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% This is a example of using MATLAB to test a sensor drive using TCP |
% we send a NMEA messages at 1hz, note that this assumes that SITL is |
% running at real time. |
% NMEA is a basic one way protocol but more complex protocols can be |
% implemented in the same way |
% Use the same TCP/UDP libbary that is used for MALTAB SITL |
addpath(genpath('../../SITL/examples/JSON/MATLAB/tcp_udp_ip_2.0.6')) |
% if this dosn't work try the MALTAB SITL example first |
pnet('closeall') |
% Init the TCP port, 5763 is serial 2 |
u = pnet('tcpconnect','',5763); |
flipflop = true; |
while(true) |
if flipflop |
% send MTW temp message |
water_temp = 10 + randn(); |
NMEA_string = sprintf('$YXMTW,%0.1f,C',water_temp); |
else |
% send VHW speed message |
water_speed_knots = 5 + randn()*2; |
water_speed_kph = water_speed_knots * 1.852; |
NMEA_string = sprintf('$VWVHW,,T,,M,%0.1f,N,%0.1f,F',water_speed_knots,water_speed_kph); |
end |
flipflop = ~flipflop; |
% Calculate the correct checksum |
NMEA_string = add_checksum(NMEA_string); |
% send to ap |
pnet(u,'printf',sprintf('%s\r\n',NMEA_string)); |
pnet(u,'writepacket'); |
% also print to MATLAB console |
fprintf("%s\n",NMEA_string); |
% 1hz (ish) |
pause(1); |
end |
function NMEA_string_out = add_checksum(NMEA_string_in) |
checksum = uint8(0); |
for i = 2:numel(NMEA_string_in) |
checksum = bitxor(checksum,uint8(NMEA_string_in(i)),'uint8'); |
end |
NMEA_string_out = sprintf('%s*%s',NMEA_string_in,dec2hex(checksum)); |