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9 years ago
# matrix [![Build Status](]( [![Coverage Status](](
9 years ago
9 years ago
A simple and efficient template based matrix library.
9 years ago
## License
* (BSD) The Matrix library is licensed under a permissive 3-clause BSD license. Contributions must be made under the same license.
9 years ago
## Features
* Compile time size checking.
* Euler angle (321), DCM, Quaternion conversion through constructors.
* High testing coverage.
9 years ago
## Limitations
9 years ago
* No dynamically sized matrices.
9 years ago
## Example
// define an euler angle (Body 3(yaw)-2(pitch)-1(roll) rotation)
float roll = 0.1f;
float pitch = 0.2f;
float yaw = 0.3f;
Eulerf euler(roll, pitch, yaw);
// convert to quaternion from euler
Quatf q_nb(euler);
// convert to DCM from quaternion
Dcmf dcm(q_nb);
// do some kalman filtering
const size_t n_x = 5;
const size_t n_y = 3;
// define matrix sizes
SquareMatrix<float, n_x> P;
Vector<float, n_x> x;
Vector<float, n_y> y;
Matrix<float, n_y, n_x> C;
SquareMatrix<float, n_y> R;
SquareMatrix<float, n_y> S;
Matrix<float, n_x, n_y> K;
// define measurement matrix
C = zero<float, n_y, n_x>(); // or C.setZero()
C(0,0) = 1;
C(1,1) = 2;
C(2,2) = 3;
// set x to zero
x = zero<float, n_x, 1>(); // or x.setZero()
// set P to identity * 0.01
P = eye<float, n_x>()*0.01;
// set R to identity * 0.1
R = eye<float, n_y>()*0.1;
// measurement
y(0) = 1;
y(1) = 2;
y(2) = 3;
// innovation
r = y - C*x;
// innovations variance
S = C*P*C.T() + R;
// Kalman gain matrix
K = P*C.T()*S.I();
// S.I() is the inverse, defined for SquareMatrix
// correction
x += K*r;