359 lines
14 KiB
359 lines
14 KiB
using System; |
using System.Text; |
using System.Drawing; |
using System.Collections; |
using System.ComponentModel; |
using System.Windows.Forms; |
using System.Data; |
using System.CodeDom; |
using Microsoft.CSharp; |
using System.CodeDom.Compiler; |
using System.Reflection; |
using System.IO; |
using System.Text.RegularExpressions; |
namespace ArdupilotMega |
{ |
static class CodeGen |
{ |
public static object runCode(string code) |
{ |
object answer = null; |
GetMathMemberNames(); |
// change evaluation string to pick up Math class members |
string expression = RefineEvaluationString(code); |
// build the class using codedom |
BuildClass(expression); |
// compile the class into an in-memory assembly. |
// if it doesn't compile, show errors in the window |
CompilerResults results = CompileAssembly(); |
Console.WriteLine("...........................\r\n"); |
Console.WriteLine(_source.ToString()); |
// if the code compiled okay, |
// run the code using the new assembly (which is inside the results) |
if (results != null && results.CompiledAssembly != null) |
{ |
// run the evaluation function |
answer = RunCode(results); |
} |
else |
{ |
} |
return answer; |
} |
public static CodeDomProvider CreateCompiler() |
{ |
//Create an instance of the C# compiler |
CodeDomProvider codeProvider = CodeDomProvider.CreateProvider("CSharp"); |
//ICodeCompiler compiler = codeProvider.CreateCompiler(); |
return codeProvider; |
} |
/// <summary> |
/// Creawte parameters for compiling |
/// </summary> |
/// <returns></returns> |
public static CompilerParameters CreateCompilerParameters() |
{ |
//add compiler parameters and assembly references |
CompilerParameters compilerParams = new CompilerParameters(); |
compilerParams.CompilerOptions = "/target:library /optimize"; |
compilerParams.GenerateExecutable = false; |
compilerParams.GenerateInMemory = true; |
compilerParams.IncludeDebugInformation = false; |
compilerParams.ReferencedAssemblies.Add("mscorlib.dll"); |
compilerParams.ReferencedAssemblies.Add("System.dll"); |
compilerParams.ReferencedAssemblies.Add(Application.ExecutablePath); |
compilerParams.ReferencedAssemblies.Add(""); |
//add any aditional references needed |
// foreach (string refAssembly in code.References) |
// compilerParams.ReferencedAssemblies.Add(refAssembly); |
return compilerParams; |
} |
/// <summary> |
/// Compiles the code from the code string |
/// </summary> |
/// <param name="compiler"></param> |
/// <param name="parms"></param> |
/// <param name="source"></param> |
/// <returns></returns> |
public static CompilerResults CompileCode(CodeDomProvider compiler, CompilerParameters parms, string source) |
{ |
//actually compile the code |
CompilerResults results = compiler.CompileAssemblyFromSource( |
parms, source); |
//Do we have any compiler errors? |
if (results.Errors.Count > 0) |
{ |
foreach (CompilerError error in results.Errors) |
Console.WriteLine("Compile Error:" + error.ErrorText); |
return null; |
} |
return results; |
} |
/// <summary> |
/// Need to change eval string to use .NET Math library |
/// </summary> |
/// <param name="eval">evaluation expression</param> |
/// <returns></returns> |
public static string RefineEvaluationString(string eval) |
{ |
// look for regular expressions with only letters |
Regex regularExpression = new Regex("[a-zA-Z_]+"); |
// track all functions and constants in the evaluation expression we already replaced |
ArrayList replacelist = new ArrayList(); |
// find all alpha words inside the evaluation function that are possible functions |
MatchCollection matches = regularExpression.Matches(eval); |
foreach (Match m in matches) |
{ |
// if the word is found in the math member map, add a Math prefix to it |
bool isContainedInMathLibrary = _mathMembersMap[m.Value.ToUpper()] != null; |
