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447 lines
13 KiB
447 lines
13 KiB
-- support takeoff and landing on moving platforms for VTOL planes |
local PARAM_TABLE_KEY = 7 |
local MODE_MANUAL = 0 |
local MODE_RTL = 11 |
local MODE_QRTL = 21 |
local MODE_AUTO = 10 |
local MODE_QLOITER = 19 |
local NAV_TAKEOFF = 22 |
local NAV_VTOL_TAKEOFF = 84 |
-- 3 throttle position |
local THROTTLE_LOW = 0 |
local THROTTLE_MID = 1 |
local THROTTLE_HIGH = 2 |
-- bind a parameter to a variable |
function bind_param(name) |
local p = Parameter() |
assert(p:init(name), string.format('could not find %s parameter', name)) |
return p |
end |
-- add a parameter and bind it to a variable |
function bind_add_param(name, idx, default_value) |
assert(param:add_param(PARAM_TABLE_KEY, idx, name, default_value), string.format('could not add param %s', name)) |
return bind_param(PARAM_TABLE_PREFIX .. name) |
end |
-- setup SHIP specific parameters |
assert(param:add_table(PARAM_TABLE_KEY, PARAM_TABLE_PREFIX, 3), 'could not add param table') |
SHIP_ENABLE = bind_add_param('ENABLE', 1, 0) |
SHIP_LAND_ANGLE = bind_add_param('LAND_ANGLE', 2, 0) |
SHIP_AUTO_OFS = bind_add_param('AUTO_OFS', 3, 0) |
-- other parameters |
ALT_HOLD_RTL = bind_param("ALT_HOLD_RTL") |
Q_RTL_ALT = bind_param("Q_RTL_ALT") |
TRIM_ARSPD_CM = bind_param("TRIM_ARSPD_CM") |
Q_TRANS_DECEL = bind_param("Q_TRANS_DECEL") |
WP_LOITER_RAD = bind_param("WP_LOITER_RAD") |
FOLL_OFS_X = bind_param("FOLL_OFS_X") |
FOLL_OFS_Y = bind_param("FOLL_OFS_Y") |
FOLL_OFS_Z = bind_param("FOLL_OFS_Z") |
-- an auth ID to disallow arming when we don't have the beacon |
local auth_id = arming:get_aux_auth_id() |
arming:set_aux_auth_failed(auth_id, "Ship: no beacon") |
-- current target |
local target_pos = Location() |
local current_pos = Location() |
local target_velocity = Vector3f() |
local target_heading = 0.0 |
-- landing stages |
local STAGE_HOLDOFF = 0 |
local STAGE_DESCEND = 1 |
local STAGE_APPROACH = 2 |
local STAGE_IDLE = 2 |
local landing_stage = STAGE_HOLDOFF |
-- other state |
local vehicle_mode = MODE_MANUAL |
local reached_alt = false |
local throttle_pos = THROTTLE_HIGH |
local have_target = false |
-- square a variable |
function sq(v) |
return v*v |
end |
-- check key parameters |
function check_parameters() |
--[[ |
parameter values which are auto-set on startup |
--]] |
local key_params = { |
} |
for p, v in pairs(key_params) do |
local current = param:get(p) |
assert(current, string.format("Parameter %s not found", p)) |
if math.abs(v-current) > 0.001 then |
param:set_and_save(p, v) |
gcs:send_text(0,string.format("Parameter %s set to %.2f was %.2f", p, v, current)) |
end |
end |
end |
-- update the pilots throttle position |
function update_throttle_pos() |
local tpos |
if not rc:has_valid_input() then |
else |
local tchan = rc:get_channel(RCMAP_THROTTLE:get()) |
local tval = (tchan:norm_input_ignore_trim()+1.0)*0.5 |
if tval >= 0.40 then |
elseif tval >= 0.1 then |
else |
end |
end |
if tpos ~= throttle_pos then |
reached_alt = false |
if landing_stage == STAGE_HOLDOFF and tpos <= THROTTLE_MID then |
landing_stage = STAGE_DESCEND |
gcs:send_text(0, string.format("Descending for approach (hd=%.1fm h=%.1f th=%.1f)", |
get_holdoff_distance(), current_pos:alt()*0.01, get_target_alt())) |
end |
if landing_stage == STAGE_DESCEND and tpos == THROTTLE_HIGH then |
gcs:send_text(0,"Climbing for holdoff") |
landing_stage = STAGE_HOLDOFF |
end |
end |
throttle_pos = tpos |
end |
-- get landing airspeed |
function get_land_airspeed() |
if TECS_LAND_ARSPD:get() < 0 then |
return TRIM_ARSPD_CM:get() * 0.01 |
end |
return TECS_LAND_ARSPD:get() |
end |
--[[ |
calculate stopping distance assuming we are flying at |
TECS_LAND_ARSPD and are approaching the landing target from |
behind. Take account of the wind estimate to get approach |
groundspeed |
--]] |
function stopping_distance() |
-- get the target true airspeed for approach |
local tas = get_land_airspeed() * ahrs:get_EAS2TAS() |
-- add in wind in direction of flight |
local wind = ahrs:wind_estimate():xy() |
