354 lines
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354 lines
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#include "Rover.h" |
#include <AP_RangeFinder/AP_RangeFinder_Backend.h> |
// Write an attitude packet |
void Rover::Log_Write_Attitude() |
{ |
float desired_pitch_cd = degrees(g2.attitude_control.get_desired_pitch()) * 100.0f; |
const Vector3f targets(0.0f, desired_pitch_cd, 0.0f); |
ahrs.Write_Attitude(targets); |
AP::ahrs().Log_Write(); |
ahrs.Write_AHRS2(); |
ahrs.Write_POS(); |
// log steering rate controller |
logger.Write_PID(LOG_PIDS_MSG, g2.attitude_control.get_steering_rate_pid().get_pid_info()); |
logger.Write_PID(LOG_PIDA_MSG, g2.attitude_control.get_throttle_speed_pid().get_pid_info()); |
// log pitch control for balance bots |
if (is_balancebot()) { |
logger.Write_PID(LOG_PIDP_MSG, g2.attitude_control.get_pitch_to_throttle_pid().get_pid_info()); |
} |
// log heel to sail control for sailboats |
if (rover.g2.sailboat.sail_enabled()) { |
logger.Write_PID(LOG_PIDR_MSG, g2.attitude_control.get_sailboat_heel_pid().get_pid_info()); |
} |
sitl.Log_Write_SIMSTATE(); |
#endif |
} |
// Write a range finder depth message |
void Rover::Log_Write_Depth() |
{ |
// only log depth on boats with working downward facing range finders |
if (!rover.is_boat() || !rangefinder.has_data_orient(ROTATION_PITCH_270)) { |
return; |
} |
// get position |
Location loc; |
IGNORE_RETURN(ahrs.get_position(loc)); |
// check if new sensor reading has arrived |
uint32_t reading_ms = rangefinder.last_reading_ms(ROTATION_PITCH_270); |
if (reading_ms == rangefinder_last_reading_ms) { |
return; |
} |
rangefinder_last_reading_ms = reading_ms; |
// get temperature |
float temp_C; |
if (!rangefinder.get_temp(ROTATION_PITCH_270, temp_C)) { |
temp_C = 0.0f; |
} |
// @LoggerMessage: DPTH |
// @Description: Depth messages on boats with downwards facing range finder |
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup |
// @Field: Lat: Latitude |
// @Field: Lng: Longitude |
// @Field: Depth: Depth as detected by the sensor |
// @Field: Temp: Temperature |
logger.Write("DPTH", "TimeUS,Lat,Lng,Depth,Temp", |
"sDUmO", "FGG00", "QLLff", |
AP_HAL::micros64(), |
loc.lat, |
loc.lng, |
(double)(rangefinder.distance_cm_orient(ROTATION_PITCH_270) * 0.01f), |
temp_C); |
// send water depth and temp to ground station |
gcs().send_message(MSG_WATER_DEPTH); |
} |
// guided mode logging |
struct PACKED log_GuidedTarget { |
uint64_t time_us; |
uint8_t type; |
float pos_target_x; |
float pos_target_y; |
float pos_target_z; |
float vel_target_x; |
float vel_target_y; |
float vel_target_z; |
}; |
// Write a Guided mode target |
void Rover::Log_Write_GuidedTarget(uint8_t target_type, const Vector3f& pos_target, const Vector3f& vel_target) |
{ |
struct log_GuidedTarget pkt = { |
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(), |
type : target_type, |
pos_target_x : pos_target.x, |
pos_target_y : pos_target.y, |
pos_target_z : pos_target.z, |
vel_target_x : vel_target.x, |
vel_target_y : vel_target.y, |
vel_target_z : vel_target.z |
}; |
logger.WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt)); |
} |
struct PACKED log_Nav_Tuning { |
uint64_t time_us; |
float wp_distance; |
float wp_bearing; |
float nav_bearing; |
uint16_t yaw; |
float xtrack_error; |
}; |
// Write a navigation tuning packet |
void Rover::Log_Write_Nav_Tuning() |
{ |
struct log_Nav_Tuning pkt = { |
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(), |
wp_distance : control_mode->get_distance_to_destination(), |
wp_bearing : control_mode->wp_bearing(), |