if (replacelist.Contains(m.Value) == false && isContainedInMathLibrary) |
{ |
eval = eval.Replace(m.Value, "Math." + _mathMembersMap[m.Value.ToUpper()]); |
} |
// we matched it already, so don't allow us to replace it again |
replacelist.Add(m.Value); |
} |
// return the modified evaluation string |
return eval; |
} |
/// <summary> |
/// Compiles the c# into an assembly if there are no syntax errors |
/// </summary> |
/// <returns></returns> |
public static CompilerResults CompileAssembly() |
{ |
// create a compiler |
CodeDomProvider compiler = CreateCompiler(); |
// get all the compiler parameters |
CompilerParameters parms = CreateCompilerParameters(); |
// compile the code into an assembly |
CompilerResults results = CompileCode(compiler, parms, _source.ToString()); |
return results; |
} |
static ArrayList _mathMembers = new ArrayList(); |
static Hashtable _mathMembersMap = new Hashtable(); |
public static void GetMathMemberNames() |
{ |
// get a reflected assembly of the System assembly |
Assembly systemAssembly = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(System.Math)); |
try |
{ |
//cant call the entry method if the assembly is null |
if (systemAssembly != null) |
{ |
//Use reflection to get a reference to the Math class |
Module[] modules = systemAssembly.GetModules(false); |
Type[] types = modules[0].GetTypes(); |
//loop through each class that was defined and look for the first occurrance of the Math class |
foreach (Type type in types) |
{ |
if (type.Name == "Math") |
{ |
// get all of the members of the math class and map them to the same member |
// name in uppercase |
MemberInfo[] mis = type.GetMembers(); |
foreach (MemberInfo mi in mis) |
{ |
_mathMembers.Add(mi.Name); |
_mathMembersMap[mi.Name.ToUpper()] = mi.Name; |
} |
} |
//if the entry point method does return in Int32, then capture it and return it |
} |
//if it got here, then there was no entry point method defined. Tell user about it |
} |
} |
catch (Exception ex) |
{ |
Console.WriteLine("Error: An exception occurred while executing the script", ex); |
} |
} |
/// <summary> |
/// Runs the Calculate method in our on-the-fly assembly |
/// </summary> |
/// <param name="results"></param> |
public static string RunCode(CompilerResults results) |
{ |
Assembly executingAssembly = results.CompiledAssembly; |
try |
{ |
//cant call the entry method if the assembly is null |
if (executingAssembly != null) |
{ |
object assemblyInstance = executingAssembly.CreateInstance("ExpressionEvaluator.Calculator"); |
//Use reflection to call the static Main function |
Module[] modules = executingAssembly.GetModules(false); |
Type[] types = modules[0].GetTypes(); |
//loop through each class that was defined and look for the first occurrance of the entry point method |
foreach (Type type in types) |
{ |
MethodInfo[] mis = type.GetMethods(); |
foreach (MethodInfo mi in mis) |
{ |
if (mi.Name == "Calculate") |
{ |
object result = mi.Invoke(assemblyInstance, null); |
return result.ToString(); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
catch (Exception ex) |
{ |
Console.WriteLine("Error: An exception occurred while executing the script", ex); |
} |
return ""; |
} |
public static CodeMemberField FieldVariable(string fieldName, string typeName, MemberAttributes accessLevel) |
{ |
CodeMemberField field = new CodeMemberField(typeName, fieldName); |
field.Attributes = accessLevel; |
return field; |
} |
public static CodeMemberField FieldVariable(string fieldName, Type type, MemberAttributes accessLevel) |
{ |
CodeMemberField field = new CodeMemberField(type, fieldName); |
field.Attributes = accessLevel; |
return field; |
} |
/// <summary> |
/// Very simplistic getter/setter properties |
/// </summary> |
/// <param name="propName"></param> |
/// <param name="internalName"></param> |
/// <param name="type"></param> |
/// <returns></returns> |
