You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

183 lines
5.5 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env groovy
pipeline {
agent none
stages {
stage('ROS Tests') {
steps {
script {
def missions = [
name: "FW",
test: "mavros_posix_test_mission.test",
mission: "FW_mission_1",
vehicle: "plane"
name: "MC_box",
test: "mavros_posix_test_mission.test",
mission: "MC_mission_box",
vehicle: "iris"
name: "MC_offboard_att",
test: "mavros_posix_tests_offboard_attctl.test",
mission: "",
vehicle: "iris"
name: "MC_offboard_pos",
test: "mavros_posix_tests_offboard_posctl.test",
mission: "",
vehicle: "iris"
name: "VTOL_standard",
test: "mavros_posix_test_mission.test",
mission: "VTOL_mission_1",
vehicle: "standard_vtol"
name: "VTOL_tailsitter",
test: "mavros_posix_test_mission.test",
mission: "VTOL_mission_1",
vehicle: "tailsitter"
name: "VTOL_tiltrotor",
test: "mavros_posix_test_mission.test",
mission: "VTOL_mission_1",
vehicle: "tiltrotor"
def test_nodes = [:]
for (def i = 0; i < missions.size(); i++) {
test_nodes.put(missions[i].name, createTestNode(missions[i]))
parallel test_nodes
} // script
} // steps
} // stage ROS Tests
stage('Coverage') {
parallel {
stage('code coverage (python)') {
agent {
docker {
image 'px4io/px4-dev-base:2019-02-09'
steps {
sh 'export'
sh 'make distclean'
sh 'make python_coverage'
withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'FIRMWARE_CODECOV_TOKEN', variable: 'CODECOV_TOKEN')]) {
sh 'curl -s | bash -s - -F python'
sh 'make distclean'
stage('unit tests') {
agent {
docker {
image 'px4io/px4-dev-base:2019-02-09'
steps {
sh 'export'
sh 'make distclean'
sh 'make px4_sitl_test test_results_junit'
withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'FIRMWARE_CODECOV_TOKEN', variable: 'CODECOV_TOKEN')]) {
sh 'curl -s | bash -s - -F unittest'
sh 'make distclean'
} // parallel
} // stage Coverage
} //stages
environment {
CCACHE_DIR = '/tmp/ccache'
CI = true
options {
buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '5', artifactDaysToKeepStr: '14'))
timeout(time: 60, unit: 'MINUTES')
} // pipeline
def createTestNode(Map test_def) {
return {
node {
refactor ecl ekf analysis (#11412) * refactor ekf analysis part 1: move plotting to functions * add plot_check_flags plot function * put plots in seperate file * use object-oriented programming for plotting * move functions for post processing and pdf report creation to new files * add in_air_detector and description as a csv file * refactor metrics and checks into separate functions * refactor metrics into seperate file, seperate plotting * ecl-ekf tools: re-structure folder and move results table generation * ecl-ekf-tool: fix imports and test_results_table * ecl-ekf tools: bugfix output observer tracking error plot * ecl-ekf-tools: update batch processing to new api, fix exception handling * ecl-ekf-tools: use correct in_air_detector * ecl-ekf-tools: rename csv file containing the bare test results table * ecl-tools: refactor for improving readability * ecl-ekf tools: small plotting bugfixes * ecl-ekf tools: small bugfixes in_air time, on_ground_trans, filenames * ecl-ekf-tools: fix amber metric bug * ecl-ekf-tools: remove custom function in inairdetector * ecl-ekf-tools: remove import of pandas * ecl-ekf-tools: add python interpreter to the script start * ecl-ekf-tools pdf_report: fix python interpreter line * px4-dev-ros-kinetic: update container tag to 2019-02-13 * ecl-ekf-tools python interpreter line: call python3 bin directly * ecl-ekf-tools: change airtime from namedtuple to class for python 3.5 * ecl-ekf-tools: update docker image px4-dev-ros-kinetic * ecl-ekf-tools: fix memory leak by correctly closing matplotlib figures
6 years ago
docker.image("px4io/px4-dev-ros-kinetic:2019-02-14").inside('-e HOME=${WORKSPACE}') {
stage( {
def test_ok = true
// run test
try {
sh('make distclean')
sh('ccache -z')
sh('make px4_sitl_default')
sh('make px4_sitl_default sitl_gazebo')
sh('ccache -s')
sh('make rostest_run TEST_FILE=' + test_def.test + ' TEST_MISSION=' + test_def.mission + ' TEST_VEHICLE=' + test_def.vehicle)
} catch (exc) {
// save all test artifacts for debugging
archiveArtifacts(allowEmptyArchive: false, artifacts: '.ros/**/*.ulg, .ros/**/rosunit-*.xml, .ros/**/rostest-*.log')
test_ok = false
// log analysis
withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'FIRMWARE_CODECOV_TOKEN', variable: 'CODECOV_TOKEN')]) {
sh 'curl -s | bash -s - -F sitl_mission_${STAGE_NAME}'
// process log data (with python code coverage)
try {
//sh('coverage run -p Tools/ecl_ekf/ .ros/log/*/*.ulg')
sh('Tools/ecl_ekf/ .ros/log/*/*.ulg')
} catch (exc) {
// save log analysis artifacts for debugging
archiveArtifacts(allowEmptyArchive: false, artifacts: '.ros/**/*.pdf, .ros/**/*.csv')
// FIXME: don't let the script to fail the build
// test_ok = false
// upload log to flight review ( with python code coverage
sh('coverage run -p Tools/ -q --description "${JOB_NAME}: ${STAGE_NAME}" --feedback "${JOB_NAME} ${CHANGE_TITLE} ${CHANGE_URL}" --source CI .ros/log/*/*.ulg')
// upload python code coverage to
sh 'curl -s | bash -s - -X gcov -F sitl_python_${STAGE_NAME}'
if (!test_ok) {
error('ROS Test failed')
} // stage
} // docker.image
} // node
} // return
} // createTestNode