ARM Macro Assembler Page 1 1 00000000 ;******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2017 STMicroelectron ics ******************** 2 00000000 ;* File Name : startup_stm32f103xb.s 3 00000000 ;* Author : MCD Application Team 4 00000000 ;* Description : STM32F103xB Devices vector table for MDK-ARM toolchain. 5 00000000 ;* This module performs: 6 00000000 ;* - Set the initial SP 7 00000000 ;* - Set the initial PC == Reset_Ha ndler 8 00000000 ;* - Set the vector table entries w ith the exceptions ISR address 9 00000000 ;* - Configure the clock system 10 00000000 ;* - Branches to __main in the C li brary (which eventually 11 00000000 ;* calls main()). 12 00000000 ;* After Reset the Cortex-M3 proces sor is in Thread mode, 13 00000000 ;* priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main. 14 00000000 ;******************************************************* *********************** 15 00000000 ;* @attention 16 00000000 ;* 17 00000000 ;* Copyright (c) 2017 STMicroelectronics. 18 00000000 ;* All rights reserved. 19 00000000 ;* 20 00000000 ;* This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3 -Clause license, 21 00000000 ;* the "License"; You may not use this file except in co mpliance with the 22 00000000 ;* License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: 23 00000000 ;* Clause 24 00000000 ;* 25 00000000 ;******************************************************* *********************** 26 00000000 27 00000000 ; Amount of memory (in bytes) allocated for Stack 28 00000000 ; Tailor this value to your application needs 29 00000000 ; Stack Configuration 30 00000000 ; Stack Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8> 31 00000000 ; 32 00000000 33 00000000 00000400 Stack_Size EQU 0x400 34 00000000 35 00000000 AREA STACK, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN =3 36 00000000 Stack_Mem SPACE Stack_Size 37 00000400 __initial_sp 38 00000400 39 00000400 40 00000400 ; Heap Configuration 41 00000400 ; Heap Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8> 42 00000400 ; 43 00000400 ARM Macro Assembler Page 2 44 00000400 00000200 Heap_Size EQU 0x200 45 00000400 46 00000400 AREA HEAP, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN= 3 47 00000000 __heap_base 48 00000000 Heap_Mem SPACE Heap_Size 49 00000200 __heap_limit 50 00000200 51 00000200 PRESERVE8 52 00000200 THUMB 53 00000200 54 00000200 55 00000200 ; Vector Table Mapped to Address 0 at Reset 56 00000200 AREA RESET, DATA, READONLY 57 00000000 EXPORT __Vectors 58 00000000 EXPORT __Vectors_End 59 00000000 EXPORT __Vectors_Size 60 00000000 61 00000000 00000000 __Vectors DCD __initial_sp ; Top of Stack 62 00000004 00000000 DCD Reset_Handler ; Reset Handler 63 00000008 00000000 DCD NMI_Handler ; NMI Handler 64 0000000C 00000000 DCD HardFault_Handler ; Hard Fault Handler 65 00000010 00000000 DCD MemManage_Handler ; MPU Fault Handler 66 00000014 00000000 DCD BusFault_Handler ; Bus Fault Handler 67 00000018 00000000 DCD UsageFault_Handler ; Usage Faul t Handler 68 0000001C 00000000 DCD 0 ; Reserved 69 00000020 00000000 DCD 0 ; Reserved 70 00000024 00000000 DCD 0 ; Reserved 71 00000028 00000000 DCD 0 ; Reserved 72 0000002C 00000000 DCD SVC_Handler ; SVCall Handler 73 00000030 00000000 DCD DebugMon_Handler ; Debug Monito r Handler 74 00000034 00000000 DCD 0 ; Reserved 75 00000038 00000000 DCD PendSV_Handler ; PendSV Handler 76 0000003C 00000000 DCD SysTick_Handler ; SysTick Handler 77 00000040 78 00000040 ; External Interrupts 79 00000040 00000000 DCD WWDG_IRQHandler ; Window Watchdog 80 00000044 00000000 DCD PVD_IRQHandler ; PVD through EX TI Line detect 81 00000048 00000000 DCD TAMPER_IRQHandler ; Tamper 82 0000004C 00000000 DCD RTC_IRQHandler ; RTC 83 00000050 00000000 DCD FLASH_IRQHandler ; Flash 84 00000054 00000000 DCD RCC_IRQHandler ; RCC 85 00000058 00000000 DCD EXTI0_IRQHandler ; EXTI Line 0 ARM Macro Assembler Page 3 86 0000005C 00000000 DCD EXTI1_IRQHandler ; EXTI Line 1 87 00000060 00000000 DCD EXTI2_IRQHandler ; EXTI Line 2 88 00000064 00000000 DCD EXTI3_IRQHandler ; EXTI Line 3 89 00000068 00000000 DCD EXTI4_IRQHandler ; EXTI Line 4 90 0000006C 00000000 DCD DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler ; DMA1 Channel 1 91 00000070 00000000 DCD DMA1_Channel2_IRQHandler ; DMA1 Channel 2 92 00000074 00000000 DCD DMA1_Channel3_IRQHandler ; DMA1 Channel 3 93 00000078 00000000 DCD DMA1_Channel4_IRQHandler ; DMA1 Channel 4 94 0000007C 