % str(delta)) |
if delta < max_delta: |
self.progress("Reached destination") |
def drive_somewhere_breach_boundary_and_rtl(self, loc, target_system=1, target_component=1, timeout=60): |
tstart = self.get_sim_time() |
last_sent = 0 |
seen_fence_breach = False |
type_mask = (mavutil.mavlink.POSITION_TARGET_TYPEMASK_VX_IGNORE + |
self.change_mode('GUIDED') |
while True: |
now = self.get_sim_time_cached() |
if now - tstart > timeout: |
raise NotAchievedException("Did not breach boundary + RTL") |
if now - last_sent > 1: |
last_sent = now |
self.mav.mav.set_position_target_global_int_send( |
0, |
target_system, |
target_component, |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_INT, |
type_mask, |
int(*1.0e7), |
int(loc.lng*1.0e7), |
0, # alt |
0, # x-ve |
0, # y-vel |
0, # z-vel |
0, # afx |
0, # afy |
0, # afz |
0, # yaw, |
0, # yaw-rate |
) |
m = self.mav.recv_match(blocking=True, |
timeout=1) |
if m is None: |
continue |
t = m.get_type() |
print("Target: (%s)" % str(m)) |
elif t == "GLOBAL_POSITION_INT": |
print("Position: (%s)" % str(m)) |
elif t == "FENCE_STATUS": |
print("Fence: %s" % str(m)) |
if m.breach_status != 0: |
seen_fence_breach = True |
self.progress("Fence breach detected!") |
if m.breach_type != mavutil.mavlink.FENCE_BREACH_BOUNDARY: |
raise NotAchievedException("Breach of unexpected type") |
if self.mode_is("RTL", cached=True) and seen_fence_breach: |
break |
self.wait_distance_to_home(5, accuracy=2) |
def drive_somewhere_stop_at_boundary(self, |
loc, |
expected_stopping_point, |
expected_distance_epsilon=1, |
target_system=1, |
target_component=1, |
timeout=120): |
tstart = self.get_sim_time() |
last_sent = 0 |
seen_fence_breach = False |
type_mask = (mavutil.mavlink.POSITION_TARGET_TYPEMASK_VX_IGNORE + |
self.change_mode('GUIDED') |
at_stopping_point = False |
while True: |
now = self.get_sim_time_cached() |
if now - tstart > timeout: |
raise NotAchievedException("Did not arrive and stop at boundary") |
if now - last_sent > 1: |
last_sent = now |
self.mav.mav.set_position_target_global_int_send( |
0, |
target_system, |
target_component, |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_INT, |
type_mask, |
int(*1.0e7), |
int(loc.lng*1.0e7), |
0, # alt |
0, # x-ve |
0, # y-vel |
0, # z-vel |
0, # afx |
0, # afy |
0, # afz |
0, # yaw, |
0, # yaw-rate |
) |
m = self.mav.recv_match(blocking=True, |
timeout=1) |
if m is None: |
continue |
t = m.get_type() |
print("Target: (%s)" % str(m)) |
elif t == "GLOBAL_POSITION_INT": |
print("Position: (%s)" % str(m)) |
delta = self.get_distance(mavutil.location(*1e-7, m.lon*1e-7, 0, 0), |
mavutil.location(, expected_stopping_point.lng, 0, 0)) |
print("delta: %s want_delta<%f" % (str(delta), expected_distance_epsilon)) |
at_stopping_point = delta < expected_distance_epsilon |
elif t == "VFR_HUD": |
print("groundspeed: %f" % m.groundspeed) |
if at_stopping_point: |
if m.groundspeed < 1: |
self.progress("Seemed to have stopped at stopping point") |
return |
def assert_fence_breached(self): |
m = self.mav.recv_match(type='FENCE_STATUS', |
blocking=True, |
timeout=10) |
if m is None: |
raise NotAchievedException("Not receiving fence notifications?") |
if m.breach_status != 1: |
raise NotAchievedException("Expected to be breached") |
def wait_fence_not_breached(self, timeout=5): |
tstart = self.get_sim_time() |
while True: |
if self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart > timeout: |
raise AutoTestTimeoutException("Fence remains breached") |
m = self.mav.recv_match(type='FENCE_STATUS', |
blocking=True, |
timeout=1) |
if m is None: |
self.progress("No FENCE_STATUS received") |
continue |
self.progress("STATUS: %s" % str(m)) |
if m.breach_status == 0: |
break |
def test_poly_fence_noarms(self, target_system=1, target_component=1): |
'''various tests to ensure we can't arm when in breach of a polyfence''' |
self.start_subtest("Ensure PolyFence arming checks work") |
self.clear_mission(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE, |
target_system=target_system, |
target_component=target_component) |
self.delay_sim_time(5) # let breaches clear |
# FIXME: should we allow this? |
self.progress("Ensure we can arm with no poly in place") |
self.change_mode("GUIDED") |
self.wait_ready_to_arm() |
self.arm_vehicle() |
self.disarm_vehicle() |
self.test_poly_fence_noarms_exclusion_circle(target_system=target_system, |
target_component=target_component) |
self.test_poly_fence_noarms_inclusion_circle(target_system=target_system, |
target_component=target_component) |
self.test_poly_fence_noarms_exclusion_polyfence(target_system=target_system, |
target_component=target_component) |
self.test_poly_fence_noarms_inclusion_polyfence(target_system=target_system, |
target_component=target_component) |
def test_poly_fence_noarms_exclusion_circle(self, target_system=1, target_component=1): |
self.start_subtest("Ensure not armable when within an exclusion circle") |
here = self.mav.location() |
items = [ |
self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_encode( |
target_system, |
target_component, |
0, # seq |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_INT, |
0, # current |
0, # autocontinue |
5, # p1 - radius |
0, # p2 |
0, # p3 |
0, # p4 |
int(*1e7), # latitude |
int(here.lng*1e7), # longitude |
33.0000, # altitude |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE), |
self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_encode( |
target_system, |
target_component, |
1, # seq |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_INT, |
0, # current |
0, # autocontinue |
5, # p1 - radius |
0, # p2 |
0, # p3 |
0, # p4 |
int(self.offset_location_ne(here, 100, 100).lat*1e7), # latitude |
int(here.lng*1e7), # longitude |
33.0000, # altitude |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE), |
] |
self.upload_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE, |
items) |
self.delay_sim_time(5) # ArduPilot only checks for breaches @1Hz |
self.drain_mav() |
self.assert_fence_breached() |
if self.arm_motors_with_rc_input(): |
raise NotAchievedException( |
"Armed when within exclusion zone") |
self.upload_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE, |
[]) |
self.wait_fence_not_breached() |
def test_poly_fence_noarms_inclusion_circle(self, target_system=1, target_component=1): |
self.start_subtest("Ensure not armable when outside an inclusion circle (but within another") |
here = self.mav.location() |
items = [ |
self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_encode( |
