310 lines
13 KiB

import sys
import re
import math
def hash_32_fnv1a(data: str):
hash_val = 0x811c9dc5
prime = 0x1000193
for i in range(len(data)):
value = ord(data[i])
hash_val = hash_val ^ value
hash_val *= prime
hash_val &= 0xffffffff
return hash_val
class Event(object):
Single event definition
def __init__(self):
self.name = None
self.message = None
self.description = None
self.group = "default"
self._arguments = []
def _get_id(name):
return 0xffffff & hash_32_fnv1a(name)
def arguments(self):
""" list of (type: str, name: str) tuples """
return self._arguments
def set_default_arguments(self, num_args):
""" set argument names to default (if not specified) """
for i in range(num_args):
self.add_argument(None, "arg"+str(i))
def _shift_printed_arguments(self, msg, offset):
""" shift all {<idx> arguments by an offset """
i = 0
while i < len(msg):
if msg[i] == '\\': # escaped character
i += 2
if msg[i] == '{':
m = re.match(r"^(\d+)", msg[i+1:])
if m:
arg_idx = int(m.group(1)) + offset
msg = msg[:i+1] + str(arg_idx) + msg[i+1+len(m.group(1)):]
i += 1
return msg
def prepend_arguments(self, arguments):
""" prepend additional arguments, and shift all '{<index>}' in the
description and message
:param arguments: list of (type: str, name: str) tuples
self._arguments = arguments + self._arguments
num_added = len(arguments)
if self.message is not None:
self.message = self._shift_printed_arguments(self.message, num_added)
if self.description is not None:
self.description = self._shift_printed_arguments(self.description, num_added)
def add_argument(self, arg_type, name):
self._arguments.append((arg_type, name))
def sub_id(self):
return self._get_id(self.name)
def validate(self):
if self.name is None: raise Exception("missing event name")
if self.message is None: raise Exception("missing event message for {}".format(self.name))
# just to ensure a common convention
assert self.message[-1] != '.', "Avoid event message ending in '.' ({:})".format(self.message)
# description is optional
class SourceParser(object):
Parses provided data and stores all found events internally.
re_split_lines = re.compile(r'[\r\n]+')
re_comment_start = re.compile(r'^\/\*\s*EVENT$')
re_events_send = re.compile(r'^events::send[<\(]')
re_comment_content = re.compile(r'^\*\s*(.*)')
re_comment_tag = re.compile(r'^@([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*):?\s*(.*)')
re_comment_end = re.compile(r'(.*?)\s*\*\/$')
re_code_end = re.compile(r'(.*?)\s*;$')
re_template_args = re.compile(r'([a-zA-Z0-9_:\.]+)\s*<([a-zA-Z0-9_,\s:]+)\s*>\s*\((.*)\);$')
re_no_template_args = re.compile(r'([a-zA-Z0-9_:\.]+)\s*\((.*)\);$')
re_event_id = re.compile(r'(events::)?ID\("([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\"')
def __init__(self):
self._events = {}
def events(self):
""" dict of 'group': [Event] list """
return self._events
def Parse(self, contents):
Incrementally parse program contents and append all found events
to the list.