00000000 DCD DMA1_Channel5_IRQHandler ; DMA1 Channel 5 95 00000080 00000000 DCD DMA1_Channel6_IRQHandler ; DMA1 Channel 6 96 00000084 00000000 DCD DMA1_Channel7_IRQHandler ; DMA1 Channel 7 97 00000088 00000000 DCD ADC1_2_IRQHandler ; ADC1_2 98 0000008C 00000000 DCD USB_HP_CAN1_TX_IRQHandler ; USB High Priority or C AN1 TX 99 00000090 00000000 DCD USB_LP_CAN1_RX0_IRQHandler ; US B Low Priority or CAN1 RX0 100 00000094 00000000 DCD CAN1_RX1_IRQHandler ; CAN1 RX1 101 00000098 00000000 DCD CAN1_SCE_IRQHandler ; CAN1 SCE 102 0000009C 00000000 DCD EXTI9_5_IRQHandler ; EXTI Line 9..5 103 000000A0 00000000 DCD TIM1_BRK_IRQHandler ; TIM1 Break 104 000000A4 00000000 DCD TIM1_UP_IRQHandler ; TIM1 Update 105 000000A8 00000000 DCD TIM1_TRG_COM_IRQHandler ; TIM1 Trigger and Commuta tion 106 000000AC 00000000 DCD TIM1_CC_IRQHandler ; TIM1 Captu re Compare 107 000000B0 00000000 DCD TIM2_IRQHandler ; TIM2 108 000000B4 00000000 DCD TIM3_IRQHandler ; TIM3 109 000000B8 00000000 DCD TIM4_IRQHandler ; TIM4 110 000000BC 00000000 DCD I2C1_EV_IRQHandler ; I2C1 Event 111 000000C0 00000000 DCD I2C1_ER_IRQHandler ; I2C1 Error 112 000000C4 00000000 DCD I2C2_EV_IRQHandler ; I2C2 Event 113 000000C8 00000000 DCD I2C2_ER_IRQHandler ; I2C2 Error 114 000000CC 00000000 DCD SPI1_IRQHandler ; SPI1 115 000000D0 00000000 DCD SPI2_IRQHandler ; SPI2 116 000000D4 00000000 DCD USART1_IRQHandler ; USART1 117 000000D8 00000000 DCD USART2_IRQHandler ; USART2 118 000000DC 00000000 DCD USART3_IRQHandler ; USART3 119 000000E0 00000000 DCD EXTI15_10_IRQHandler ; EXTI Line 15..10 120 000000E4 00000000 DCD RTC_Alarm_IRQHandler ; RTC Alar m through EXTI Line ARM Macro Assembler Page 4 121 000000E8 00000000 DCD USBWakeUp_IRQHandler ; USB Wake up from suspend 122 000000EC __Vectors_End 123 000000EC 124 000000EC 000000EC __Vectors_Size EQU __Vectors_End - __Vectors 125 000000EC 126 000000EC AREA |.text|, CODE, READONLY 127 00000000 128 00000000 ; Reset handler 129 00000000 Reset_Handler PROC 130 00000000 EXPORT Reset_Handler [WEAK ] 131 00000000 IMPORT __main 132 00000000 IMPORT SystemInit 133 00000000 4809 LDR R0, =SystemInit 134 00000002 4780 BLX R0 135 00000004 4809 LDR R0, =__main 136 00000006 4700 BX R0 137 00000008 ENDP 138 00000008 139 00000008 ; Dummy Exception Handlers (infinite loops which can be modified) 140 00000008 141 00000008 NMI_Handler PROC 142 00000008 EXPORT NMI_Handler [WEA K] 143 00000008 E7FE B . 144 0000000A ENDP 146 0000000A HardFault_Handler PROC 147 0000000A EXPORT HardFault_Handler [WEA K] 148 0000000A E7FE B . 149 0000000C ENDP 151 0000000C MemManage_Handler PROC 152 0000000C EXPORT MemManage_Handler [WEA K] 153 0000000C E7FE B . 154 0000000E ENDP 156 0000000E BusFault_Handler PROC 157 0000000E EXPORT BusFault_Handler [WEA K] 158 0000000E E7FE B . 159 00000010 ENDP 161 00000010 UsageFault_Handler PROC 162 00000010 EXPORT UsageFault_Handler [WEA K] 163 00000010 E7FE B . 164 00000012 ENDP 165 00000012 SVC_Handler PROC 166 00000012 EXPORT SVC_Handler [WEA ARM Macro Assembler Page 5 K] 167 00000012 E7FE B . 168 00000014 ENDP 170 00000014 DebugMon_Handler PROC 171 00000014 EXPORT DebugMon_Handler [WEA K] 172 00000014 E7FE B . 173 00000016 ENDP 174 00000016 PendSV_Handler PROC 175 00000016 EXPORT PendSV_Handler [WEA K] 176 00000016 E7FE B . 177 00000018 ENDP 178 00000018 SysTick_Handler PROC 179 00000018 EXPORT SysTick_Handler [WEA K] 180 00000018 E7FE B . 181 0000001A ENDP 182 0000001A 183 0000001A Default_Handler PROC 184 0000001A 185 0000001A EXPORT WWDG_IRQHandler [WEA K] 186 0000001A EXPORT PVD_IRQHandler [WEA K] 187 0000001A EXPORT TAMPER_IRQHandler [WEA K] 188 0000001A EXPORT RTC_IRQHandler [WEA K] 189 0000001A EXPORT FLASH_IRQHandler [WEA K] 190 0000001A EXPORT RCC_IRQHandler [WEA K] 191 0000001A EXPORT EXTI0_IRQHandler [WEA K] 192 0000001A EXPORT EXTI1_IRQHandler [WEA K] 193 0000001A EXPORT EXTI2_IRQHandler [WEA K] 194 0000001A EXPORT EXTI3_IRQHandler [WEA K] 195 0000001A EXPORT EXTI4_IRQHandler [WEA K] 196 0000001A EXPORT DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler [WEA K] 197 0000001A EXPORT DMA1_Channel2_IRQHandler [WEA K] 198 0000001A EXPORT DMA1_Channel3_IRQHandler [WEA K] 199 0000001A EXPORT DMA1_Channel4_IRQHandler [WEA K] 200 0000001A EXPORT DMA1_Channel5_IRQHandler [WEA K] 201 0000001A EXPORT DMA1_Channel6_IRQHandler [WEA K] ARM Macro Assembler Page 6 202 0000001A EXPORT DMA1_Channel7_IRQHandler [WEA K] 203 0000001A EXPORT ADC1_2_IRQHandler [WEA K] 204 