target_system, |
target_component, |
0, # seq |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_INT, |
0, # current |
0, # autocontinue |
5, # p1 - radius |
0, # p2 |
0, # p3 |
0, # p4 |
int(*1e7), # latitude |
int(here.lng*1e7), # longitude |
33.0000, # altitude |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE), |
self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_encode( |
target_system, |
target_component, |
1, # seq |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_INT, |
0, # current |
0, # autocontinue |
5, # p1 - radius |
0, # p2 |
0, # p3 |
0, # p4 |
int(self.offset_location_ne(here, 100, 100).lat*1e7), # latitude |
int(here.lng*1e7), # longitude |
33.0000, # altitude |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE), |
]; |
self.upload_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE, |
items) |
self.delay_sim_time(5) # ArduPilot only checks for breaches @1Hz |
self.drain_mav() |
self.assert_fence_breached() |
if self.arm_motors_with_rc_input(): |
raise NotAchievedException( |
"Armed when outside an inclusion zone") |
self.upload_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE, |
[]) |
self.wait_fence_not_breached() |
def test_poly_fence_noarms_exclusion_polyfence(self, target_system=1, target_component=1): |
self.start_subtest("Ensure not armable when inside an exclusion polyfence (but outside another") |
here = self.mav.location() |
self.upload_fences_from_locations( |
[ |
[ # east |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -50, 20), # bl |
self.offset_location_ne(here, 50, 20), # br |
self.offset_location_ne(here, 50, 40), # tr |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -50, 40), # tl, |
], [ # over the top of the vehicle |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -50, -50), # bl |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -50, 50), # br |
self.offset_location_ne(here, 50, 50), # tr |
self.offset_location_ne(here, 50, -50), # tl, |
] |
] |
) |
self.delay_sim_time(5) # ArduPilot only checks for breaches @1Hz |
self.drain_mav() |
self.assert_fence_breached() |
if self.arm_motors_with_rc_input(): |
raise NotAchievedException( |
"Armed when within polygon exclusion zone") |
self.upload_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE, |
[]) |
self.wait_fence_not_breached() |
def test_poly_fence_noarms_inclusion_polyfence(self, target_system=1, target_component=1): |
self.start_subtest("Ensure not armable when outside an inclusion polyfence (but within another") |
here = self.mav.location() |
self.upload_fences_from_locations( |
[ |
[ # east |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -50, 20), # bl |
self.offset_location_ne(here, 50, 20), # br |
self.offset_location_ne(here, 50, 40), # tr |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -50, 40), # tl, |
], [ # over the top of the vehicle |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -50, -50), # bl |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -50, 50), # br |
self.offset_location_ne(here, 50, 50), # tr |
self.offset_location_ne(here, 50, -50), # tl, |
] |
] |
) |
self.delay_sim_time(5) # ArduPilot only checks for breaches @1Hz |
self.drain_mav() |
self.assert_fence_breached() |
if self.arm_motors_with_rc_input(): |
raise NotAchievedException( |
"Armed when outside polygon inclusion zone") |
self.upload_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE, |
[]) |
self.wait_fence_not_breached() |
def test_fence_upload_timeouts_1(self, target_system=1, target_component=1): |
self.progress("Telling victim there will be one item coming") |
self.mav.mav.mission_count_send(target_system, |
target_component, |
1, |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE) |
m = self.mav.recv_match(type=['MISSION_REQUEST', 'MISSION_ACK'], |
blocking=True, |
timeout=1) |
self.progress("Got (%s)" % str(m)) |
if m is None: |
raise NotAchievedException("Did not get ACK or mission request") |
if m.get_type() == "MISSION_ACK": |
raise NotAchievedException("Expected MISSION_REQUEST") |
if m.seq != 0: |
raise NotAchievedException("Expected request for seq=0") |
if m.target_system != self.mav.mav.srcSystem: |
raise NotAchievedException("Incorrect target system in MISSION_REQUEST") |
if m.target_component != self.mav.mav.srcComponent: |
raise NotAchievedException("Incorrect target component in MISSION_REQUEST") |
tstart = self.get_sim_time() |
rerequest_count = 0 |
while True: |
m = self.mav.recv_match(type=['MISSION_REQUEST', 'MISSION_ACK', 'STATUSTEXT'], |
blocking=True, |
timeout=1) |
self.progress("Got (%s)" % str(m)) |
if m is None: |
self.progress("Did not receive any messages") |
continue |
if m.get_type() == "MISSION_REQUEST": |
if m.seq != 0: |
raise NotAchievedException("Received request for invalid seq") |
if m.target_system != self.mav.mav.srcSystem: |
raise NotAchievedException("Incorrect target system in MISSION_REQUEST") |
if m.target_component != self.mav.mav.srcComponent: |
raise NotAchievedException("Incorrect target component in MISSION_REQUEST") |
rerequest_count += 1 |
self.progress("Valid re-request received.") |
continue |
if m.get_type() == "MISSION_ACK": |
raise NotAchievedException("Received unexpected MISSION_ACK") |
if m.get_type() == "STATUSTEXT": |
if "upload time" in m.text: |
break |
if rerequest_count < 3: |
raise NotAchievedException("Expected several re-requests of mission item") |
# timeouts come with an ack: |
self.assert_receive_mission_ack( |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE, |
want_type=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_OPERATION_CANCELLED, |
) |
def expect_request_for_item(self, item): |
m = self.mav.recv_match(type=['MISSION_REQUEST', 'MISSION_ACK'], |
blocking=True, |
timeout=1) |
self.progress("Got (%s)" % str(m)) |
if m is None: |
raise NotAchievedException("Did not get ACK or mission request") |
if m.get_type() == "MISSION_ACK": |
raise NotAchievedException("Expected MISSION_REQUEST") |
if m.seq != item.seq: |
raise NotAchievedException("Expected request for seq=%u" % item.seq) |
if m.target_system != self.mav.mav.srcSystem: |
raise NotAchievedException("Incorrect target system in MISSION_REQUEST") |
if m.target_component != self.mav.mav.srcComponent: |
raise NotAchievedException("Incorrect target component in MISSION_REQUEST") |
def test_fence_upload_timeouts_2(self, target_system=1, target_component=1): |
self.progress("Telling victim there will be one item coming") |
self.mav.mav.mission_count_send(target_system, |
