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571 lines
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571 lines
17 KiB
// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- |
/***************************************************************************** |
* The init_ardupilot function processes everything we need for an in - air restart |
* We will determine later if we are actually on the ground and process a |
* ground start in that case. |
* |
*****************************************************************************/ |
// Functions called from the top-level menu |
static int8_t process_logs(uint8_t argc, const Menu::arg *argv); // in Log.pde |
static int8_t setup_mode(uint8_t argc, const Menu::arg *argv); // in setup.pde |
static int8_t test_mode(uint8_t argc, const Menu::arg *argv); // in test.cpp |
static int8_t planner_mode(uint8_t argc, const Menu::arg *argv); // in planner.pde |
// This is the help function |
// PSTR is an AVR macro to read strings from flash memory |
// printf_P is a version of print_f that reads from flash memory |
static int8_t main_menu_help(uint8_t argc, const Menu::arg *argv) |
{ |
Serial.printf_P(PSTR("Commands:\n" |
" logs log readback/setup mode\n" |
" setup setup mode\n" |
" test test mode\n" |
"\n" |
"Move the slide switch and reset to FLY.\n" |
"\n")); |
return(0); |
} |
// Command/function table for the top-level menu. |
static const struct Menu::command main_menu_commands[] PROGMEM = { |
// command function called |
// ======= =============== |
{"logs", process_logs}, |
{"setup", setup_mode}, |
{"test", test_mode}, |
{"help", main_menu_help}, |
{"planner", planner_mode} |
}; |
// Create the top-level menu object. |
MENU(main_menu, THISFIRMWARE, main_menu_commands); |
// the user wants the CLI. It never exits |
static void run_cli(void) |
{ |
// disable the failsafe code in the CLI |
timer_scheduler.set_failsafe(NULL); |
while (1) { |
|; |
} |
} |
#endif // CLI_ENABLED |
static void init_ardupilot() |
{ |
#if USB_MUX_PIN > 0 |
// on the APM2 board we have a mux thet switches UART0 between |
// USB and the board header. If the right ArduPPM firmware is |
// installed we can detect if USB is connected using the |
pinMode(USB_MUX_PIN, INPUT); |
usb_connected = !digitalRead(USB_MUX_PIN); |
if (!usb_connected) { |
// USB is not connected, this means UART0 may be a Xbee, with |
// its darned bricking problem. We can't write to it for at |
// least one second after powering up. Simplest solution for |
// now is to delay for 1 second. Something more elegant may be |
// added later |
delay(1000); |
} |
#endif |
// Console serial port |
// |
// The console port buffers are defined to be sufficiently large to support |
// the MAVLink protocol efficiently |
// |
Serial.begin(SERIAL0_BAUD, 128, SERIAL_BUFSIZE); |
// GPS serial port. |
// |
// standard gps running |
Serial1.begin(38400, 256, 16); |
Serial.printf_P(PSTR("\n\nInit " THISFIRMWARE |
"\n\nFree RAM: %u\n"), |
memcheck_available_memory()); |
// |
// Initialize Wire and SPI libraries |
// |
I2c.begin(); |
I2c.timeOut(5); |
// initially set a fast I2c speed, and drop it on first failures |
I2c.setSpeed(true); |
#endif |
SPI.begin(); |
SPI.setClockDivider(SPI_CLOCK_DIV16); // 1MHZ SPI rate |
// |
// Initialize the ISR registry. |
// |
isr_registry.init(); |
// |
// Initialize the timer scheduler to use the ISR registry. |
// |
timer_scheduler.init( &isr_registry ); |
// initialise the analog port reader |
AP_AnalogSource_Arduino::init_timer(&timer_scheduler); |
// |
// Check the EEPROM format version before loading any parameters from EEPROM. |
// |
load_parameters(); |
// keep a record of how many resets have happened. This can be |
// used to detect in-flight resets |