nav_bearing : control_mode->nav_bearing(), |
yaw : (uint16_t)ahrs.yaw_sensor, |
xtrack_error : control_mode->crosstrack_error() |
}; |
logger.WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt)); |
} |
void Rover::Log_Write_Sail() |
{ |
// only log sail if present |
if (!rover.g2.sailboat.sail_enabled()) { |
return; |
} |
float wind_dir_tack = logger.quiet_nanf(); |
uint8_t current_tack = 0; |
if (rover.g2.windvane.enabled()) { |
wind_dir_tack = degrees(g2.windvane.get_tack_threshold_wind_dir_rad()); |
current_tack = uint8_t(g2.windvane.get_current_tack()); |
} |
// @LoggerMessage: SAIL |
// @Description: Sailboat information |
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup |
// @Field: Tack: Current tack, 0 = port, 1 = starboard |
// @Field: TackThr: Apparent wind angle used for tack threshold |
// @Field: MainOut: Normalized mainsail output |
// @Field: WingOut: Normalized wingsail output |
// @Field: MastRotOut: Normalized direct-rotation mast output |
// @Field: VMG: Velocity made good (speed at which vehicle is making progress directly towards destination) |
logger.Write("SAIL", "TimeUS,Tack,TackThr,MainOut,WingOut,MastRotOut,VMG", |
"s-d%%%n", "F000000", "QBfffff", |
AP_HAL::micros64(), |
current_tack, |
(double)wind_dir_tack, |
(double)g2.motors.get_mainsail(), |
(double)g2.motors.get_wingsail(), |
(double)g2.motors.get_mast_rotation(), |
(double)g2.sailboat.get_VMG()); |
} |
struct PACKED log_Steering { |
uint64_t time_us; |
int16_t steering_in; |
float steering_out; |
float desired_lat_accel; |
float lat_accel; |
float desired_turn_rate; |
float turn_rate; |
}; |
struct PACKED log_Startup { |
uint64_t time_us; |
uint8_t startup_type; |
uint16_t command_total; |
}; |
void Rover::Log_Write_Startup(uint8_t type) |
{ |
struct log_Startup pkt = { |
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(), |
startup_type : type, |
command_total : mode_auto.mission.num_commands() |
}; |
logger.WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt)); |
} |
// Write a steering packet |
void Rover::Log_Write_Steering() |
{ |
float lat_accel = logger.quiet_nanf(); |
g2.attitude_control.get_lat_accel(lat_accel); |
struct log_Steering pkt = { |
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(), |
steering_in : channel_steer->get_control_in(), |
steering_out : g2.motors.get_steering(), |
desired_lat_accel : control_mode->get_desired_lat_accel(), |
lat_accel : lat_accel, |
desired_turn_rate : degrees(g2.attitude_control.get_desired_turn_rate()), |
turn_rate : degrees(ahrs.get_yaw_rate_earth()) |
}; |
logger.WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt)); |
} |
struct PACKED log_Throttle { |
uint64_t time_us; |
int16_t throttle_in; |
float throttle_out; |
float desired_speed; |
float speed; |
float accel_x; |
}; |
// Write a throttle control packet |
void Rover::Log_Write_Throttle() |
{ |
const Vector3f accel = ins.get_accel(); |
float speed = logger.quiet_nanf(); |
g2.attitude_control.get_forward_speed(speed); |
struct log_Throttle pkt = { |
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(), |
throttle_in : channel_throttle->get_control_in(), |
throttle_out : g2.motors.get_throttle(), |
desired_speed : g2.attitude_control.get_desired_speed(), |
speed : speed, |
accel_x : accel.x |
}; |
logger.WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt)); |
} |
void Rover::Log_Write_RC(void) |
{ |
logger.Write_RCIN(); |
logger.Write_RCOUT(); |
if (rssi.enabled()) { |
logger.Write_RSSI(); |
} |
} |
void Rover::Log_Write_Vehicle_Startup_Messages() |
{ |
