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Very basic Velocity Prediction Program, this duplicates the physics used in the sailboat SITL model. It can be used to generate polar plots to check |
STIL physics is sensible. |
In the future it is hoped this program can be used as a comparison for a built in polar generator that is yet to be added to the ArduRover code. |
Alternatively a drag polar generated here can be used directly in the code to select optimal sailing angles. |
Sail lift, drag and Hull drag not considered properly, boat heel not considered. The polar generated is however realistic for a 'generic' sailboat. |
%} |
sail_aoa_in = [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 179.9]; % deg |
lift_curve_in = [0.00, 0.50, 1.00, 1.10, 0.95, 0.75, 0.60, 0.40, 0.20, 0.00, -0.20, -0.40, -0.60, -0.75, -0.95, -1.10, -1.00, -0.50, 0]; |
drag_curve_in = [0.10, 0.10, 0.20, 0.40, 0.80, 1.20, 1.50, 1.70, 1.90, 1.95, 1.90, 1.70, 1.50, 1.20, 0.80, 0.40, 0.20, 0.10, 0.10]; |
min_sail_angle = 0; % deg |
max_sail_angle = 90; % deg |
% intpolate to more detailed curves |
sail_aoa = sail_aoa_in(1):0.1:sail_aoa_in(end)-0.1; |
lift_curve = interp1(sail_aoa_in, lift_curve_in, sail_aoa); |
drag_curve = interp1(sail_aoa_in, drag_curve_in, sail_aoa); |
% Plot lift curve |
figure |
subplot(2,1,1) |
hold all |
title('Lift and Drag Curves') |
scatter(sail_aoa_in,lift_curve_in,'*','r') |
plot(sail_aoa,lift_curve,'r') |
ylabel('Cl') |
subplot(2,1,2) |
hold all |
scatter(sail_aoa_in,drag_curve_in,'*','b') |
plot(sail_aoa,drag_curve,'b') |
xlabel('AoA (deg)') |
ylabel('Cd') |
%% VPP |
% Do for range of sailing angles and wind speeds, increse speed until foward force equals zero |
wind_speed = 3:2:15; % m/s |
heading = 0:1:179; % deg |
speed_step = 0.01; % m/s |
for n = 1:length(wind_speed) |
for m = 1:length(heading) |
thrust = 1; |
boat_speed{n,m}(1) = 0; |
j = 0; |
while thrust > 0 && boat_speed{n,m}(end) < 10 |
j = j + 1; |
if j == 1 |
boat_speed{n,m}(j) = speed_step; |
else |
boat_speed{n,m}(j) = boat_speed{n,m}(j-1) + speed_step; |
end |
% calculate apparent wind in earth-frame (this is the direction the wind is coming from) |
wind_apparent_speed{n,m}(j) = sqrt(wind_speed(n)^2 + boat_speed{n,m}(j)^2 + 2 * wind_speed(n) * boat_speed{n,m}(j) * cosd(heading(m))); |
% Aparent wind angle in body frame |
wind_apparent_dir_bf{n,m}(j) = acosd((wind_speed(n) * cosd(heading(m)) + boat_speed{n,m}(j))/wind_apparent_speed{n,m}(j)); |
% calculate lift at all angles-of-attack from wind to mainsail |
% calculate Lift force (perpendicular to wind direction) and Drag force (parallel to wind direction) |
lift = lift_curve * wind_apparent_speed{n,m}(j); |
drag = drag_curve * wind_apparent_speed{n,m}(j); |
% rotate lift and drag from wind frame into body frame |
sin_rot = sind(wind_apparent_dir_bf{n,m}(j)); |
cos_rot = cosd(wind_apparent_dir_bf{n,m}(j)); |
force_fwd = (lift * sin_rot) - (drag * cos_rot); |
% accel in body frame due acceleration from sail and deceleration from hull friction |
hull_drag = 0.5 * boat_speed{n,m}(j)^2; |
thrust_range = force_fwd - hull_drag; |
% angle of sail to boat |
sail_boat_angle = wind_apparent_dir_bf{n,m}(j) - sail_aoa; |
% discard imposible sail angles |
index = find(sail_boat_angle > max_sail_angle | sail_boat_angle < min_sail_angle); |
thrust_range(index) = NaN; |
% select sail angle that gives best thrust |
index = find(thrust_range == max(thrust_range),1); |
if ~isempty(index) |
thrust = thrust_range(index); |
sail_force{n,m}(j) = force_fwd(index); |
sail_angle_trim{n,m}(j) = sail_boat_angle(index); |
hull_drag_trim{n,m}(j) = hull_drag; |
else |
thrust = 0; |
end |
end |
max_boat_speed(n,m) = boat_speed{n,m}(j); |
% Set minumum values to NaN to make plot neater |
if max_boat_speed(n,m) == speed_step |
max_boat_speed(n,m) = NaN; |
end |
end |
end |
%% Polar plot |
figure |
for n = 1:length(wind_speed) |
polarplot(deg2rad(heading),max_boat_speed(n,:)) |
hold on |
legend_val{n} = sprintf('%g m/s',wind_speed(n)); |
end |
ax = gca; |
d = ax.ThetaDir; |
ax.ThetaDir = 'clockwise'; |
ax.ThetaZeroLocation = 'top'; |
legend(legend_val) |
title('Polar Plot, boat speed (m/s) vs heading (deg)') |
%% Plot sail thrust and hull drag for a given heading |
plot_heading = 50; |
plot_wind_speed = 5; |
% convet from values to indexs |
plot_heading = find(heading == plot_heading); |
plot_wind_speed = find(wind_speed == plot_wind_speed); |
if isempty(plot_heading) || isempty(plot_wind_speed) |
fprintf('Plot headings and or windspeed not within the range caulated') |
return |
end |
figure |
subplot(2,1,1) |
hold all |
title(sprintf('Thrust vs drag for heading of %g deg and wind speed of %g m/s',heading(plot_heading),wind_speed(plot_wind_speed))) |
yyaxis left |
plot(boat_speed{plot_wind_speed,plot_heading},wind_apparent_speed{plot_wind_speed,plot_heading}) |
ylabel('Apparent wind speed (m/s)') |
yyaxis right |
plot(boat_speed{plot_wind_speed,plot_heading},wind_apparent_dir_bf{plot_wind_speed,plot_heading}) |
ylabel('Apparent wind direction (deg)') |
subplot(2,1,2) |
hold all |
plot(boat_speed{plot_wind_speed,plot_heading},sail_force{plot_wind_speed,plot_heading}) |
plot(boat_speed{plot_wind_speed,plot_heading},hull_drag_trim{plot_wind_speed,plot_heading}) |
legend('Sail Forwards force','Hull drag','Location','northwest') |
ylabel('Force (N)') |
xlabel('Boat speed (m/s)')