target_component, |
2, |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE) |
self.progress("Sending item with seq=0") |
item = self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_encode( |
target_system, |
target_component, |
0, # seq |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_INT, |
0, # current |
0, # autocontinue |
1, # p1 radius |
0, # p2 |
0, # p3 |
0, # p4 |
int(1.1 *1e7), # latitude |
int(1.2 *1e7), # longitude |
33.0000, # altitude |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE) |
self.expect_request_for_item(item) |
item.pack(self.mav.mav) |
self.mav.mav.send(item) |
item = self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_encode( |
target_system, |
target_component, |
1, # seq |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_INT, |
0, # current |
0, # autocontinue |
1, # p1 radius |
0, # p2 |
0, # p3 |
0, # p4 |
int(1.1 *1e7), # latitude |
int(1.2 *1e7), # longitude |
33.0000, # altitude |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE) |
self.expect_request_for_item(item) |
self.progress("Now waiting for a timeout") |
tstart = self.get_sim_time() |
rerequest_count = 0 |
while True: |
m = self.mav.recv_match(type=['MISSION_REQUEST', 'MISSION_ACK', 'STATUSTEXT'], |
blocking=True, |
timeout=0.1) |
self.progress("Got (%s)" % str(m)) |
if m is None: |
self.progress("Did not receive any messages") |
continue |
if m.get_type() == "MISSION_REQUEST": |
if m.seq != 1: |
raise NotAchievedException("Received request for invalid seq") |
if m.target_system != self.mav.mav.srcSystem: |
raise NotAchievedException("Incorrect target system in MISSION_REQUEST") |
if m.target_component != self.mav.mav.srcComponent: |
raise NotAchievedException("Incorrect target component in MISSION_REQUEST") |
rerequest_count += 1 |
self.progress("Valid re-request received.") |
continue |
if m.get_type() == "MISSION_ACK": |
raise NotAchievedException("Received unexpected MISSION_ACK") |
if m.get_type() == "STATUSTEXT": |
if "upload time" in m.text: |
break |
if rerequest_count < 3: |
raise NotAchievedException("Expected several re-requests of mission item") |
# timeouts come with an ack: |
self.assert_receive_mission_ack( |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE, |
want_type=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_OPERATION_CANCELLED, |
) |
def test_fence_upload_timeouts(self, target_system=1, target_component=1): |
self.test_fence_upload_timeouts_1(target_system=target_system, |
target_component=target_component) |
self.test_fence_upload_timeouts_2(target_system=target_system, |
target_component=target_component) |
def test_poly_fence_compatability_ordering(self, target_system=1, target_component=1): |
self.clear_mission(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE, |
target_system=target_system, |
target_component=target_component) |
here = self.mav.location() |
self.progress("try uploading return point last") |
self.roundtrip_fence_using_fencepoint_protocol([ |
self.offset_location_ne(here, 0, 0), # bl // return point |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -50, 20), # bl |
self.offset_location_ne(here, 50, 20), # br |
self.offset_location_ne(here, 50, 40), # tr |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -50, 40), # tl, |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -50, 20), # closing point |
], ordering=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0]) |
self.clear_mission(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE, |
target_system=target_system, |
target_component=target_component) |
self.progress("try uploading return point in middle") |
self.roundtrip_fence_using_fencepoint_protocol([ |
self.offset_location_ne(here, 0, 0), # bl // return point |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -50, 20), # bl |
self.offset_location_ne(here, 50, 20), # br |
self.offset_location_ne(here, 50, 40), # tr |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -50, 40), # tl, |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -50, 20), # closing point |
], ordering=[1, 2, 3, 0, 4, 5]) |
self.clear_mission(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE, |
target_system=target_system, |
target_component=target_component) |
self.progress("try closing point in middle") |
self.roundtrip_fence_using_fencepoint_protocol([ |
self.offset_location_ne(here, 0, 0), # bl // return point |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -50, 20), # bl |
self.offset_location_ne(here, 50, 20), # br |
self.offset_location_ne(here, 50, 40), # tr |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -50, 40), # tl, |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -50, 20), # closing point |
], ordering=[0, 1, 2, 5, 3, 4]) |
self.clear_mission(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE, |
target_system=target_system, |
target_component=target_component) |
# this is expected to fail as we don't return the closing |
# point correctly until the first is uploaded |
self.progress("try closing point first") |
failed = False |
try: |
self.roundtrip_fence_using_fencepoint_protocol([ |
self.offset_location_ne(here, 0, 0), # bl // return point |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -50, 20), # bl |
self.offset_location_ne(here, 50, 20), # br |
self.offset_location_ne(here, 50, 40), # tr |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -50, 40), # tl, |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -50, 20), # closing point |
], ordering=[5, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) |
except NotAchievedException as e: |
failed = "got=0.000000 want=" in str(e) |
if not failed: |
raise NotAchievedException("Expected failure, did not get it") |
self.clear_mission(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE, |
target_system=target_system, |
target_component=target_component) |
self.progress("try (almost) reverse order") |
self.roundtrip_fence_using_fencepoint_protocol([ |
self.offset_location_ne(here, 0, 0), # bl // return point |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -50, 20), # bl |
self.offset_location_ne(here, 50, 20), # br |
self.offset_location_ne(here, 50, 40), # tr |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -50, 40), # tl, |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -50, 20), # closing point |
], ordering=[4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 5]) |
self.clear_mission(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE, |