// only 200(?) bytes are guaranteed by AP_Logger |
Log_Write_Startup(TYPE_GROUNDSTART_MSG); |
logger.Write_Mode(control_mode->mode_number(), control_mode_reason); |
ahrs.Log_Write_Home_And_Origin(); |
gps.Write_AP_Logger_Log_Startup_messages(); |
} |
// type and unit information can be found in |
// libraries/AP_Logger/Logstructure.h; search for "log_Units" for |
// units and "Format characters" for field type information |
const LogStructure Rover::log_structure[] = { |
// @LoggerMessage: STRT |
// @Description: Startup messages |
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup |
// @Field: SType: Type of startup |
// @Field: CTot: Total number of commands in the mission |
{ LOG_STARTUP_MSG, sizeof(log_Startup), |
"STRT", "QBH", "TimeUS,SType,CTot", "s--", "F--" }, |
// @LoggerMessage: THR |
// @Description: Throttle related messages |
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup |
// @Field: ThrIn: Throttle Input |
// @Field: ThrOut: Throttle Output |
// @Field: DesSpeed: Desired speed |
// @Field: Speed: Actual speed |
// @Field: AccX: Acceleration |
{ LOG_THR_MSG, sizeof(log_Throttle), |
"THR", "Qhffff", "TimeUS,ThrIn,ThrOut,DesSpeed,Speed,AccX", "s--nno", "F--000" }, |
// @LoggerMessage: NTUN |
// @Description: Navigation Tuning information - e.g. vehicle destination |
// @URL: http://ardupilot.org/rover/docs/navigation.html |
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup |
// @Field: WpDist: distance to the current navigation waypoint |
// @Field: WpBrg: bearing to the current navigation waypoint |
// @Field: DesYaw: the vehicle's desired heading |
// @Field: Yaw: the vehicle's current heading |
// @Field: XTrack: the vehicle's current distance from the current travel segment |
{ LOG_NTUN_MSG, sizeof(log_Nav_Tuning), |
"NTUN", "QfffHf", "TimeUS,WpDist,WpBrg,DesYaw,Yaw,XTrack", "smhhdm", "F000B0" }, |
// @LoggerMessage: STER |
// @Description: Steering related messages |
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup |
// @Field: SteerIn: Steering input |
// @Field: SteerOut: Normalized steering output |
// @Field: DesLatAcc: Desired lateral acceleration |
// @Field: LatAcc: Actual lateral acceleration |
// @Field: DesTurnRate: Desired turn rate |
// @Field: TurnRate: Actual turn rate |
{ LOG_STEERING_MSG, sizeof(log_Steering), |
"STER", "Qhfffff", "TimeUS,SteerIn,SteerOut,DesLatAcc,LatAcc,DesTurnRate,TurnRate", "s--ookk", "F--0000" }, |
// @LoggerMessage: GUID |
// @Description: Guided mode target information |
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup |
// @Field: Type: Type of guided mode |
// @Field: pX: Target position, X-Axis |
// @Field: pY: Target position, Y-Axis |
// @Field: pZ: Target position, Z-Axis |
// @Field: vX: Target velocity, X-Axis |
// @Field: vY: Target velocity, Y-Axis |
// @Field: vZ: Target velocity, Z-Axis |
{ LOG_GUIDEDTARGET_MSG, sizeof(log_GuidedTarget), |
"GUID", "QBffffff", "TimeUS,Type,pX,pY,pZ,vX,vY,vZ", "s-mmmnnn", "F-000000" }, |
}; |
void Rover::log_init(void) |
{ |
logger.Init(log_structure, ARRAY_SIZE(log_structure)); |
} |
// dummy functions |
void Rover::Log_Write_Attitude() {} |
void Rover::Log_Write_Depth() {} |
void Rover::Log_Write_GuidedTarget(uint8_t target_type, const Vector3f& pos_target, const Vector3f& vel_target) {} |
void Rover::Log_Write_Nav_Tuning() {} |
void Rover::Log_Write_Sail() {} |
void Rover::Log_Write_Startup(uint8_t type) {} |
void Rover::Log_Write_Throttle() {} |
void Rover::Log_Write_RC(void) {} |
void Rover::Log_Write_Steering() {} |
void Rover::Log_Write_Vehicle_Startup_Messages() {} |