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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using ArdupilotMega.Controls.BackstageView;
using ArdupilotMega.Controls;
namespace ArdupilotMega.GCSViews.ConfigurationView
public partial class ConfigRadioInput : UserControl, IActivate, IDeactivate
bool startup = false;
bool run = false;
float[] rcmin = new float[8];
float[] rcmax = new float[8];
float[] rctrim = new float[8];
Timer timer = new Timer();
public ConfigRadioInput()
// setup rc calib extents
for (int a = 0; a < rcmin.Length; a++)
rcmin[a] = 3000;
rcmax[a] = 0;
rctrim[a] = 1500;
// setup rc update
timer.Tick += new EventHandler(timer_Tick);
public void Deactivate()
void timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
// update all linked controls - 10hz
catch { }
public void Activate()
timer.Enabled = true;
timer.Interval = 100;
startup = true;
if (MainV2.cs.firmware == MainV2.Firmwares.ArduPlane)
CHK_mixmode.Checked = MainV2.comPort.param["ELEVON_MIXING"].ToString() == "1";
CHK_elevonrev.Checked = MainV2.comPort.param["ELEVON_REVERSE"].ToString() == "1";
CHK_elevonch1rev.Checked = MainV2.comPort.param["ELEVON_CH1_REV"].ToString() == "1";
CHK_elevonch2rev.Checked = MainV2.comPort.param["ELEVON_CH2_REV"].ToString() == "1";
catch { } // this will fail on arducopter
groupBoxElevons.Visible = false;
if (MainV2.cs.firmware == MainV2.Firmwares.ArduCopter2)
CHK_revch1.Visible = false;
CHK_revch2.Visible = false;
CHK_revch3.Visible = false;
CHK_revch4.Visible = false;
CHK_revch1.Checked = MainV2.comPort.param["RC1_REV"].ToString() == "-1";
CHK_revch2.Checked = MainV2.comPort.param["RC2_REV"].ToString() == "-1";
CHK_revch3.Checked = MainV2.comPort.param["RC3_REV"].ToString() == "-1";
CHK_revch4.Checked = MainV2.comPort.param["RC4_REV"].ToString() == "-1";
catch {}//(Exception ex) { CustomMessageBox.Show("Missing RC rev Param " + ex.ToString()); }
startup = false;
private void BUT_Calibrateradio_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (run)
BUT_Calibrateradio.Text = "Completed";
run = false;
CustomMessageBox.Show("Ensure your transmitter is on and receiver is powered and connected\nEnsure your motor does not have power/no props!!!");
byte oldrc = MainV2.cs.raterc;
byte oldatt = MainV2.cs.rateattitude;
byte oldpos = MainV2.cs.rateposition;
byte oldstatus = MainV2.cs.ratestatus;
MainV2.cs.raterc = 10;
MainV2.cs.rateattitude = 0;
MainV2.cs.rateposition = 0;
MainV2.cs.ratestatus = 0;
MainV2.comPort.requestDatastream((byte)ArdupilotMega.MAVLink.MAV_DATA_STREAM.RC_CHANNELS, 10);
catch { }
BUT_Calibrateradio.Text = "Click when Done";
run = true;
while (run)
MainV2.cs.UpdateCurrentSettings(currentStateBindingSource, true, MainV2.comPort);
// check for non 0 values
if (MainV2.cs.ch1in > 800 && MainV2.cs.ch1in < 2200)
rcmin[0] = Math.Min(rcmin[0], MainV2.cs.ch1in);
rcmax[0] = Math.Max(rcmax[0], MainV2.cs.ch1in);
rcmin[1] = Math.Min(rcmin[1], MainV2.cs.ch2in);
rcmax[1] = Math.Max(rcmax[1], MainV2.cs.ch2in);
rcmin[2] = Math.Min(rcmin[2], MainV2.cs.ch3in);
rcmax[2] = Math.Max(rcmax[2], MainV2.cs.ch3in);
rcmin[3] = Math.Min(rcmin[3], MainV2.cs.ch4in);
rcmax[3] = Math.Max(rcmax[3], MainV2.cs.ch4in);
rcmin[4] = Math.Min(rcmin[4], MainV2.cs.ch5in);
rcmax[4] = Math.Max(rcmax[4], MainV2.cs.ch5in);
rcmin[5] = Math.Min(rcmin[5], MainV2.cs.ch6in);
rcmax[5] = Math.Max(rcmax[5], MainV2.cs.ch6in);
rcmin[6] = Math.Min(rcmin[6], MainV2.cs.ch7in);
rcmax[6] = Math.Max(rcmax[6], MainV2.cs.ch7in);
rcmin[7] = Math.Min(rcmin[7], MainV2.cs.ch8in);
rcmax[7] = Math.Max(rcmax[7], MainV2.cs.ch8in);
BARroll.minline = (int)rcmin[0];
BARroll.maxline = (int)rcmax[0];
BARpitch.minline = (int)rcmin[1];
BARpitch.maxline = (int)rcmax[1];
BARthrottle.minline = (int)rcmin[2];
BARthrottle.maxline = (int)rcmax[2];
BARyaw.minline = (int)rcmin[3];
BARyaw.maxline = (int)rcmax[3];
BAR5.minline = (int)rcmin[4];
BAR5.maxline = (int)rcmax[4];
BAR6.minline = (int)rcmin[5];
BAR6.maxline = (int)rcmax[5];
BAR7.minline = (int)rcmin[6];
BAR7.maxline = (int)rcmax[6];
BAR8.minline = (int)rcmin[7];
BAR8.maxline = (int)rcmax[7];
CustomMessageBox.Show("Ensure all your sticks are centered and throttle is down, and click ok to continue");
MainV2.cs.UpdateCurrentSettings(currentStateBindingSource, true, MainV2.comPort);