target_system=target_system, |
target_component=target_component) |
def test_poly_fence_compatability(self, target_system=1, target_component=1): |
self.clear_mission(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE, |
target_system=target_system, |
target_component=target_component) |
self.test_poly_fence_compatability_ordering(target_system=target_system, target_component=target_component) |
here = self.mav.location() |
self.progress("Playing with changing point count") |
self.roundtrip_fence_using_fencepoint_protocol( |
[ |
self.offset_location_ne(here, 0, 0), # bl // return point |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -50, 20), # bl |
self.offset_location_ne(here, 50, 20), # br |
self.offset_location_ne(here, 50, 40), # tr |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -50, 40), # tl, |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -50, 20), # closing point |
]) |
self.roundtrip_fence_using_fencepoint_protocol( |
[ |
self.offset_location_ne(here, 0, 0), # bl // return point |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -50, 20), # bl |
self.offset_location_ne(here, 50, 20), # br |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -50, 40), # tl, |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -50, 20), # closing point |
]) |
self.roundtrip_fence_using_fencepoint_protocol( |
[ |
self.offset_location_ne(here, 0, 0), # bl // return point |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -50, 20), # bl |
self.offset_location_ne(here, 50, 20), # br |
self.offset_location_ne(here, 50, 40), # tr |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -50, 40), # tl, |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -50, 20), # closing point |
]) |
def test_poly_fence_reboot_survivability(self): |
here = self.mav.location() |
self.upload_fences_from_locations( |
[ |
[ # east |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -50, 20), # bl |
self.offset_location_ne(here, 50, 20), # br |
self.offset_location_ne(here, 50, 40), # tr |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -50, 40), # tl, |
], [ # over the top of the vehicle |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -50, -50), # bl |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -50, 50), # br |
self.offset_location_ne(here, 50, 50), # tr |
self.offset_location_ne(here, 50, -50), # tl, |
] |
] |
) |
self.reboot_sitl() |
downloaded_items = self.download_using_mission_protocol(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_FENCE) |
downloaded_len = len(downloaded_items) |
if downloaded_len != 8: |
raise NotAchievedException("Items did not survive reboot (want=%u got=%u)" % |
(8, downloaded_len)) |
def test_poly_fence(self): |
'''test fence-related functions''' |
target_system = 1 |
target_component = 1 |
self.change_mode("LOITER") |
self.wait_ready_to_arm() |
here = self.mav.location() |
self.progress("here: %f %f" % (, here.lng)) |
self.set_parameter("FENCE_ENABLE", 1) |
self.set_parameter("AVOID_ENABLE", 0) |
# self.set_parameter("SIM_SPEEDUP", 1) |
self.test_poly_fence_compatability() |
self.test_fence_upload_timeouts() |
self.test_poly_fence_noarms(target_system=target_system, target_component=target_component) |
self.arm_vehicle() |
self.test_poly_fence_inclusion(here, target_system=target_system, target_component=target_component) |
self.test_poly_fence_exclusion(here, target_system=target_system, target_component=target_component) |
self.disarm_vehicle() |
self.test_poly_fence_reboot_survivability() |
def test_poly_fence_inclusion_overlapping_inclusion_circles(self, here, target_system=1, target_component=1): |
self.start_subtest("Overlapping circular inclusion") |
self.upload_fences_from_locations( |
[ |
{ |
"radius": 30, |
"loc": self.offset_location_ne(here, -20, 0), |
}, |
{ |
"radius": 30, |
"loc": self.offset_location_ne(here, 20, 0), |
}, |
]) |
self.mavproxy.send("fence list\n") |
self.delay_sim_time(5) |
self.progress("Drive outside top circle") |
fence_middle = self.offset_location_ne(here, -150, 0) |
self.drive_somewhere_breach_boundary_and_rtl( |
fence_middle, |
target_system=target_system, |
target_component=target_component) |
self.delay_sim_time(5) |
self.progress("Drive outside bottom circle") |
fence_middle = self.offset_location_ne(here, 150, 0) |
self.drive_somewhere_breach_boundary_and_rtl( |
fence_middle, |
target_system=target_system, |
target_component=target_component) |
def test_poly_fence_inclusion(self, here, target_system=1, target_component=1): |
self.progress("Circle and Polygon inclusion") |
self.test_poly_fence_inclusion_overlapping_inclusion_circles(here, target_system=target_system, target_component=target_component) |
self.upload_fences_from_locations( |
[ |
[ |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -40, -20), # tl |
self.offset_location_ne(here, 50, -20), # tr |
self.offset_location_ne(here, 50, 20), # br |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -40, 20), # bl, |
], |
{ |
"radius": 30, |
"loc": self.offset_location_ne(here, -20, 0), |
}, |
]) |
self.delay_sim_time(5) |
self.mavproxy.send("fence list\n") |
self.progress("Drive outside polygon") |
fence_middle = self.offset_location_ne(here, -150, 0) |
self.drive_somewhere_breach_boundary_and_rtl( |
fence_middle, |
target_system=target_system, |
target_component=target_component) |
self.delay_sim_time(5) |
self.progress("Drive outside circle") |
fence_middle = self.offset_location_ne(here, 150, 0) |
self.drive_somewhere_breach_boundary_and_rtl( |
fence_middle, |
target_system=target_system, |
target_component=target_component) |
self.upload_fences_from_locations( |
[ |
[ |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -20, -25), # tl |
self.offset_location_ne(here, 50, -25), # tr |
self.offset_location_ne(here, 50, 15), # br |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -20, 15), # bl, |
], |
[ |
self.offset_location_ne(here, 20, -20), # tl |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -50, -20), # tr |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -50, 20), # br |
self.offset_location_ne(here, 20, 20), # bl, |
], |
]) |
self.delay_sim_time(5) |
self.mavproxy.send("fence list\n") |
self.progress("Drive outside top polygon") |
fence_middle = self.offset_location_ne(here, -150, 0) |
self.drive_somewhere_breach_boundary_and_rtl( |
fence_middle, |
target_system=target_system, |
target_component=target_component) |
self.delay_sim_time(5) |
self.progress("Drive outside bottom polygon") |
