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315 lines
12 KiB
315 lines
12 KiB
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Microsoft ResX Schema |
Version 2.0 |
The primary goals of this format is to allow a simple XML format |
that is mostly human readable. The generation and parsing of the |
various data types are done through the TypeConverter classes |
associated with the data types. |
Example: |
... headers & schema ... |
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<value>[base64 mime encoded string representing a byte array form of the .NET Framework object]</value> |
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There are any number of "resheader" rows that contain simple |
name/value pairs. |
Each data row contains a name, and value. The row also contains a |
type or mimetype. Type corresponds to a .NET class that support |
text/value conversion through the TypeConverter architecture. |
Classes that don't support this are serialized and stored with the |
mimetype set. |
The mimetype is used for serialized objects, and tells the |
ResXResourceReader how to depersist the object. This is currently not |
extensible. For a given mimetype the value must be set accordingly: |
Note - application/ is the format |
that the ResXResourceWriter will generate, however the reader can |
read any of the formats listed below. |
mimetype: application/ |
value : The object must be serialized with |
: System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter |
: and then encoded with base64 encoding. |
mimetype: application/ |
value : The object must be serialized with |
: System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap.SoapFormatter |
: and then encoded with base64 encoding. |
mimetype: application/ |
value : The object must be serialized into a byte array |
: using a System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter |
: and then encoded with base64 encoding. |
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<data name="SV3_POS_.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>180</value> |
</data> |
<data name="BUT_HS4save.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>Manual</value> |
</data> |
<data name="label12.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>PWM 0 - 1230</value> |
</data> |
<data name="label10.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>PWM 1621 - 1749</value> |
</data> |
<data name="label13.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>Modo actual:</value> |
</data> |
<data name="CHK_enableoptflow.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>Habilitar el flujo óptico</value> |
</data> |
<data name="label16.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>NOTA: Las imágenes son sólo para su presentación</value> |
</data> |
<data name="CB_simple5.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>Modo Simple</value> |
</data> |
<data name="label11.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>PWM 1750 +</value> |
</data> |
<data name="CHK_elevonch1rev.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>Elevons CH1 Rev</value> |
</data> |
<data name="label14.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>PWM Actual:</value> |
</data> |
<data name="$this.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>APMSetup</value> |
</data> |
<data name="label17.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>Swash-Servo posición</value> |
</data> |
<data name="CHK_enablecompass.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>Activar Compas</value> |
</data> |
<data name="CB_simple4.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>Modo Simple</value> |
</data> |
<data name="tabArducopter.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>ArduCopter2</value> |
</data> |
<data name="CB_simple1.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>Modo Simple</value> |
</data> |
<data name="label15.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>Ajuste Chásis (+ or x)</value> |
</data> |
<data name="SV2_POS_.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>60</value> |
</data> |
<data name="label18.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>1</value> |
</data> |
<data name="CB_simple6.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>Modo Simple</value> |
</data> |
<data name="CB_simple3.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>Modo Simple</value> |
</data> |
<data name="label19.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>2</value> |
</data> |
<data name="tabModes.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>Modos</value> |
</data> |
<data name="CB_simple2.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>Modo Simple</value> |
</data> |
<data name="label20.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>3</value> |
</data> |
<data name="tabReset.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>Reset</value> |
</data> |
<data name="SV1_POS_.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>-60</value> |
</data> |
<data name="label21.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>Superior</value> |
</data> |
<data name="label22.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>Swash de Viaje</value> |
</data> |
<data name="lbl_currentmode.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>Manual</value> |
</data> |
<data name="label23.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>Timón de Viaje</value> |
</data> |
<data name="textBox3.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>Calibración del sensor de voltaje:Para calibrar el sensor, use un multímetro para medir la tensión que sale de la CES de la batería-la eliminación del circuito (se trata de cables negro y rojo en el cable de tres hilos que suministra energía a la placa APM).Luego reste 0,3 V de ese valor y entrar en él en el campo # 1 a la izquierda.</value> |
</data> |
<data name="BUT_Calibrateradio.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>Calibrar Radio</value> |
</data> |
<data name="label24.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>Max</value> |
</data> |
<data name="label2.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>Modo de Vuelo 2</value> |
</data> |
<data name="label25.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>Alabeo Max</value> |
</data> |
<data name="label3.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>Modo de Vuelo 3</value> |
</data> |
<data name="label26.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>Cabeceo Max</value> |
</data> |
<data name="label27.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>por ejemplo, en grados 2 ° 3 'W es -2,3</value> |
</data> |
<data name="label1.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>Modo de Vuelo 1</value> |
</data> |
<data name="label28.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>Nivel tu quad para establecer las compensaciones por defecto acel</value> |
</data> |
<data name="label6.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>Modo de Vuelo 6</value> |
</data> |
<data name="label29.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>Capacidad</value> |
</data> |
<data name="label100.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>Declinación</value> |
</data> |
<data name="CHK_enablesonar.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>Activar Sonar</value> |
</data> |
<data name="label7.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>PWM 1231 - 1360</value> |
</data> |
<data name="tabRadioIn.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>Entrada Radio</value> |
</data> |
<data name="groupBox4.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>Calibración</value> |
</data> |
<data name="HS4_MIN.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>1500</value> |
</data> |
<data name="label4.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>Modo de Vuelo 4</value> |
</data> |
<data name="label5.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>Modo de Vuelo 5</value> |
</data> |
<data name="groupBox3.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>Gyro</value> |
</data> |
<data name="label8.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>PWM 1361 - 1490</value> |
</data> |
<data name="tabHardware.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>Hardware</value> |
</data> |
<data name="label9.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>PWM 1491 - 1620</value> |
</data> |
<data name="linkLabelmagdec.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>Sitio Web Declinación</value> |
</data> |
<data name="HS4_MAX.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>1500</value> |
</data> |
<data name="tabBattery.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>Batería</value> |
</data> |
<data name="BUT_0collective.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>Cero</value> |
</data> |
<data name="CHK_enableairspeed.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>Activar Airspeed</value> |
</data> |
<data name="PIT_MAX_.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>4500</value> |
</data> |
<data name="BUT_reset.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>Restablecer los Ajustes de hardware APM</value> |
</data> |
<data name="GYR_GAIN_.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>1000</value> |
</data> |
<data name="label30.Text" xml:space="preserve"> |
<value>Monitor</value> |
</data> |
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