rctrim[0] = MainV2.cs.ch1in;
rctrim[1] = MainV2.cs.ch2in;
rctrim[2] = MainV2.cs.ch3in;
rctrim[3] = MainV2.cs.ch4in;
rctrim[4] = MainV2.cs.ch5in;
rctrim[5] = MainV2.cs.ch6in;
rctrim[6] = MainV2.cs.ch7in;
rctrim[7] = MainV2.cs.ch8in;
string data = "---------------\n";
for (int a = 0; a < 8; a++)
// we want these to save no matter what
BUT_Calibrateradio.Text = "Saving";
if (rcmin[a] != rcmax[a])
MainV2.comPort.setParam("RC" + (a + 1).ToString("0") + "_MIN", rcmin[a]);
MainV2.comPort.setParam("RC" + (a + 1).ToString("0") + "_MAX", rcmax[a]);
if (rctrim[a] < 1195 || rctrim[a] > 1205)
MainV2.comPort.setParam("RC" + (a + 1).ToString("0") + "_TRIM", rctrim[a]);
catch { CustomMessageBox.Show("Failed to set Channel " + (a + 1).ToString()); }
data = data + "CH" + (a + 1) + " " + rcmin[a] + " | " + rcmax[a] + "\n";
MainV2.cs.raterc = oldrc;
MainV2.cs.rateattitude = oldatt;
MainV2.cs.rateposition = oldpos;
MainV2.cs.ratestatus = oldstatus;
MainV2.comPort.requestDatastream((byte)ArdupilotMega.MAVLink.MAV_DATA_STREAM.RC_CHANNELS, oldrc);
catch { }
CustomMessageBox.Show("Here are the detected radio options\nNOTE Channels not connected are displayed as 1500 +-2\nNormal values are around 1100 | 1900\nChannel:Min | Max \n" + data, "Radio");
BUT_Calibrateradio.Text = "Completed";
private void CHK_mixmode_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (startup)
if (MainV2.comPort.param["ELEVON_MIXING"] == null)
CustomMessageBox.Show("Not Available on " + MainV2.cs.firmware.ToString());
MainV2.comPort.setParam("ELEVON_MIXING", ((CheckBox)sender).Checked == true ? 1 : 0);
catch { CustomMessageBox.Show("Set ELEVON_MIXING Failed"); }
private void CHK_elevonrev_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (startup)
if (MainV2.comPort.param["ELEVON_REVERSE"] == null)
CustomMessageBox.Show("Not Available on " + MainV2.cs.firmware.ToString());
MainV2.comPort.setParam("ELEVON_REVERSE", ((CheckBox)sender).Checked == true ? 1 : 0);
catch { CustomMessageBox.Show("Set ELEVON_REVERSE Failed"); }
private void CHK_elevonch1rev_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (startup)
if (MainV2.comPort.param["ELEVON_CH1_REV"] == null)
CustomMessageBox.Show("Not Available on " + MainV2.cs.firmware.ToString());
MainV2.comPort.setParam("ELEVON_CH1_REV", ((CheckBox)sender).Checked == true ? 1 : 0);
catch { CustomMessageBox.Show("Set ELEVON_CH1_REV Failed"); }
private void CHK_elevonch2rev_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (startup)
if (MainV2.comPort.param["ELEVON_CH2_REV"] == null)
CustomMessageBox.Show("Not Available on " + MainV2.cs.firmware.ToString());
MainV2.comPort.setParam("ELEVON_CH2_REV", ((CheckBox)sender).Checked == true ? 1 : 0);
catch { CustomMessageBox.Show("Set ELEVON_CH2_REV Failed"); }
private void CHK_revch1_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
reverseChannel("RC1_REV", ((CheckBox)sender).Checked, BARroll);
private void CHK_revch2_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
reverseChannel("RC2_REV", ((CheckBox)sender).Checked, BARpitch);
private void CHK_revch3_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
reverseChannel("RC3_REV", ((CheckBox)sender).Checked, BARthrottle);
private void CHK_revch4_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
reverseChannel("RC4_REV", ((CheckBox)sender).Checked, BARyaw);
void reverseChannel(string name, bool normalreverse, Control progressbar)
if (normalreverse == true)
((HorizontalProgressBar2)progressbar).reverse = true;
((HorizontalProgressBar2)progressbar).BackgroundColor = Color.FromArgb(148, 193, 31);
((HorizontalProgressBar2)progressbar).ValueColor = Color.FromArgb(0x43, 0x44, 0x45);
((HorizontalProgressBar2)progressbar).reverse = false;
((HorizontalProgressBar2)progressbar).BackgroundColor = Color.FromArgb(0x43, 0x44, 0x45);
((HorizontalProgressBar2)progressbar).ValueColor = Color.FromArgb(148, 193, 31);
if (startup)
if (MainV2.comPort.param["SWITCH_ENABLE"] != null && (float)MainV2.comPort.param["SWITCH_ENABLE"] == 1)
MainV2.comPort.setParam("SWITCH_ENABLE", 0);
CustomMessageBox.Show("Disabled Dip Switchs");
catch { CustomMessageBox.Show("Error Disableing Dip Switch"); }
int i = normalreverse == false ? 1 : -1;
MainV2.comPort.setParam(name, i);
catch { CustomMessageBox.Show("Error Reversing"); }