0000001A EXPORT USB_HP_CAN1_TX_IRQHandler [WEA K] 205 0000001A EXPORT USB_LP_CAN1_RX0_IRQHandler [WEA K] 206 0000001A EXPORT CAN1_RX1_IRQHandler [WEA K] 207 0000001A EXPORT CAN1_SCE_IRQHandler [WEA K] 208 0000001A EXPORT EXTI9_5_IRQHandler [WEA K] 209 0000001A EXPORT TIM1_BRK_IRQHandler [WEA K] 210 0000001A EXPORT TIM1_UP_IRQHandler [WEA K] 211 0000001A EXPORT TIM1_TRG_COM_IRQHandler [WEA K] 212 0000001A EXPORT TIM1_CC_IRQHandler [WEA K] 213 0000001A EXPORT TIM2_IRQHandler [WEA K] 214 0000001A EXPORT TIM3_IRQHandler [WEA K] 215 0000001A EXPORT TIM4_IRQHandler [WEA K] 216 0000001A EXPORT I2C1_EV_IRQHandler [WEA K] 217 0000001A EXPORT I2C1_ER_IRQHandler [WEA K] 218 0000001A EXPORT I2C2_EV_IRQHandler [WEA K] 219 0000001A EXPORT I2C2_ER_IRQHandler [WEA K] 220 0000001A EXPORT SPI1_IRQHandler [WEA K] 221 0000001A EXPORT SPI2_IRQHandler [WEA K] 222 0000001A EXPORT USART1_IRQHandler [WEA K] 223 0000001A EXPORT USART2_IRQHandler [WEA K] 224 0000001A EXPORT USART3_IRQHandler [WEA K] 225 0000001A EXPORT EXTI15_10_IRQHandler [WEA K] 226 0000001A EXPORT RTC_Alarm_IRQHandler [WE AK] 227 0000001A EXPORT USBWakeUp_IRQHandler [WEA K] 228 0000001A 229 0000001A WWDG_IRQHandler 230 0000001A PVD_IRQHandler 231 0000001A TAMPER_IRQHandler 232 0000001A RTC_IRQHandler 233 0000001A FLASH_IRQHandler 234 0000001A RCC_IRQHandler ARM Macro Assembler Page 7 235 0000001A EXTI0_IRQHandler 236 0000001A EXTI1_IRQHandler 237 0000001A EXTI2_IRQHandler 238 0000001A EXTI3_IRQHandler 239 0000001A EXTI4_IRQHandler 240 0000001A DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler 241 0000001A DMA1_Channel2_IRQHandler 242 0000001A DMA1_Channel3_IRQHandler 243 0000001A DMA1_Channel4_IRQHandler 244 0000001A DMA1_Channel5_IRQHandler 245 0000001A DMA1_Channel6_IRQHandler 246 0000001A DMA1_Channel7_IRQHandler 247 0000001A ADC1_2_IRQHandler 248 0000001A USB_HP_CAN1_TX_IRQHandler 249 0000001A USB_LP_CAN1_RX0_IRQHandler 250 0000001A CAN1_RX1_IRQHandler 251 0000001A CAN1_SCE_IRQHandler 252 0000001A EXTI9_5_IRQHandler 253 0000001A TIM1_BRK_IRQHandler 254 0000001A TIM1_UP_IRQHandler 255 0000001A TIM1_TRG_COM_IRQHandler 256 0000001A TIM1_CC_IRQHandler 257 0000001A TIM2_IRQHandler 258 0000001A TIM3_IRQHandler 259 0000001A TIM4_IRQHandler 260 0000001A I2C1_EV_IRQHandler 261 0000001A I2C1_ER_IRQHandler 262 0000001A I2C2_EV_IRQHandler 263 0000001A I2C2_ER_IRQHandler 264 0000001A SPI1_IRQHandler 265 0000001A SPI2_IRQHandler 266 0000001A USART1_IRQHandler 267 0000001A USART2_IRQHandler 268 0000001A USART3_IRQHandler 269 0000001A EXTI15_10_IRQHandler 270 0000001A RTC_Alarm_IRQHandler 271 0000001A USBWakeUp_IRQHandler 272 0000001A 273 0000001A E7FE B . 274 0000001C 275 0000001C ENDP 276 0000001C 277 0000001C ALIGN 278 0000001C 279 0000001C ;******************************************************* ************************ 280 0000001C ; User Stack and Heap initialization 281 0000001C ;******************************************************* ************************ 282 0000001C IF :DEF:__MICROLIB 289 0000001C 290 0000001C IMPORT __use_two_region_memory 291 0000001C EXPORT __user_initial_stackheap 292 0000001C 293 0000001C __user_initial_stackheap 294 0000001C 295 0000001C 4804 LDR R0, = Heap_Mem 296 0000001E 4905 LDR R1, =(Stack_Mem + Stack_Size) 297 00000020 4A05 LDR R2, = (Heap_Mem + Heap_Size) ARM Macro Assembler Page 8 298 00000022 4B06 LDR R3, = Stack_Mem 299 00000024 4770 BX LR 300 00000026 301 00000026 00 00 ALIGN 302 00000028 303 00000028 ENDIF 304 00000028 305 00000028 END 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000400 00000200 00000000 Command Line: --debug --xref --diag_suppress=9931 --cpu=Cortex-M3 --apcs=interw ork --depend=proximity_uavcan_converter\startup_stm32f103xb.d -oproximity_uavca n_converter\startup_stm32f103xb.o -I..\Core\Inc -I.