fence_middle = self.offset_location_ne(here, 150, 0) |
self.drive_somewhere_breach_boundary_and_rtl( |
fence_middle, |
target_system=target_system, |
target_component=target_component) |
def test_poly_fence_exclusion(self, here, target_system=1, target_component=1): |
self.upload_fences_from_locations( |
[ |
[ # east |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -50, 20), # bl |
self.offset_location_ne(here, 50, 20), # br |
self.offset_location_ne(here, 50, 40), # tr |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -50, 40), # tl, |
], [ # west |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -50, -20), # tl |
self.offset_location_ne(here, 50, -20), # tr |
self.offset_location_ne(here, 50, -40), # br |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -50, -40), # bl, |
], { |
"radius": 30, |
"loc": self.offset_location_ne(here, -60, 0), |
}, |
]) |
self.delay_sim_time(5) |
self.mavproxy.send("fence list\n") |
self.progress("Breach eastern boundary") |
fence_middle = self.offset_location_ne(here, 0, 30) |
self.drive_somewhere_breach_boundary_and_rtl(fence_middle, |
target_system=target_system, |
target_component=target_component) |
self.progress("delaying - hack to work around manual recovery bug") |
self.delay_sim_time(5) |
self.progress("Breach western boundary") |
fence_middle = self.offset_location_ne(here, 0, -30) |
self.drive_somewhere_breach_boundary_and_rtl(fence_middle, |
target_system=target_system, |
target_component=target_component) |
self.progress("delaying - hack to work around manual recovery bug") |
self.delay_sim_time(5) |
self.progress("Breach southern circle") |
fence_middle = self.offset_location_ne(here, -150, 0) |
self.drive_somewhere_breach_boundary_and_rtl(fence_middle, |
target_system=target_system, |
target_component=target_component) |
def drive_smartrtl(self): |
self.change_mode("STEERING") |
self.wait_ready_to_arm() |
self.arm_vehicle() |
# drive two sides of a square, make sure we don't go back through |
# the middle of the square |
self.progress("Driving North") |
self.reach_heading_manual(0) |
self.set_rc(3, 2000) |
self.delay_sim_time(5) |
self.set_rc(3, 1000) |
self.wait_groundspeed(0, 1) |
loc = self.mav.location() |
self.progress("Driving East") |
self.set_rc(3, 2000) |
self.reach_heading_manual(90) |
self.set_rc(3, 2000) |
self.delay_sim_time(5) |
self.set_rc(3, 1000) |
self.progress("Entering smartrtl") |
self.change_mode("SMART_RTL") |
self.progress("Ensure we go via intermediate point") |
self.wait_distance_to_location(loc, 0, 5) |
self.progress("Ensure we get home") |
self.wait_distance_to_home(5, accuracy=2) |
self.disarm_vehicle() |
def test_motor_test(self): |
'''AKA run-rover-run''' |
magic_throttle_value = 1812 |
self.run_cmd(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_MOTOR_TEST, |
1, # p1 - motor instance |
mavutil.mavlink.MOTOR_TEST_THROTTLE_PWM, # p2 - throttle type |
magic_throttle_value, # p3 - throttle |
5, # p4 - timeout |
1, # p5 - motor count |
0, # p6 - test order (see MOTOR_TEST_ORDER) |
0, # p7 |
) |
self.mav.motors_armed_wait() |
self.progress("Waiting for magic throttle value") |
self.wait_servo_channel_value(3, magic_throttle_value) |
self.wait_servo_channel_value(3, self.get_parameter("RC3_TRIM", 5), timeout=10) |
self.mav.motors_disarmed_wait() |
def test_poly_fence_object_avoidance_guided(self, target_system=1, target_component=1): |
if not self.mavproxy_can_do_mision_item_protocols(): |
return |
self.test_poly_fence_object_avoidance_guided_pathfinding( |
target_system=target_system, |
target_component=target_component) |
return |
# twosquares is currently disabled because of the requirement to have an inclusion fence (which it doesn't have ATM) |
self.test_poly_fence_object_avoidance_guided_two_squares( |
target_system=target_system, |
target_component=target_component) |
def test_poly_fence_object_avoidance_auto(self, target_system=1, target_component=1): |
self.load_fence("rover-path-planning-fence.txt") |
self.load_mission("rover-path-planning-mission.txt") |
self.context_push() |
ex = None |
try: |
self.set_parameter("AVOID_ENABLE", 3) |
self.set_parameter("OA_TYPE", 2) |
self.set_parameter("FENCE_MARGIN", 0) # FIXME: |
self.reboot_sitl() |
self.change_mode('AUTO') |
self.wait_ready_to_arm() |
self.arm_vehicle() |
self.set_parameter("FENCE_ENABLE", 1) |
self.mavproxy.send("fence list\n") |
# target_loc is copied from the mission file |
target_loc = mavutil.location(40.073799, -105.229156) |
self.wait_location(target_loc, timeout=300) |
# mission has RTL as last item |
self.wait_distance_to_home(5, accuracy=2, timeout=300) |
self.disarm_vehicle() |
except Exception as e: |
self.progress("Caught exception: %s" % |
self.get_exception_stacktrace(e)) |
ex = e |
self.context_pop() |
self.reboot_sitl() |
if ex is not None: |
raise ex |
def send_guided_mission_item(self, loc, target_system=1, target_component=1): |
self.mav.mav.mission_item_send ( |
target_system, |
target_component, |
0, |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT, |
2, # current |
0, # autocontinue |
0, # param1 |
0, # param2 |
0, # param3 |
0, # param4 |
|, # x |
loc.lng, # y |
0 # z |
) |
def test_poly_fence_object_avoidance_guided_pathfinding(self, target_system=1, target_component=1): |
self.load_fence("rover-path-planning-fence.txt") |
self.context_push() |
ex = None |
try: |
self.set_parameter("AVOID_ENABLE", 3) |
self.set_parameter("OA_TYPE", 2) |
self.set_parameter("FENCE_MARGIN", 0) # FIXME: |
self.reboot_sitl() |
self.change_mode('GUIDED') |
self.wait_ready_to_arm() |
self.arm_vehicle() |
self.set_parameter("FENCE_ENABLE", 1) |
self.mavproxy.send("fence list\n") |
target_loc = mavutil.location(40.073800, -105.229172) |
self.send_guided_mission_item(target_loc, |
target_system=target_system, |
target_component=target_component) |
self.wait_location(target_loc, timeout=300) |
self.do_RTL(timeout=300) |
self.disarm_vehicle() |
except Exception as e: |
self.progress("Caught exception: %s" % |
self.get_exception_stacktrace(e)) |
ex = e |
self.context_pop() |
self.reboot_sitl() |
if ex is not None: |
raise ex |
def test_wheelencoders(self): |
'''make sure wheel encoders are generally working''' |
ex = None |
try: |
self.set_parameter("WENC_TYPE", 10) |
self.set_parameter("EK3_ENABLE", 1) |
self.set_parameter("AHRS_EKF_TYPE", 3) |
self.reboot_sitl() |
self.change_mode("LOITER") |
self.wait_ready_to_arm() |
self.change_mode("MANUAL") |
self.arm_vehicle() |
self.set_rc(3, 1600) |