# This code is essentially a comment-parsing grammar. "state"
# represents parser state. It contains human-readable state
# names.
state = None
def finalize_current_tag(event, tag, value):
if tag is None: return
if tag == "description":
descr = value.strip()
# merge continued lines (but not e.g. enumerations)
for i in range(1, len(descr)-1):
if descr[i-1] != '\n' and descr[i] == '\n' and descr[i+1].isalpha():
descr = descr[:i] + ' ' + descr[i+1:]
event.description = descr
elif tag == "group":
known_groups = ["calibration", "health", "arming_check", "normal"]
event.group = value.strip()
if not event.group in known_groups:
raise Exception("Unknown event group: '{}'\nKnown groups: {}\n" \
"If this is not a typo, add the new group to the script".format(event.group, known_groups))
elif tag.startswith("arg"):
arg_index = int(tag[3:])-1
arg_name = value.strip()
assert len(event.arguments) == arg_index, "Invalid argument ordering/duplicate ({}, {})".format(tag, value)
event.add_argument(None, arg_name)
raise Exception("Invalid tag: {}\nvalue: {}".format(tag, value))
for line in self.re_split_lines.split(contents):
line = line.strip()
# Ignore empty lines
if line == "":
assert not line.startswith("using namespace events;"), "Avoid 'using namespace events;', as it prevents proper events extraction"
# Check for '/* EVENT'
if self.re_comment_start.match(line):
state = "parse-comments"
event = Event()
current_tag = None
current_value = None
current_code = ""
# Check for events::send (allow '/* EVENT' to be optional)
if state is None and self.re_events_send.match(line):
state = "parse-command"
event = Event()
current_tag = None
current_value = None
current_code = ""
if state is None:
assert 'events::ID(' not in line or line.startswith('//'), \
"unmatched 'events::ID(' found in line '{:}'".format(line)
if state == "parse-command":
current_code += line
m = self.re_code_end.search(line)
if m:
# extract template arguments
m = self.re_template_args.search(current_code)
if m:
call, template_args, args = m.group(1, 2, 3)
template_args = template_args.split(',')
m = self.re_no_template_args.search(current_code)
if m:
template_args = []
call, args = m.group(1, 2)
raise Exception("Failed to parse code line {:}".format(current_code))
# if event arguments are not specified, use default naming
if len(event.arguments) == 0:
# get argument types from template arguments
assert len(template_args) == len(event.arguments), \
"Number of arguments mismatch (args: {:})".format(template_args)
num_args = len(template_args)
for i in range(num_args):
arg_name = event.arguments[i][1]
arg_type = template_args[i].strip()
if arg_type.startswith('events::'):
arg_type = arg_type[8:]
arg_type = arg_type.replace('enums::', '')
event.arguments[i] = (arg_type, arg_name)
#print("method: {}, args: {}, template args: {}".format(call, args, event.arguments))
ignore_event = False
# extract function arguments
args_split = self._parse_arguments(args)
if call == "events::send" or call == "send":
if len(args_split) == 1:
# This is a send call for a generated event
ignore_event = True
assert len(args_split) == num_args + 3, \
"Unexpected Number of arguments for: {:}, " \
"num template args: {:} (missing template args?)" \
.format(args_split, num_args)
m = self.re_event_id.search(args_split[0])
if m:
_, event_name = m.group(1, 2)
raise Exception("Could not extract event ID from {:}".format(args_split[0]))
event.name = event_name
# unescape \x, to treat the string the same as the C++ compiler
event.message = args_split[2][1:-1].encode("utf-8").decode('unicode_escape')
elif call in ['reporter.healthFailure', 'reporter.armingCheckFailure']:
assert len(args_split) == num_args + 5, \
"Unexpected Number of arguments for: {:}, {:}".format(args_split, num_args)
m = self.re_event_id.search(args_split[2])
if m:
_, event_name = m.group(1, 2)
raise Exception("Could not extract event ID from {:}".format(args_split[2]))
event.name = event_name
event.message = args_split[4][1:-1]
if 'health' in call:
event.group = "health"
event.group = "arming_check"
event.prepend_arguments([('common::navigation_mode_category_t', 'modes'),
('uint8_t', 'health_component_index')])
raise Exception("unknown event method call: {}, args: {}".format(call, args))
if not ignore_event:
# insert
if not event.group in self._events:
self._events[event.group] = []
state = None
else: # parse-comments
m = self.re_comment_end.search(line)
if m:
line = m.group(1)
last_comment_line = True
last_comment_line = False
m = self.re_comment_content.match(line)
if m:
comment_content = m.group(1)
m = self.re_comment_tag.match(comment_content)
if m:
finalize_current_tag(event, current_tag, current_value)
current_tag, current_value = m.group(1, 2)
elif current_tag is not None:
current_value += "\n"+comment_content
# else: empty line before any tag
elif not last_comment_line:
# Invalid comment line (inside comment, but not starting with
# "*" or "*/".
raise Exception("Excpected a comment, got '{}'".format(line))
if last_comment_line:
finalize_current_tag(event, current_tag, current_value)
state = "parse-command"
return True
def _parse_arguments(self, args):
given a string of arguments, returns a list of strings split into the
arguments, with respecting brackets.
args is expected to be a single line.
Note: comments are not handled, also template arguments.
e.g. "32, test(4,4), \"e(c\", ab" -> ["32", "test(4,4)", "\"e(c\"", "ab"]
args_split = []
start = 0
bracket = 0
in_string = False
for i in range(len(args)):
if in_string and args[i] == "\"" and args[i-1] != "\\":
in_string = False
elif not in_string and args[i] == "\"":
in_string = True
if in_string:
if args[i] in "{([":
bracket += 1
if args[i] in "})]":
bracket -= 1
if bracket == 0 and args[i] == ',':
start = i + 1
return args_split