\RTE\_proximity_uavcan_conve rter -I"D:\Program Files (x86)\Keil_v5\Arm\Packs\ARM\CMSIS\5.6.0\CMSIS\Core\Inc lude" -I"D:\Program Files (x86)\Keil_v5\Arm\Packs\Keil\STM32F1xx_DFP\2.2.0\Devi ce\Include" --predefine="__UVISION_VERSION SETA 529" --predefine="_RTE_ SETA 1" --predefine="STM32F10X_MD SETA 1" --list=startup_stm32f103xb.lst startup_stm32 f103xb.s ARM Macro Assembler Page 1 Alphabetic symbol ordering Relocatable symbols STACK 00000000 Symbol: STACK Definitions At line 35 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses None Comment: STACK unused Stack_Mem 00000000 Symbol: Stack_Mem Definitions At line 36 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 296 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 298 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s __initial_sp 00000400 Symbol: __initial_sp Definitions At line 37 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 61 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Comment: __initial_sp used once 3 symbols ARM Macro Assembler Page 1 Alphabetic symbol ordering Relocatable symbols HEAP 00000000 Symbol: HEAP Definitions At line 46 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses None Comment: HEAP unused Heap_Mem 00000000 Symbol: Heap_Mem Definitions At line 48 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 295 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 297 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s __heap_base 00000000 Symbol: __heap_base Definitions At line 47 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses None Comment: __heap_base unused __heap_limit 00000200 Symbol: __heap_limit Definitions At line 49 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses None Comment: __heap_limit unused 4 symbols ARM Macro Assembler Page 1 Alphabetic symbol ordering Relocatable symbols RESET 00000000 Symbol: RESET Definitions At line 56 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses None Comment: RESET unused __Vectors 00000000 Symbol: __Vectors Definitions At line 61 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 57 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 124 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s __Vectors_End 000000EC Symbol: __Vectors_End Definitions At line 122 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 58 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 124 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s 3 symbols ARM Macro Assembler Page 1 Alphabetic symbol ordering Relocatable symbols .text 00000000 Symbol: .text Definitions At line 126 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses None Comment: .text unused ADC1_2_IRQHandler 0000001A Symbol: ADC1_2_IRQHandler Definitions At line 247 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 97 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 203 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s BusFault_Handler 0000000E Symbol: BusFault_Handler Definitions At line 156 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 66 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 157 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s CAN1_RX1_IRQHandler 0000001A Symbol: CAN1_RX1_IRQHandler Definitions At line 250 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 100 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 206 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s CAN1_SCE_IRQHandler 0000001A Symbol: CAN1_SCE_IRQHandler Definitions At line 251 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 101 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 207 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler 0000001A Symbol: DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler Definitions At line 240 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 90 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 196 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s DMA1_Channel2_IRQHandler 0000001A Symbol: DMA1_Channel2_IRQHandler Definitions At line 241 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses ARM Macro Assembler Page 2 Alphabetic symbol ordering Relocatable symbols At line 91 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 197 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s DMA1_Channel3_IRQHandler 0000001A Symbol: DMA1_Channel3_IRQHandler Definitions At line 242 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 92 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 198 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s DMA1_Channel4_IRQHandler 0000001A Symbol: DMA1_Channel4_IRQHandler Definitions At line 243 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 93 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 199 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s DMA1_Channel5_IRQHandler 0000001A Symbol: DMA1_Channel5_IRQHandler Definitions At line 244 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 94 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 200 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s DMA1_Channel6_IRQHandler 