m = self.mav.recv_match(type='WHEEL_DISTANCE', blocking=True, timeout=5) |
if m is None: |
raise NotAchievedException("Did not get WHEEL_DISTANCE") |
tstart = self.get_sim_time() |
while True: |
if self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart > 10: |
break |
dist_home = self.distance_to_home(use_cached_home=True) |
m = self.mav.messages.get("WHEEL_DISTANCE") |
delta = abs(m.distance[0] - dist_home) |
self.progress("dist-home=%f wheel-distance=%f delta=%f" % |
(dist_home, m.distance[0], delta)) |
if delta > 5: |
raise NotAchievedException("wheel distance incorrect") |
self.disarm_vehicle() |
except Exception as e: |
self.progress("Caught exception: %s" % |
self.get_exception_stacktrace(e)) |
self.disarm_vehicle() |
ex = e |
self.reboot_sitl() |
if ex is not None: |
raise ex |
def test_poly_fence_object_avoidance_guided_two_squares(self, target_system=1, target_component=1): |
self.start_subtest("Ensure we can steer around obstacles in guided mode") |
here = self.mav.location() |
self.upload_fences_from_locations( |
[ |
[ # east |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -50, 20), # bl |
self.offset_location_ne(here, 50, 10), # tl |
self.offset_location_ne(here, 50, 30), # tr |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -50, 40), # br, |
], |
[ # further east (and south |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -60, 60), # bl |
self.offset_location_ne(here, 40, 70), # tl |
self.offset_location_ne(here, 40, 90), # tr |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -60, 80), # br, |
], |
]) |
self.mavproxy.send("fence list\n") |
self.context_push() |
ex = None |
try: |
self.set_parameter("AVOID_ENABLE", 3) |
self.set_parameter("OA_TYPE", 2) |
self.reboot_sitl() |
self.change_mode('GUIDED') |
self.wait_ready_to_arm() |
self.set_parameter("FENCE_ENABLE", 1) |
self.mavproxy.send("fence list\n") |
self.arm_vehicle() |
self.change_mode("GUIDED") |
target = mavutil.location(40.071382, -105.228340, 0, 0) |
self.send_guided_mission_item(target, |
target_system=target_system, |
target_component=target_component) |
self.wait_location(target, timeout=300) |
self.do_RTL() |
self.disarm_vehicle() |
except Exception as e: |
self.progress("Caught exception: %s" % |
self.get_exception_stacktrace(e)) |
ex = e |
self.context_pop() |
self.reboot_sitl() |
if ex is not None: |
raise ex |
def test_poly_fence_avoidance_dont_breach_exclusion(self, target_system=1, target_component=1): |
self.start_subtest("Ensure we stop before breaching an exclusion fence") |
here = self.mav.location() |
self.upload_fences_from_locations( |
[ |
[ # east |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -50, 20), # bl |
self.offset_location_ne(here, 50, 20), # br |
self.offset_location_ne(here, 50, 40), # tr |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -50, 40), # tl, |
], [ # west |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -50, -20), # tl |
self.offset_location_ne(here, 50, -20), # tr |
self.offset_location_ne(here, 50, -40), # br |
self.offset_location_ne(here, -50, -40), # bl, |
], { |
"radius": 30, |
"loc": self.offset_location_ne(here, -60, 0), |
}, |
]) |
self.mavproxy.send("fence list\n") |
self.set_parameter("FENCE_ENABLE", 1) |
self.set_parameter("AVOID_ENABLE", 3) |
fence_middle = self.offset_location_ne(here, 0, 30) |
# FIXME: this might be nowhere near "here"! |
expected_stopping_point = mavutil.location(40.0713376, -105.2295738, 0, 0) |
self.drive_somewhere_stop_at_boundary( |
fence_middle, |
expected_stopping_point, |
target_system=target_system, |
target_component=target_component, |
expected_distance_epsilon=2.5) |
self.set_parameter("AVOID_ENABLE", 0) |
self.do_RTL() |
def do_RTL(self, timeout=60): |
self.change_mode("RTL") |
self.wait_distance_to_home(5, accuracy=2, timeout=timeout) |
def test_poly_fence_avoidance(self, target_system=1, target_component=1): |
self.change_mode("LOITER") |
self.wait_ready_to_arm() |
self.arm_vehicle() |
self.change_mode("MANUAL") |
self.reach_heading_manual(180, turn_right=False) |
self.change_mode("GUIDED") |
self.test_poly_fence_avoidance_dont_breach_exclusion(target_system=target_system, target_component=target_component) |
self.disarm_vehicle() |
def test_poly_fence_object_avoidance_guided_bendy_ruler(self, target_system=1, target_component=1): |
if not self.mavproxy_can_do_mision_item_protocols(): |
return |
self.load_fence("rover-path-bendyruler-fence.txt") |
self.context_push() |
ex = None |
try: |
self.set_parameter("AVOID_ENABLE", 3) |
self.set_parameter("OA_TYPE", 1) |
self.set_parameter("OA_LOOKAHEAD", 50) |
self.reboot_sitl() |
self.change_mode('GUIDED') |
self.wait_ready_to_arm() |
self.arm_vehicle() |
self.set_parameter("FENCE_ENABLE", 1) |
self.set_parameter("WP_RADIUS", 5) |
self.mavproxy.send("fence list\n") |
target_loc = mavutil.location(40.071060, -105.227734, 0, 0) |
self.send_guided_mission_item(target_loc, |
target_system=target_system, |
target_component=target_component) |
# FIXME: we don't get within WP_RADIUS of our target?! |
self.wait_location(target_loc, timeout=300, accuracy=15) |
self.do_RTL(timeout=300) |
self.disarm_vehicle() |
except Exception as e: |
self.progress("Caught exception: %s" % |
self.get_exception_stacktrace(e)) |
ex = e |
self.context_pop() |
self.disarm_vehicle() |
self.reboot_sitl() |
if ex is not None: |
raise ex |
def test_poly_fence_object_avoidance_bendy_ruler_easier(self, target_system=1, target_component=1): |
if not self.mavproxy_can_do_mision_item_protocols(): |
return |
self.test_poly_fence_object_avoidance_auto_bendy_ruler_easier(target_system=target_system, target_component=target_component) |
self.test_poly_fence_object_avoidance_guided_bendy_ruler_easier(target_system=target_system, target_component=target_component) |
def test_poly_fence_object_avoidance_guided_bendy_ruler_easier(self, target_system=1, target_component=1): |
'''finish-line issue means we can't complete the harder one. This |
test can go away once we've nailed that one. The only |
difference here is the target point. |
''' |
if not self.mavproxy_can_do_mision_item_protocols(): |
return |
self.load_fence("rover-path-bendyruler-fence.txt") |
self.context_push() |
ex = None |
try: |
self.set_parameter("AVOID_ENABLE", 3) |
self.set_parameter("OA_TYPE", 1) |
self.set_parameter("OA_LOOKAHEAD", 50) |
self.reboot_sitl() |
self.change_mode('GUIDED') |
self.wait_ready_to_arm() |
self.arm_vehicle() |
self.set_parameter("FENCE_ENABLE", 1) |
self.set_parameter("WP_RADIUS", 5) |