-- rotate wind to be in approach frame |
wind:rotate(-math.rad(target_heading + SHIP_LAND_ANGLE:get())) |
-- ship velocity rotated to the approach frame |
local ship2d = target_velocity:xy() |
ship2d:rotate(-math.rad(target_heading + SHIP_LAND_ANGLE:get())) |
-- calculate closing speed |
-- use pythagoras theorem to solve for the wind triangle |
local tas_sq = sq(tas) |
local y_sq = sq(wind:y()) |
local closing_speed |
if tas_sq >= y_sq then |
closing_speed = math.sqrt(tas_sq - y_sq) |
else |
-- min 1 m/s |
closing_speed = 1.0 |
end |
-- include the wind in the direction of the ship |
closing_speed = closing_speed + wind:x() |
-- account for the ship velocity |
closing_speed = closing_speed - ship2d:x() |
-- calculate stopping distance |
return sq(closing_speed) / (2.0 * Q_TRANS_DECEL:get()) |
end |
-- get holdoff distance |
function get_holdoff_distance() |
local radius = WP_LOITER_RAD:get() |
local holdoff_dist = math.abs(radius*1.5) |
local stop_distance = stopping_distance() |
-- increase holdoff distance by up to 50% to ensure we can stop |
holdoff_dist = math.max(holdoff_dist, math.min(holdoff_dist*2.5, stop_distance*2)) |
return holdoff_dist |
end |
-- get the holdoff position |
function get_holdoff_position() |
local radius = WP_LOITER_RAD:get() |
local heading_deg = target_heading + SHIP_LAND_ANGLE:get() |
local holdoff_dist = get_holdoff_distance() |
local ofs = Vector2f() |
ofs:x(-holdoff_dist) |
ofs:y(radius) |
ofs:rotate(math.rad(heading_deg)) |
local target = target_pos:copy() |
target:offset(ofs:x(), ofs:y()) |
return target |
end |
function wrap_360(angle) |
local res = math.fmod(angle, 360.0) |
if res < 0 then |
res = res + 360.0 |
end |
return res |
end |
function wrap_180(angle) |
local res = wrap_360(angle) |
if res > 180 then |
res = res - 360 |
end |
return res |
end |
--[[ |
check if we have reached the tangent to the landing location |
--]] |
function check_approach_tangent() |
local distance = current_pos:get_distance(target_pos) |
local holdoff_dist = get_holdoff_distance() |
if landing_stage == STAGE_HOLDOFF and throttle_pos <= THROTTLE_MID and distance < 4*holdoff_dist then |
gcs:send_text(0, string.format("Descending for approach (hd=%.1fm)", holdoff_dist)) |
landing_stage = STAGE_DESCEND |
end |
if reached_alt and landing_stage == STAGE_DESCEND then |
-- go to approach stage when throttle is low, we are |
-- pointing at the ship and have reached target alt. |
-- Also require we are within 2.5 radius of the ship, and our heading is within 20 |
-- degrees of the target heading |
local target_bearing_deg = wrap_180(math.deg(current_pos:get_bearing(target_pos))) |
local ground_bearing_deg = wrap_180(math.deg(ahrs:groundspeed_vector():angle())) |
local margin = 10 |
local distance = current_pos:get_distance(target_pos) |
local holdoff_dist = get_holdoff_distance() |
local error1 = math.abs(wrap_180(target_bearing_deg - ground_bearing_deg)) |
local error2 = math.abs(wrap_180(ground_bearing_deg - (target_heading + SHIP_LAND_ANGLE:get()))) |
logger.write('SLND','TBrg,GBrg,Dist,HDist,Err1,Err2','ffffff',target_bearing_deg, ground_bearing_deg, distance, holdoff_dist, error1, error2) |
if (error1 < margin and |
distance < 2.5*holdoff_dist and |
distance > 0.7*holdoff_dist and |
error2 < 2*margin) then |
-- we are on the tangent, switch to QRTL |
gcs:send_text(0, "Starting approach") |
landing_stage = STAGE_APPROACH |
vehicle:set_mode(MODE_QRTL) |
end |
end |
end |
--[[ |
check if we should abort a QRTL landing |
--]] |
function check_approach_abort() |
local alt = current_pos:alt() * 0.01 |
local target_alt = get_target_alt() |
if alt > target_alt then |
gcs:send_text(0, "Aborting landing") |
landing_stage = STAGE_HOLDOFF |
vehicle:set_mode(MODE_RTL) |
end |
end |
-- update state based on vehicle mode |
function update_mode() |
local mode = vehicle:get_mode() |
if mode == vehicle_mode then |
return |
end |
vehicle_mode = mode |
if mode == MODE_RTL then |
landing_stage = STAGE_HOLDOFF |
reached_alt = false |
elseif mode ~= MODE_QRTL then |