0000001A Symbol: DMA1_Channel6_IRQHandler Definitions At line 245 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 95 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 201 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s DMA1_Channel7_IRQHandler 0000001A Symbol: DMA1_Channel7_IRQHandler Definitions At line 246 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 96 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 202 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s DebugMon_Handler 00000014 Symbol: DebugMon_Handler Definitions At line 170 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 73 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 171 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Default_Handler 0000001A ARM Macro Assembler Page 3 Alphabetic symbol ordering Relocatable symbols Symbol: Default_Handler Definitions At line 183 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses None Comment: Default_Handler unused EXTI0_IRQHandler 0000001A Symbol: EXTI0_IRQHandler Definitions At line 235 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 85 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 191 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s EXTI15_10_IRQHandler 0000001A Symbol: EXTI15_10_IRQHandler Definitions At line 269 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 119 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 225 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s EXTI1_IRQHandler 0000001A Symbol: EXTI1_IRQHandler Definitions At line 236 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 86 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 192 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s EXTI2_IRQHandler 0000001A Symbol: EXTI2_IRQHandler Definitions At line 237 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 87 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 193 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s EXTI3_IRQHandler 0000001A Symbol: EXTI3_IRQHandler Definitions At line 238 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 88 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 194 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s EXTI4_IRQHandler 0000001A Symbol: EXTI4_IRQHandler Definitions At line 239 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 89 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 195 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s ARM Macro Assembler Page 4 Alphabetic symbol ordering Relocatable symbols EXTI9_5_IRQHandler 0000001A Symbol: EXTI9_5_IRQHandler Definitions At line 252 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 102 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 208 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s FLASH_IRQHandler 0000001A Symbol: FLASH_IRQHandler Definitions At line 233 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 83 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 189 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s HardFault_Handler 0000000A Symbol: HardFault_Handler Definitions At line 146 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 64 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 147 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s I2C1_ER_IRQHandler 0000001A Symbol: I2C1_ER_IRQHandler Definitions At line 261 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 111 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 217 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s I2C1_EV_IRQHandler 0000001A Symbol: I2C1_EV_IRQHandler Definitions At line 260 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 110 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 216 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s I2C2_ER_IRQHandler 0000001A Symbol: I2C2_ER_IRQHandler Definitions At line 263 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 113 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 219 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s I2C2_EV_IRQHandler 0000001A Symbol: I2C2_EV_IRQHandler Definitions ARM Macro Assembler Page 5 Alphabetic symbol ordering Relocatable symbols At line 262 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 112 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 218 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s MemManage_Handler 0000000C Symbol: MemManage_Handler Definitions At line 