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#include <AP_HAL.h>
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <AP_HAL.h>
#include "SPIDevices.h"
#include "GPIO.h"
#include "Semaphore.h"
#include "pins_arduino_mega.h"
using namespace AP_HAL_AVR;
extern const AP_HAL::HAL& hal;
AVRSemaphore AVRSPI2DeviceDriver::_semaphore;
void AVRSPI2DeviceDriver::init() {
AVRDigitalSource spi2_miso(_BV(0), PH);
AVRDigitalSource spi2_mosi(_BV(1), PH);
AVRDigitalSource spi2_sck(_BV(2), PH);
/* UMSELn1 and UMSELn2: USART in SPI Master mode */
/* Enable RX and TX. */
/* Setup chip select pin */
AP_HAL::Semaphore* AVRSPI2DeviceDriver::get_semaphore() {
return &_semaphore;
inline void AVRSPI2DeviceDriver::_cs_assert() {
/* set the device UCSRnC configuration bits.
* only sets data order, clock phase, and clock polarity bits (lowest
* three bits) */
const uint8_t new_ucsr2c = UCSR2C | (_ucsr2c & (0x07));
UCSR2C = new_ucsr2c;
/* set the device baud rate */
UBRR2 = _ubrr2;
inline void AVRSPI2DeviceDriver::_cs_release() {
inline uint8_t AVRSPI2DeviceDriver::_transfer(uint8_t data) {
/* Wait for empty transmit buffer */
while ( !( UCSR2A & _BV(UDRE2)) ) ;
/* Put data into buffer, sends the data */
UDR2 = data;
/* Wait for data to be received */
while ( !(UCSR2A & _BV(RXC2)) ) ;
/* Get and return received data from buffer */
return UDR2;
void AVRSPI2DeviceDriver::transaction(const uint8_t *tx, uint8_t *rx,
uint16_t len) {
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
rx[i] = _transfer(tx[i]);
void AVRSPI2DeviceDriver::cs_assert() {
void AVRSPI2DeviceDriver::cs_release() {
uint8_t AVRSPI2DeviceDriver::transfer(uint8_t data) {
return _transfer(data);