landing_stage = STAGE_IDLE |
reached_alt = false |
end |
end |
-- update target state |
function update_target() |
if not follow:have_target() then |
if have_target then |
gcs:send_text(0,"Lost beacon") |
arming:set_aux_auth_failed(auth_id, "Ship: no beacon") |
end |
have_target = false |
end |
if not have_target then |
gcs:send_text(0,"Have beacon") |
arming:set_aux_auth_passed(auth_id) |
end |
have_target = true |
target_pos, target_velocity = follow:get_target_location_and_velocity_ofs() |
target_heading = follow:get_target_heading_deg() |
-- zero vertical velocity to reduce impact of ship movement |
target_velocity:z(0) |
end |
-- get the alt target for holdoff, AMSL |
function get_target_alt() |
local base_alt = target_pos:alt() * 0.01 |
if landing_stage == STAGE_HOLDOFF then |
return base_alt + ALT_HOLD_RTL:get() * 0.01 |
end |
return base_alt + Q_RTL_ALT:get() |
end |
function update_alt() |
local alt = current_pos:alt() * 0.01 |
local target_alt = get_target_alt() |
if landing_stage == STAGE_HOLDOFF or landing_stage == STAGE_DESCEND then |
if math.abs(alt - target_alt) < 3 then |
if not reached_alt then |
gcs:send_text(0,"Reached target altitude") |
end |
reached_alt = true |
end |
end |
end |
--[[ |
update automatic beacon offsets |
--]] |
function update_auto_offset() |
if arming:is_armed() or math.floor(SHIP_AUTO_OFS:get()) ~= 1 then |
return |
end |
-- get target without offsets applied |
target_no_ofs, vel = follow:get_target_location_and_velocity() |
-- setup offsets so target location will be current location |
local new = target_no_ofs:get_distance_NED(current_pos) |
new:rotate_xy(-math.rad(target_heading)) |
gcs:send_text(0,string.format("Set follow offset (%.2f,%.2f,%.2f)", new:x(), new:y(), new:z())) |
FOLL_OFS_X:set_and_save(new:x()) |
FOLL_OFS_Y:set_and_save(new:y()) |
FOLL_OFS_Z:set_and_save(new:z()) |
SHIP_AUTO_OFS:set_and_save(0) |
end |
-- main update function |
function update() |
if SHIP_ENABLE:get() < 1 then |
return |
end |
if not follow:have_target() then |
return |
end |
update_target() |
if not have_target then |
return |
end |
current_pos = ahrs:get_position() |
if not current_pos then |
return |
end |
current_pos:change_alt_frame(ALT_FRAME_ABSOLUTE) |
update_throttle_pos() |
update_mode() |
update_alt() |
update_auto_offset() |
ahrs:set_home(target_pos) |
local next_WP = vehicle:get_target_location() |
if not next_WP then |
-- not in a flight mode with a target location |
return |
end |
if vehicle_mode == MODE_RTL then |
local holdoff_pos = get_holdoff_position() |
holdoff_pos:change_alt_frame(ALT_FRAME_ABSOLUTE) |
holdoff_pos:alt(math.floor(get_target_alt()*100)) |
vehicle:update_target_location(next_WP, holdoff_pos) |
if throttle_pos == THROTTLE_LOW then |
check_approach_tangent() |
end |
elseif vehicle_mode == MODE_QRTL then |
vehicle:set_velocity_match(target_velocity:xy()) |
target_pos:alt(next_WP:alt()) |
vehicle:update_target_location(next_WP, target_pos) |
if throttle_pos == THROTTLE_HIGH then |
check_approach_abort() |
end |
elseif vehicle_mode == MODE_AUTO then |
local id = mission:get_current_nav_id() |
if id == NAV_VTOL_TAKEOFF or id == NAV_TAKEOFF then |
vehicle:set_velocity_match(target_velocity:xy()) |
local tpos = current_pos:copy() |
tpos:alt(next_WP:alt()) |
vehicle:update_target_location(next_WP, tpos) |
end |
elseif vehicle_mode == MODE_QLOITER then |
vehicle:set_velocity_match(target_velocity:xy()) |
end |
end |
function loop() |
update() |
-- run at 20Hz |
return loop, 50 |
end |
check_parameters() |
-- wrapper around update(). This calls update() at 20Hz, |
-- and if update faults then an error is displayed, but the script is not |
-- stopped |
function protected_wrapper() |
local success, err = pcall(update) |
if not success then |
gcs:send_text(0, "Internal Error: " .. err) |
-- when we fault we run the update function again after 1s, slowing it |
-- down a bit so we don't flood the console with errors |
return protected_wrapper, 1000 |
end |
return protected_wrapper, 50 |
end |
-- start running update loop |
return protected_wrapper() |