self.mavproxy.send("fence list\n") |
target_loc = mavutil.location(40.071260, -105.227000, 0, 0) |
self.send_guided_mission_item(target_loc, |
target_system=target_system, |
target_component=target_component) |
# FIXME: we don't get within WP_RADIUS of our target?! |
self.wait_location(target_loc, timeout=300, accuracy=15) |
self.do_RTL(timeout=300) |
self.disarm_vehicle() |
except Exception as e: |
self.progress("Caught exception: %s" % |
self.get_exception_stacktrace(e)) |
ex = e |
self.context_pop() |
self.disarm_vehicle() |
self.reboot_sitl() |
if ex is not None: |
raise ex |
def test_poly_fence_object_avoidance_auto_bendy_ruler_easier(self, target_system=1, target_component=1): |
'''finish-line issue means we can't complete the harder one. This |
test can go away once we've nailed that one. The only |
difference here is the target point. |
''' |
if not self.mavproxy_can_do_mision_item_protocols(): |
return |
self.load_fence("rover-path-bendyruler-fence.txt") |
self.load_mission("rover-path-bendyruler-mission-easier.txt") |
self.context_push() |
ex = None |
try: |
self.set_parameter("AVOID_ENABLE", 3) |
self.set_parameter("OA_TYPE", 1) |
self.set_parameter("OA_LOOKAHEAD", 50) |
self.reboot_sitl() |
self.change_mode('AUTO') |
self.wait_ready_to_arm() |
self.arm_vehicle() |
self.set_parameter("FENCE_ENABLE", 1) |
self.set_parameter("WP_RADIUS", 5) |
self.mavproxy.send("fence list\n") |
target_loc = mavutil.location(40.071260, -105.227000, 0, 0) |
# target_loc is copied from the mission file |
self.wait_location(target_loc, timeout=300) |
# mission has RTL as last item |
self.wait_distance_to_home(5, accuracy=2, timeout=300) |
self.disarm_vehicle() |
except Exception as e: |
self.progress("Caught exception: %s" % |
self.get_exception_stacktrace(e)) |
ex = e |
self.context_pop() |
self.disarm_vehicle() |
self.reboot_sitl() |
if ex is not None: |
raise ex |
def test_poly_fence_object_avoidance(self, target_system=1, target_component=1): |
if not self.mavproxy_can_do_mision_item_protocols(): |
return |
self.test_poly_fence_object_avoidance_auto( |
target_system=target_system, |
target_component=target_component) |
self.test_poly_fence_object_avoidance_guided( |
target_system=target_system, |
target_component=target_component) |
def test_poly_fence_object_avoidance_bendy_ruler(self, target_system=1, target_component=1): |
if not self.mavproxy_can_do_mision_item_protocols(): |
return |
# bendy Ruler isn't as flexible as Dijkstra for planning, so |
# it gets a simpler test: |
self.test_poly_fence_object_avoidance_guided_bendy_ruler( |
target_system=target_system, |
target_component=target_component, |
) |
def script_source_path(self, scriptname): |
return os.path.join(self.rootdir(), "libraries", "AP_Scripting", "examples", scriptname) |
def installed_script_path(self, scriptname): |
return os.path.join(self.rootdir(), "scripts", scriptname) |
def install_example_script(self, scriptname): |
source = self.script_source_path(scriptname) |
dest = self.installed_script_path(scriptname) |
destdir = os.path.dirname(dest) |
if not os.path.exists(destdir): |
os.mkdir(destdir) |
self.progress("Copying (%s) to (%s)" % (source, dest)) |
shutil.copy(source, dest) |
def remove_example_script(self, scriptname): |
dest = self.installed_script_path(scriptname) |
try: |
os.unlink(dest) |
except IOError: |
pass |
except OSError: |
pass |
def test_scripting_simple_loop(self): |
self.start_subtest("Scripting simple loop") |
ex = None |
example_script = "simple_loop.lua" |
messages = [] |
def my_message_hook(mav, m): |
if m.get_type() != 'STATUSTEXT': |
return |
messages.append(m) |
self.install_message_hook(my_message_hook) |
try: |
self.set_parameter("SCR_ENABLE", 1) |
self.install_example_script(example_script) |
self.reboot_sitl() |
self.delay_sim_time(10) |
except Exception as e: |
ex = e |
self.remove_example_script(example_script) |
self.reboot_sitl() |
self.remove_message_hook(my_message_hook) |
if ex is not None: |
raise ex |
# check all messages to see if we got our message |
count = 0 |
for m in messages: |
if "hello, world" in m.text: |
count += 1 |
self.progress("Got %u hellos" % count) |
if count < 3: |
raise NotAchievedException("Expected at least three hellos") |
def test_scripting_internal_test(self): |
self.start_subtest("Scripting internal test") |
ex = None |
example_script = "scripting_test.lua" |
messages = [] |
def my_message_hook(mav, m): |
if m.get_type() != 'STATUSTEXT': |
return |
messages.append(m) |
self.install_message_hook(my_message_hook) |
try: |
self.set_parameter("SCR_ENABLE", 1) |
self.set_parameter("SCR_HEAP_SIZE", 65536) # this is more heap then we need, but this script will keep getting bigger |
self.install_example_script(example_script) |
self.reboot_sitl() |
self.delay_sim_time(10) |
except Exception as e: |
ex = e |
self.remove_example_script(example_script) |
self.reboot_sitl() |
self.remove_message_hook(my_message_hook) |
if ex is not None: |
raise ex |
# check all messages to see if we got our message |
success = False |
for m in messages: |
if "Internal tests passed" in m.text: |
success = True |
self.progress("Success") |
if not success : |
raise NotAchievedException("Scripting internal test failed") |
def test_scripting_hello_world(self): |
self.start_subtest("Scripting hello world") |
ex = None |
example_script = "hello_world.lua" |
messages = [] |
def my_message_hook(mav, m): |
if m.get_type() != 'STATUSTEXT': |
return |
messages.append(m) |
self.install_message_hook(my_message_hook) |
try: |
self.set_parameter("SCR_ENABLE", 1) |
self.install_example_script(example_script) |
self.reboot_sitl() |
except Exception as e: |
ex = e |
self.remove_example_script(example_script) |
self.reboot_sitl() |
self.remove_message_hook(my_message_hook) |
if ex is not None: |
raise ex |
# check all messages to see if we got our message |
for m in messages: |
if "hello, world" in m.text: |
return # success! |
raise NotAchievedException("Did not get expected text") |
def test_scripting(self): |
self.test_scripting_hello_world() |
self.test_scripting_simple_loop() |
def test_mission_frame(self, frame, target_system=1, target_component=1): |
self.clear_mission(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_MISSION, |
target_system=target_system, |
target_component=target_component) |
items = [ |
# first item is ignored for missions |
self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_encode( |
target_system, |
target_component, |
0, # seq |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT, |
