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uint64 timestamp
uint64 integral_dt # integration time
uint64 error_count
float32 x # angular velocity in the NED X board axis in rad/s
float32 y # angular velocity in the NED Y board axis in rad/s
float32 z # angular velocity in the NED Z board axis in rad/s
float32 x_integral # delta angle in the NED X board axis in rad/s in the integration time frame
float32 y_integral # delta angle in the NED Y board axis in rad/s in the integration time frame
float32 z_integral # delta angle in the NED Z board axis in rad/s in the integration time frame
float32 temperature # temperature in degrees celcius
float32 range_rad_s
float32 scaling
int16 x_raw
int16 y_raw
int16 z_raw
int16 temperature_raw
uint32 device_id