/* |
AP_ADC_ADS7844.cpp - ADC ADS7844 Library for Ardupilot Mega |
Code by Jordi Mu<EFBFBD>oz and Jose Julio. DIYDrones.com |
Modified by John Ihlein 6/19/2010 to: |
1)Prevent overflow of adc_counter when more than 8 samples collected between reads. Probably |
only an issue on initial read of ADC at program start. |
2)Reorder analog read order as follows: |
p, q, r, ax, ay, az |
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or |
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public |
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either |
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. |
External ADC ADS7844 is connected via Serial port 2 (in SPI mode) |
TXD2 = MOSI = pin PH1 |
RXD2 = MISO = pin PH0 |
XCK2 = SCK = pin PH2 |
Chip Select pin is PC4 (33) [PH6 (9)] |
We are using the 16 clocks per conversion timming to increase efficiency (fast) |
The sampling frequency is 400Hz (Timer2 overflow interrupt) |
So if our loop is at 50Hz, our needed sampling freq should be 100Hz, so |
we have an 4x oversampling and averaging. |
Methods: |
Init() : Initialization of interrupts an Timers (Timer2 overflow interrupt) |
Ch(ch_num) : Return the ADC channel value |
// HJI - Input definitions. USB connector assumed to be on the left, Rx and servo |
// connector pins to the rear. IMU shield components facing up. These are board |
// referenced sensor inputs, not device referenced. |
On Ardupilot Mega Hardware, oriented as described above: |
Chennel 0 : yaw rate, r |
Channel 1 : roll rate, p |
Channel 2 : pitch rate, q |
Channel 3 : x/y gyro temperature |
Channel 4 : x acceleration, aX |
Channel 5 : y acceleration, aY |
Channel 6 : z acceleration, aZ |
Channel 7 : Differential pressure sensor port |
*/ |
extern "C" { |
// AVR LibC Includes |
#include <inttypes.h> |
#include <avr/interrupt.h> |
#include "WConstants.h" |
} |
#include "AP_ADC_ADS7844.h" |
// Commands for reading ADC channels on ADS7844 |
static const unsigned char adc_cmd[9]= { 0x87, 0xC7, 0x97, 0xD7, 0xA7, 0xE7, 0xB7, 0xF7, 0x00 }; |
static volatile unsigned int adc_value[8] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; |
static volatile unsigned char adc_counter[8] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; |
static unsigned char ADC_SPI_transfer(unsigned char data) |
{ |
/* Wait for empty transmit buffer */ |
while ( !( UCSR2A & (1<<UDRE2)) ); |
/* Put data into buffer, sends the data */ |
UDR2 = data; |
/* Wait for data to be received */ |
while ( !(UCSR2A & (1<<RXC2)) ); |
/* Get and return received data from buffer */ |
return UDR2; |
} |
ISR (TIMER2_OVF_vect) |
{ |
uint8_t ch; |
unsigned int adc_tmp; |
//bit_set(PORTL,6); // To test performance |
bit_clear(PORTC,4); // Enable Chip Select (PIN PC4) |
ADC_SPI_transfer(adc_cmd[0]); // Command to read the first channel |
for (ch=0;ch<8;ch++) |
{ |
if (adc_counter[ch] >= 16) // To prevent overflow of adc_value |
{ // |
adc_value[ch] /= 2; |
adc_counter[ch] /= 2; |
} |
adc_tmp = ADC_SPI_transfer(0)<<8; // Read first byte |
adc_tmp |= ADC_SPI_transfer(adc_cmd[ch+1]); // Read second byte and send next command |
adc_value[ch] += adc_tmp>>3; // Shift to 12 bits |
adc_counter[ch]++; // Number of samples |
} |
bit_set(PORTC,4); // Disable Chip Select (PIN PC4) |
//bit_clear(PORTL,6); // To test performance |
TCNT2 = 104; // 400 Hz |
} |
// Constructors //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
AP_ADC_ADS7844::AP_ADC_ADS7844() |
{ |
} |
// Public Methods ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
void AP_ADC_ADS7844::Init(void) |
{ |
digitalWrite(ADC_CHIP_SELECT,HIGH); // Disable device (Chip select is active low) |
// Setup Serial Port2 in SPI mode |
UBRR2 = 0; |
DDRH |= (1<<PH2); // SPI clock XCK2 (PH2) as output. This enable SPI Master mode |
// Set MSPI mode of operation and SPI data mode 0. |
UCSR2C = (1<<UMSEL21)|(1<<UMSEL20); //|(0<<UCPHA2)|(0<<UCPOL2); |
// Enable receiver and transmitter. |
UCSR2B = (1<<RXEN2)|(1<<TXEN2); |
// Set Baud rate |
UBRR2 = 2; // SPI clock running at 2.6MHz |
// Enable Timer2 Overflow interrupt to capture ADC data |
TIMSK2 = 0; // Disable interrupts |
TCCR2A = 0; // normal counting mode |
TCCR2B = _BV(CS21)|_BV(CS22); // Set prescaler of 256 |
TCNT2 = 0; |
TIFR2 = _BV(TOV2); // clear pending interrupts; |
TIMSK2 = _BV(TOIE2) ; // enable the overflow interrupt |
} |
// Read one channel value |
int AP_ADC_ADS7844::Ch(unsigned char ch_num) |
{ |
int result; |
while(adc_counter[ch_num] < 2) { } // Wait for at least 2 samples in accumlator |
cli(); |
if (adc_counter[ch_num]>0) |
result = adc_value[ch_num]/adc_counter[ch_num]; |
else |
result = 0; |
adc_value[ch_num] = 0; // Initialize for next reading |
adc_counter[ch_num] = 0; |
sei(); |
return(result); |