g.num_resets.set_and_save(g.num_resets+1); |
// init the GCS |
gcs0.init(&Serial); |
#if USB_MUX_PIN > 0 |
if (!usb_connected) { |
// we are not connected via USB, re-init UART0 with right |
// baud rate |
Serial.begin(map_baudrate(g.serial3_baud, SERIAL3_BAUD)); |
} |
#else |
// we have a 2nd serial port for telemetry |
Serial3.begin(map_baudrate(g.serial3_baud, SERIAL3_BAUD), 128, SERIAL_BUFSIZE); |
gcs3.init(&Serial3); |
#endif |
mavlink_system.sysid = g.sysid_this_mav; |
DataFlash.Init(); // DataFlash log initialization |
if (!DataFlash.CardInserted()) { |
gcs_send_text_P(SEVERITY_LOW, PSTR("No dataflash card inserted")); |
g.log_bitmask.set(0); |
} else if (DataFlash.NeedErase()) { |
gcs_send_text_P(SEVERITY_LOW, PSTR("ERASING LOGS")); |
do_erase_logs(); |
} |
if (g.log_bitmask != 0) { |
DataFlash.start_new_log(); |
} |
#endif |
adc.Init(&timer_scheduler); // APM ADC library initialization |
#endif |
// initialise the analog port reader |
AP_AnalogSource_Arduino::init_timer(&timer_scheduler); |
barometer.init(&timer_scheduler); |
if (g.compass_enabled==true) { |
compass.set_orientation(MAG_ORIENTATION); // set compass's orientation on aircraft |
if (!compass.init() || ! { |
Serial.println_P(PSTR("Compass initialisation failed!")); |
g.compass_enabled = false; |
} else { |
ahrs.set_compass(&compass); |
} |
} |
#endif |
// give AHRS the airspeed sensor |
ahrs.set_airspeed(&airspeed); |
// the axis controllers need access to the AHRS system |
g.rollController.set_ahrs(&ahrs); |
g.pitchController.set_ahrs(&ahrs); |
g.yawController.set_ahrs(&ahrs); |
#endif |
// Do GPS init |
g_gps = &g_gps_driver; |
// GPS Initialization |
g_gps->init(GPS::GPS_ENGINE_AIRBORNE_4G); |
g_gps->callback = mavlink_delay; |
//mavlink_system.sysid = MAV_SYSTEM_ID; // Using g.sysid_this_mav |
mavlink_system.compid = 1; //MAV_COMP_ID_IMU; // We do not check for comp id |
mavlink_system.type = MAV_TYPE_FIXED_WING; |
rc_override_active = APM_RC.setHIL(rc_override); // Set initial values for no override |
RC_Channel::set_apm_rc( &APM_RC ); // Provide reference to RC outputs. |
init_rc_in(); // sets up rc channels from radio |
init_rc_out(); // sets up the timer libs |
pinMode(C_LED_PIN, OUTPUT); // GPS status LED |
pinMode(A_LED_PIN, OUTPUT); // GPS status LED |
pinMode(B_LED_PIN, OUTPUT); // GPS status LED |
DDRL |= B00000100; // Set Port L, pin 2 to output for the relay |
#endif |
#endif |
/* |
* setup the 'main loop is dead' check. Note that this relies on |
* the RC library being initialised. |
*/ |
timer_scheduler.set_failsafe(failsafe_check); |
Serial.printf_P(PSTR("\nPress ENTER 3 times to start interactive setup\n\n")); |
if (ENABLE_AIR_START == 1) { |
// Perform an air start and get back to flying |
gcs_send_text_P(SEVERITY_LOW,PSTR("<init_ardupilot> AIR START")); |
// Get necessary data from EEPROM |
//---------------- |
//read_EEPROM_airstart_critical(); |
imu.init(IMU::WARM_START, mavlink_delay, flash_leds, &timer_scheduler); |
// initialise ahrs (may push imu calibration into the mpu6000 if using that device). |
ahrs.init(); |
ahrs.set_fly_forward(true); |
#endif |
// This delay is important for the APM_RC library to work. |
// We need some time for the comm between the 328 and 1280 to be established. |
int old_pulse = 0; |
while (millis()<=1000 && (abs(old_pulse - APM_RC.InputCh(g.flight_mode_channel)) > 5 || |
APM_RC.InputCh(g.flight_mode_channel) == 1000 || |
APM_RC.InputCh(g.flight_mode_channel) == 1200)) { |
old_pulse = APM_RC.InputCh(g.flight_mode_channel); |
delay(25); |
} |
g_gps->update(); |
if (g.log_bitmask & MASK_LOG_CMD) |
Log_Write_Startup(TYPE_AIRSTART_MSG); |
reload_commands_airstart(); // Get set to resume AUTO from where we left off |
}else { |
startup_ground(); |