0, # current |
0, # autocontinue |
3, # p1 |
0, # p2 |
0, # p3 |
0, # p4 |
int(1.0000 *1e7), # latitude |
int(1.0000 *1e7), # longitude |
31.0000, # altitude |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_MISSION), |
self.mav.mav.mission_item_int_encode( |
target_system, |
target_component, |
1, # seq |
frame, |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT, |
0, # current |
0, # autocontinue |
3, # p1 |
0, # p2 |
0, # p3 |
0, # p4 |
int(1.0000 *1e7), # latitude |
int(1.0000 *1e7), # longitude |
31.0000, # altitude |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE_MISSION), |
] |
self.check_mission_upload_download(items) |
def test_mission_frames(self, target_system=1, target_component=1): |
for frame in (mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_TERRAIN_ALT_INT, |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_INT, |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL): |
self.test_mission_frame(frame, |
target_system=1, |
target_component=1) |
def test_send_to_components(self): |
self.progress("Introducing ourselves to the autopilot as a component") |
old_srcSystem = self.mav.mav.srcSystem |
self.mav.mav.srcSystem = 1 |
self.mav.mav.heartbeat_send( |
mavutil.mavlink.MAV_AUTOPILOT_INVALID, |
0, |
0, |
0) |
self.progress("Sending control message") |
self.mav.mav.digicam_control_send( |
1, # target_system |
1, # target_component |
1, # start or keep it up |
1, # zoom_pos |
0, # zoom_step |
0, # focus_lock |
1, # 1 shot or start filming |
17, # command id (de-dupe field) |
0, # extra_param |
0.0, # extra_value |
) |
self.mav.mav.srcSystem = old_srcSystem |
self.progress("Expecting a command long") |
tstart = self.get_sim_time_cached() |
while True: |
now = self.get_sim_time_cached() |
if now - tstart > 2: |
raise NotAchievedException("Did not receive digicam_control message") |
m = self.mav.recv_match(type='COMMAND_LONG', blocking=True, timeout=0.1) |
self.progress("Message: %s" % str(m)) |
if m is None: |
continue |
if m.command != mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_DIGICAM_CONTROL: |
raise NotAchievedException("Did not get correct command") |
if m.param6 != 17: |
raise NotAchievedException("Did not get correct command_id") |
break |
def tests(self): |
'''return list of all tests''' |
ret = super(AutoTestRover, self).tests() |
ret.extend([ |
("MAVProxy_SetModeUsingSwitch", |
"Set modes via mavproxy switch", |
self.test_setting_modes_via_mavproxy_switch), |
("MAVProxy_SetModeUsingMode", |
"Set modes via mavproxy mode command", |
self.test_setting_modes_via_mavproxy_mode_command), |
("ModeSwitch", |
"Set modes via modeswitch", |
self.test_setting_modes_via_modeswitch), |
("AuxModeSwitch", |
"Set modes via auxswitches", |
self.test_setting_modes_via_auxswitches), |
("DriveRTL", |
"Drive an RTL Mission", self.drive_rtl_mission), |
("SmartRTL", |
"Test SmartRTL", |
self.drive_smartrtl), |
("DriveSquare", |
"Learn/Drive Square with Ch7 option", |
self.drive_square), |
("DriveMission", |
"Drive Mission %s" % "rover1.txt", |
lambda: self.drive_mission("rover1.txt")), |
# disabled due to frequent failures in travis. This test needs re-writing |
# ("Drive Brake", self.drive_brake), |
("GetBanner", "Get Banner", self.do_get_banner), |
("GetCapabilities", |
"Get Capabilities", |
self.test_get_autopilot_capabilities), |
"Set mode via MAV_COMMAND_DO_SET_MODE", |
self.test_do_set_mode_via_command_long), |
("MAVProxy_DO_SET_MODE", |
"Set mode via MAV_COMMAND_DO_SET_MODE with MAVProxy", |
self.test_mavproxy_do_set_mode_via_command_long), |
("ServoRelayEvents", |
"Test ServoRelayEvents", |
self.test_servorelayevents), |
("RCOverrides", "Test RC overrides", self.test_rc_overrides), |
("RCOverridesCancel", "Test RC overrides Cancel", self.test_rc_override_cancel), |
("MANUAL_CONTROL", "Test mavlink MANUAL_CONTROL", self.test_manual_control), |
("Sprayer", "Test Sprayer", self.test_sprayer), |
("AC_Avoidance", |
"Test AC Avoidance switch", |
self.drive_fence_ac_avoidance), |
("CameraMission", |
"Test Camera Mission Items", |
self.test_camera_mission_items), |
# Gripper test |
("Gripper", |
"Test gripper", |
self.test_gripper), |
("GripperMission", |
"Test Gripper Mission Items", |
self.test_gripper_mission), |
self.test_set_message_interval), |
self.test_request_message), |
"Test enforcement of SYSID_MYGCS", |
self.test_sysid_enforce), |
("Button", |
"Test Buttons", |
self.test_button), |
("Rally", |
"Test Rally Points", |
self.test_rally_points), |
("Offboard", |
"Test Offboard Control", |
self.test_offboard), |
("GCSFence", |
"Upload and download of fence", |
self.test_gcs_fence), |
("GCSRally", |
"Upload and download of rally", |
self.test_gcs_rally), |
("GCSMission", |
"Upload and download of mission", |
self.test_gcs_mission), |
("MotorTest", |
"Motor Test triggered via mavlink", |
self.test_motor_test), |
("WheelEncoders", |
"Ensure SITL wheel encoders work", |
self.test_wheelencoders), |
("DataFlashOverMAVLink", |
"Test DataFlash over MAVLink", |
self.test_dataflash_over_mavlink), |
("DataFlashSITL", |
"Test DataFlash SITL backend", |
self.test_dataflash_sitl), |
("PolyFence", |
"PolyFence tests", |
self.test_poly_fence), |
("PolyFenceAvoidance", |
"PolyFence avoidance tests", |
self.test_poly_fence_avoidance), |
("PolyFenceObjectAvoidance", |
"PolyFence object avoidance tests", |
self.test_poly_fence_object_avoidance), |
("PolyFenceObjectAvoidanceBendyRuler", |
"PolyFence object avoidance tests - bendy ruler", |
self.test_poly_fence_object_avoidance_bendy_ruler), |
("SendToComponents", |
"Test ArduPilot send_to_components function", |
self.test_send_to_components), |
("PolyFenceObjectAvoidanceBendyRulerEasier", |
"PolyFence object avoidance tests - easier bendy ruler test", |
self.test_poly_fence_object_avoidance_bendy_ruler_easier), |
("Scripting", |
"Scripting test", |
self.test_scripting), |
("MissionFrames", |
"Upload/Download of items in different frames", |
self.test_mission_frames), |
("AccelCal", |
"Accelerometer Calibration testing", |
self.accelcal), |
("DownLoadLogs", "Download logs", lambda: |
self.log_download( |
self.buildlogs_path("APMrover2-log.bin"), |
upload_logs=len(self.fail_list) > 0)), |
]) |
return ret |
def disabled_tests(self): |
return { |
"PolyFenceObjectAvoidanceBendyRuler": "currently broken", |
} |
def rc_defaults(self): |
ret = super(AutoTestRover, self).rc_defaults() |
ret[3] = 1500 |
ret[8] = 1800 |
return ret |
def default_mode(self): |
return 'MANUAL'