## PX4 Pro Drone Autopilot ##
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This repository holds the [PX4 Pro ](http://px4.io ) flight control solution for drones, with the main applications located in the src/modules directory. It also contains the PX4 Drone Middleware Platform, which provides drivers and middleware to run drones.
* Official Website: http://px4.io (License: BSD 3-clause, [LICENSE.md ](https://github.com/PX4/Firmware/blob/master/LICENSE.md ))
* Supported airframes (more experimental types than listed here are supported):
* [Multicopters ](http://px4.io/portfolio_category/multicopter/ )
* [Fixed wing ](http://px4.io/portfolio_category/plane/ )
* [VTOL ](http://px4.io/portfolio_category/vtol/ )
* Releases: [Downloads ](https://github.com/PX4/Firmware/releases )
### Weekly Dev Call
The PX4 Dev Team syncs up on its weekly dev call (connect via [Mumble ](http://mumble.info ) client).
* When: Tuesday 17:00 Central European Time, 11:00 Eastern Time, 08:00 Pacific Standard Time
* Server: sitl01.dronetest.io
* Port: 64738
* Password: px4
* The agenda is announced in advance on the [PX4 Discuss ](http://discuss.px4.io/c/weekly-dev-call )
* Issues and PRs may be labelled "devcall" to flag them for discussion
Please refer to the [user documentation ](http://px4.io/user-guide/ ) and [user forum ](http://discuss.px4.io ) for flying drones with the PX4 flight stack.
### Developers ###
* [Developer Forum ](http://discuss.px4.io )
* [Guide for Contributions ](https://github.com/PX4/Firmware/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md )
* [Developer guide ](http://dev.px4.io )
* [Build instructions ](https://dev.px4.io/starting-building.html )
## Maintenance Team
* Project / Founder - [Lorenz Meier ](http://github.com/LorenzMeier )
* [Dev Call ](https://github.com/PX4/Firmware/labels/devcall ) - [Ramon Roche ](http://github.com/mrpollo )
* Communication Architecture - [Beat Kueng ](http://github.com/bkueng ), [Julian Oes ](http://github.com/JulianOes )
* UI / UX - [Gus Grubba ](http://github.com/dogmaphobic )
* [Multicopter Flight Control ](https://github.com/PX4/Firmware/labels/multicopter ) - [Dennis Mannhart ](http://github.com/Stifael ), [Matthias Grob ](http://github.com/MaEtUgR )
* [VTOL Flight Control ](https://github.com/PX4/Firmware/labels/vtol ) - [Roman Bapst ](http://github.com/tumbili ), [Andreas Antener ](http://github.com/AndreasAntener ), [Sander Smeets ](http://github.com/sanderux )
* [Fixed Wing Flight Control ](https://github.com/PX4/Firmware/labels/fixedwing ) - [Daniel Agar ](http://github.com/dagar ), [Paul Riseborough ](http://github.com/priseborough )
* Racers - [Anton Matosov ](http://github.com/anton-matosov )
* OS / drivers - [David Sidrane ](http://github.com/davids5 )
* [UAVCAN ](https://github.com/PX4/Firmware/labels/uavcan ) / Industrial - [Pavel Kirienko ](http://github.com/pavel-kirienko )
* State Estimation - [James Goppert ](http://github.com/jgoppert ), [Paul Riseborough ](http://github.com/priseborough )
* VIO - [Mohammed Kabir ](http://github.com/mhkabir ), [Christoph Tobler ](http://github.com/ChristophTobler )
* Obstacle Avoidance - [Vilhjalmur Vilhjalmsson ](http://github.com/vilhjalmur89 )
* [Snapdragon ](https://github.com/PX4/Firmware/labels/snapdragon ) - [Mark Charlebois ](http://github.com/mcharleb )
* [Intel Aero ](https://github.com/PX4/Firmware/labels/intel%20aero ) - [Lucas de Marchi ](http://github.com/lucasdemarchi ), [Simone Guscetti ](http://github.com/simonegu )
* [Raspberry Pi / Navio ](https://github.com/PX4/Firmware/labels/raspberry_pi ) - [Beat Kueng ](http://github.com/bkueng )
* [Parrot Bebop ](https://github.com/PX4/Firmware/labels/bebop ) - [Michael Schaeuble ](http://github.com/eyeam3 )
## Supported Hardware
This repository contains code supporting these boards:
* [Snapdragon Flight ](http://dev.px4.io/hardware-snapdragon.html )
* [Intel Aero ](https://dev.px4.io/hardware-intel-aero.html )
* [Raspberry PI with Navio 2 ](https://dev.px4.io/hardware-rpi.html )
* [Parrot Bebop 2 ](http://dev.px4.io/starting-building.html#parrot-bebop )
* FMUv1.x
* FMUv2.x ([Pixhawk](http://dev.px4.io/hardware-pixhawk.html) and [Pixfalcon ](http://dev.px4.io/hardware-pixfalcon.html ))
* FMUv3.x ([Pixhawk 2](http://dev.px4.io/hardware-pixhawk.html))
* FMUv4.x (Pixhawk 3 Pro and [Pixracer ](http://dev.px4.io/hardware-pixracer.html ))
* FMUv5.x (ARM Cortex M7, future Pixhawk)
* AeroCore (v1 and v2)
* STM32F4Discovery (basic support) [Tutorial ](https://pixhawk.org/modules/stm32f4discovery )
* MindPX V2.8 [Tutorial ](http://www.mindpx.net/assets/accessories/UserGuide_MindPX.pdf )
* MindRacer V1.2 [Tutorial ](http://mindpx.net/assets/accessories/mindracer_user_guide_v1.2.pdf )
## Project Milestones
The PX4 software and Pixhawk hardware (which has been designed for it) has been created in 2011 by Lorenz Meier.