151 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 65 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 152 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s NMI_Handler 00000008 Symbol: NMI_Handler Definitions At line 141 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 63 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 142 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s PVD_IRQHandler 0000001A Symbol: PVD_IRQHandler Definitions At line 230 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 80 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 186 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s PendSV_Handler 00000016 Symbol: PendSV_Handler Definitions At line 174 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 75 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 175 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s RCC_IRQHandler 0000001A Symbol: RCC_IRQHandler Definitions At line 234 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 84 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 190 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s RTC_Alarm_IRQHandler 0000001A Symbol: RTC_Alarm_IRQHandler Definitions At line 270 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 120 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 226 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s ARM Macro Assembler Page 6 Alphabetic symbol ordering Relocatable symbols RTC_IRQHandler 0000001A Symbol: RTC_IRQHandler Definitions At line 232 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 82 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 188 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Reset_Handler 00000000 Symbol: Reset_Handler Definitions At line 129 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 62 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 130 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s SPI1_IRQHandler 0000001A Symbol: SPI1_IRQHandler Definitions At line 264 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 114 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 220 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s SPI2_IRQHandler 0000001A Symbol: SPI2_IRQHandler Definitions At line 265 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 115 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 221 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s SVC_Handler 00000012 Symbol: SVC_Handler Definitions At line 165 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 72 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 166 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s SysTick_Handler 00000018 Symbol: SysTick_Handler Definitions At line 178 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 76 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 179 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s TAMPER_IRQHandler 0000001A Symbol: TAMPER_IRQHandler Definitions At line 231 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s ARM Macro Assembler Page 7 Alphabetic symbol ordering Relocatable symbols Uses At line 81 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 187 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s TIM1_BRK_IRQHandler 0000001A Symbol: TIM1_BRK_IRQHandler Definitions At line 253 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 103 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 209 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s TIM1_CC_IRQHandler 0000001A Symbol: TIM1_CC_IRQHandler Definitions At line 256 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 106 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 212 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s TIM1_TRG_COM_IRQHandler 0000001A Symbol: TIM1_TRG_COM_IRQHandler Definitions At line 255 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 105 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 211 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s TIM1_UP_IRQHandler 0000001A Symbol: TIM1_UP_IRQHandler Definitions At line 254 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 104 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 210 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s TIM2_IRQHandler 0000001A Symbol: TIM2_IRQHandler Definitions At line 257 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 107 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 