You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# This file maps all the topics that are to be used on the microRTPS bridge.
# When one wants to add a new topic to the bridge, it should add it to this file
# and mark it to be sent or received from the link.
# For alias/multi-topic messages (i.e. the ones found on the '#TOPICS' of the
# uORB messages), these can be also added, requiring an extra entry ('base') to
# define the base message.
# IMPORTANT NOTICE: The IDs of the messages sent on the bridge get generated
# according to the order of the messages in this file. To keep consistency and
# backwards compatibility, it is recommended that any new message that one wants
# to be streamed in the bridge gets added to the end of the list. Any changes
# in the middle of the list (additions, removals, replacements) will change also
# the current message IDS, which might result with incompatibilities with
# previous PX4 versions (where the list with this format got introduced or
# subsisted).
# Any updates to this file should be mirrored in both sides of the bridge (i.e.,
# PX4 and px4_ros_com), when using it with ROS2. That can be easily done using
# the 'msg/tools/' script to regenerate this same
# file under 'px4_ros_com/templates/''. The same is not applicable/required if
# using this bridge with "raw" RTPS/DDS applications, since the microRTPS agent
# to be used and stored in 'build/<px4_target>/src/modules/micrortps_bridge/''
# gets generated using this same list.
# topic ID 1
- msg: debug_array
receive: true
# topic ID 2
- msg: debug_key_value
receive: true
# topic ID 3
- msg: debug_value
receive: true
# ...
- msg: debug_vect
receive: true
- msg: offboard_control_mode
receive: true
- msg: optical_flow
receive: true
- msg: position_setpoint
receive: true
- msg: position_setpoint_triplet
receive: true
- msg: telemetry_status
receive: true
- msg: timesync
receive: true
send: true
- msg: trajectory_waypoint
send: true
- msg: vehicle_command
receive: true
- msg: vehicle_control_mode
send: true
- msg: vehicle_local_position_setpoint
receive: true
- msg: trajectory_setpoint
receive: true
- msg: vehicle_odometry
send: true
- msg: vehicle_mocap_odometry # multi-topic / alias of vehicle_odometry
base: vehicle_odometry
receive: true
- msg: vehicle_visual_odometry # multi-topic / alias of vehicle_odometry
base: vehicle_odometry
receive: true
- msg: vehicle_status
send: true
- msg: vehicle_trajectory_waypoint
receive: true
- msg: vehicle_trajectory_waypoint_desired # multi-topic / alias of vehicle_trajectory_waypoint
base: vehicle_trajectory_waypoint
send: true
- msg: collision_constraints
send: true
- msg: onboard_computer_status
receive: true
- msg: trajectory_bezier
receive: true
- msg: vehicle_trajectory_bezier
receive: true
- msg: timesync_status
send: true
- msg: sensor_combined
send: true