if (g.log_bitmask & MASK_LOG_CMD) |
Log_Write_Startup(TYPE_GROUNDSTART_MSG); |
} |
set_mode(MANUAL); |
// set the correct flight mode |
// --------------------------- |
reset_control_switch(); |
} |
//******************************************************************************** |
//This function does all the calibrations, etc. that we need during a ground start |
//******************************************************************************** |
static void startup_ground(void) |
{ |
set_mode(INITIALISING); |
gcs_send_text_P(SEVERITY_LOW,PSTR("<startup_ground> GROUND START")); |
gcs_send_text_P(SEVERITY_LOW,PSTR("<startup_ground> With Delay")); |
delay(GROUND_START_DELAY * 1000); |
#endif |
// Makes the servos wiggle |
// step 1 = 1 wiggle |
// ----------------------- |
demo_servos(1); |
//IMU ground start |
//------------------------ |
// |
startup_IMU_ground(false); |
// read the radio to set trims |
// --------------------------- |
trim_radio(); // This was commented out as a HACK. Why? I don't find a problem. |
// Save the settings for in-air restart |
// ------------------------------------ |
//save_EEPROM_groundstart(); |
// initialize commands |
// ------------------- |
init_commands(); |
// Makes the servos wiggle - 3 times signals ready to fly |
// ----------------------- |
demo_servos(3); |
// we don't want writes to the serial port to cause us to pause |
// mid-flight, so set the serial ports non-blocking once we are |
// ready to fly |
Serial.set_blocking_writes(false); |
if (gcs3.initialised) { |
Serial3.set_blocking_writes(false); |
} |
gcs_send_text_P(SEVERITY_LOW,PSTR("\n\n Ready to FLY.")); |
} |
static void set_mode(byte mode) |
{ |
if(control_mode == mode) { |
// don't switch modes if we are already in the correct mode. |
return; |
} |
if(g.auto_trim > 0 && control_mode == MANUAL) |
trim_control_surfaces(); |
control_mode = mode; |
crash_timer = 0; |
switch(control_mode) |
{ |
case MANUAL: |
case CIRCLE: |
case FLY_BY_WIRE_A: |
case FLY_BY_WIRE_B: |
break; |
case AUTO: |
update_auto(); |
break; |
case RTL: |
do_RTL(); |
break; |
case LOITER: |
do_loiter_at_location(); |
break; |
case GUIDED: |
set_guided_WP(); |
break; |
default: |
do_RTL(); |
break; |
} |
// if in an auto-throttle mode, start with throttle suppressed for |
// safety. suppress_throttle() will unsupress it when appropriate |
if (control_mode == CIRCLE || control_mode >= FLY_BY_WIRE_B) { |
throttle_suppressed = true; |
} |
if (g.log_bitmask & MASK_LOG_MODE) |
Log_Write_Mode(control_mode); |
} |
static void check_long_failsafe() |
{ |
// only act on changes |
// ------------------- |
if(failsafe != FAILSAFE_LONG && failsafe != FAILSAFE_GCS) { |
if(rc_override_active && millis() - rc_override_fs_timer > FAILSAFE_LONG_TIME) { |
failsafe_long_on_event(FAILSAFE_LONG); |
} |
if(!rc_override_active && failsafe == FAILSAFE_SHORT && millis() - ch3_failsafe_timer > FAILSAFE_LONG_TIME) { |
failsafe_long_on_event(FAILSAFE_LONG); |
} |
if(g.gcs_heartbeat_fs_enabled && millis() - rc_override_fs_timer > FAILSAFE_LONG_TIME) { |
failsafe_long_on_event(FAILSAFE_GCS); |
} |
} else { |
// We do not change state but allow for user to change mode |
if(failsafe == FAILSAFE_GCS && millis() - rc_override_fs_timer < FAILSAFE_SHORT_TIME) failsafe = FAILSAFE_NONE; |
if(failsafe == FAILSAFE_LONG && rc_override_active && millis() - rc_override_fs_timer < FAILSAFE_SHORT_TIME) failsafe = FAILSAFE_NONE; |
if(failsafe == FAILSAFE_LONG && !rc_override_active && !ch3_failsafe) failsafe = FAILSAFE_NONE; |
} |
} |
static void check_short_failsafe() |
{ |
// only act on changes |
// ------------------- |
if(failsafe == FAILSAFE_NONE) { |
if(ch3_failsafe) { // The condition is checked and the flag ch3_failsafe is set in radio.pde |