213 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s TIM3_IRQHandler 0000001A Symbol: TIM3_IRQHandler Definitions At line 258 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 108 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 214 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s TIM4_IRQHandler 0000001A ARM Macro Assembler Page 8 Alphabetic symbol ordering Relocatable symbols Symbol: TIM4_IRQHandler Definitions At line 259 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 109 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 215 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s USART1_IRQHandler 0000001A Symbol: USART1_IRQHandler Definitions At line 266 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 116 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 222 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s USART2_IRQHandler 0000001A Symbol: USART2_IRQHandler Definitions At line 267 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 117 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 223 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s USART3_IRQHandler 0000001A Symbol: USART3_IRQHandler Definitions At line 268 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 118 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 224 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s USBWakeUp_IRQHandler 0000001A Symbol: USBWakeUp_IRQHandler Definitions At line 271 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 121 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 227 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s USB_HP_CAN1_TX_IRQHandler 0000001A Symbol: USB_HP_CAN1_TX_IRQHandler Definitions At line 248 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 98 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 204 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s USB_LP_CAN1_RX0_IRQHandler 0000001A Symbol: USB_LP_CAN1_RX0_IRQHandler Definitions At line 249 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses ARM Macro Assembler Page 9 Alphabetic symbol ordering Relocatable symbols At line 99 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 205 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s UsageFault_Handler 00000010 Symbol: UsageFault_Handler Definitions At line 161 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 67 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 162 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s WWDG_IRQHandler 0000001A Symbol: WWDG_IRQHandler Definitions At line 229 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 79 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 185 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s __user_initial_stackheap 0000001C Symbol: __user_initial_stackheap Definitions At line 293 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 291 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Comment: __user_initial_stackheap used once 56 symbols ARM Macro Assembler Page 1 Alphabetic symbol ordering Absolute symbols Heap_Size 00000200 Symbol: Heap_Size Definitions At line 44 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 48 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 297 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Stack_Size 00000400 Symbol: Stack_Size Definitions At line 33 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 36 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s At line 296 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s __Vectors_Size 000000EC Symbol: __Vectors_Size Definitions At line 124 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 59 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Comment: __Vectors_Size used once 3 symbols ARM Macro Assembler Page 1 Alphabetic symbol ordering External symbols SystemInit 00000000 Symbol: SystemInit Definitions At line 132 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 133 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Comment: SystemInit used once __main 00000000 Symbol: __main Definitions At line 131 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses At line 135 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Comment: __main used once __use_two_region_memory 00000000 Symbol: __use_two_region_memory Definitions At line 290 in file startup_stm32f103xb.s Uses None Comment: __use_two_region_memory unused 3 symbols 409 symbols in table