public static CodeMemberProperty MakeProperty(string propertyName, string internalName, Type type) |
{ |
CodeMemberProperty myProperty = new CodeMemberProperty(); |
myProperty.Name = propertyName; |
myProperty.Comments.Add(new CodeCommentStatement(String.Format("The {0} property is the returned result", propertyName))); |
myProperty.Attributes = MemberAttributes.Public; |
myProperty.Type = new CodeTypeReference(type); |
myProperty.HasGet = true; |
myProperty.GetStatements.Add( |
new CodeMethodReturnStatement( |
new CodeFieldReferenceExpression(new CodeThisReferenceExpression(), internalName))); |
myProperty.HasSet = true; |
myProperty.SetStatements.Add( |
new CodeAssignStatement( |
new CodeFieldReferenceExpression(new CodeThisReferenceExpression(), internalName), |
new CodePropertySetValueReferenceExpression())); |
return myProperty; |
} |
static StringBuilder _source = new StringBuilder(); |
/// <summary> |
/// Main driving routine for building a class |
/// </summary> |
public static void BuildClass(string expression) |
{ |
// need a string to put the code into |
_source = new StringBuilder(); |
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(_source); |
//Declare your provider and generator |
CSharpCodeProvider codeProvider = new CSharpCodeProvider(); |
ICodeGenerator generator = codeProvider.CreateGenerator(sw); |
CodeGeneratorOptions codeOpts = new CodeGeneratorOptions(); |
CodeNamespace myNamespace = new CodeNamespace("ExpressionEvaluator"); |
myNamespace.Imports.Add(new CodeNamespaceImport("System")); |
myNamespace.Imports.Add(new CodeNamespaceImport("System.Windows.Forms")); |
myNamespace.Imports.Add(new CodeNamespaceImport("ArdupilotMega")); |
//Build the class declaration and member variables |
CodeTypeDeclaration classDeclaration = new CodeTypeDeclaration(); |
classDeclaration.IsClass = true; |
classDeclaration.Name = "Calculator"; |
classDeclaration.Attributes = MemberAttributes.Public; |
classDeclaration.Members.Add(FieldVariable("answer", typeof(object), MemberAttributes.Private)); |
//default constructor |
CodeConstructor defaultConstructor = new CodeConstructor(); |
defaultConstructor.Attributes = MemberAttributes.Public; |
defaultConstructor.Comments.Add(new CodeCommentStatement("Default Constructor for class", true)); |
defaultConstructor.Statements.Add(new CodeSnippetStatement("//TODO: implement default constructor")); |
classDeclaration.Members.Add(defaultConstructor); |
//property |
classDeclaration.Members.Add(MakeProperty("Answer", "answer", typeof(object))); |
//Our Calculate Method |
/* |
CodeMemberMethod myMethod = new CodeMemberMethod(); |
myMethod.Name = "Calculate"; |
myMethod.ReturnType = new CodeTypeReference(typeof(object)); |
myMethod.Comments.Add(new CodeCommentStatement("Calculate an expression", true)); |
myMethod.Attributes = MemberAttributes.Public; |
myMethod.Statements.Add(new CodeAssignStatement(new CodeSnippetExpression("Object obj"), new CodeSnippetExpression(expression))); |
//myMethod.Statements.Add(new CodeAssignStatement(new CodeSnippetExpression("Answer"), new CodeSnippetExpression("obj.ToString()"))); |
myMethod.Statements.Add( |
new CodeMethodReturnStatement(new CodeFieldReferenceExpression(new CodeThisReferenceExpression(), "Answer"))); |
classDeclaration.Members.Add(myMethod); |
*/ |
classDeclaration.Members.Add(FieldVariable("customforusenumber", typeof(double), MemberAttributes.Public)); |
classDeclaration.Members.Add(FieldVariable("customforuseobject", typeof(object), MemberAttributes.Public)); |
CodeSnippetTypeMember myMethod = new CodeSnippetTypeMember(); |
myMethod.Text = expression; |
classDeclaration.Members.Add(myMethod); |
//write code |
myNamespace.Types.Add(classDeclaration); |
generator.GenerateCodeFromNamespace(myNamespace, sw, codeOpts); |
sw.Flush(); |
sw.Close(); |
Console.Write(sw.ToString()); |
} |
} |