failsafe_short_on_event(FAILSAFE_SHORT); |
} |
} |
if(failsafe == FAILSAFE_SHORT) { |
if(!ch3_failsafe) { |
failsafe_short_off_event(); |
} |
} |
} |
static void startup_IMU_ground(bool force_accel_level) |
{ |
gcs_send_text_P(SEVERITY_MEDIUM, PSTR("Warming up ADC...")); |
mavlink_delay(500); |
// Makes the servos wiggle twice - about to begin IMU calibration - HOLD LEVEL AND STILL!! |
// ----------------------- |
demo_servos(2); |
gcs_send_text_P(SEVERITY_MEDIUM, PSTR("Beginning IMU calibration; do not move plane")); |
mavlink_delay(1000); |
imu.init(IMU::COLD_START, mavlink_delay, flash_leds, &timer_scheduler); |
if (force_accel_level || g.manual_level == 0) { |
// when MANUAL_LEVEL is set to 1 we don't do accelerometer |
// levelling on each boot, and instead rely on the user to do |
// it once via the ground station |
imu.init_accel(mavlink_delay, flash_leds); |
} |
ahrs.set_fly_forward(true); |
ahrs.reset(); |
// read Baro pressure at ground |
//----------------------------- |
init_barometer(); |
if (airspeed.enabled()) { |
// initialize airspeed sensor |
// -------------------------- |
zero_airspeed(); |
} else { |
gcs_send_text_P(SEVERITY_LOW,PSTR("NO airspeed")); |
} |
digitalWrite(B_LED_PIN, LED_ON); // Set LED B high to indicate IMU ready |
digitalWrite(A_LED_PIN, LED_OFF); |
digitalWrite(C_LED_PIN, LED_OFF); |
} |
static void update_GPS_light(void) |
{ |
// GPS LED on if we have a fix or Blink GPS LED if we are receiving data |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------- |
switch (g_gps->status()) { |
case (2): |
digitalWrite(C_LED_PIN, LED_ON); //Turn LED C on when gps has valid fix. |
break; |
case (1): |
if (g_gps->valid_read == true) { |
GPS_light = !GPS_light; // Toggle light on and off to indicate gps messages being received, but no GPS fix lock |
if (GPS_light) { |
digitalWrite(C_LED_PIN, LED_OFF); |
} else { |
digitalWrite(C_LED_PIN, LED_ON); |
} |
g_gps->valid_read = false; |
} |
break; |
default: |
digitalWrite(C_LED_PIN, LED_OFF); |
break; |
} |
} |
static void resetPerfData(void) { |
mainLoop_count = 0; |
G_Dt_max = 0; |
imu.adc_constraints = 0; |
ahrs.renorm_range_count = 0; |
ahrs.renorm_blowup_count = 0; |
gps_fix_count = 0; |
pmTest1 = 0; |
perf_mon_timer = millis(); |
} |
/* |
* map from a 8 bit EEPROM baud rate to a real baud rate |
*/ |
static uint32_t map_baudrate(int8_t rate, uint32_t default_baud) |
{ |
switch (rate) { |
case 1: return 1200; |
case 2: return 2400; |
case 4: return 4800; |
case 9: return 9600; |
case 19: return 19200; |
case 38: return 38400; |
case 57: return 57600; |
case 111: return 111100; |
case 115: return 115200; |
} |
Serial.println_P(PSTR("Invalid SERIAL3_BAUD")); |
return default_baud; |
} |
#if USB_MUX_PIN > 0 |
static void check_usb_mux(void) |
{ |
bool usb_check = !digitalRead(USB_MUX_PIN); |
if (usb_check == usb_connected) { |
return; |
} |
// the user has switched to/from the telemetry port |
usb_connected = usb_check; |
if (usb_connected) { |
Serial.begin(SERIAL0_BAUD); |
} else { |
Serial.begin(map_baudrate(g.serial3_baud, SERIAL3_BAUD)); |
} |
} |
#endif |
/* |
* called by gyro/accel init to flash LEDs so user |
* has some mesmerising lights to watch while waiting |
*/ |
void flash_leds(bool on) |
{ |
digitalWrite(A_LED_PIN, on ? LED_OFF : LED_ON); |
digitalWrite(C_LED_PIN, on ? LED_ON : LED_OFF); |
} |
/* |
* Read Vcc vs 1.1v internal reference |
*/ |
uint16_t board_voltage(void) |
{ |
static AP_AnalogSource_Arduino vcc(ANALOG_PIN_VCC); |
return vcc.read_vcc(); |
} |
/* |
force a software reset of the APM |
*/ |
static void reboot_apm(void) |
{ |
Serial.println_P(PSTR("REBOOTING")); |
delay(100); |
// see |
// for the method |
cli(); |
wdt_enable(WDTO_15MS); |
while (1); |
} |